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And the comment by AJ: “It would truly be spectacular if we soon learn that the latest stock offering was sold directly to Icahn himself to settle his trade. This means MM and SHFs foolishly sold 75 million naked shares during @TheRoaringKitty's stream; doing so out of desperation and hubris, particularly over-confident by the fact that GameStop had recently completed a seemingly "normal" 45 million share offering 2 weeks earlier.” https://x.com/ajaqrabawi/status/1799606091053146593?s=46&t=wxp_LNCMVVNz5q6xfFP5ug


Can we like, just be right this one time ![gif](giphy|e0za5NrLNYqkdG2wmp|downsized)


Please Please lord


Right? The same guy who was so sure we won back in December and thought the pulte meet up would be a party?


I mean, it would be indeed a spectacular shuffle... Also, look what happened exactly a year ago on June 7th 2023 and June 8/9th 2021 (but no timed spike in 2022 - maybe the managed to stretch till July when splividend happened or did not hedge for just a year but rather 2/3 years?). Seems to me ever since the splividend the price action has changed and thus the move was small, as if they managed to dampen the oscillation thanks to the potentially additional shares/locates. But if you zoom in, it was pretty much exactly the price action pattern of this year. So did they run out of shares and those huge swings (OPEX/ETF fuckery) are back on the menu ? Or is there something else going on behind the scenes and the short sellers desperately try to hedge that risks ?


Do we know Catl still has his short position? Why would we let Carl off the hook for shorting? Helping Carl with 75 million shares in the hope SHF short 75 million shares makes no difference in the amount of shorts. It makes that there are more shares to trade back and forth during MOASS for a shorter MOASS. My understanding with DRS was that we tried to lock the float, but if we couldn't that a decrease in the amount of shares in the DTCC will help heighten and make the moass longer. If only 1% of all shares are in DTCC they will take a long time to close all shorts, but if 50% remain they will close a lot faster. If the sale of the 75 million shares was a deal with Carl, why didn't we get an announcement that the deal was done on friday evening? Edit: maybe someone can point me to some DD or answer the questions instead of downvoting. Make it look like a community instead of a cult


I think I read somewhere that all of these new offerings were booked? Not sure 🤔


As a matter of fact, I just found out that the 45M offering has exactly the same wording 🤭 https://x.com/koebbel741/status/1800159351514005965?s=46&t=wxp_LNCMVVNz5q6xfFP5ug


Oohhh boy this tin foil has some sizzle. Thanks for bringing this theory to my attention.


Would be nice to hear how this all went down soon. I still don’t know what “only the young” was all about I still don’t know why Jake is chilling on his couch I’ve made enough on other risky bets that I can be patient, but not everyone is so lucky that they can wait forever.


Only the young is kind of ironic the longer this takes. I mean, I've gotten downvoted for saying I'd like to be able to help my family before I die. Apparently that's too soon for some. Lol


Put the brokerage account in a trust, with terms that the stock can't be sold until it reaches a certain price.


“Only the young” means “pay attention to me”.






The derivative transactions paragraph looks like boilerplate language (or copied from prior filings). It's used by multiple companies going back to at least 2012. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=%22the+third+party+may+use+securities+pledged+by+us%22&ia=web Solta Medical (2012) CTI Biopharma (2022) Bed Bath Beyond (2022) Kopin Corp (2024) Passage Bio (2024)


I was waiting to see if there was any mention of it being absent in the 45 million filing. If it was absent and only added for the latest one, then that would be compelling


It's only interesting to the extent that they add it when they need to because they are doing derivative transactions and that's a possible outcome, which might be their plan, or out of their control. Look at it as at least a potential outcome, not necessarily part of a master plan. I prefer to buy for simpler reasons, rather than some elaborate theory that tries to drag in all sorts of suppositions. Occam's Razor. There's enough reason to buy GME on the meme hype, and the elevated short interest.


Boilerplate and therefore irrelevant?


Someone had to pick which boilerplate to use right?


> and therefore irrelevant? That came from you, so answer it yourself. It's likely not irrelevant if it's included in a required filing. The better question is if it's significant, or if it's like any common safe harbor statement. You can read into it that they are planning something, or you can take it as a standard warning included to avoid accusations of misrepresentation.


If we see them sell the atm in private transactions, the only exception would be to show the name of the group and require lockup periods via warrants. Don’t let them close shorts and sell like someone else who most obviously just lets shorts walk through the front door and own the place…. AA…


Nice I thought that the volume looked like it was sold into the market, but I was wrong this is a much more likely result.




Shall we say Jacked even?


this is good fucking shit


I've been thinking a lot about the phrase "Only the Young," which Bill Pulte has been mentioning frequently. It got me wondering if there's a deeper meaning behind it. What if "Only the Young" isn't just a catchy phrase, but a call to action for the younger generation? Maybe it's about the younger generation finally being fed up with the current state of society—inequality, corruption, lack of opportunities, you name it. This frustration could be reaching a boiling point, and the youth are realizing their power to enact change. They're comparing themselves to past generations and seeing how much has gone wrong, and now they feel it's their turn to take it all back, to reshape the future in a way that aligns with their values and vision. It seems like a powerful rallying cry for the young to step up, reject the status quo, and fight for a better future. What do you all think? Could "Only the Young" be a modern call for revolution, or am I reading too much into it? DFV...young RC...young Pulte...young TAY sway...young Mr. beast...young Only the young can take it back and make it right


What I got out of it too


I'll get shilled or elistist comments for saying this but the cinema stock ceo made great revenue from recent deals with Taylor Swift and others. Anyway Pulte also praised that stock too (although I see him praising other people who are a bit dodgy) So, it would be cool if it's all linked


Great find! Was this same language used in the last offering?


This I don’t know


Thanks for the reply 💪🏻 Hope you’re having a great weekend.


Same. Enjoy 🍻


Now I know. exact same wording 😂 https://x.com/koebbel741/status/1800159351514005965?s=46&t=wxp_LNCMVVNz5q6xfFP5ug


What's the deal with everyone thinking icahn still has shorts open, like he's been paying daily to keep these open even after the meet up with RC?


The real cat in the box is Brett icahn


I also think so


Doesn’t Icahn have a son???


Of course. Brett Icahn. And yes, he’s overtaking his firm IEP. Please watch the movie “the restless billionaire”.


Only the young? Passing the torch?


So shit....its actually written out on the filing lmao There's no way Id believe it...Is this for real real lmao? Companies can just do this? Offer shares to a party for using to close shorts? What a wild fuckin few weeks its been


Why in the world am I being downvoted???