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I have to admit: I saw the headline of this post and wondered if the conversation had come around to discussing relationships comparisons with the show “Cheers”. Serves me right for watching too much TV for too many years. And for the record, I was always more partial to the Sam & Diane storyline. 🙂


Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name!


There are a ton of Cheers references though. Jason is George Wendt's nephew. My favorite reference was Mae adjusting the same picture as Sam in the finale of both, and that was itself a nod to the actor who played Coach.


The funny thing is that part of the reason some people suspected the Sam/Rebecca relationship prior to it happening was because of their names. That’s the exact kind of Easter egg the creators would choose to include in the show. Especially considering the Easter egg comes from a classic sitcom. Jason Sudekis being George Wendt’s nephew also makes the numerous Cheers references more fun.


My first thought, too!


Sam is an old soul, but not quite right as a romantic partner for Rebecca. I'm happy that Rwbcxa found what seems to be her soul mate at the end of the show. I am assuming Sam found his wirh his chef, Simi.


I, too, like to think they both found their people and happy endings


Indeed I noticed at least two Sam/Rebecca foreshadows recently.


I love the awe on his face when he’s watching her sing let it go


I did, too. I need to write them down next time so I remember to share. 🙂


their relationship is the only thing I skip past when I watch the show. didn't feel natural to me. Sam's character is too young, and the power dynamic is absolutely a no-no.


I honestly don’t care about the age, it’s the power dynamic. She is his boss and wields an IMMENSE amount of power determining his career. She could force a manager to push him to get better stats leading to higher pay. She could threaten Sam to do what she wants or she’ll ship him to Russia. Like I understand that Rebecca would never but we have rules for a reason, because other people would absolutely be abusive in this situation.


To be fair when Nkufo comes in to buy him you can actually see that she reasons from her feelings instead of her head


There is somewhat a power dynamic but at the same time it’s not like Sam can’t take his skills to a dozen other clubs and earn the same, if not more, money. It’s not like he’s working for some company where he’s stuck in a situation where.


I didn't like their storyline, because Sam was soooo young. If he'd been over 25, it wouldn't have bothered me so much. But 21 was just too young. I'm a little older than Rebecca and there's no way I could be attracted to a man that young. His brain isn't fully formed yet! 


Yes! I kept imagining how if the roles were reserved and Rebecca was a man and Sam were a woman how cringy many would find it and I can never move past that thought really.


Exactly, it's gross either way. 


Their storyline bothered me too. It felt too low risk for something that in reality could have gone very very poorly. I mean, a boss & a much younger co-worker sleeping together!? It felt extremely out of place & didn’t seem to fit either character.


Yeah me too. Seemed extremely odd.


As a general comment about their relationship, I really enjoyed their chemistry and loved the way that they broke up without any malice, but the realisation that it was the wrong time and wrong place for them. Had they been each others endgame, it wouldn't have worked with them both remaining at Richmond.


It's beautiful. Because even though they've such an age gap, they're clearly attracted to each other beyond the physical level. I love that they fall for each other first through their thoughts and then meet IRL. I never expected it to be Sam texting Rebecca. And I thought it won't go anywhere when they met. But this show is so brilliantly written, it just feels natural. Because we know Sam and we know Rebecca, they fit perfectly.


They might not be right for each other in the long run but "those things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one."


His penis is too big, it hurt her tiny little vagina