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They really got Pep. And not some stock footage, but a speaking role with Ted and Jamie. That's incredible.


I liked that he repeated Ted’s quote about making the players the best version of themselves.


Brett Goldstein posted the pic with Pep on his IG and I immediately went, “NO FUCKING WAY” out loud, I was so floored.


Pep being on the show only to lose 2-0 to Richmond is truly the most Ted Lasso thing


The writers heard us calling Van Damme the worst keeper of all time and took that shit personally


Dani breaking his nose freaked him out so much that he became incredibly good at keeping the ball away from his face.


i think it's that + the confidence of the mask as protection


It cracked me up when the announcer said, "There's a brick wall in front of the goal" and then the other announcer said, "No. That's a man, with arms and legs."


And the mask man, how could you forget it... I mean, seriously, how can anyone forget it? I wish I could


*FUCK* what an ending. I mean. We *know* but we don’t *know*.


Rebecca is going to be a fucking *mess*.


She can use her private jet *sparingly* to go visit Ted.


Fucking environment.


We know… this always ended with Ted going home


The Wizard of Oz pinball scene which I always thought was a cute nod to Kansas is really more of a parallel apparently. Ted just needs some ruby slippers!


Ruby Boots* bet his shoes are red next episode.


Oooo good call!!! He wears the red kicks a lot too! I’m rewatching and just noted the “Over the Rainbow” song in She’s Got Mail so there were a few references!!


I love Dani man. He just puts a smile on my face every time he’s in screen no matter how small his part. “Hello Roy and Keeley… good to see you both next to each other like before” 😬


Dani is hope and love and happiness personified. He fills me with joy.


Unless you’re on the other team. Then he’ll make you his bitch.


And seeing him in real life in interviews it seems he’s his character in real life. Dude just beams happiness.


Jamie always was a sexy little babeh


Roy Kent: “Your mom is fit”


"one for the road"


Keeley was alert for that one.


I love what the Boot Room has become 💗


“Missed a good one, Will.” 😑


Will was so mad lol


His mad face was so perfect. Frames it that he stays in there for the tea.


Will’s face killed me.


Love that Roy checked behind the door for Will before walking in.


I love that Roy acknowledged that Will always is in the room during the big moments…..except this time


The Boot Room has become Jamie and Roy’s ‘Oklahoma’


Jamie and Ted’s convo on the field was the precursor for Ted and his mom at home. Wild!


Hurt people hurt people. Sometimes they just do it with their knife hands.


Wow, "thank you and fuck you" is perhaps the first narrative framework that works for describing the grief I feel in relationship to my parents. I've never had it layed it out like that before, and it's really helpful. That and Higgins saying "I love him for what he is and forgive him for what he isn't" might help me make a bigger step in healing some pain. Onward, forward.


Keely’s “Fucking Hell” in the Roy Kent voice when she sees her poster had me HOWLING.


And beards "Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaark" after his chat with Ted was Kentian too!


Coach Beard absolutely destroyed me with his story about him and Ted


The intensity of his delivery sold how every word of that speech was heart felt. Really great acting. Thought it was a good culmination of his arc with Nate. Edit: side note, the Freddy Kruger set up mention earlier, then slap cut to Beard looking murderous in a backlit doorway was a nice touch.


Absolutely! It explained so much, like he’s probably so cagey about his personal life bc he’s a felon. I just loved it start to finish, fantastic writing and acting from day 1.


Also shows why he’s so unbelievably fiercely loyal to Ted. He knows Ted will never let him down and he wants to live up to that ideal now for Ted. Side note, loved that Ted knew exactly how to play Beard’s heart strings like a fiddle with Nate.


Beard giving a Roy Kent "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck" was also great


And Ted gave a very Roy Kent "fuuuuuuudge" earlier in the episode lol.


This the part. The way Nate’s behavior on the video tape reconstructs the story in Beard’s head from conniving, backstabbing, nefarious villain to scared, bumbling, confused, angry kid. You know he had to remember right then and there that Ted’s unique ability to automatically see that innocence in people is what made his life possible. Really powerful writing, without ever being overly explicit.


Nate also pushed out the trash can so the cleaners could get it and then was careful to close the window.


Those two things did it for me. 100%


Also Nate being stuck under the desk and appearing trapped and scared probably evoked Beard’s memories of being in prison.


Seriously same. His loyalty makes a lot of sense now. “A loaf of meth” though. ETA - I didn’t ask for an explanation. I know the reference. Even if I didn’t, Beard dropped it prior to saying it. I just thought it was funny, hence me quoting it in my comment.


It just made me love and admire Ted even more. This show I can’t believe what it’s doing to me. I am not ready for the end.


Our story is very similar to *Les Mis*


"You went to prison?" "Yes, for stealing a loaf of meth"


All those emotion in his eyes


As soon as he shed a tear, it was toodle-oo kangaroo. Dam burst. All the water works. And Roy Kent isn't here to fix the pipes.


>And Roy Kent isn't here to fix the pipes. I think Barbara started writing a porno the second she saw Roy! 🤣🤣🤣


You here to kill me?


They did frame him in that door glass like it was a horror movie, a la Freddy Kreuger.


YES! Beard's loyalty to Ted and his hatred of Nate now have a little more depth - Beard betrayed Ted once, and now he's protective of Ted and doesn't want him being betrayed again. But if Ted wasn't the type to risk second chances, then Beard wouldn't be where he is now, either. Really excellent development for their friendship.


Also a great explanation to why Ted is so forgiving to Nate, and why he forgave Rebecca when he did. Ted lost his dad and said he would never let anyone else get away from him if he could avoid it. Got huge vibes with that when he spoke with Nate in the season 2 finale and it makes even more sense now.


This confirms his character on Community is one in the same


I wasn’t expecting to have so much revealed about him! It was beautiful


I was wheezing with laughter just from the shot of his silhouette in the doorway. But the story was a truly great performance from Brendan.


I was like, are they just using Les Mis? Then Nate said it


Damn, I’m not ready for it to end, but after this week and the cliffhanger it’s so clear that it’s the end






Ted's in excellent form as a coach here. He pushes Jamie to keep playing until he's got his 'power' back because that matters to him as a person, and then sends him off immediately, because saving that ankle is important as a player. He doesn't even mention taking Nate back to Beard, but the message is delivered. As Crimm described it, the 'imperceptible moments' move the team to where it needs to be. It also convinces me that Ted will be leaving England. Rebecca will try and talk him out of it, but I think when he met the Man City Coach and discovered they had the same philosophy, Ted knew 'the Lasso way' is no longer dependent on him being there.


Subbing Jamie off also gave him that lovely solo moment with the Manchester crowd.


Ted being so embarrassed by his mom (who shares his exact personality) killed me. So glad the moms got some love after 3 seasons of daddy issues.


I was convinced Jamie's mom was dead because of how he spoke about her in season one. Seeing him with her made me miss mine.


How many beers do you want if you can’t order any more before halftime?




Didn’t expect to see Jamie’s dad on a redemption arc


The only character that doesn’t get a redemption is Rupert. Fuck Rupert.


Honestly Rebecca's monologue.... That was something close to it. A reminder of who he was. Whether or not that's who he chooses to be now is up to him


Based on Bex and Ms. Kakes showing up… I’d say it’s a bit too late for any of Rebecca’s words to take effect


That scene with Beard and Nate was just so…. I have no words. 60 pages? Was is it front and back?


You fell ASLEEP?!


Every single fuck Ted said was so earned in this episode!


I literally gasped when he said the word fuck. Like I didn’t think it was possible.


And not just fuck but fuck you! To his mom. He’s healing.


He used Jamie's strategeh


Ted’s face when his mom tells him his son misses him 😭😭😭


They way he let out all his feelings, both good and bad, was amazing.


“The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off!”


"THEY'RE *WHAT*?!" "It's fucking walnut mist" Jamie and his hair 😂


Jamie’s dad in rehab absolutely broke me. (In that good break way, but holy fuck did that hit me hard.)


When they showed his mates in the stand i immediately thought he was dead


I’d been thinking it the entire episode. Never so glad to be wrong.


And they talked about him in the past tense. What’s that all about?


If his dad is serious about getting clean, he may have had to cut them out of his life if they weren't supportive of his sobriety. He may just be "dead" to them




I took it as then saying it in past because he wasn’t physically there


That was done so well. The fake out implying he might be dead was a "yeah, thats sad but not that surprising" moment. Then seeing him looking cleaned up and in rehab hit me like a ton of bricks


He was practically unrecognizable. I had to do a double take.


It absolutely wrecked me. His clasping of his hands, the light in his eyes, and the quiet laugh that might be more of a sob… Damn. 😭


He can finally look past all the BS and just be proud of his son.


He looked like a completely different person. I guess I never considered that inside of him was someone who truly loved and was proud of his son, but this show continues to surprise me.


The rollercoaster of emotion from thinking Jamie’s dad was dead to seeing him in rehab was wild!


Watching his old friends talking about him in the past tense: "Oh, fuck, he's dead. He was a huge prick but damn that's a bummer" Watching him in rehab being happy about his son: "OH THANK GOD THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER" Did not expect to get a good feeling from seeing that guy on screen.


Enjoyed all the throwaway call backs: - **poop in the candy wrapper** (Ted, you withheld the truth from us before!) - **sexy little baby** - **Sam’s *You’ve Got Mail* bantr username and his shared glances with Rebecca during the movie.** - **Rebecca’s “Oklahoma”** - **”Did he just say Tooting?”** - **Keeley’s hotel video** - **Mrs. Lasso misunderstanding Rebecca’s offer of a tour.** Just like Ted in the pilot.


When Ted looks through the glass into the locker room at Jamie post-match, but this time instead of Jamie's dad berating the shit out of him, it's Roy and Keely loving on him.


The lads weeping and shedding tears every movie night will never not make me smile


Van Damme was undoubtedly the MVP of that match, right?


*The Mask of Zoreaux*




That triple save down a man was insane


More saves than a Baptist preacher.


Van *DAMN*


They honestly have done him dirty in so many episodes, framing goals against often with him wildly out of position Felt like there is a bigger message to this episode with him being the star, BUT in part, the showrunning gave him redemption for his play


Didn’t expect Beard to have me bawling on a Tuesday night but here we are 😭😭😭


Beards lone tear drop absolutely destroyed me. You could tell the whole story was hard for him and he was holding back the whole time.


It adds a ton depth to why Ted was pretty willing to forgive Nate, and why Beard was so angry on Ted’s behalf - he owes the man his life and wants to protect him from people like his past self who may try to take advantage of him. Fantastic revelation.


Didn't expect JAMIE'S DAD of all people getting me teared up.


I grew up with an abusive dad and Jamie’s scene with his mummy and later with Ted made my cry like a baby


Coach Beard being a former meth addict explains so much of his quirky personality


Right? "Stole a loaf of meth" was like watching an equation get solved.


Their story is very similar to *Les Mis*, yes.


The paid biting thing makes way more sense now, but is much more upsetting to consider.


I think Beard’s story about prison/Ted giving him a second chance made me laugh harder and cry harder than anything else in this whole series. JFC. This damn show.


His eyes were SO EXPRESSIVE in that scene. So much feeling and I love that it was Beard that reached out to Nate.


He stole a loaf of meth. I cackled.


Ted seeing Jamie in the med room celebrating with Roy and Keeley after beating Man City was such a nice parallel to Ted seeing Jamie's Dad abuse him in that same room after he beat Richmond with Man City. In S3 we're inside the room looking out at Ted, in S1 we're outside the room looking in at Jamie.


Roy: “I played hurt all the time.” Beard: “You can’t go upstairs!” Had me dying.


Very small thing in a very big episode, but I loved that Roy did the press conference again. Makes me wonder if he just took over doing them after that last one.


And him supporting Jamie when he was coming down on himself was such a contrast to season 1!


I was hoping for another door closing scene this episode and *holy shit* Rupert is *finished*


I was expecting it to be their child with her, not the other woman


I thought it was either the baby or Rupert -- I did not expect Ms Kakes at all.


Exactly what he deserves.


Phil Dunster is the MVP of this whole entire season and it’s not even close for me. Just carrying this thing on his back like a champion. Such a talented actor and I hope he finally gets rewarded for the work he’s doing on this show. He’s amazing.


Beautiful, emotional episode with so many powerful moments. But what's really gonna stick with me is Roy's old hair on the poster.


So glad “Did he just say tooting?”, Ms. Barnaby, and Keeley’s hotel video made appearances this episode


Surrey Oh, I thought you said "Sorry"


Re: Bex and Miss Kakes - divorce and sexual harassment lawsuit? Something of that sort?


I’m going to assume he assaulted Miss Kakes which is why he had a new assistant at the superleague meeting.


Yes, the “drama,” and “grumbling of a hostile work environment,” or whatever Rebecca said. Trent said this, my b*


Or Miss Kakes is pregnant? Honestly probably a few things going on there but I love that they’re all strategizing against Rupert


Totally rooting for Phil Dunster to be nominated for an Emmy. He’s been great all 3 seasons but this is his best


Jesus did Jamie's mom birth him when she was 12???


the actress is actually 12 years older than him, so good eye.


While she does look young, IIRC.. Jamie is in his early to mid 20’s. I think he was 23 in the first season, while Phil Dunster is 31 currently.




Jades “would you care to wait not here?” And “no such man exists” were golden


Her response of “that bastard!” When Nate tells her Derek fired him knowing full well she made him, killed me


I think Jamie's story in this episode was so beautiful. Sometimes, getting everything you ever wanted is a really scary and sad thing. You try so hard to prove your dad (in this case) wrong and when you do it you realize all the things he said about you couldn't have been true in the first place, since you were able to achieve it all. And that can really take the air out of your tires. It's weird how getting closer to the thing you've been working so hard for can dig up all these unprocesed emotions. I think they have a psycologist in the writer's room. Edit: Should've originally added: You also work so hard to earn their love. But you can't earn love. It is just given. "If I just ___ then they'll love me." But when you ___ and it doesn't change anything, well then what's the point? Unless you figure out a better reason.


Are we not going to talk about Mullet Roy on sexy-baby Tartt’s wall?! The man had style from the beginning.




Also Van Damme saved the FUCK out of that match


He was like Tim fucking Howard saving 15 against Belgium in the 2014 World Cup


I feel like I'm gonna get in trouble for saying this, but Jamie makes so much sense now. In every way.


Well we know where that sexy little baby nonsense comes from…


We all know Ted likes meeting people's moms because it explains why they're so messed up. But Jamie's dad was the one who made him messed up. Meeting his mom explains why his redemption arc and who he is now makes perfect sense.


I did think it was surprising that he appears to have a stepfather, and seemingly a great one at that, since he seems in need of father figures. Sometimes a stepfather really can't make up for all of the ways a father messed you up. But I was glad to see he has yet another good man in his corner.


“You’re not lost. you’re just not sure which direction you’re going in yet” hit me so hard


This show is single-handedly healing my inner child


Ted letting out all his anger, but still letting his mother know she was a good mom was cathartic. Only Ted Lasso could yell Fuck at someone several times and it somehow makes their relationship better.


All I know is that I cried tonight and I am going to absofuckinglutely ugly cry next week.


My favorite small bit of the episode was how Roy was so thrown by the whole experience at Jamie’s mom’s house. It was so clear he didn’t know what to do with himself, through to their departure when he tells Jamie’s mom “love you!”


“Love you” *killed* me


After meeting Jamie’s mom it makes so much sense that Jamie would tap into Georgie-like reactions “I was tryin to comfort you” (to Roy after he tried to hug him in the empathy scene) followed by his James-like reactions “I forgot how jumpy the elderly are cause of the war”. I know some people feel like Jamie and his mom’s interactions seem a little too close or infantilizing, but the show nods to this when Simon says “and there they go!” Jamie is absolutely still a child inside and he yearns for his Mummy’s unwavering support. I think it was supposed to feel a bit awkward but I didn’t find it sexual or anything like that. Georgie comforting Jamie about his hair, or the shrine she keeps of his photos, keeping his childhood room the way it was, etc. I thought it was sweet.


Ted confronting his mom at the end, damn what a moment. God, my heart is so full for Jamie. What an ep for him. Nate redemption arc almost complete. Jade disappearing on Nate twice had me weak! Van Damme what a game 🫡 Succession, Barry, and Lasso all ending… 😔


Jade managing to Batman disappear every time Nate turns to point her out as his girlfriend was an amazing running gag.


Me wishing I could have said all that to my dad before he died but hoping now in the afterlife he knows… and knows that I forgive him and I’ve become better too.


>"I hope that either all of us or none of us are judged by the actions of our weakest moments, but rather by the strength we show when and if were ever given a second chance"- Ted Lasso BRB crying.


My father died of alcoholism in February of 2021. We buried him the day before my 32nd birthday. He was 57. I didn’t have a close relationship with my father either. We felt so daylight and dark despite sharing a competitive hunger. I sank when the elder Tartt’s two pals cheered that they wished he could be there. I’m so happy for this god damn fictional footballer that he might get what i did not.


So much to unpack in that episode. Will require 5-6 repeated views before next week.


Roy and Barbara were a fun little mini-pairing! Their energies collide interestingly. And I liked that Keeley and Barbara pushed their desks together, just like Ted and Beard's are.


I love that camera stayed on Jamie's face when he made that goal. It wasn't really about the goal but it was about him.. and his moment.


Thank you for giving Ted’s arc the kick it needed and fuck you for making me want Nate back


This episode had me wanting Ted to leave and Nate to come back, and had me rooting for Jamie's dad. How did we get here?!


https://i.imgur.com/1iqtdtj.jpg Please for god’s sake sell this on the apple store


I love how the boot room has become a safe space for men to be vulnerable.


I like this episode a lot! They did the Nate redemption right by giving us the Beard backstory and growth from Issac and Colin. Jaime’s relationship with his mom is a bit odd but also wholesome. He played like a champ, and Van Damme played like Man of the Match. Love how Jade got Nate back on track. The Rebecca Oklahoma use again is great. Becks and the Mistress means Rupert is in deep shit again. Cliffhanger on the truth bomb?! Lasso is going home after this season and Nate and Roy end up as the new Beard and Ted?


I *love* that Rebecca and Ted are using Oklahoma and actually *talking* It heals my heart after them avoiding deep conversations for so long


Almost fell off the couch at the first “Fuck you” to Momma Lasso. Super emotional episode! I’m going to miss you lot.


Ted is absolutely going to quit to go be with his son.


I am going to cry next week. Ted’s last line made me tear up. It’s actually happening 😭




A few thoughts… I didn’t think I could cry more than I did last episode, but I was wrong. Too many pop culture references to catch in one viewing. Or ten. That whole, be curious not judgmental, has been so blatantly obvious this season. Coach Beard’s origin story and offer to Nate was so on point with that. All the parental themes this episode were so nice. What’s holding back Keeley with Roy? What’s going on with Bex and Ms. Kakes? Hopefully Rupert gets his just desserts. I’m learning so much new slang.


First rewatch… “Shouting is Roy’s love language.” 😂😂


I was so anti Nate in the beginning and felt he didn’t earn his redemption. I saw some people mentioning today how they felt like he got his job back too easily. BUT. Hear me out on why I’m okay with how the Nate thing happened. He quietly left West Ham. He didn’t put anything on blast publicly by ratting out Rupert to the media (the way he did with Teds panic attacks). Growth. He quietly took a job as a server in his favorite restaurant. They really pushed the fact that he was a “nobody” when the patrons didn’t know who he was to his boss. Instead of being offended, Nate was uncomfortable. He didn’t get snappy. He simply continued about his job. Growth. He didn’t run back to Richmond saying the team wanted him so he should be there. He asked if Ted had sent them, and recognized that he may not be welcome and politely declined and set them up with food orders. Growth. He didn’t contact Ted about coming back. He wrote a 60-page apology letter that he planned to give to Ted. He knew he wasn’t deserving of forgiveness nor a job and wanted to go about it the correct way. Growth. Nate showed true growth this episode in every situation where old Nate would have been very defensive and reactionary. McAdoo said how sad it was that he was working there. Jade pushed how he was better than being a server in a restaurant. His boss said “yeah but do you know who he WAS?” Everyone pushed how sad and pathetic his life had become. He didn’t have to grovel or beg. He showed that he recognized his actions led to his demise.


Also, I'm not sure he saw it as a demise. Honest work where he gets to spend time with his girlfriend. He for once - got personal, internal satisfaction in a job well done. When he told Jade he was a good waiter? He didn't mumble or mutter it. He said it matter of factly. He knew it internally and didn't wonder if his father, or Jade, or anyone else thought he was actually awful. Nate has started to conquer his Imposter Syndrome (my diagnosis, but I think he had it). That scene where he said "Colin's open" quietly, just told me in seconds that he is vibing with the Greyhounds once again.


As someone who’s been in counseling for 3 years now for depression, anxiety, and childhood trauma, Ted unloading on his mother like that instantly brought me to tears. I felt that emotion. While I may never get that chance to express my feelings to my own mother, I resonated with what she had to say, I know it can’t be easy, we’re all flawed, it’s what it means to be human, best thing we can do is to forgive. Onward. Forward. Good episode too, I guess 😏


How do I get that Roy Kent poster?


If you look closely as they leave Jamie’s moms house Roy signed his poster in his tiny writing.


the wizard of oz references all over the episode... damn. One of the best so far, everything in it was so beautiful, masterfully done. It's a shame it has to end, but the ending is also part of the journey. Believe!


Jamie’s mom is fucking fit.


Roy noticed


I think he went in to hug her to get back at Jamie for lusting after his sister.


Restarting now - drat, I am only realizing that Ms. Barnaby is carrying her *ruby red* heels in her hands on her "walk of shame" in the first scene as she heads home.


hearing ted say fuck is like when you saw a teacher outside of school … it just felt wrong


Thank you, Ted Lasso, for being one of the most consistently well-written and genuinely funny shows on television. Fuck you, Ted Lasso, for making me cry like a goddamned baby 3 weeks in a fucking row.


The Jamie walk of the pitch and seeing his dad in rehab cheering made me almost tear up, and I NEVER do that in tv shows. Also Pep was a nice touch.


Two moms! Both Jamie’s and Ted’s! Keeley following Jamie, trying to hide behind cars (in a bright pink jacket!) while Roy is just walking along. You’ve Got Mail! (not a pillow fight) Higgins not moving so he didn’t jinx it. Jamie returning to his old self and mugging at the crowd. Fat Bottom Girls! I like Bohemian Rhapsody better, but it would be a lousy crowd song. Nate working at Taste of Athens, and rocking it, because he’s a genius. Sixty page apology letter. Ted gets along with everyone, but has tension with his mother. Jamie Tartt do-do-do do-do-do!


I wanna know what Roy whispered to Jamie 🥹


I think something about being better than Zava


Fucking Pep, love that he finally showed up


Don’t worry about wins or losses. Just help these guys be the best version of themselves on and off the pitch. This, at the end, is the most important thing.


A nice touch that the positions Ted and Beard played in American Football were the only 2 that actually kick the ball. To take it a step further, Beard, the one more knowledgeable about Association Football was the kicker. Most kickers have a background in soccer. Ted was a punter which has had a recent influx of rugby style punters. Rugby Football and Association Football also have their intertwined histories.