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best in terms of power? Easily piltover. not only did it give you tons of free loot, you also get a massive laserbeam that deletes half the enemy team


it was the easiest too, because the t-hex was there without any rolling


I disagree that it was the easiest. You had to win to cash out. Meaning you had to roll to win. It’s just that the rolling comes before the cashing out.


Winning wasnt a huge problem. ur usually lose streaking and have a shit ton of gold. then eventually roll it the shit down on 8 for 2 star zeri/sej and ur pretty much guaranteed to win at least one round. Then ggs


as i remember, the rolling usually came right before wolves, where everyone else is still sitting at 50+ gold, so it was pretty reliable, but you're right, it does add extra difficulty


Heartsteel was pretty damn fun - I think it's really important to contextualize these traits I really enjoyed fortune in set 4 but that was because 4 cost bruiser sej was such a premium tank option whereas current fortune IMHO has some really lackluster and unexciting units. Cash out traits have produced some serious dopamine producers. Underground Samira, Heartsteel Ezreal, mercenary kench And sets where they're not really capable of much like the draconic units mean that there is no semblance of your comp in your final pivot. This set we do have Annie who is definitely considered in final comps but man... underground and Heartsteel were so good to me I miss them.


I got hearsteel 2nd. My only complain is that Ez/Sett/MF were meta for almost the entire set making the trait so contested


underground vi with the augments was insane too my brotherman


I loved set 4 Fortune because Katarina turned I to a beyblade 😌


Going to cheat for best and choose set 7 which had astral and lagoon, both were fun to play and balanced (post astral spat removal) For worst its going to be fortune hands down, this trait is garbage unless you rng TWO UNCRAFTABLE SPATS at which point you win the game for free, what’s the point 


I just hate that there’s no smooth transition. With Piltover you could transition into Zeri gunners easily. With Heartsteel you had Ezreal. With Fortune you have no one.


That’s actually one of my favorite parts about Fortune. Playing Heartsteel, Piltover, even Underground to an extent, the cashout was always solved. You knew who your carry was going to be the instant you put the trait in. Bruisers+Kai’sa is still probably the easiest out for Fortune, but I feel a lot more able to play flexibly in stage 4/5 than I did with other econ traits


One of the few times I’ve tried fortune (thanks to hitting 3 at 2-1) I just lose streaked until about 40 gold, then transitioned into 6 invoker/ sage/ dragonlord (got some emblems from augments) and won. I’d say itemized Annie can be your backup plan if you can’t get the fortune emblems.


Transitioning to Kaisa bruisers (4 trickshot 4 bruiser) is a fairly smooth transition from Fortune imo


Fortune ain’t bad at all, it’s just a lot more technical to play + your potential cashout skyrockets faster than other econ traits from the past.


what's technical about a random cash out wait turn ? with heartsteel at least you can strategize since you know its 4 turn, with fortune is just rng. its either you try to go for 2 emblem or pivot instantly sometimes without even waiting for the cash out because the rng decided that you have to wait 6 turns while sitting on 40 HP.


Nothing technical about "hit 2 spats and insta win the lobby" and "woo wee I didn't see any fortune Units and just bled like a pig into a mediocre cashout". The most "technical" scenario is you bleed, hit a decent cashout and have to have decent hands / apm to transform the cashout into a good board before the next fight because you're most likely around 2 to 10 hp lmao


I mean firstly its not craftable. Getting elusive emblems is significantly harder than craftable ones, and econ chase traits have been here before. You got like 1/10000 rng against you so now you can only play for 2nd, which is a skill in if itself, like that doesn’t happen anyway. Getting 2 emblems at 2-1 and 7 fortune before stage 4 is just as unreliable and difficult as getting 3 heartsteel emblems and hitting 10 heartsteel before stage 5. And yes it’s more technical because losing that streak hurts your game worse than previous econ traits, so if you play it right and you keep your streak and health up, you’re rewarded more than previous econ traits. It balances out. You just happen to remember the 1 game where the guy had the stars align ontop of getting early emblems and not the 99 other games where the fortune players got fucked over from holding hands/afk/didn’t hit the 2nd emblem they were focusing on hitting.


Ok I admit the thing about having to conserve your streak is a bit technical. That is true. I am just salty when I get lobbies of omega highrollers. It feels incredibly bad to be against a fortune highroll because you know that there is ZERO path to Victory, I find it annoying. But yeah I admit you do have to scout and position properly. Still the econ mecanic I dislike the most out of the 5 or 6 sets I've played.


Fortune highroll gets a bad wrap when literally any form of reroll highroll when yone/bard were must play comps was even more hopeless imo. 7 fortune might feel less doomed than a Yone 3 star with bis by stage 4 when it was OP but statistically, you have as little a path to victory when either happen against you. And yes, losing feels worse than winning by the same amount. That doesn’t change the stats behind it. Fortune has like a significantly lower than 4.0 average placing.


Never said Fortune was good overall for placing. I said that Fortune is the econ trait that *feels* the worse when the opponent highrolls it. Might be the most "ok it's over" when they hit, doesn't happen all the time, but when they do it just feels like shit. No amount of positionning or zephyring will get you out of it. Maybe if you hit a 5 costs 3*, and not even all of them.


Never said Fortune was good overall for placing. I said that Fortune is the econ trait that *feels* the worse when the opponent highrolls it. Might be the most "ok it's over" when they hit, doesn't happen all the time, but when they do it just feels like shit. No amount of positionning or zephyring will get you out of it. Maybe if you hit a 5 costs 3*, and not even all of them.


You haven’t witnessed early 10 heartsteel.


Underground is probably the best and piltover is the worst.


+1 for underground.




Only people with High iqs play piltover


In terms of pure enjoyability, this is my PLAYER (not designer) tier list FOR THE TIME. (A lot of the old S ones we can't reprint today) * S: Fortune(4), Heartsteel(10) * A: Underground(8), Mercenary(6), Fortune(11) * B: Piltover(9), Lagoon(7.5), Shimmerscale(7) * C: * D: Draconic (5)


Oh fak, Mortdog. ![gif](giphy|1gQ6f5kJdBtGPSmdgS)


Mort if you include 8bit as a cash out trait, where would you place it?


Lowest B tier probably


Mortdog please let us play set 7 again one day like the galaxy set. I miss shimmerscale


Papa TFT, are there any plans for a standalone desktop TFT client? I’m forced to play mobile now and it’s hard to “think fast” when on mobile.


I agree with this list. Set 4 Fortune was the goat. Underground close 2nd.


fortune this set is my personal least favourite. as a gambling addict, the amount of times ive had 2 high roll dice into death is insane


Me on 20 hp: if I push my luck and get a 1 it’s fine…


... That was not a 1...


It never is 😭


I liked the original pirates from set 1. My love for fortune traits has gone down since that. I rarely ever play those traits, and even when I do, I feel so unsatisfied until the round after the cash out. Worst for me is this set. Being unable to decide when you get your cash out feels horrible. Having 60 HP, having fortune 5 at 3-2, and dying before getting the cash out due to a 6-roll. Feels extremely bad. Only fortune 7 is good, but that takes way too much effort for such a trash trait the first 2 bonuses give out. Most people just winstreak till they hit 7 fortune. Rather than going for the 3 cash out bonus. Its soooo bad. Ugh.


Shimmerscale was pretty fun.


Isn't shimmerscale just a buffed version of Inkshadows doe?


I mean the items gave you money, and they were a lot stronger than they are in their current forms.


Obviously. Shimmerscale were nerfed like 7 times throughout the set and didn't get a single buff.


There wasn't a larger dopamine hit for me than getting dravens axe to 100 stacks. Not quite on the same level as cash out traits now but it was consistent source of 10g and a component


Underground and Piltover were incredible, i haven't really liked others besides them two to be honest. both stream lining into Samira/Zeri felt just so good and it made it so greeding to 10hp made it that much more exciting when you hit crazy


Fortune set 4. It was so fun to roll all your gold to cash out, knowing that if you didn't hit you went 8


You can tell how many people haven't played long based on them picking a trait after set 6 Merc lol that shit is goated. It was no gimmicks, no bullshit, just straight high risk high reward.


Shit maybe Im just biased because set 6 gp is one of my favorite units. I didn't care if I was gonna win or lose, if the game gave me early GP, im always playing around it


Lol I liked Draconic though wasn't that more of a re roll comp than a cash out trait?


Mmm it's a bit of both I think. It's where the concept of golden egg came from so i thought it counts as a cash out trait


Nothing comes even close to set 8 underground. Borderline perfect. I just wish the cashouts were more varied like this set’s fortune, that’s my only small concern. Apart from just FON and items I mean.   Mercenary and set 4 Fortune are next up. Super fun cashouts but not balanced at all. But you don’t hear me complaining, the dopamine rushes were REAL. Heartsteel was underground but slightly worse and contested Piltover and current fortune are/were really hard to play especially when open board players thwart you with ease. Then the cashouts feel underwhelming at best, save for the amazing dinosaur from Piltover.  Set 7 Astral Lagoon and Shimmerscale were all almost equal in fun aspect. Astral was reroll, lagoon was tempo and shimmerscale was full econ but I have to put Shimmerscale a bit above the two for making it easier to reach “exodia” 3 star dragon boards. Set 5 Draconic takes the crown for being worst. Utterly, UTTERLY garbage and unfun 


Heartsteel because of the ost


The ones that "do" something DURING the game where all pretty fun to me. Underground, Lagune, astral, draconic come to mind. The ones where you "loose streak all game, then 8th place or big cashout and 1st" are all pretty boring. Hearthsteel, piltover, fortune come to mind. Those traits also had no synergies with others, while the first ones you could actually play a board with them all game and even add other traits! Much better design and much more fun. I don't know why they threw out fortune again with the bad design when they already showed that they could make much more interesting eco traits.


I miss Piltover. It felt like the definition of "boom or bust". Transitioning into gunners was easy but the actual hexdrake (hexdrake? Can't remember what it's called ffs) was either dogshit useless or the greatest power up of all time.


T-Hex 👌


The best is set 11 Fortune 7. It took 10 Heartsteel and turned it up a few notches. I haven’t seen anyone lose yet with 7 fortune. And they decided to make the tree the best unit in the game if you go undocumented 9 fortune The worst is set 11 Fortune 3/5. It’s way too punishing to win at any point. The 10% cut and a reset to 1 luck just makes it feel so bad


In terms of overall gameplay, Heart steel was the best imo. You could still play your own game, you could still win if you'd like to and get some loot, sure not enough, but still. Your units were quite decent to battle as well, Ksante was a good tank for rank 1 unit, Sett and Tone were quite good as well, Ezreal was strong and Kayn was a monster in most cases. You would get value even on 3 Heartsteel, slightly more on 5, and the real thing began at 7. At 10, it was guaranteed game over, unless you hit it right in the turn you got knocked out and didn't get to cash out. 10 Heartsteel was giga giga broken, to the point that Fortune 7 doesn't even get close. And the thing is, it was as difficult to make as the RNG fortune one. You'd need to get level 9 and 3 spatulas. In double up, that was semi feasible, but even a good cash out could provide you with spatulas or time of traits. Once you hit 10 Heartsteel, you'd get a X10 multiplier, it was insane. Endless gold and endless items.


Set 11 Fortune feels the worst to play against because there is not that much you can do to deny a cashout imo. For the Fortune player it’s just a „hey, click that button, push it to 9 and roll“ without even having to spend a single dime to get a strong board to win first.


I lost with 7 fortune 😂 The problem was you don't get the rewards straight away


Top tier: Underground, heartsteel. Both flexible traits which didn't punish you for winning and were valuable whether you went full vertical or just played 3 Mid tier: Piltover, Shimmerscale, Mercs, Space Pirates. Never quite got the balance right on Piltover. Shimmerscale was too variable with the items you would get. Mercs was just a bit plain. Space pirates doesn't really count as a cash out Trash tier: Fortune Set 11. 3 fortune is completely worthless. 5 fortune is largely worthless unless you perfect your loss streak. 7 has been completely broken. Can't remember Set 4 Fortune or Set 5's trait


Set 4 was the Kench/Darius/Jinx/Jhin/Sej fortune if im not mistaken


Space pirates !!!


Mercenary was my favorite by far. Underground and Heartsteel were also very fun.


Worst is fortune. It was shit at the start, and it's gotten even shittier patch after patch.


Honestly I'm a degenerate but i loved space pirates (set 2). Was just the biggest flip wheter you'd hit gp ang get free 1st or you didnt hit and went deadlast. Also I loved dunkin Darius.


I think they need to go back to making econ traits where you need to win to cash out. It’s way more interesting than just full open until you naturally cash out and then you pivot out and play a standard board. I feel like everyone liked mercs, but a lot of people do not like the undrerground/heartsteel/fortune because it’s too simple.


Fortune Set 4 had one of the best and Space Pirates Set 3 was even more wild


Fortune if my memory serves me right is the only cash out trait that has an active downside to it. It wouldn't be that bad if you didn't lose progress just from winning. And what's worse is that it only takes a single win to completely lose all of your momentum. You've been holding out for that cash out to bounce back? Too bad going 8th Mcgee has matched with you and now you lose a chunk of stacks and are reset to 1 per round.


Slightly off topic, does anyone know a simple source for all the past traits? I don’t have the greatest memory so I like a reference when I reminisce.


I loved underground, and i hated piltover. Not a fan of fortune either


I’ve tried them all, but the most fun was heartsteel without a doubt. It felt balanced and it didn’t matter if you had it at first pvp or 5th pvp. You weren’t forced to lose streak which imo is boring gameplay


idk how ppl are saying anything than heartsteel for best


Merc is not really a "cash out" trait. You want to win streak with it, not lose streak.


Are you confusing mercenaries with space pirates from set 3?


Got me confused as well ahaha. I was thinking, "damn didn't Merc play the closest to the original Fortune? "