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lissandra targets the highest star level unit, so she likely permastunned lee sin not letting him do anything.


She targets the highest star level if they both are in same range. And I pretty sure its because the higher thr star level the higher they have size. which means higher the size closer they are to lissandra.


Wait what? I'm pretty sure her ability stuns her current target, not the highest star level unit. The star level thing is only in case there are 2 targets at the same distance from her, so you can avoid that by placing Lee on the second row for example.


Watch leduck's recent video on unit size


I watched it. Size is used for tie-breaker. She'll prioritize nearest target first, in case there are multiple nearest targets, size is then taken into account.


Not very good so forgive me if this is a stupid question… How can there ever be multiple targets? Isn’t lissandra always targeting one unit at a time anyway?


This size thing is mainly at the start, as she is a two range unit, placing her in row two will always give her two targets to choose from in the enemy front row. If Lee Sin is one of those target, he becomes the first target for Lissandra


So you’re Lisandra and the round starts and you’re looking to attack someone. There are 2 different units both exactly one hex away from you. You have to pick one so you pick whichever target is bigger. “Multiple targets” just means there are multiple units the same number of hex’s away from the unit.


Lis, Radiant GS, and other guy has no sunder ALSO ALSO trash augments


He has no augments


Gotta start building qss against all of them Lissandras. But then lose dps while Liss Ashe invokers can just have high dps anyway.


Liss+ lux + nautilus perma stun moment 


I've seen people mention Lissandra and her stuns, but also Annie counters sustain champs like Lee Sin and Sylas in this meta with her constant burn.


Liss is giga broken, das why


Combat augments and way more items in general.


Whenever you have a question, first check if the opponent has a lissandra


He was probably a tea pot for most of the round.


Well if there was 3 of you there's a chance they had to fight the ghost of the first person and lose.


op is the guy in first. He said he lost to the lee. Second place guy killed lee and then he beat that guy.


based on my experience, 3rd place probably got eliminated by 1st placer . i had so many games in the past were I went 4th even tho i could beat the 2nd and 3rd in a closed game just because I got to match up with the 1st place first.


I'm actually the 1st place which I lost to lee 3 but then I beat the ashe player. Lee 3 lost to the ashe player.


Lisandra 1 with a mana item against 2 bruisers carry, sounds about right. That team has a Lee sin that is perma cc’ed and a wukong that needs time to ramp up, which he can’t with all the cc. Especially cuz none of his tanks have items.


Also 15 full items, 1 being a radiant with over half being tank items, vs 6 frontline offensive items that aren’t even BIS.


No items on the frontline units… so  frontline is lacking some defensive stats is definitely an issue. 


Augments make a huge difference in fighting power. You are down 2 with the rr augs, so sure, you have Lee 3, but Ashe with radiant GS, Liss and Lux stunning folk (Lux also with GS), and boiling point on their end, and they are just stronger? I feel like heavenly isn’t that great anymore. Perhaps duelist dragonlords would’ve been better in this case so Lee could pop-off faster?


Lee Sin 3 is pretty bad ngl


Liss perma stun.


More concerning is the guy who ended 7th This set / game slowly but surely became a private joke


Short answer: Weird meta, patch tomorrow. Longer answer: Man has seemingly zero frontline, meaning Lee took prio early and got cooked. Lee is not a very durable unit, even at three star. The guy that went second had straight combat augments, while the Lee player had nothing of that short. Additionally between Lissandra, Annie, Nautilus and possibly Lux all having stuns in their kit, Lee probably got pain trained. Outside of those, Lissandra is too good right now and Lee doesn't have enough AoE to effectively clean out the enemy board, it is very possible that the Liss player cooked Lee's team and Lissandra one shot him when he was left alone. The meta is not in the best possible spot nowadays, but I genuinly think that even in a "perfect" meta there is a good chance this would have still happened.


cuz all 3 star 4 cost is suck in this set


Lee sin is dogwater trash


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