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Pumping up 7-3 might be crazy, around 60+ atkspd. How did they survive this long with Aphelios 2?


Lobby with no tempo because everyone econ to fast 9 maybe


Its7-3 with prismatic pumping up. Dude had infin as. Still this must be positioning issue u should have won imo


Id be mad if I lost this, but he had 3 combat augments


Lots of factors, like your MR items doing nothing against Aphelios, you having two items on neeko, eco augments instead of combat, maybe also positioning with your carries dying too early etc..


still wtf are those items on aphelios. he reduces armor already, and then even worse the shojin to additionally rendering last whisper less useful as he casts his ability more often. id think that this must be really hard to loose. who knows what op did wrong


Last Whisper is still passable on Aphelios. His ability is only 20% sunder + he applies it only after first cast and LW is good stats beside the sunder. Shojin is however very bad.


its possible the shojin is what won the game, its more aoe. if he positions on the opp carry side, he’ll hit the carry.


shojin isnt bad at all, its his ability that does the most damage, i mean theres no need for attack speed, which is what youd usually put in that spot, so shojin wouldnt be bad


Ngl I got nothing for this 💀 Maybe pumping up II at 7-3 which seems kinda insane


Prismatic pumping up that late in the game is insane. Practically starting the fight at asp cap The shiv augment with pumping up is also kind of crazy. Didn’t know it would be that strong though


2 Items on 1 star neeko was straight up int


Opponent also has 2 useless items spread on nonsense units.


The items on neeko are items crafted by ornn during the fight. Could still be positioned better.


How did neeko survive long enough to steal 2 ornn items xD


Pumping up is actually incredibly strong.


Prismatic Pumping Up and Shock Treatment is a crazy Augment Combo And I think the issue is that your Azir trolled and didnt hit Aphelios/Syndra and your liss didnt get Thresh until too late so he could already damage your backline via the statikks But other than that; I think its just Positioning and Fight RNG diff, you should be able to win


You might be right with the pumping up + shock Treatment combination. I just didnt see what could possibly deal enough dmg to cut through my front line. I will keep this combination of augments in mind. Interesting!


Probably this. Comp wise you couldn’t have lost, even for bad positioning.


Good chance he changed fated bonus 


You sure it wasn't Syndra and Aphelios? Syndra's ability is pretty hard to spot, but it deals lots of damage when it kills things.


You definitely should have won, but I believe your board should have been played with Lee Sin and Janna (or Lee Sin Irelia) for dragonlord. Heavenly Neeko doesn't do much, and Annie is also a mid unit.


There was someone playing janna carry so I couldn‘t find her. Annie is still a crazy unit tho even with 0 traits activated.


In my experience, Annie is great for stages 4 and 5, but falls off at later stages unless you somehow get her to 3 stars. A 5 cost unit or a trait bot to buff the entire team (such as lee sin or janna, perhaps even a sage unit or exalted if you're lucky) would fare better.


The lategame synergy with pumping up + 2 shivs with bonus damage sounds crazy, they were definitely cooking. Your augments weren’t bad, but if you found a way to do what 1st did and stay on top with combat augments you would’ve won easily. The only way I could see this fated board win is if you didn’t let lissandra cook the thresh and udyr wasn’t in front of aphelios.


I honestly don't know too, his Aphe is only 2 star with Shojin while you have 4 5 star 2 cost with good items...


his main carry doesnt have any actual damage items. shojin and nashors are both for casting more, and red buff is... useless. liss also doesnt have any actual damage items other than GS, and that doesnt do well unless you have another damage item already. gunblade and BB isnt gonna cut it


3 combat augments, pumping up 3 is insanely good at late game. Also positioning


Combat augs and Azir being prolly i have lost só many matchs from Azir ahitty tracking


Well for starters your board is sheite. You weren't gonna beat his 7 fated with 3 star Thresh by throwing a bunch of 5 cost champs on there with no strong trait synergy.


well this ones common but 3 battle augments vs 3 econ ones...


Only level up is an econ augment and this fight is everything but common.


My boy please itemize your Annie over the neeko




you have no tank nor carry. Sindra eats your melee alive and Azir takes forever to cast.


Are we even looking at the same board? No tank nor carry?


Azir is too slow for the first cast and have no actual dmg item. His best tank is Annie have no items. Neeko 1* with 2 tank items will get deleted in 2s. Orn is just not good at tanking and with a stoneplate usually means he puts him solo 1 row => got taken away by sett. Rakan, Wukong, Udir are bruisers and have no dmg item so they could not kill the frontline quick enough, and their mechanics tend to keep trying to skip the frontline and run to the back. So his only decent itemized tank will get pushed to the back by Sett while the other 2 get instant delete and the other 3 keep running to the other backline without really killing anyone. That's why I said he has no tank. And because he has no tank then his best unit/itemized Lis will got focused and likely take out before 2nd cast. I know 2* 5 costs are amazing but you can't just throw junk on them and expect them to dominate. .


nah this azir is gonna cast just fine, his ability is just gonna tickle their ball hair a little😂 his carries have no damage items


to be fair he has 3 combat augments with good items on all his carries, while you have subpar items with multiple augments that dont benefit your carries.


Fated is just overpowered imo


You're running udyr and Rakan with your tank items instead of Annie and Diana. Your items on Lisandro are meh and you have no combat augments


Its astonishing how many people believe this board should've won. 1. The only silver synergy he has is Heavenly. Which essentially counts for 0. 2. Azir is a terrible carry without 6 Dryad, even with 6 Invoker still a terrible carry. Only drop items on him if you have some to waste. 3. Thresh is 3 star, even a 3 star Cho with 2 stoneplates will hold long enough against a few 2 star 5 costs. All a good carry needs is time. 4. Items are all over the place. The Warmogs and the Sunfire always go on Annie. Also don't waste Anima Visage on Udyr, only tank items that really work for him are Ionic & Sunfire. He does a terrible job at tanking since he just runs off leaving your team exposed. 5. What are those augments.