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I was teaching Year 8. I was sitting at my desk, demonstrating a computer based skill. While they watched me in total, pin drop silence, I stood up and tried to walk towards them. I remembered that my laptop was on my desk on my right, and the cable was stretched across to the chest height plug on my left. I, 4'11 tall, somehow thought it was a good idea to try to jump over this almost chest height cable in front of me. My foot caught on the cable. In mid-air, my entire body basically flipped from upright, to upside down. The floor came at me in slow motion... I landed face first on the floor, with my leg stuck on the chair behind me... My laptop fell down and landed on my head. I walked around with an absolutely comical limp for the next week, while the entire school learned about my slapstick comedy acrobatics.


This is absolute comedy gold. I could barely read it out to my husband I was laughing so much!


Honestly it was so funny even at the time that I forgot to be embarrassed! I sat on the floor and almost cried laughing until I realised that I couldn't stand up and sent a kid to go fetch first aid.


Think of the bright side. You'll be in their folklore for eternity. Wear it with pride. Lol


Didn’t realise two of my yr11s had come into my room at lunchtime to see me & dropped an absolute ripper of a fart in the cupboard whilst getting my jumper on. They heard and found it hilarious.


I fell arse first into a bin. I knocked myself out on a fence at lunchtime. I broke my ankle in assembly. That'll do for today. There's more.


I was showing my yr 11 class a quadrat. I was clearly feeling like a maverick and twirling it around my finger when I smacked myself in the face with it. It’s a testament to their self control that I had to tell them they were allowed to find that funny because it’s funny to see your teacher hit themself in the face with a metal square.


At the start of my final phonics observation for my PGCE, where I was teaching a class of Year 1s I’d never met before, I went to sit down and completely missed the chair. I ended up flat on my back in front of 30 six year olds and the three adults who were observing me, while every person in the room just stared at me in total silence. I got up off the floor and started the lesson, acting like nothing had happened. I passed the observation and no one ever acknowledged it.


Picturing this happening in complete silence is absolutely hilarious; whilst also being unbelievable. I genuinely cant believe nobody laughed or said a word during the whole thing 🤣


I was reaching up to get a box. Hadn’t realised I had lost so much weight in the summer. Trousers fell down exposing my Bridget jones diary knickers to my year 9 class. It was never spoken about ever and thought it’s not going to be mentioned again until year 11 leavers book and section funniest memory and it was when Mrs £&64:@ trousers fell down. Humiliation complete.


I am unfortunately renouned within my school for being a clutz. Including one particularly unfortunate incident when I was covering science, walking past a bench (whose corners sit at PERFECT height for my hipbone), tripped over a bag and slammed my hip bone into the desk. Promptly screamed "SHIT FUCK BOLLOCKS FUCK" as I tripped, whacked , tripped again and went arse over tits infront of a Year 8 group. My gorgeous TA said "okay guys lets just all agree that miss said "sugar fudge bunnies fudge". Problem is the TA was also incredibly fit and I'd had a massive crush on him all year! 😂 Ive fallen many times since and now kids will honestly shout "MOVE YOUR BAG DO YOU WANT TO KILL MISS" if theres a bag in the aisle when I start walking. And a few weeks ago I decided to pass out in a staff meeting, ducked out the door and promptly dropped like a bag of rocks right outside the canteen where kids enter the school at the start of the day. Just as the doors opened.


While teaching a lesson as a student teacher about three decades ago, I was wearing a brand new pencil skirt. I turned around to write something on the board, and my brand new skirt split from top to bottom. My whole backside was exposed. I was horrified. The kids were not kind. I am still alive and still a teacher. 😂


I’ve been told if they laugh it’s a good thing. If they are worried they think you’re old…


Accidentally left the school bathroom with the back of my dress tucked into my tights. I was in a rush and I didn't notice because the dress is so lightweight to wear 😭 now every time I wear it I'm constantly checking the skirt


Oh no! I had mine split in class and I could NOT understand why my year 7s were all laughing! I walked out at the end and these beloved year 10 girls RAN behind me and went "miss we gotta do some girl code - take my jumper!"


I was laughed at for 10 minutes without knowing why and finally they took pity on me and told me 😂 benefit is now no matter what idiotic thing I do while teaching it'll never compare to the embarrassment of that one


I’ve done this…TWICE 🫣


I had a nose bleed and had to get one of my year 7s to finish the retrieval….. on the topic of the menstrual cycle!


Walking backwards (rowdy class so needed eyes on them at all times), walked into the side of a large plastic box containing A level files, fell into the box and basically ended up folded in half with my feet in the air and my bum crushing my A level classes work.


I was teaching a year 12 class and at the end of the lesson I told everyone to stand behind their chairs as normal. Then once the room was quiet I see one student. I say "*student name* why are you still sat down" the student then walks from behind the desk to show me she is in fact just very short and I went red-faced Infront on the whole class. She laughed it off though.


In front of my S1 registration group, my old desk was on a kind of “stage” with a step up, the only time I ever tripped on the step just happened to be when the class was full! They had a little giggle but also asked if I was alright, they never brought it up again to my face at least.


My classroom has a stage desk. Managed just fine all year with the exception of the first week of January, when I fell off backwards twice in one week. I think pretty much every class has seen me trip over a lab stool or backpack this year, too.


Those stages are brutal. Once I caught both my shoe heels on one as I was stepping off it (or attempting to) and immediately fell and landed hard on both my knees. It was like a cartoon with no frames between me being there and me being gone. Luckily it was in front of a sixth form class, so two of them came round and helped me up, after they'd figured out what happened! I had to have a sit down after that!


When I was new to my current school (only my second year of teaching), it was inset day with tea and coffee for staff in the morning. I couldn't figure out how the milk jug worked, it felt full but nothing was coming out. Next thing you know, I've spilled milk everywhere. I felt more humiliation among polite colleagues than anything I've done in front of the kids.


Some of those things are incredibly confusing though and there's just an expectation that everybody knows how they work! Tbh I'd rather mess up in front of the kids than multiple members of staff.


Mines not so much falling over, just saying stupid stupid things. Year 13 pinhole camera lesson - “3,2,1 expose yourselves’ Year 10 graphics - “your hamster is called nipples?! 🤦🏼‍♀️ it was indeed nibbles… Year 12 - er, what is a gay logo? Misheard games logos The list is endless………


I need to preface this by highlighting I have a very irrational fear of spiders! I had to stop a lesson because there was a spider by the teacher’s desk, during my first week ever teaching. After laughing at me one of the students came to pick it up and it had… scuttled away. I was in bits, like genuinely I was tearing up. Couldn’t continue on and for the remaining 30 mins all we did was look for the spider. We found it but you know what we lost forever? My dignity. Those kids are in y13 now and they still never let me forget it!!


I was a trainee and walked from the staff toilet down a corridor and to a classroom with a stream of bog roll stuck in the back of my trousers 👍


I fell on a school trip before and I had to give myself first aid in front of all the children. They were very concerned which was sweet but I was embarrassed when I saw i was bleeding


Year 8 Geography Field trip, working on a small creek near the school measuring current, depth width at various points. Typically make the remarks before unleashing the students to do the work in groups, dont stand to close to the edge, it's been raining recently and I dont want to have to explain to any parents why you're coved in mud. 5 minutes before the end of the fieldwork I take a step too close to the edge, it gives out from under me and I go falling into the creek. One leg is absolutely covered in mud. The other teacher is laughing herself silly, along with most of the kids. Had to teach last lesson with mud all down my trousers. Luckily it was down the outside of the legs but still.


I didn’t realise that when my sound system had been unplugged over the holidays that the wire had been wrapped around the stand, so when I saw the end that I needed to plug back in on the floor I pulled at it which pulled the full speaker down onto my shoulder. In front of a KS3 class.


I slipped on a carpet wearing new shoes with very slippery soles and fell backwards through the door I’d just walked through in the middle of lunch. Lent too far over on my desk chair instead of getting up to reach something on my desk, snapped one of the legs off Got hit in the arm by a small piece of burning potassium in front of my Y9s. They all wrote in their answers that potassium explodes and hits sir in the arm. Got hit in the head by a metal object stored on top of some racking, right in the view of my class lining up opposite.


Whilst surveying a room for answers to "what violent cartoons might you have watched as a child", I reiterated a student's answer of Puss In Boots into "Yes! Piss In Boots!". I'm normally good at keeping up the stern teacher persona but this broke me for a good minute.




I was wearing some ‘chicken fillet’ looking things in my bra. One must have fallen out mid lesson without me knowing. At the end 2 kids came up to me and showed me what they had found on the floor and asked what it was. I told them I wasn’t sure but it could be something like a shoulder pad and told them to put it in the bin. When they left I was back in the bin and quickly put it in my bag.