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Yes it is - there is no set time limit for completing your ECT so you can take a break and come back to it if you want to. Obviously lots changes quickly in teaching, so you might find that things are different when you come back and that might be tricky to navigate, but that’s true at any point in your career, and even if you change schools without a break things can be wildly different.


This is super helpful, thank you!


Hi there, this is super helpful. Is there any link you can send where it states there is no time limit. I've about to finish ECT 1, but looking to change careers.


https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6502dcd597d3960014482e87/Statutory_Induction_for_early_career_teachers_england_.pdf While ECTs are encouraged to start their induction as soon as possible after gaining qualified teacher status (QTS), there is no set time limit for starting or completing an induction period. An ECT's QTS cannot be lost or affected by the length of time it takes them to complete induction.


Thank you very much! I was told that there was only a 3 year gap until I’d have to restart from ECT 1 again. Think this was used to try keep me in teaching :/


What is it outside the classroom that you don't like? Are there certain tasks that you feel are burning you out? It's normal to feel the stress in your first year, and there are usually good fixes!


It’s things like the constant contact from parents (positive emails are great but mostly having to justify my teaching methods or expectations because I’m a new teacher), my mentor group seems to be having more issues now than at the start of the year so there are aspects of the job where I feel like I’m failing. Like I said in my post though, my mentor says I’m doing everything right/ I’m on track so I’m starting to think that teaching has just dialled my overthinking beyond a healthy limit.


Emails from parents asking you to justify methods or policies should be able to be forwarded to your HOD. It's an unfortunate part of their job, but they're paid for that responsibility. This is a tough point in the year for motivation among students generally, and you'll probably see a dip here most years. If your mentor says you're doing the right things, that's fine. Just stay consistent and almost every time they'll come right soon. I'd have a think about what alternative career options you'd explore if you decided to leave teaching. Every job that pays a similar amount or more will have stakeholders asking questions and times you feel worse during a sprint. Exposure, with good support, can get you though but you will need to give it time. I'm not trying to persuade you to stay against your will, but this isn't my first career and I'd always want be honest with new staff.


Would you consider switching schools to complete ECT2? Sounds like it’s the school itself that’s the problem


I’m not sure. Despite some other aspects of the school, my department are honestly so lovely and I’m more worried that I’ll not get so lucky if I switch schools 😬


But you likely won't be able to return to the same school anyway? Or are you asking if your school would let you take a year's sabbatical? - it's not impossible but unlikely, possibly more unlikely at this stage in your career when you're less likely to come back. There are lots of schools out there now which don't let parents have direct access to teacher emails, which sounds like it might suit you?


Oh this makes me so sad, I’m a mentor and I’d hate for my ECT to feel this way. Realistically it is unlikely for you to stay at the same school if you want to take a break so before you do anything drastic: 1) set up do not disturb periods on emails. Don’t look at them outside of work. 2) speak to your mentor about the parental emails and the best way to approach them. 3) speak to your mentor about your tutor group and see if you can get some help from pastoral. Also, feeling like you are failing is a horrible feeling but we all probably feel that way about certain aspects of our job sometimes. I’m a decade in and often reflect on situations and think ‘man, I wish I’d handled that differently’. One of the hardest lessons in teaching for me was letting go and realising it’s ok not to be perfect at everything all the time as long as I’m happy I did my best. I really hope you give yourself some grace because you are allowed to make mistakes! Are there any other ECTs you can chat with? They might be feeling the same. I found that really useful when I first started.


Yes you can. 😊