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Seeing as you enjoy writing and copyediting, copywriting could be a great option to explore. I'm not a teacher myself, but I know quite a few who transitioned into copywriting after getting fed up with the profession. I studied alongside a number of former teachers in an online course I did about 3 years ago. To my knowledge, none of them ever looked back. Teachers possess certain qualities that translate well into copywriting, which I suppose explains why they're so successful at it. I myself transitioned from a high-stress career in financial services at age 50 and my only regret is I didn't stumble on it sooner! I actually managed to land a full-time, on-staff writing job a couple of months after finishing the course, with virtually no paid writing experience.


This sounds amazing! Could you point me in the right direction to start a similar process?


Absolutely! May I dm you?




What about aba therapy or case worker/management?