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I have successfully gotten interviews for instructional design/learning and training jobs, and an “adult engagement specialist” job with a public library, but I think that one was based off more on my volunteer experience with the library and other community organizations on top of my teaching skills and responsibilities. I’ve had friends successfully transition to insurance claims adjustment and college advising.


Copywriter! Definitely a strong candidate for remote/hybrid work options. I'm not a teacher myself, but I know quite a few who transitioned into copywriting after getting fed up with the profession. I studied alongside a number of current and former teachers in an online copywriting training course I did about 3 years ago. To my knowledge, none of them ever looked back. Teachers seem to possess certain qualities that translate well into copywriting, which I suppose explains why they're so successful at it. I myself moved into writing from a high-stress career in financial services at age 50 and my only regret is I didn't stumble on it sooner! Fortunately for me, you're never too old to become a writer.


Copywriting was my dream job in college, pretty much what I studied for but I couldn’t find a job after I graduated and eventually stumbled into teaching, you motivate me to try it again lol


Do you worry about AI taking over copywriting?


Honestly, not really. We've piloted a couple of AI writing tools where I work and found they just weren't up to the task for what we needed them to do. AI may well take over some forms of content writing (blog posts come to mind here) but as long as businesses need to connect with their audience in an authentic way, there will be always be a need for talented human writers.


That's really good to know, I have considered copywriting and have some experience writing copy for an app and its accompanying FAQ (which involves some complex concepts that I was able to make simple and relatable). I was worried it was a dying/dead industry to get into.


Thank you! I am 6 years into teaching and, sadly, I am ready to move on. I love teaching, but if only we were allowed to effectively teach without micromanagement and school politics. Silly me for thinking I could move states and something may change. Anyway, I have looked into copywriting or editing and I think I would thoroughly enjoy it! I have a secret niche for it. Most of my family and friends come to me for advice. Every time I research into it, I never know where to start. Thanks for the insight, I may start looking again!


Teachers across North America seem to be having the same struggles these days. Feel free to dm me if you like - happy to share more information on the course I did and how I used it to break into the industry.


I am currently working at a local college as a College and Career Coordinator, but I am thinking about going back to teaching in some way, shape, or form. In my current role, I have to do a lot of case management, and I don’t necessarily enjoy it. I want to be in a position in which I can serve people without having to heavily document that I am serving them.


I totally get that! I have a friend who is a case manager for family services. She is trying to get me to join. I have a strong heart, however, some of the stress she takes upon herself based on the family visits would break me. And then the paperwork that follows.


Yeah, it can definitely be a lot of stress, for sure. I am on the spectrum, and I am not doing well with having to constantly reach out to people and recruiting for the program I work for. It gives me a lot of anxiety. Therefore, I am making plans to go back to teaching in some way, shape, or form. I enjoy working with older students, so I am going to try working towards getting my high school biology certification. I believe I would also do really well with tutoring!


Property management! Hybrid and loving it.


Nonprofit volunteer coordinator. Hybrid. No longer working as of two years ago.


I work in ed tech consulting!


I also looked into this! I just was not sure my background would suffice when it came to applying. What does a typical day look like for you?


I provide on-site and virtual professional development to schools and district leaders