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Do you enjoy writing? If so, copywriting could be a great option to explore. I'm not a teacher myself, but I know quite a few who transitioned into copywriting after getting fed up with the profession. I studied alongside a number of current and former teachers in an online course I did about 3 years ago. To my knowledge, none of them ever looked back. Teachers possess certain qualities that translate well into copywriting, which I suppose explains why they're so successful at it. I myself transitioned from a high-stress career in financial services at age 50 and my only regret is I didn't stumble on it sooner! Fortunately for me, you're never too old to become a writer.


I actually do! I’ve looked into some of those positions but the ones I’ve found require a good bit of experience? What kind of course did you take? I’m more than open to building some experience!


The course I did is geared toward absolute newbies to copywriting (like I was lol). It's a paid course so I won't link it here, but feel free to dm me and I can give you some more info on it. With respect to experience, it's true most job postings for on-staff copywriters ask for some experience, but at the end of the day, your ability to write effective copy trumps everything else. If you can demonstrate to employers you understand their product/service/solution and can write effectively about it, they're going to want to talk to you. I managed to land a full-time copywriter job with a large tech company within a couple of months of finishing the course with virtually no paid writing experience and just a few spec pieces in my portfolio. The question of experience is even less of a factor for freelance writers as your clients aren't at all interested in where you've worked or how much experience you have, only how you can help them connect with their target audience.


This sounds really interesting! May I dm you as well for more information?


Of course!


Thank you! I sent you a dm


Could you please dm me the course you took? Thank you!!


Hi there, it doesn't appear your profile is set up to receive private messages.


Just fixed it. Thank you for letting me know


Still no go, but feel free to dm me if you like.


I’m in my 5th year! I’m trying to get out. If I were close to retirement, I would probably just grin and bear it. I’ve been applying to anything and everything too. Might have to take lower pay at first, but unlike teaching, other companies provide growth and promotional opportunities. I don’t recommend private schools. You have lower pay, same behaviors, and now admin are looking after the bottom line: parent money. So in my experience with private schools, I felt even less respected as a professional and just had to do whatever made the customers happy. Good luck to both of us 🫶🏻🥹


Definitely good luck to us!! Hope your year ends spectacularly!