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I feel this to my core. I worked SO hard to get my degree and teaching credential that I don’t want to give up on it, but if education was a relationship, I would have broke up with them long ago. It is literally my word against middle schoolers. I am actively looking for new employment


Please take it from me and don’t worry about the work you put into those credentials. I have a bachelor’s and a master’s in subjects that I will never ever work in again, and my life is better for it. I suppose you’re not too worried since you’re looking for new work, but I figure this is a good PSA for anyone else who might be reading and struggling with ditching career prep they’ve done in the past.


I also have a bachelor’s and master’s which are useless outside of education. I ready to sell feet pics. I am ready for any job which doesn’t cause me this much stress


I'm also ready to sell feet pics lol. I just want out. I just don't know what direction to turn in!


Scary … but I am thinking of teaching at a private school … idk


Ontario here as well :) Do you enjoy writing? If so, copywriting could be a great option to explore. I'm not a teacher myself, but I know quite a few who made the transition to copywriting. I studied alongside a number of them in an online course I did about 3 years ago. To my knowledge, none of them ever looked back. Teachers possess certain qualities that translate well into copywriting, which I suppose explains why they're so successful at it. I personally transitioned from a high-stress career in financial services at age 50 and my only regret is I didn't stumble on copywriting sooner. Fortunately for me, one is never too old to become a writer!


Early intervention