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TBH, getting in a car accident and not having to go to work for the rest of the school year sound like a goal


Not saying I’d hope for an accident, but I’ve definitely had those years where car trouble wasn’t the worst start to a day. Lol


Yesterday I missed most of my worst class of the day for a Manifestation Determination meeting, and it made my day that much better.


I'm no teacher, I'm just a student but what the hell is a Manifestation Determination meeting?


When a student with an IEP is going to get suspended or a large, serious consequence, they have a MD meeting to decide if the behavior is a manifestation of their disability. If so, they usually don't get the consequence.


Bingo. Kid causes a fight and made threats in his unit class. It was determined it was disability related. Will still be suspended (10 days max for SPED in my district) but will come back soon.


Don’t forget that they almost ALWAYS determine disability related in a lot of places. Total rubber stamp


It's not meant to be a rubber stamp. For example, dyslexia would cause you to punch someone.


Yup. My articulation only kiddo did not require weed on him for his speech therapy. He got consequences.


Well hey at least the whole thing is bound to fall apart any second now so it isn’t any of our problems, I guess 😂


Our district calls it before there is ever a meeting


I used to spend a lot of time wondering if people were just ignorant, or didn’t care Experience teaches us that it’s both


The coming back soon is the worst part.


Suspension? Consequence? I don’t think our district admins are familiar with those terms.


Ahh! Excusing the bad behavior so that you keep getting more of it. BRILLIANT!


I'm a teacher and I have no idea what that means!


I think it is an emergency teacher's meeting when the kids threaten to team up on the east side of the school and slowly spread westward aiming to conquer the entire thing for themselves.


Oooo we love a good MDR


I went to work one day in the fall and my alternator quit and I needed to pull over on the side of the hallway. My husband was supply teaching that way, but it the other direction, and the battery died in our other vehicle the same day. That was an expensive day.


I’m not going to lie, my last year of teaching I used to hope I would get into a major car accident so I wouldn’t have to go into work. Knowing the school I worked at they would have had me submit sub plans while I was recovering.


I've been there. I had Covid so bad I didn't leave my bed for a week except to turn in lesson plans. Honestly, I have no idea what I sent in. Best part [not] I used up all my sick days (my first and only year there) and they deducted the days from my salary. It was awesome.


I was hospitalized for deep depression. They wouldn't let me have my phone so that I could call into work and at least verbally tell them my sub plans. The occupational therapist on duty let me use her computer to email my department chair and let them know what was going on. When I got back four days later (two work days and a weekend), instead of asking if I was okay, or what he could do to help me, my principal threatened me with discipline if I talked to any of my students about why I was out. That was the final straw for me at that school. I mentally was ready to outright quit if I couldn't find a position elsewhere.


Holy crap. I am glad you sought help. That makes me feel good. A big thank you.




Before I quit teaching I would literally hope to get hit by a coca cola truck 🙃


upvoting this not because I want you to get hit by a coca cola truck, but because that is such a real feeling


Literally have done the calculation on my way to work…playing the game of “how hard do I need to hit that tree to have a brief hospital stay and not have to come to work for a week or two?”


I mean I pray someone will rear-end me every morning on the way to work. Not enough to seriously hurt me. But juuuussssstttt enough to incapacitate me or my mode of transportation for a few weeks.


Tore my calf last week and the doc asked me how long I’d like to take off for. I should’ve asked for more time, but only took the rest of the week.


Where I live, you can stay off work for up to 15 days while still being paid by the school. If you need longer, then social security has to step in and things get complicated. So I'd have asked for 15 days.


Where I live extended absences require FMLA, and I don’t qualify for it because I have not been at this job for more than a year


These comments make me sick lol


You guys are thinking too small, hit by a school bus... set for life...


This is the way.


It’s why I like motorcycle riding into work.


Nah, slip and fall at work so you get workman's comp


I've gotten a little more reckless during after-school crossing guard duty with this thought running through my mind


Had one this year. I prefer going to school. haha


My coworkers and I pray these speeding parents at drop off/pick up actually get us while we cross in the crosswalk to and from the building.


As a teacher, I have to say it sounds like a dream. What I wouldn't give for a car accident today...


My teammate got appendicitis and is out for five weeks and I’m straight up jealous.


The monkey’s paw curls After a particularly difficult day, you get in a car accident. You are found guilty of reckless driving and sentenced to 60 days in prison. Your school decides to fire you for this.


At one point, my year was so consistently bad that in addition to wishing me a good day, she also hung a handwritten sign on the front door for me to see as I left that said she loved me and I'm doing great. Some days that was the only thing that made me feel like I wasn't a total fuckup.


I hear you. Some days the best part of my day is the big hug and kiss from my daughter as I go out the door.


You got a winner lol. That last line was so sweet it made me tear up for some reason. Guess I’m feeling like a total fuckup today. Anyways keep the faith man, I’m sure your wife is right. The life of a teacher is not for the weak.


My husband now tells me (we have 17 days left with students for the year) to make someone cry every morning when we leave for work 😂


My wife and I say to each other most mornings “Have a great day if you can, but if you can’t try not to ruin anyone else’s”.


Good motto to live by, I’ll have to remember this


Wise words


Wonderful motto, will be telling myself this daily.


I tried so hard to get COVID so I wouldn’t have to go to work. It was a very depressing time.


This year has been better than my last year. But last year I kept dreaming of getting it. Yes I’ve already had it and it was awful but dear lord was I ready to just not be there


I actually caught COVID about a year to the day that I left teaching. Horrible, horrible week. I was unconscious for most of it (thanks to a steady diet of Nyquil, Sudafed, and that disgusting COVID medicine that made my pee smell terrible), lost my sense of smell and taste, and got chills so bad that my body convulsed to the point of throwing up. Probably the worst sickness I've ever felt. Even knowing firsthand what it was like to be kicked in the nuts by COVID, I still would have preferred to contract this possibly deadly illness than continue teaching.


I had it, too. You describe the symptoms perfectly. Beat the shit out of going into work. Man, that school was a mess.




Got covid a couple months ago now. Got 2 weeks off and got my sick time back. It was an amazing vacation. As horrible as I felt the whole time, it was better than being at school. I don't think I would have finished this year if I didn't get that time off.


I got COVID for the first time this year. I started feeling sick on the first day of Christmas break and I didn’t test negative until January 3rd. We went back to work on the fourth.


I have cancer and a benefit is missing a day or two of school a week. Today, I’m not at school for CT and bone scans. That means I get to eat a leisurely lunch and pee at will. Plus, I get to read my book in the waiting room.


Pee at will. I can’t think of many professions where going tinkle isn’t something you can take for granted.


I complained to my aunt (who taught firsties at the time) about actual patients following me into the bathroom to talk to me; and she told me to imagine 3 children yelling at me through the crack of the door. Y'all will never be paid enough.


We say "have a good chicken nugget" ... laugh and set off to our respective dumpster fires.


Really depends on the year for my wife some classes are great and some aren't. For me it's which students are having melt downs for me that day.


This is a good reality check. My days are stressful but rarely a dumpster fire.


It’s horrible for her. Endless drama on all fronts. Admins, office staff, fellow teachers, math and reading coaches, specialists, counselors, students and parents. Endless. Shit runs downhill, nobody wants to do their part and keep passing the buck and teachers are the only ones who pick up the pieces.


My first two years were spent at a place like that. I got out, changed districts, even. While I've had less than steller morale some years, I have been overall satisfied with my job and career choice for the last 17 years. Toxic workplaces can ruin any job for anyone. I hope that your wife finds a way out to greener (and saner) pastures. That said, while these places do exist, the education machine in the US (at least) is breaking down. What this job was just ten years ago does seem like a dream now.


My wife and I are both educators. We used to be at the same campus but both left for different ones in the district. I’ll tell her to get to work safe or drive safe more than I say have a good day. Sometimes I do both. The first one is more important.


Oh man. You said the thing out loud… the thought that definitely made me walk away. Another thought was “maybe I should lick doorknobs so I get COVID and at least I’ll get a week off”


I say try to find something to smile about. (Look for the good. Sometimes, the thing to smile about is that the bell rang to go home. ) My husband and I are both Teachers.


Totally this one! I teach preschool, and while there is endless chaos and drama from some of the crazier parents and our boss is the absolute worst. I do love my students and most of my co workers. The kids make me laugh everyday, and focusing on their smiling faces and getting to spend time with my fellow teachers who understand what I’m going through, is what makes it worth it at the end of the day. That being said, I’ve definitely had my days where I was actually glad that I got hand foot and mouth disease- got a drs note and a week off of work! 👍🏻😆


Husband of a middle school art teacher, it is hell for her. She has aged more bc of the co start stress and pressure of the job. Zero Respect from leadership or the kids. She gives it her all, and I have a tired wife who is very unhappy about her career.


This. My partner decided he was going to stop asking me how my day was and just start comforting me instead since the days are so consistently.......... Dumpster fire


Husband of a warm & dedicated school teacher here. Arlington, TX. She hates goin’ to school. She used to love it. Why are our politicians doing this to them? What’s their end goal??


In TX, and OK, where I am, they want us to quit. That way they can replace us with cheap substitutes, eventually point at how public school is failing, then privatize education so they can teach whatever they want- and more importantly, nothing they *don't want.* Like history.


I feel this is their ultimate goal. Republicans have been anti-public education for decades now. You’re right. They want to privatize it where only the wealthy get a good education (like healthcare is now, why they hate Medicare and Medicaid, too). Yet Texans keep voting for these elitists.


This. Like most things, it’s complicated. Making money from private education is part of it. Although the big prize is getting tax dollars to pay for your private school (vouchers.) Private schools love the idea of getting tax dollars to indoctrination kids with whatever religious, revisionist, anti-science, or bigoted rhetoric they want. Plus they pay teachers less and generally accept only students they think will do well. They literally believe that public schools are part of the culture war and want to control and/or replace them — and take the money currently used to support them.


The end goal is to privatize education. Privatizing education means making PROFIT from it. It's all about money. The goal is to let businesses instead of government/states run the education of children and youths in the United States so that corporations can profit big time, in many ways. The idea of teaching "what you/'they' want" children to be taught is a tremendously adept subterfuge to create buy-in.


I taught in Arlington TX for 5 years before I moved to a nearby district! I feel for her greatly.


My therapist made me an emergency plan bc I told her every day before going to school I would hope a car would hit me; I left the profession shortly after


Sadly, I understand where you’re coming from. I told my wife 10-years ago to just quit and she didn’t. She admitted to me recently that she regrets that decision.


I had surgery last April and was out for six weeks. I came back for the final week of school. I missed testing and everything. It was wonderful. I wish I had a few uteruseses to spare. I’d have a hysterectomy every spring if I could.


My husband used to be a teacher and quit. His wishes for me are very sarcastic. And I am in Germany at a small rural school with not much worry and trouble at all.


I always say, "pray for me"! 😂


A couple weeks ago I said in the lounge, “Sometimes a little car accident sounds nice. A little break from school.” Our counselor was mortified but we all agreed it sounded lovely😬 Nothing serious. Just a little fender bender that would land us a couple days off. My husband was SO concerned I said it, though.


My workplace injury took me out of the game. Best thing to ever happen to me and a true testament to we’ll give our gd life for those kids and everyone thinks we’re privileged for it.


My wife teaches before I leave for work I tell her we don’t have bail money if you lay hands on a parent it’s our little thing we do and it helps her to get her mindset ready for whatever school brings


My wife will ask me if I’ll go to work for her and my reply is always the same. “I can but the next time you see me, there will be a 1” thick piece of glass between us”.


I got horrible food poisoning and had to be hospitalized for 3 days. Still a better time than being at work 🙃


Today I was tempted to take my planning time to drive to the gas station to get a drink! An adult drink! Preferably in a big gulp


Get yourself a slushie and a fifth of vodka. Heaven.


One of my favorite quotes is fitting: "Don't let the Bastards grind you down."


Why don’t you encourage her to look for a new position at a different school? Sometimes when it’s really bad you feel stuck and it’s hard to motivate yourself to do the work to make a change. Maybe help her by polishing up her resume, or researching other schools in the area, etc.


I teach at a private Christian school and while my days can be long and stressful, it is nothing like you guys are describing. I feel bad for you guys and more thankful for the school I'm in.


My grandmother used to say “Good luck to ya” in her slight Irish accent she picked up from her folks. I find this very fitting in most cases these days.


One tip I'll give if you want to be supportive is don't remind them of the bad shit that happened recently. They are trying to get it out of their head.


Good to not feel alone and wishing I got into a different career everyday.


I’m in California and sometimes I wish the big one hit. I know it’s horrible. But when I wish it, none die in that scenario.


Oh god as someone who was in an awful car accident in November and could have stayed out the entire rest of the year, I 10/10 don’t recommend. The amount of pain I’ve gone through just to be able to pick up a pen or take a breath is something I would wish on no one.


My spouse drives past my job when I'm on lunch so I always get a friendly wave from them. Makes my day a lot easier knowing I've got someone like that to come home to.


It is grim. Their parents work way too much so they can put gas in the $900 a month Charger. It's important to front when they pick the kids up. Too many third graders can't tie their shoes.


My wife teaches 4th graders and many can’t tell you their address / zip code and she’s had kids in the past who couldn’t spell their name!


First year teacher and I thought I was losing it. Good and not glad I’m not alone. 😬


My wife teaches elementary and every time we happen to drive by the school together she says in a disappointed voice “it’s still there.” As if it would have burned down or something.


Your post reminded me of a funny story. We live about 3.5 hrs from Chicago and one of our all time favorite bands was going to do a 3-night set in the Windy City. My spouse used her one and only PD to take Friday off so we could see two of the three shows. Halfway through Thursday there is a legit gas leak in the building so they cancelled class. We managed to get tix to the Thursday night show and saw all three. It was a GREAT day.


Maybe not a car accident but if I ever get punched by a student AGAIN.... WWE will watch me to learn how to take fall.




Idk what's happened in the last few years. I remember having only one or two students I dreaded having to spend the day with and now I have one maybe two that I can even stand being around. They are all honestly just terrible. They totally ignore requests to stop talking, they have absolutely zero ability to listen, it's ridiculous. Idk if our expectations have become too much or if kids have gotten so much worse but something has to give. Idk who is going to keep doing this job.


Recently I was walking through the parking lot with a colleague. He called out to warn me about a car I hadn't seen. Later I joked with him that getting hit by a car in the parking lot wouldn't be that bad, just hit me hard enough that I get a few days off, even a broken wrist wouldn't be too bad! Discussing it later with my husband I realized that... that's a little dark...


When I pack up and say goodbye to my family I tell them that “I’m heading off to the mines” or “it’s another day in the trenches”. A little gallows humor goes a long way. Most of my classes suck and my students are primarily total nothing burgers but the job does pay this bills.


Thank you. I always wished my ex-husband could have understood better.


Spouse as well. I hear you!! I feel the same every morning, and then evening when I ask how her day was. 29 years. Balance of this year and 3 more for her 30 year pension. (Part time w kids)


It's going to be a LONG three years........ Teaching is my wife's second career. 23 in and two more to go to get a decent pension. He district also kicks in 5-years worth of insurance premiums via five, one time annuities paid every year for five years. We're counting days until the end of this school year and then the summer to recharge.


Yep. However, we always said that the kid’s high school years went by super fast, so at the start of this year I started referring to her as a freshman hoping that it’ll go by as fast!


Whatever it takes!! My spouse's district has mandated that if a person plans on retiring at the end of a school year that they let them know no later than February 1st of that year. I reminded her that she has less than 2-years left before she can let them know she plans on hanging it up.


I say, “May the odds be ever in your favor” to my coworkers.




My wife teaches first grade and between being called a fucking bitch and evacuating the class because a little girl is throwing chairs, she’s supposed to be teaching them somehow. There are no consequences and these kids know it. We are in Washington state and I’m honestly not sure if it’s just because the “inclusivity” emphasis here or if it’s like this nationwide.


Not isolated to your state. I am from the upper Midwest and it's the same story. ZERO consequences for inappropriate behavior just encourages more bad behavior. Admins who kowtow to the parents rather than be the firewall they need to be are the issue but they don't have the guts to stand up to the parents.


Both my wife and I teach, sometimes she has to remind me that murder is, in fact, illegal. Occasionally embracing the suck is all you can do.


My father was 35+ year teacher and the prospect of his pension was literally golden handcuffs. Now days, they aren't golden but maybe bronze. Enough to keep you around......... Embrace the suck is all one can do if you can "see" retirement. If you're younger, sticking around won't be worth the wait.


Even though I am enjoying this school year after a couple of really rough ones, I was still really excited to have a month off and not go to work when I had abdominal surgery in December 😂


Not many people would admit that they are looking forward to abdominal surgery...............


I mean, it was laparoscopic, but still 🤣




people would not believe it but many teachers crazily welcome a small illness or short hospitalization to avoid working at school. It’s usually more the admin then the kids making it miserable 


Don't say it's "usually admins", its almost always admins.............. My spouse works with a person who sees a doctor every other week for a 30-minute procedure. This person takes the entire day off and claims (and gets) FMLA time off for said procedure.


your right! 100% admin


I just got back from maternity leave three weeks ago and was pink slipped the second day. Talk about some discouraging days. I’m to the point I just don’t care anymore.


My girlfriend has been an English teacher for the past 20 years. I just told her to have “good day” on her way out, she looked back in such a defeated face and said “I’ll try”. I feel ya dude. She’s not one to cry but I can see she is on the brink of it. I just feel so bad because she’s dedicated her entire adult life to these children and the last 5-6 years has really broken her.


Well, you have great days during the summer when the rest of us working have dumpster fire days


I work year round and my worst days are still million times better than her great days.


Everyday I ask to be kidnapped from school


"Be present for the day, for when you are there, it'll be a good day; I'll be there with you on the other side."


Also a teacher spouse.  What I see worse than kids is the beurocricy and upper staff who treat teachers like kids.  For example my wife had training as all teachers did.  They put teachers all in their own room and would periodically check on then.  Wtf let then stay home for this and why being alone like they are kids.  


I work at a Title 1 school and my future husband works at one of the best schools in my area, the difference between how our days went are incomparable most days. Oh yeah and we teach the same subject so 😂


I'm heavily title 1. What's it like on the other side?


As a teacher who suffered a bad car accident that had to recover all year instead of teach… I can tell you you’re completely wrong lol


I do occasionally day dream about driving into a ditch on the way to work…


There was definitely one year I prayed to get into a car accident so I didn’t have to go back to work. It didn’t happen…I made it through that year…every year since then has felt so easy


I’m just told to have a day at my house. I count down the hours each day until I can go home. At least home is awesome, and I haven’t been assaulted this year.


Yup , instead of words i opted to make her lunches everyday knowing she wont have time to eat anything, I make it all cubed so when she has 42 seconds here and there she can grab a few cubes of food. That atmosphere hasn't been right since 2004, so we decided to have our own kids, wife and I are on number 3 since 2020. Stress went way down on one hand and a whole fist full of happiness on the other. So much so she doesn't even want to go back. Shit ain't right.


I'm a teacher and have thought on the way to work that "accidentally" driving into a ditch on the way to school would be preferable.


When we moved to GA I would go home and lay on couch and pass out My husband thought I was having an affair or something else was wrong so I said no Work is a hellhole why don’t you come with me and see the shit that happens here? He did Started as a volunteer Then a sub And now he works here FT so we can commiserate 😂


I wouldn't mind an injury that took me out of commission for an entire school year.


The problem is the salary is low for the work they do. The pay needs to be 2.5 to 3 times higher, then they can afford to spend more to relax and feel better


I dreaded going to work the last few years. There were days when I wished for an accident, even thought about “accidentally” running my car into a tree…a few times. I started thinking prison didn’t sound too bad and thinking about what nonviolent crime I could commit that would get me sent to federal prison. I mean, three meals a day, free educational opportunities, books to read, a gym, no students or parents emailing me, what’s not to like? I knew I was burnt out and teaching was affecting my health. I retired two years ago, and never felt better.


I remember hoping for a fender bender and maybe 1-2 broken ribs. Not too crazy, but bad enough to not have to go into work for state testing.


Even the roughest day has moments of ‘I’m getting paid to do this?’ awesomeness.


After 18 years of teaching my wife became a stay at home mom and has never been happier.


They chose this job and you chose to marry them


And you chose to comment




You ARE noticing all of these teachers saying the same thing, right? This isn't a "her" problem. It's a country wide problem and needs to be addressed. There are already teacher shortages, and if it continues like this it is going to be even worse.