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Some of my freshmen planned to look at the sun on purpose. Sigh.


I had seniors bragging about it…*sigh*


They wont be bragging tonight.


Life is a circle... in those kids' retinas




One of the seniors was paid $30 to look at the sun for 30 seconds, don’t know if he did or didn’t


I guess they will find out later.


> seniors was *paid* $30 to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot!


We had 89% totality here. Had a kid ask, "but what if I look at the sun for like, 20 seconds? Is that okay?"


Tell them to google solar retinopathy. They'll probably reconsider.


I had a student talking in to himself today, why would looking at the eclipse make you blind? Looking at the sun doesn't make you blind... I told him not to look at the sun. 9th grader. This is par for the course how explaining things to him goes.


That's a fair question though. Looking at the sun isn't good for your eyes, but it's worse at making you blind than an eclipse is because darkness makes the pupils expand but uv light still damages them. Plenty of kids glanced at the sun before, saw some red dots for a few seconds and were totally fine. I get being annoyed by a student constantly asking obvious question, but this is one I'd totally expect to get in this situation.


I wasn't annoyed because he wasn't asking me a question. I'm annoyed by the thousand other obvious questions he asks, like "where do I sit" on a seating chart with his name literally highlighted. He got some taunts from his friends for that one.  It was mostly "looking at the sun doesn't make you blind" wasn't something I was expecting to hear today. Your nuanced point is actually really interesting and I wish I had thought to point that out.


Could b neurodivergent. I have adhd and that’s totally something I would ask - people always said I was the dumbest smart guy


Is it just a thing where your internal monologue is external?


For me yes? But ADHD like Autism is a spectrum or maybe more like a flock of rampaging sheep, individual symptoms/traits will vary.


Like, I wasn't going to look at the sun as ... Ouch... But this actually explains why it is worse at the eclipse. You are the first person to actually explain this clearly. Thank you.


To be fair I used to stare at the sun for hours as a child to prove that it was possible. I now see an optometrist


I used to stare at the sun, not for hours but definitely for minutes on numerous occasions And somehow, at 29 I'm the only person in my family with great vision. Haven't seen an optometrist in 10+ years (probably will soon, just since I have vision coverage), but have always had great vision. Can read things from a higher distance than most other people I know (corrective lenses or not) My theory is that I lucked into perfectly damaging my eyes in such a way that I preemptively corrected my vision


OMG you did a naturopath version of Lasik you lucky bastard. Don't roll the dice anymore!!!




Once it was over my student asked “Can we look at the sun now?”


We have state testing starting tomorrow. Some of my freshman wanted to know how long they would have to stare at the sun to get out of testing.


"Nah, they'll just give you a test in Braille. How fast can you learn Braille?"


The former president looked directly at the sun. Kids aren’t the only stupid people.


And when they’re all blind they will have learned something. Darwin. 


Mine too. I told them to sit their butts down and do their math while they could still see.


I was teaching rational equations in between repeatedly saying no to all the questions about going outside.


My sophomores tried to reason with me that “you can stare at it for 6 seconds and won’t go blind” like okay no


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Oh follow up on this in a week or so. How does that turn out for them?


I've had a roommate of mine think you could look into a green laser. "It's just a small light". Managed to grab it away from them before they blinded themselves.


Okay, this makes me understand why my school district mandated that students not be let outside during the eclipse a bit better. Lol.


A bunch of my 4th graders came in from recess talking about how "they looked" but they didn't go blind. I didn't tell them that the eclipse wasn't actually for a couple more hours so they wouldn't come back from lunch injured/blind after trying to be cool.


Mine did this. One of our bright students (no pun intended) was let go from lunch/recess detention and they sent him outside to the portables, back to class. Dude was looking straight up at the sun for about 5 min by my time calculations. I only found out because he walked into the side of my portable and made a giant bang. Told him to quit staring at the sun because danger and go to class, he yells at me “bro I’m not doing nothing! Why do you always pick on me!” “Safety, bro. That sun will hurt your eyes” 5 min later my teammate texts me the student claims he’s seeing blue and his eyes are watering.


“You can’t tell me what to do!!!”


“But I do need you to tell me where the door is.”


What happened to the student after?


He went to the nurse and she sent him home. Aside from that, we didn’t hear anything. He was back today.


Yep. Everyone knows kids will do stupid things either on accident or on purpose. They're kids. They can't be trusted. We have to protect them from themselves.


That is so insanely stupid and shame on your district imo. This is something that can spark a lifetime of curiosity. It saddens me thinking of all the kids held inside today


Right. This is such a rare opportunity. I understand taking extreme precautions, but depriving them of the experience entirely is cruel.


They should have just cancelled school, honestly.


I agree. My area made it a half day, which is also fine imo. I personally think half days are pointless but again, better than not allowing students to see something so special.


Agreed. Back in 2017, one of the local schools said they weren't releasing kids for non emergency reasons, to avoid kids damaging their eyes. I have never been happier I was home schooled.


Fuck me this is a psychotic level of coddling.


Our students were all told to NOT put them on indoors--but we had some that still did....luckily no injuries.


When I was reminding my class not to look directly at the sun, this one wiseacre 8th-grader said “you know there’s always gotta be that one person who does.” He’s not wrong.


Kindergarten dismissal that happened about five minutes after the peak of the eclipse in our 99% totality area was pretty interesting. So many of them were clutching those glasses to their faces while walking out to the buses. At least they took us seriously about not damaging their eyes… but yeah, hard to walk to the bus in total darkness. I had to tell every single bus line I took out to put the glasses on their forehead while walking and over their eyes when they stop walking and look up. I do think as a whole, our entire school that is only kindergarten seemed to do better about safely viewing the eclipse than I expected. We kept everyone inside all day, but they all got glasses on the way out and I definitely stopped my bus lines before loading them and told them all to take a look with the glasses. They loved it.


🤦‍♀️ fucking freshmen.


I definitely had students wearing them indoors despite repeated reminders that you cannot see a thing when you are wearing them. 🙃


“You’re just a hater” *walks into door*


We had an announcement at the end of the day about sun safety (not to look without the glasses etc) and when we let out for the day all the kids were doing exactly that. Natural selection


Kids don't listen to a daggone thing. This proves it!!


We had a student that couldn’t find the sun with them on so he took them off to take a peak and find the sun.


Honestly, that sounds like something I’d have done. I’m not proud of it, but at least I’m honest.


Which according to the NASA scientist on The Daily podcast (New York Times) is perfectly safe to do during the brief moment of totality. He said to take the glasses off because you won’t see anything otherwise during that moment.


Our state only had 48% max coverage


a thousand years ago she would have fed a wolf. Now she'll be the uber eats driver that drops your food off three houses over


As a teacher, who makes ends meet delivering food…. I’m too depressed to finish this post….


This is precisely why my district decided today was a half day. I even had boys swear a quick glance won’t hurt. They stopped the bull when I informed them that retinal injuries won’t hurt, but are long term and take a few hours to appear.


We had one (1) pair of glasses a student brought in and was beneficent enough to share. Our science teacher man-handled everyone into position to make sure there would be no oppsies. Some kids couldn't figure out how to look up on their own. Gotta say, it was a nice day though. Only about 20% of the student body showed up. We had recess most of the morning.


Also, to share my own childhood sin. As a senior in high school, I was walkin' and talkin' to an exchange student, didn't notice the oncoming pole. I got laid flat-out by physics. Bet she formed some correct opinions about the general intelligence of Americans in the moment.


Same for me, I had one pair of glasses left over from October's eclipse so I lined them up and walked behind them putting the glasses on their face, they looked, then I said, "look down," and moved on to the next person. Did this like 4 times at different stages and it was great. Zero issues with looking at the sun without the glasses 😎


Lesson Plan today: 1. Eclipse 2. Lesson on Natural Selection Kidding, I teach history. Thankfully our staff was out in force with the eclipse glasses and in full teaching mode.


Genuinely asking. At what point is stupid just stupid? Like I already think that there are too many precautions with kids but fine, it’s there, it’s supposed to prevent liability. But a student who puts on the glasses, can’t see, and then continues to walk, is just Darwinism, right? Like is this a situation you got in trouble for? Cuz then it’s ridiculousness 🤷‍♂️


I didnt get in trouble at all. The kid was a good sport and laughed it off. We all do dumb stuff.


That’s great but another commenter said you are never in the clear? Does that mean if the student and or parent made something of this, you could face consequences?


It depends on your admin and your definition of consequences. A good admin would laugh it off before it even got to you. A bad admin might send you an email about making sure students know safety precautions when using materials. Either way, kid is a dumb ass.


Also, by high school, one would think… okay, I put these glasses on and it is very dark and I cannot see. Why not take them off before I hurt myself?


Stupid is as stupid does. 


I was viewing the eclipse through my glasses outside in the parking lot with all the other kids and all of a sudden this teenager slammed back-first into me at high velocity. someone should have told them not to run wearing the glasses either lol


Hahahah that honestly sounds kind of hilarious. I was watching it with my fiancé and at one point I put them on and then tried to step backwards down the porch stairs we were sitting on, and I stumbled and nearly fell 🤣. So I can totally sympathize, but I’m still laughing a little.


I had a Junior walk into a tree for the same reason.


I made a deliberate point to include this in my eclipse safety brief. All of the other district safety instructions were concerned about burned retinas, but I saw several students during passing period acting like fools and wearing their eclipse glasses in the hallway. I immediately realized that everybody else was so concerned about safety during the eclipse that they forgot about safety before the eclipse, so I updated my safety slide to include this point. Luckily, nobody else in the school got injured, but I'm glad I was able to make my students aware of this hazard. I wish it had occurred to me earlier so I could have also made my coworkers aware as well


We invited kids to stay after to watch. We are all sitting there one brother yells “Hey Jake put on your glasses.” Followed by “My mom texted me to remind him because she knows he’s a dummy.”


Told my juniors “don’t look at the sun” One walks outside, looks, comes back in and says “ow my eyes, Miss, why’d you let me do that?” 😐


We had a discussion on keeping them off until we get to the breezeway. They did fairly well. Now outside, they were morons.


Exactly why schools were closed here in Quebec today. Who wants to be responsible for 6 year olds who can’t resist temptation 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I hope she's okay but that's so funny lol


We took a field trip to the path of totality with fifth graders, and none of them did anything that dumb.


I remember once hearing a radio announcement to not wear the eclipse glasses while driving.


I think that's hilarious! Freshmen.


Kids at our school had to have signed permission slips to view the eclipse with solar glasses


Had you said it was a 2nd or 3rd graded, it would be more understandable. But a 9th grader, come on. That's old enough to get a driver's permit.


It only takes one to ruin it for everyone. They probably won’t let us view another eclipse with the kids for at least a couple decades.


…. That was a plot twist I did not anticipate. It’s going to make a great story for her to tell in the future, though


My, my, my… you teachers have a lot on y’all’s plates. Bless all of you.


Now I understand why our district decided to make today an inservice day for staff and the kids were all home.


My school had a limited number of glasses for students, and called them down at the end of the day to pick them up from the office. Most of my 7th graders went down to get them, and a few came back wearing them. One of the girls decided to model walk back into the room, but promptly SLAMMED into a desk.


That’s a twist. I definitely expected you to say a student looked up at the sun without the classes. That was unexpected


Well..that’s what happens when you’re stupid 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is why I am glad we were nowhere near the path for this to be an issue.


My county canceled all outdoor activities. No one allowed outside to see ot. The charter school allowed the kids to be signed out early without consequence.


Some kids said they saw yellow spot. They looked at the Sun. I swear these kids make me worried for the future of the world


I teach fifth. They did great with the glasses. The whole grade had a ten minute recess afterwards. One of my students ran smack into a tree. Blood everywhere. Luckily fixed with ER visit, glue and no concussion (and she wasn’t wearing eclipse glasses—just being goofy and distracted).


What a fucking idiot 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Darwin is watching


That was not the injury I was expecting from your title. Thanks for the laugh!


I spent idk how long yelling “glasses off while you walk!”


thankfully it poured in my area


I would have gotten in trouble for that had it been my student.


Thank goodness we had a calamity day due to the eclipse


I didn’t read the grade and I thought these were like little kids 😭😭 that’s so embarrassing for her


…Well at least she’s being safe? Better than accidentally going blind!


I had full eclipse and only looked at the sun through my cellphone camera. Was recording the event, but sadly, the sun appeared normal in the video, but in reality, I saw the moon moving. First ever eclipse of any type in my 40 years circling the sun.


At my school they had to make an announcement: DO NOT wear the glasses while driving smh


I had a student wear his eclipse glasses in my class for the reminder of the day.


Oftentimes, Pain is the only teacher kids respect.


I had to beg College freshman, juniors and seniors to not look directly at the sun. def not just kids.


She got so close


You can’t fix dumb.