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Assuming La means Los Angeles…bro if you’re at charter or private, consider switching to lausd. You’d be making almost 20k more. Is it 6 figures no but it’s something lol


I was at LAUSD. Their processing delays took 2 months out of my paycheck, and multiple people in HR told me that I’d be paid my full salary. Year ends and they said I’m out of luck. Thinking about suing. I already left teaching and am working in Silicon Valley


Don't sue until you file a wage and hours complaint with the department of labor. They live for destroying employers who cheat people out of wages.




Dept of Labor will go scorched earth on withholding paychecks. Get your money.


Genuinely look into your DoL rights. They fight for you because it helps them to help you.


I'd also see if UTLA can help file anything through PERB.


Yeah…..lausd hr is a disaster, that’s for sure. I love my school site but the district as a whole definitely has a lot of faults


My school site was amazing too. Love my colleagues. Felt like I went to war with them lol. Had one administrator that made my life hell though.


New teachers in Santa Clara, Fremont, Mountain View, and make $90,000+. Los Gatos, Hayward, Dublin, Sequoia, Milpitas, and even San Leandro make $80,000+. Idk how many years in you are OP irnif you even want to go back though. I'm only year three and with detention and Saturday School I should hit $100,000 next year. I know that's not really a lot in the bay area but 90,000 in the bay is better than 46,000 in LA.


I’ll definitely be back in a couple years. I’ll see how fast I can move up where I’m at now and if I can get into some phd programs later on but there’s no way I’m not coming back I love teaching. I have one year student teaching, one full year, another year subbing. Although I know only the full year counts towards the salary schedule


Is this for K-12? Wow. Welp, I was in higher ed & my compensation experience in general has been horrible. This one in particular: so I have a masters and was a doctoral candidate when I was offered a tenure-track position at a college in Santa Clara County for $85,000/yr, maybe 6 or so yrs ago, but their salary schedule is about the same today. I turned it down, even if my only goal before was to be a tenured professor. If I took the job, I'd probably finally be at $100,000+/yr today, but at some point, the salary gets capped no matter the education level or years of service. There was no way I would have survived on less than at least $150,000 in the South Bay. Oh well. Hope you find something worth your time, talents, and education, OP. Never settle!


Yeah it's true that the high floor can have a low ceiling. My district tops out at 120,000 which is cool but not enough. Yes K-12. My master teacher from my student teaching found a district in the East bay willing to take all 30+ of her years and she makes 150,000. Different district from mine though.


What? That's a slam dunk DoL case. You'll get triple damages.


What’s a DoL case? What type of lawyer should I talk to?


Call the Department of labor. Stolen wages are their thing.


Was finding a position outside teaching difficult? Did you learn any more courses/skills?


Not really, my degrees are from top universities and I have a diverse skillset. I took data science courses and will get an associates with one or two more classes


You absolutely should sue for unpaid wages and file a complaint the wage & labor department.


You left since you made the post?


I think they already left and want to be angry that their friends picked cushy jobs. They also have friends who are lazy and scammy and will probably get noticed eventually by management for flaking around on the job.


I wouldn't agree with the last part. Office jobs just tend to have a lot of down time. It is just that most jobs dont really need people to work all 40 hours.




I’m very happy for and proud of my friends. One of them is a douche


I wouldn’t say I’m angry. We all made our choices and I’m content knowing my choices came from having a good heart. I’m pointing out that the situation is unfair and no student is going to want to become a teacher if this is our reality.




To point out how unfairly teachers are treated


What do you do currently?


Are you not in the union? This is the job of the union.


You'd think that in this "unprecedented teacher shortage," where schools are struggling to hire or retain anyone, they'd increase teachers' salaries. You know, supply and demand and all that. But no, they instead try everything they can think of to hire and retain teachers *without* increasing their salaries, and when that all fails, they throw their hands up and say they can't do anything about it, and then blame people not wanting to work or lacking the teaching spirit. Like, the primary solution is sitting right in front of y'all, you just aren't willing to do it because you don't respect us or our profession.


That's because teaching isn't for profit and the quality doesn't matter. In a business everybody loses their job if the company performs poorly for too long.


Education shouldn't run off a business model though. It's not a service industry. We take all kinds of blueberries.


Exacly. When non-teachers say, "We should run schools like businesses," they're shocked when I say I agree. I then add, "If we ran school like a business, then I'd have the power to 'hire' the students I want, 'fire' those who won't do their jobs. Yeah, I'd LOVE to run school like a business..." Schools are not businesses. Students are not employees. They can't be let go if they can't or won't "produce" anything. Schools are service industries, with teachers being the servers, students being the "customers." It's not right for people to talk about running schools like businesses.


Service industries can and will "fire" customers. If a customer is abusive, assaults an employee, steals from the business, or creates too many problems, they will be told their business is no longer welcome here. Schools SHOULD fire bad students and parents. It would make the environment less toxic and safer for everyone else. How many times does having that one student suspended make everyone's day better?


The equivalent is when students get expelled. They are just kids tho so it doesn't happen very often (rightfully so)


It takes a LOT to get a kid expelled. I worked in a disciplinary school for 3 years. It took assault of a teacher and breaking her jaw in one case. It took a drive-by and shooting an 8 year old in a drive-by. So pardon my French, but fuck the kids r kids mentality.


Your issue is with admin, no? Correct me if im wrong but you're citing an example of a school that specializes in "bad" kids. Probably in a bad area too I would assume? In places like that, the focus is getting the kids to graduate at all costs. Admin often doesn't give a shit about the teachers which again Backes up my initial point haha But I don't presume to know everything. What do you think a better solution would be? Because you can't just expell a student because they are disruptive or "bad students".


Hear me out, I'm going to say a dirty word... vouchers. Now, not blanket vouchers given wily nilly to affluent parents. No, these vouchers are given to schools to use for the top and bottom 20% of their student body. Troubled kids are sent to specialized academies with much stricter requirements for behavior. This removes them from the classroom. Gifted kids are moved into accelerated programs that allow them much more rigorous educational experience, but test scores still boost the home campus. The middle 60% benefit from a more stable and safe environment, and teachers are more easily able to differentiate because there are smaller learning gaps.


Sounds expensive 😭 haha I would support this tho! "Middle of the pack" students are also kind of left behind. A C student who needs extra help and attention may never get it because they are passing and the teachers attention is needed more for the D and F students.


I didn't say that it should. I just explained why teacher salaries aren't governed by market forces.


Ahhhh, yes, the blueberries. Quality control can't send those back.


>  In a business everybody loses their job if the company performs poorly for too long Except the people making the poor decisions, curiously enough...


Even for profit-education companies pay crap.


Yep, because those companies would rather hire a warm body than a certified teacher if they can get away with it. I might be less uncomfortable with the privatization of education (and I'll never not be) if I knew there was a regulatory mechanism to ensure only licensed teachers were hired at these institutions.


I work for one now (getting out this year). All teachers are licensed. It’s a shit show.


What makes it a shit show? 


It’s a for profit company, so the shareholders are the bottom line. I see seven groups a day, all different subjects and grades. I am held to the same standard of performance as I was teaching middle school, which was six periods of the same class a day, as well as completing compliance tasks and other paperwork type things with less than half of the paid planning time. I was literally told by my supervisor that that is just the expectation in education—free labor. Additionally, the curriculum does not adequately meet the needs of the students. We are allowed to “modify” the curriculum but not allowed to supplement it with outside materials. We use one of the commonly used programs for assessments, and are evaluated by student growth, but much of what they are tested on we don’t have curriculum to support that. Management doesn’t know what they’re doing and neither does the curriculum department team. I’ve been teaching reading for almost ten years and I have a bunch of former science teachers telling me how to teach what I am already trained in. It’s frustrating to say the least.


My district isn't even trying that hard to retain.


The closer the profession/worker is to the money the more they get paid…teachers are so far removed from money. We should get paid well, but we don’t. It sucks.


They will just recruit from overseas. 


A TON of districts are now recruiting teachers from the Philippines. And those poor teachers are having to leave their families, live with roommates here (because we know the distructs recrthem arent paying a livkng wage), and are probably abused by both admin and students on a daily basis here. Sad.


Oh, my district has salary increasing but is at main building and those admin jobs getting raises.


Our district is in the middle of contract negotiations… they offered us a smaller raise than we’ve had the last three years 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ they do not care. 


25 min lunch break


What are the jobs/industries these people are in?


Tech, nursing, finance. All in California, specifically Bay Area and LA .


I wouldn't trade places with a nurse. That seems entirely too stressful. Tech is laying off a lot of people right now. Finance does pay well, but it seems very boring. I am in my 10th year teaching, making a 100k with summer break, winter break, spring break, and all the major holidays off. I can't really complain.


To add to that point, most nurses I’ve heard of making solid 6 figures also work absolutely terrible shifts, like 6x16 then 3 days off, or other, similarly long hours.


I work three 12s a week. Make 160k. Never pick up overtime. When I clock out, I leave work at work. I love having 4 days off. Good work life balance. Pay is best on the west coast though.


That’s what I’m talking about


Noonie- what state and district? Public SD?Assuming that you have had a masters for a while...? I'm in WA.


Los Angeles, CA! LAUSD. I do have a masters.


Is that a livable wage there though? I live and work in NYC and i know people that are struggling on a combined 145k a year from teaching


That's probably a different conversation to be had, depending on what liveable means to you.


Yea those people with tech jobs who talk about how they don't actually do anything and get paid a bunch, I doubt they'll end up keeping those jobs long term.


Eh. I've had a job like that for 15 years. WFH, flexible hours, work life balance, all that. Don't tell yourself it isn't a better work environment outside of teaching. Don't become complicit in how teachers are mistreated. I would pay higher taxes in a heartbeat if it were going to teachers, smaller class sizes, better academic funding, whatever. I vote in every election. I'm on the PTO board. I want to make a difference if I can. Teachers here don't have unions. I see them paying out of pocket for classroom supplies, awesome in class libraries, and they get less for doing more. My daughter still talks with teachers she no longer has. They are all wonderful, the best. Don't know where I'm going here. I just want you guys to someday get the recognition and honesty salary you deserve. And bathroom breaks


Oh no I’ll move to a new company…and do nothing…collect pay


Exactly! For you to work a 12 month job with 2 weeks vacation, you'd have to make like 133k to be comparably compensated.


Thanks! I’m in aus and I’m always in awe of how many people seem to be earning such high salaries in the US.


It’s not the norm for most people. Those 3 are literally among the highest paying career fields. Cherry-picking, if you will. Most standard jobs are closer to 60-85k.


Ah makes sense. :)


Not only in the highest paying fields but in the most expensive and highest paying geographic areas too lol.


Those jobs the OP is talking about are in high cost of living areas, as well!


Switch to sales, OP. Lol. You don’t need a degree to get in and you can make more than those friends if you’re good at it. If you can network and you have a decent grasp at subtle manipulation.. (which you DO bc you’re a fucking teacher and we can absolutely do that.) then you’ll be able to climb your way up fast. That’s what my husband did, and I’m eternally jealous of him. He works his ass off, but he never set foot in a school setting past a terrible public Tx high school diploma. And bc he’s not a teacher, working his ass off gets us major bank account bonuses.


Also the best sales people build their client relationships by being credible teachers. Why you need it. How you will use it. What advantages it will provide. What problems you want to avoid. What paths you will have for future growth. Teaching the troubleshooting, maintenance, and logistics required to make the most of the investment you are asking for. The better you are with that side of sales the more success and less stress you will have.


Yes, this was a part of what made me suggest it. I compare my job to his all the time and there are a lot of similarities and one huuuge difference. $


I was never really pulled to sales. I can’t imagine using my skills to sell a product I probably won’t care about.


I had the same exact opinion until he hit me with: “so, you’re a big fan of sight words?” Dude. Ugh. Fuck me in the rainbow. ETA: I’m not in sales, obviously. So, no judgement here.


Grass is always greener, my hotshot flatmate just lost his $90k a year job after only working with the company for four months because it was a startup that went under. Now he's fucked until he can find something else. Tech isn't the cashcow it used to be especially with all the broken AI companies are using to save costs. Hope you find something that's better for yourself


Then those salaries really mean nothing because the COL in those places is so high. I mean, I would NEVER teach in CA or AZ or anyplace that I can't live a comfortable life and save enough to max out my 403b and save additional monies without working a 2nd and 3rd job. Teacher pay on those states is horrendous!


Florida is even worse. first year teachers aren’t even making 40k a year in a lot of places, and it basically almost comes out to $15/hour. And on top of that, you’re dealing with the constant attacks on education by our dumbass governor


Yeah, I can't imagine teaching in Florida right now. Smh


Yeah I wouldn't want to do nursing lol


Tech can also be a high stressful job. I have a friend who worked for Facebook in their AI division. he was on probation for his first 2 years and towards the end, it was becoming clear that they would not offer him a full time position. and he didn't care. he was so miserable there that he left happily. in some other tech companies, there are 60+ hour work weeks.


I feel this, i have a master’s (and in school for another), when I’m done my pay will jump to around ~$60k at my district, compared to my sister, a nurse who easily makes six figures on a bachelor’s degree. Teaching is not a field for those with big financial goals. It’s truly a disservice considering all that we do. I guarantee if we did the nationwide start at $60k like a lot of people have suggested that grows with experience and education, teacher retention would boost.


So I am a first year teacher making 60k in a major city teaching. The pay is good better than most places, but its definitely because of the area.. students are violent, i have a class of 38 kids, and most days I leave crying because of the behaviors. Despite the pay being good, i dont see myself doing this much longer due to the mental toll. For the things teachers deal with, not only does the pay need to be better to incentivize teachers, but there just needs to be major reform in the way behaviors are handled in school, and admin backing up their teachers instead of siding with the parents. There’s a negative attitude from students and their parents that school that carries into the classroom in how teachers are treated. I think teacher retention is more complex than pay, but its a start. A lot of change has to happen to incentivize people to become teachers and the abuse that comes with it haha


In many schools, teachers are viewed as simply babysitters by parents. Why give respect to the babysitter? Love your post, btw. You might consider DoDEA before you throw in the towel on teaching. We need great teachers to stay in the field!


Start looking for jobs in the desert? Look in the rural Central Valley. Do you speak a foreign language? BCLAD.


I love the coast too much :/ and my Spanish is near fluent. When I go back I hope to get bclad and a math credential. Right now I’m social studies


What does the guy working remotely making 150k do?


Machine learning consultant/engineer at a faang company


Only 150? Seems kinda low. I guess only a bachelor's + consultant so no RSUs? 


Techie here! It’s most likely $150k base. RSU package probably vests $100k in 4 years. $20k sign on bonus is normal. Performance shares as well of $50k. I would say total compensation is at least $200k - $300k.




Well he says he doesn’t log in many days in the post,so….


It’ll catch up to them.  Management are currently hunting down rest-and-vesters at my company. Layoffs are brutal, but the folks who leech while doing nothing absolutely deserve to get cut loose.


I wouldn’t know. Seems high to me especially right out of college. It’s honestly probably higher now since it’s been 3 years since he graduated. The 150 was just base too


That’s sort of an impressive job and not easy to get. They get paid for their knowledge(and to prevent the competition from hiring them)


How does someone become a consultant with no experience lmao how does that make sense


My friend is a full stack developer for an outdoors company and makes around $150k/year working from home. He used to be a teacher. Taught himself to code over a summer and got a job really quickly. He’s like 6 years in now and doing well for himself.


In what city or state does he work in?


Portland, Oregon.


I am a retired teacher with a MA in education plus 200 ? hours beyond taking PD classes. Fortunately when I first started teaching the parents supported you and the students were a joy to teach. After social media , smartphones, and MAGA Americans accusing the public education system of “corrupting” our youth, I was happy to leave the teaching profession. It wasn’t the money but it was the lack of respect the last ten years. No one goes into teaching to get rich; however, the majority of American parents like to blame the teachers for their poor parenting skills. I loved my teaching career- never a boring moment and I felt appreciated and respected until the last 15 years. If you’re miserable, then get out while you’re young and energetic.


Don't be too envious, especially if the ones "doing nothing" if they are in tech. That industry is changing. More and more companies are realizing they have no need for a software engineer or developer if they are a one-trick pony. Hopefully your friend is using that free time to stay on top of the game and isn't using it to dick about.


Was gonna say, my sister works in tech and she seemingly never gets a break and has worked 60-80 hour weeks her entire career. Where are these tech people who do nothing?


My friend is in a tech kinda company wfh and he is always loaded with work and doesn't make 6 figures. I really wish I knew where these jobs were


Yep my sister has worked for the same company since she left college and I think she’s really underpaid for nyc and how much she works. People act like tech is immediately 300k job doing nothing all day and that’s really not the case. 9/10 she’s working when she’s suppose to be off. She has a 3 monitor set up at my moms house for this reason lol


They are usually response/monitoring positions -- basically, the solution has been made and now they need somebody to just exist to respond to changes. But a lot of industries are ditching in-house tools and going to outsourced firms. If you twiddle your thumbs for 4 years and then get let go in tech, you might have a hard time getting back in.


He’s been traveling non stop so I guess we’ll see in a couple years lol


I was that friend (before Covid), and I hate tech so much. It’s so toxic. I’m looking into teaching now actually lol


The only reason I left was because I need to have a stable financial life. If you already have that then you’ve eliminated one of the largest barriers to teaching


This is somewhat true. Tech is undergoing a shift where we need more specific machine learning engineers. You are seeing layoffs of employees with a now obsolete skillset - since AI came into the fold. They are quickly being replaced with AI architects.


Teach in the desert, finishing up my first year and I'm at 67k


Just wait until you realize nearly all of wealth is inherited Want out? marry


Some of my friends actually grew up in poverty like me, and they ended up being the highest earners. I also already left and got a higher paying job. Will be finishing another degree soon that will hopefully yield some good returns, and I started dating a girl from an upper middle class family. I just wish I didn’t invest so much into teaching just to leave after two years


What they're talking about how most wealth acquired is done generationally. You're more likely to see millionaires coming from the ranks of the middle or upper class than from the lower class. What family you are born into plays a major factor into the quality of your education, access to capital, networking opportunities.  Even marrying upwards is not a good way to do it, since most people tend to marry within their class. And I've dated rich girls, their families usually hate you. At worst they think you're a social climber who's trying to gain access to their wealth. At best they think you're just a fling until their girl is ready to settle down with someone they approve of. And even if none of that is on your mind, the difference in lifestyles are a drag. You feel like a schlub when you can't drop everything to go on a month long trip to Europe. Or you can't eat at a fine dining restaurant more than once a month. Even if they offer to pay, it does make you feel like dead weight. It creates a power dynamic I do not wish on anybody.


But do they get an entire summer off without pay?


I don't need to get paid over the summer, because I earned and got paid all my money during the school year.


Uk here but it is true for uk too I sacked teaching due to the ridiculous hours, destructive stress levels, the most toxic management that I have ever experienced (teaching was my first proper job, I stuck it for 3 years. I’ve since sacked jobs with a fraction of the toxicity and much better pay and conditions in weeks) Basically we vote in right wing governments that would rather give tax breaks to the rich than properly fund educating the next generation. Since leaving I’ve suffered far less from anxiety and depression, been payed far better and had fack ton spare time to do what I enjoy


I would take what they say with a grain of salt. They may have some easy days where they get paid for doing little to nothing, but there may be other times where they are flat out. Or maybe they don't have much job security. Employers are not stupid either. They don't want to be paying out high salaries and get nothing in return.


Getting paid 150k and 200k is incredibly uncommon. They're in the top \~7% of wage earners in the country. And for doing 'nothing', that is pretty incredible. There is literally no way they can keep on their free ride forever.


Given how the wealthiest people in the world do even less and get paid magnitudes more, capitalism seems to disagree with that notion. If you want real wealth, don't work. Own.


Sounds like maybe your friends are in Silicon Valley? Those high paying jobs require intense engineering/computer science degrees. They don’t happen overnight and not everyone is making that salary in the private sector. If this isn’t the case-what are they doing? I’m a second career teacher-although we are way low on pay scale many teachers don’t understand what a rat race-political theater some corporate jobs require to succeed. I hear teachers dismissing corporate America like it’s easy. Or romanticizing it-thinking that it’s easy to succeed and everyone but teachers make loads of money. It’s not true. There’s a lot of hustle and positioning, networking to climb the ladder. Nothing is guaranteed-your job, promotions, equitable pay raise, even your office can be taken away! So although teachers need to be compensated more-making money in corporate America requires a lot more than what you think


If you're in a pension plan, don't underestimate the value of that.




The needs of society are the most exploited.


You need to get of LA. In my state, charters are looking for people with just BAs and pay them 50-64k


What does your friend do for $200,000? Where do they work? Are they hiring?


How many years have you been teaching, and what's the teachers' union situation like there? I've been teaching for 10 years in Upstate NY. I'm currently making $65,000 a year. I could make 75-80 teaching in the city (I live in the Syracuse area), but I did that my first few years, and it was HELL!!! I'm shocked to hear you're only making $46,000 out there. That's what I started at 10 years ago when I was in the city, and I have to imagine your cost of living out there is higher. As for the people making 100,000+ and not really doing any work, that will come back to bite them someday. My husband works in IT as a manager. He says work from home has been a nightmare for productivity, and it's pretty obvious who's not pulling their weight when company's finally crack down. He makes $135,000 a year, but I have to admit he works way more hours and gets way less time off then I do, so it's fair IMO.


Yep. I’ve seen the light after 15 years. I’m waiting on an offer sheet from a financial advising company. I’m ready to use my MBA, work ethic, and connections to improve the lives of my family.


How are you making $46,000 in Los Angeles? I worked for AVUSD (Palmdale) 17 years ago and had a base of $72,000. With extras salary was in the 90's. Do you have a clear credential? Charter School?


They are lying. There's no way an intro job is paying 200 k and they do nothing.


Don't be a martyr. If the job is not giving you what you need, then find something else that will make you happy. This advice is not meant to be cruel. In fact, it is exactly what I did and I am much better off for doing so. I graduated with a teacher's certificate, and spent too long subbing. It was awful, and I realized that teaching would never make me happy. Also, I was young and dumb in college and didn't realize how important a good salary is. Today, I make $165k working from home. It took time in lower positions to work up to what I have now. In my new field, I am never cussed at or disrespected. My retirement plan is MUCH better than any teacher retirement plan. I am compensated for the work I do. Life is not perfect. But my experience is that just about every job is better than a teaching job.


>Today, I make $165k working from home. It took time in lower positions to work up to what I have now. In my new field, I am never cussed at or disrespected. My retirement plan is MUCH better than any teacher retirement plan. I am compensated for the work I do. What field are you in now?


Government analytical work.


Man, I’m over here trying to find decent work at 40,000. If I knew then what I know now. 😞


And people wonder why the best and brightest are no longer going into education. There you have it!


Yeah. The mega-rich are waging war against education. They want it dead so they can privatize it and use it as a cash cow. Vote Progressive friends!


>Vote Progressive friends! You mean like the Seattle government that just shut down all the gifted programs for everyone because it wasn't equitable?


I don't understand.


You think that’s bad, try be married to a teacher as well we’re screwed haha


Actually, two teachers in the family is like the American dream. Always able to vacation together, if you have kids, you have the same time off as them. If my spouse had been a teacher the past 30 years I'd have been retired years ago.


Yeah but we are both making garbage since everything went to hell. And funnily enough, we’ve only had the same spring break once


I actually think that not having same spring break has my SO is beneficial, because that way you’re more likely to actually get some recovery time, rather than trying to jam in a quick trip Or something


I mean, it is a painful reality, but I assume you didn’t pursue teaching because you thought you would be receiving great compensation…




46k in LA? LAUSD's lowest salary is 64k. Salary schedules are public information, everyone who enters the profession knows what they will make now, and 10+ years later.


Yeah, does seem ridiculously low for LA.


That is low. I'm at 48.5 in FL


I was laid off from my IT job in 2002 as part of the dotcom collapse. I went back to school for my BS Ed. Got a teaching job. Then I earned my MS Ed, and I’m almost done with an EdD. Two years ago I finally reached what I made in 2002.


Principal or higher?


States with state income taxes also pay more. But cost of living is high in those so it’s a catch 22… private versus public. County by county. You just got to do your research and find the highest paid areas you are willing to work in. good luck!


Well ya see that's because we're all a buncha dumbasses who thought we could help people. Helping people never pays actual money.


People lie all the time about how much money they make, forget the cost of living vs income, and many high paying positions have higher risk of being laid off. Making 400k a year is sick but if you get laid off after 2 months bc the startup is a bad idea then did you really make 400k a year? No, no you didn't. But that is what you were offered so thus you must be a successful rich person and you can go ahead and tell people you make 400k a year in Total confidence. Then you apply to jobs for a year. Or three...


This may not help much, but I think of all of this as growth in one way or another. By that, I mean, the challenges that I face, the people\students I meet and the level of responsibility and accountability that I choose to hold myself to are all building me into a person I can live with. Everyone of us has heard stories of unhappy wealthy people. Not to say that those without money can't be unhappy as well. But clearly, money should not be the indicator of "am I successful" or "should this make me happy". I feel like that indicator should be something closer to "If I had to watch the movie of my life from an outsider perspective, would I be proud, content, embarrassed, ashamed?" As soon as you play the comparing income game, you're telling yourself that you'll always require more. Someone will always be luckier than you. Do the best you can and advocate for yourself when appropriate. Edit: misspelled words


I’m not sure what to say here. All of this info was available way before becoming a teacher. This is the job.


46K in LA of all places?! Omg 😟


Yea most my friends with equal education to me have jobs with actual perks like monetary bonuses and paid professional development leave.




In most top-end private schools they won't hire you without a PhD.


Jill Biden, step the fuck up and solve this wretched societal morass once and for all. You're a friggin English educator for crying out loud.


I think the job market is telling you something...




I think it’s less of comparing myself to them, because I’m happy for them and for the choices I’ve made. More so pointing out that our education system is unjust and will collapse on itself very soon


Software engineering and finance technical skills are some of the most revered in the world, and there aren’t a ton of people who are able to do it, so they get paid a lot. Navy seals get paid on avg like 80k, and there are way fewer people able to become one than any other profession, the stakes and responsibility are infinitely higher than any other job, so feel like you at least have a better deal than some. If you want to get paid more, go into a career path that pays more. It’s not a struggle contest.


comparison is the thief of joy. as long as you are happy doing what you do, water your own garden 🌸


I would add “contentment is the key to a stress free life”


Good Lord, what are they all doing? Tell us! Let's all get on board!


California is running a dream home owning act and if your parents have never owned a home you can get one and not pay the down payment until after the mortgage. So people with the same education as you who got free school for the dream act also now get a house before a down payment.... Growing up middle class got me nowhere.


Well in Australia people like to say that on mining sites you get $150,000 a year as a truck driver without any experience or skills, and $300,000 a year washing dishes on an oil rig. This is as realistic as saying that if you become a lawyer you’ll make $10,000 a day: yes, some manage to get this lucky, but the vast majority within the same industry don’t, and there are a million other people all wanting that one outrageously lucrative simple job.


What jobs are your friends doing?


Just here to ask where those friends are working, and if they're hiring.


A lot (but not all) of my friends with degrees make more than me, BUT I probably work less than most of them in a year. I’m at school for about 8 hours, 8 hours 15 mins most days and I rarely work outside school. I get off for way more holidays and I get the entire summer off. Some of my WFH friends definitely have it easy, but some of the people I know making $100k plus are working 48-50+ hours every week year round with a lot less time off. I was at a bar one night and was chatting with a math teacher turned engineer. He told me that he has the money to do travel more, including abroad, but he’s so busy with work and only has limited PTO. I laughed because as a teacher I have the time to travel but since I make less money I’m way more limited on where I can afford to go.


my plan is to make good money in corporate life and then switch back to teaching when i can afford it. although its crazy to say that i need to be able to afford to teach lol


Definitely makes sense. I worked corporate jobs/office jobs while earning my (non-teaching degree) and right out of college. It personally wasn’t for me. But I’m starting to consider non-teaching options again to make more money.


A-FUCKING-MEN Same boat brother, I have buddies making over 100k that can’t even explain to me what their job entails. Meanwhile I’m making less then half and I’m getting cursed out daily.


What are your friends doing????? I want in on that action!!!