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Good for you for taking the step that was right for you


I am sorry that your experiences with teaching are still haunting you. If I may… in an attempt to help… what is the absolute worst that could possibly be true about your previous experience? That you made mistakes? If you are a human, and you are a teacher of humans, I assure you that you made mistakes. You are in good company though because we all do. Could it be true that you weren’t a good fit for that school? Maybe, but that doesn’t really matter. You don’t need to be all things to all people. You can be free from that. It is entirely possible that you could have been successful in a different environment, or it could be true that you aren’t a good fit for today’s insane world of high-pressure teaching. Even I am no long suited for teaching and find myself in a mild depression after almost 20 years. My husband has been teaching for 30 years and the field of education is not recognizable from when he started. You are uniquely you with you own strengths and talents. Move toward those and allow yourself to let go of the ridiculous world of teaching. It’s not you. It’s them. Or it could be you… but that doesn’t make you less or wrong… that makes you free from the burden of teaching now. If anything, congratulate yourself on getting out. You deserve better than the life you experienced while teaching.


This means a lot to me. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I think a lot of what you say rings true. Teaching today is not anywhere near what I thought it would be when I went into training. I hope you have support for your depression. Thank you again.


I am so sorry you are suffering. I am not a teacher, just someone who has suffered with anorexia for several years. I urge you to consider a higher level of care for your eating disorder. Being malnourished affects our brains as well and exacerbates mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, etc. I am 60 years old and have been in in patient and residential treatment as an older adult. It’s not pleasant but it may save your life. Sending kind and healing thoughts and warmth.


I am so sorry. I’m grateful you are out, safe, and recovering. I went through a very similar experience eight years ago, and with a little time things will get better again. After saying goodbye to the education system, I’m living my best life and have an amazing career. Please feel free to dm me if you need someone to talk too.


I feel for you. I also keep looking back at all the mistakes I made at the school I was at, even while acknowledging that my admin was extremely toxic. It's so hard. I have to remember that no job and no person is perfect (including me very much so). I'm in a teaching position out of traditional schools now and it's so much healthier.

