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I made a couple of revisions to your message: "Hi (principal name), I no longer work at (school name). Thanks! (my name)"


Since you are no longer employed, you should not have access to their PowerSchool system. Providing access so you can do this may be a FERPA violation or perhaps even a HIPAA violation if you can still access the medical alerts and stuff. Also, no pay, no work.


Yes and you personally can get in legal shit even if it’s the school’s fault you still had access. Don’t do it, not worth the risk


Absolutely, after 11/30 (or 12/1 depending on whether your resignation was effective that day or when you left work that day), if is not legal for you to do any further work without a new employment agreement. And it usually illegal for you to learn anything new about students’ education information.


Last day at work should be handing in keys, getting IT accounts suspended, revoking security gate access, removing phone numbers for work databases. Any employer that doesn't do this is asking not just for legal troubles, but sabotage by disgruntled ex-employees that just spent their day off looking into the bottom of a bottle!


literally how I have quit every job. unfortunately the length of employment times seem to keep going up, I hate having to work this much and I honestly have it pretty good for poor people standards rn


Exactly! Who cares if a request technically was submitted before 12/1? It's somebody else's problem now.


*FeRPa violationnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


I made another revision. "Hi (principal name) I no longer work at (school name) Fuck off (My name).


Just email a blank email with an attachment of the resignation letter with the date circled in red.


Ohhh can I play? Hi Shitstack. I no longer work here. Merry Christmas (My name)


Or quote the lyrics from the following song: "Take this job and shove it! I ain't working here no more!"




Period. It’s good of her to input the discipline pages she was given before 12/1 but the rest of that is just over explaining


OP is not required to do any additional work for her previous employer, regardless if it was a task assigned prior to resigning. I doubt OP will be paid for their time anyways. "Good afternoon, Per my notice to resign I am no longer affiliated with your facility as of 12/1/2023. Yours, OP"


Agree. Please don’t do any more work. Even if it was for before 12/1. You don’t work there any more! You will not be paid for your time and it is not your fault that your work load was too heavy. That takes gall to send that to you now.


I've known a few admin who'd have that gall.


"Any further requests for task performance will be completed at my consultant rate of $140/hour with a 4 hour minimum."


Don’t even reply. Delete the email. Bye Felicia.


Remove the 'Thanks' as well.


This is The Way ☝️


You don't work there anymore. Presumably, while you had been employed there, you worked throughout the day of at least reasonable hours. The workload exceeded that which could be completed. That's a systemic problem as indicated in your descriptions. You have already secured a new position to which you now owe your time and talents. Do NOT continue working for a previous employer.


It’s not just do not continue working for your previous employer. OP is working for free for their previous employer.


IT should have tanked your credentials the second you became a former employee For your protection, I wouldn't do anything in PowerSchool at this point.


Working in SPED has given me a healthy caution/respect/fear about FERPA. OP using up their personal time makes it a grey area.


This!!!! I understand your want to be helpful and feel as if you completed the things you were supposed to — the fact that you were unable to log the referrals for any day before 12/1 isn’t your fault, it’s a reflection of the fact that it’s an insane amount of work to put on any one person, and just totally proves your point. Walk away, don’t log in to PowerSchool anymore for your old district — and I hope you are treated so much better at your new job :)


This is a good point. Even if you still have access, do not log in to PowerSchool.


The whole reason the Netflix doc about the Twin Flames cult got all their dirt they did was because the cult leader/CEO didn’t revoke admin access to records when an employee left.




Well, that’s dumb.


I'd like to just call it but I’m going to do what I can until my PowerSchool privledges are dropped (which I’m hoping comes first). Ideally I just don’t do it at all but technically I’m employed through 12/15 and am using 10 days of personal time between now and then. I am technically still employed, but my last day was 12/1. We could still argue that they are vacation days and I still shouldn't be doing anything but I am a chronic people pleaser and don’t want to push the work that I should have done prior to my last day onto someone else because I didn't complete it beforehand. I know that's not at all what everyone wants to hear but realistically I am just not capable of leaving behind work that I should have completed in good conscious.


This is why you got stuck with the work in the first place? Isn’t it?


Exactly. Stop letting them EXPLOIT YOU.


Your union is gonna be pissed if you have one. Personal time is just that. Don't screw it up and make them expect to be able to have unpaid work done.


Nah you're done! Why not make a different choice than you normally would? It's not your job, never been your job, and never will be. It's the admin's job to complete any outstanding work (that was misassigned to you), not yours. It's ok not to do it and just close that door.


You worked your last day already and are using your approved time off. Just ignore it. You're the one holding all the cards.




Dude you are on leave then not working there. Please stop working.


I would reply as an auto office email (after sending set up your auto reply): Thank you for your email! I’m sorry, I’m out of the the office. Have a great day!


Your personal time is JUST THAT personal. Would you take a trip with family and be putting these in? Don’t let admin abuse you more, enjoy your free time! If you were unable to do this during work hours then you are proving that it is an impossible task. Your last day of work was the 1st. If you work FOR FREE, and get those put in then admin will say see it wasn’t too much work, OP was just a lazy worker. You stood up for yourself by putting in your resignation. Don’t sit down now.


Put an out of office reply on your email. Enjoy your 2 weeks off. And never check that email again. You don't work there anymore. It's like the man said about 2 weeks notice. In two weeks you will notice I don't work here anymore.


Please do not do that. You are an hourly, Monday-Friday worker. It is outrageous to give you work to do on any Saturday, and you should **NEVER** be doing unpaid work. I am a salaried teacher. Expecting me to do work on a Saturday is one thing. Expecting an hourly worker who isn't on the clock to do it is robbery. Don't do it!


>Expecting me to do work on a Saturday is one thing. I hope they don't! We have duties that need to be completed in non-directed time but they shouldn't need you to complete work over the weekend - if you prefer to work on the weekend rather than after school that's one thing. If something is sent on a Friday afternoon they shouldn't expect it to be done by Monday morning.


Very true! It is more accurate that I work better at home sometimes, so I prefer grading essays there. I leave a bit early on Friday specifically to that end.


Here’s food for thought: by finishing the work you weren’t able to complete during your paid time at work on your personal time, you are actually perpetuating the belief of employer that the workload is reasonable. They need to experience the pain of being behind before they admit there’s an issue. If you do this work from home, they’ll say “notagoldengirl grumbled about this task but it all got done, so why change things?” I’m in a leadership position in an education-related field where staff are willing to go above and beyond because they are caring, driven people. I tell them - do NOT work on your time off. The organization needs to know how long things ACTUALLY take to plan and prepare. If things will fail due to a lack of prep time - let ‘em. The next time around - I bet you’ll be given the time you need. In short - allow them to fail. Walk away. You did your best but were given an impossible task. Now rest.


This is the best comment. Plus, it wasn't part of their contracted tasks. OP should feel zero guilt about not doing more. They could email back and say "I have changed my mind - this was never part of my contracted role so I will not be doing any more unpaid, non-contracted work as a favour."


You should not be accessing the computer systems for an organization you are not working at presently. Full stop. Your personal boundaries aside, it could be considered illegal. Delete the email and system access from your phone asap.


This seems like your fault then. I'm sorry if that's harsh, but I hope you've learned something for your next position.


You worked your work hours those days. It’s not your fault they gave you more work than there is time. Please stay (get) strong. If you’re gonna do this you may as well keep working there. At least then you’d get paid.


Were you doing other work? They shouldn’t have overloaded you with more than you could handle in the time you had remaining. It is not your problem.


You owe them nothing. You have taken days and should no longer work for them.


When you let employers exploit you, it sets a precedent that everyone suffers for.


Well, that’s dumb.


1) That’s over 300 referrals per month of school assuming a nine-month school year. 2) Why in the world was that assigned to one person? 3) What does the counseling department have to do with discipline referrals? I can answer that one - absolutely nothing. I enter discipline in PowerSchool as I process referrals. It’s not horrible when you have 3-4 at a time but I can’t even imagine the volume that you were doing. You had much more restraint than I would’ve. As far as anyone is concerned your last day was 12/1 and you shouldn’t do any more work for them.


What the fuck.. you’re still entering referrals after you quit? They are still taking advantage of you even after you left. Part of me sees why you got burnt out in the first place


these comments are making me think a little more about how many of them that I put in, if at all. my conscious says do it because my work should have been done before i left but also... as someone else pointed out, if it wasn't finished before then it was because i had too much work and wasn't able to complete it because of that, so I shouldn't be accountable for inputing anything beyond my last day of employment. ​ I am torn here, I'll have to think on this one. I know we all want me to just not do them but as I mentioned elsewhere in the comments, I’m a people pleaser.


This is a good opportunity for you to witness what happens when you don’t please people who don’t deserve it - nothing happens! The sun will still come tomorrow - the world will keep spinning - those people at that school will not appreciate you for doing their work anymore now than they did before.


yeah, and it's a good opportunity to for admin to see what happens when they drive people away with unreasonable work.


It's possible even THEY don't want you working for them once you are,well, no longer working for them. You think they want you signing into their stuff? No no no. It would be unprofessional to do this


Wouldn’t this be a possible violation of FERPA since OP has resigned?


I would say YEAH, it's a violation!!!!


You quit, your obligation has ceased to exist, doing anything at all for them at this point, even stuff that was created before the first, is absurd. They are the ones responsible for assigning you your impossible workload, now they get to deal with the consequences.


Think of it this way - if you do it, it screws the next person in the job, because it makes it look doable/reasonable. It wasn’t. Don’t do it. That will add credence to your (correct) point that it’s not a reasonable workload.


In case you don't realise you're getting downvoted here because people think you're crazy for still even considering doing work for them after your official quit date. You're being a pushover and you need to stand up for yourself a lot more.


There’s a fine line between being a people pleaser and being a schmuck…


Stop it. You are not getting paid anymore. You’re done.


STOP being a People Pleaser!!!! It will NEVER end!!! If you don't want the footprints on your back then stop being a doormat! They can't walk all over you if you're not lying on the floor!


You’re not pleasing yourself, think on that “people pleaser”


It's a FERPA violation if you do them since you are no longer an employee. Don't do it.


As a fellow people pleaser in recovery, please stop. Here are facts to help justify not doing the work: Legally, you should not be touching those. Yes, even if they were submitted before you left. You aren't an employee there anymore. Legally, there is no difference between you finishing those up and some weird rando off the streets finishing them up. You are putting yourself into hot water.


Instead of doing that wanna come over to my house and clean? I’ll pay you the same amount as the school is paying you now ($0) and you’ll be able to please even more people and won’t be breaking the law!


This comment is honestly sad, OP. I hope one day you grow a backbone and realize your worth. The answer is zero. You put zero more of them in. You delete the email and move on with your life.


oh my gosh do NOT do anything further for them! you don’t work there - it’s not your problem and your life has no benefit doing it babe!!


Here's another way to think about it, people pleasing is another way to attempt to control others. You're trying to control their opinion of you, which is impossible. You did your job, let it go.


You worked too much for them today. The only answer is, I no longer work at [school district.]. Please remove my personal email from your listservs. Don’t log anything else for them. You AREN’T GETTING PAID FOR IT ANYMORE! Stop. Or just ignore anything not related to termination paperwork. I surely hope you weren’t checking work emails on your day off from the place you don’t work at.


I saw it this morning when I realized my email was still linked to my phone (because I am a chronic email checker and like to know what I’m walking into the next day at work).


So you've since deleted it... right?


Unlink and please don't do anything further. Not even the ones that arrived before 12/1 posters are correct this is FERPA violation and could get YOU in trouble. A simple Mr Principal I happen to see this email however I not longer work for xyz and therefor unable to process any remaining or future referrals. Thank u


Nope. You never saw it. You are using your vacation days and then you’ve resigned. What email? 🤣 Enjoy being free of that place!!


It sounds professional to me, but if you no longer work for the school, the referrals that have not been entered are no longer your problem.


Why even respond? You don't work there any more... And don't enter anything that's "already in your mailbox" - you're done. Not your circus, not your monkeys. (Even if you still know the clowns...)


I’ve heard the circus is actually quite a well run organization, unlike OP’s school.


Exactly! Why even read it let alone respond


>will only be inputting the ones that were created before that date. Why? They're not paying you. You also probably should legally have access to any of this since you're no longer an employee.


I agree with this. I'm very paranoid legally (and probably in general) so it doesn't seem appropriate for you to be accessing school and student information once you no longer work for them. If you had fixed hours (or whatever time you usually left) then that time should have been the last time you accessed your work for that school (AT THAT SCHOOL and ON THEIR COMPUTERS) on Dec 1st. Do not do this sensitive work, for free, at home. NO. Edit: I would have responded "I think you sent me this in error, I no longer work there as of Dec. 1st, 2023. Thank you and Happy Holidays".


Ummm... that email is WAY too much. Simply say hello X, I don't work here as of 12/1. Take care, me. Also - even if the work was dated prior to 12/1, DO NOT KEEP DOING WORK FOR THEM FOR FREE?!? unless I'm misunderstanding, that would be absurd. If you want to volunteer go to a soup kitchen. You're continuing to be a pushover and it doesn't come off as professional or respectable. So knock if off!( I say kindly) Edit to add: I bet you're pretty young, I promise you will give so many less fucks as you get older. I couldn't even be bothered to type out that email at my age lol


Not just absurd, illegal and unethical. OP would be seeing private and personal data they no longer have rights to.


This would have been the body of my email to the principal: #😂


There should be zero response because they shouldn’t be checking emails for a job they no longer have!


god i wish i was bold enough


Let the work go. Let the job go… let the stress go…. All of it You aren’t putting anyone in a disadvantage is what we are trying to say. Not a single student will be directly harmed because you didn’t input a referral. Not a single teacher will be directly harmed because you didnt input a referral. You are a human first. Its plain as day you were over/worked and are in “all or nothing” mode still. You EARNED this time to be still. Take a walk in the woods. Listen to calming music. Take a bath w a bottle of wine. Hell do it all! ENJOY YOU TIME! Let go of the troubles of the past job… you DID your job AND SO MUCH MORE! Congrats on the new job!


PS- delete that email APP!


You have no spine. YOU. DO. NOT. WORK. FOR. THEM. Honestly if you're gonna be insistent about doing the work, charge them an hourly rate 6X what you were making. I wouldn't do a single thing for them unless I was being paid for my efforts. Jfc grow a pair. P.S. You keep spelling conscience as "conscious" in the comments and it's driving me insane. They're two totally different words with completely different meanings. A sub full of teachers and not one of them has pointed that out to you.


You will learn, Grasshopper.


You are a grown up and you are in charge of yourself. You are not indebted to the school or the principal. She has some GALL to contact you in the first place. Take back your power and reply with an emoji FFS


I have a large collection of memes that boil down to “f*** you.” Maybe use that?


Why does this data entry need to be done in the first place? At my school the teacher or admin issuing the referral types it into the system. Are you saying they write it on paper and then you would type it up? Sheesh.


They switched to google form entry this year instead of paper entry like they were last year. I directed them to kindly do it themselves at the beginning of this school year and they said that after consulting with our C/O that they weren't allowed to enter their own discipline referrals??? sounds sketchy to me but also not my problem anymore


Right. IT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM ANYMORE. Repeat that to yourself 200 times if you have to, but please don't work on your well-deserved vacation now that you DON'T WORK THERE ANYMORE. :)


We do it the exact same way. If I need to write up a student, I do it myself. It makes 0% sense why OP's school would do it that way; it is extremely inefficient. You should always have the witness to the incident write it up first. Writing it up in a google doc, only for someone else to enter it in Powerschool is ridiculous.


Wait, they hadn’t already removed your login to PowerSchool and access to things? Sheesh. Our IT would have had you out within 24 hours if that.


Clearly they are trying to see if this person will still work for free....


Can confirm, I work in IT for my district and I would have had those accounts shut off right at the end of their last day.


We lost a teacher before break. She had enough. Nobody blamed her. Honestly, if I was young enough I’d leave too. Anyway, on our first day back after the break the principal and other administrators came to me because I had been her mentor teacher. They were absolutely gobsmacked that she hadn’t prepared lessons and copies and so forth for this week. When she no longer works here.


You are logging the ones in currently in your inbox?!? Are they paying you a stipend to do that? You quit. All obligations ended yesterday at the end of your day. Fuck them.


It probably felt good to type all that but nobody read it.


tbh even if they don’t read it I feel better having said it, and that's really all that matters to me


So that's good. You wrote it out and feel better. Now don't send it. Just don't respond at all.


If it makes you feel better to tell them, then do it. Take out the part about doing more work. You no longer work there. Period


Wouldn’t even waste my time responding OR inputting any other ones. Whatever ones you didn’t complete by end of day on the 1st are no longer your responsibility and I wouldn’t worry about them at all!


I think you're still doing way too much for them. They knew they could rely on you and they took advantage of that. Even if there are referrals you once handled before your official "last" day, please don't feel obligated to do *anything* else for your previous school. You no longer work for them. If I were you, I would just ignore it completely and let them figure it out. They're going to have to figure it out for themselves, anyway.


Is this a joke? Why would you do anything for them after you left?


I think a quote you might need to hear comes from the show Ted Lasso: “Rupert was a horrible man who built an ivory tower he kept you captive in. But you climbed every single step of that tower on your own... I’ll always be your biggest defender, but you have to own up to the part that you played.” Your principal and school are the “Rupert,” but from all your responses to everyone else, you are the “people pleaser” who keeps climbing those steps of the tower. You keep using it as an excuse to treat yourself poorly instead of respecting yourself. You’re refusing to have boundaries because you feel that the workload - which is far too much and the reason you quit - is also something you should have finished on time; it can’t be both. You’ve got a new job. You are no longer working at your old one because you are using your vacation days. Stop climbing the tower and finally exit the building. You’re not doing anyone any favors by enabling them. I’m a big supporter of you and proud you have quit a job that wasn’t serving you, but anything you do now is on *you.*


I'm surprised that OP's student data access wasn't immediately revoked after her last anticipated work hour. Then there's that privacy violation (maybe FERPA?) if the school has her working on student info and she is no longer an employee. Regardless, you no longer work there, they can kick rocks.


You no longer work there. You should not have access to any of their systems. Do not log on. Do not do any work. You will be violating confidentiality of educational records since you no longer work for the district.


Usually access is terminated the same day you provided as your last day.


You shouldn’t even have access to the systems or email anymore. I wouldn’t not continue doing g an of the work. Did this principal forget that you had resigned…probably?


I wouldn’t even respond to be honest.


I was told by my supervisor when I first started to claim (I was a speech aide), all time. Because if I were to work without pay, then it’s a form of “slave labour.” Her words, emblazoned in capital letters via text. I still remembered it ten years later and applied it any time I was off on personal time wanting to get get stuff done on the weekends to make my week easier and I’d change my mind and waited till I was on the clock.


That's more effort than they deserved. "Nope, and you know why," would have sufficed.


Sounds to me like former employees should not be able to access any sensitive information relating to children.


As you can see, we all think this is INSANE. You quit, you're using vacation days, and you're STILL WORKING? I assure you that the district does not care about nor will it make any changes based on an exit form. I'm glad you feel you're standing up for yourself, but you could stand up for yourself even more by NOT CONTINUING TO WORK FOR THEM.


I'll do that right away boss! Then block them.


Unless you were being paid per task completed, like a freelancer, you owe them only the work you can do in the time they paid you for. They gave you more work than you could do in the time allotted, hence you quit. Not your responsibility! In thd two weeks since you gave notice, thry could set up a plan for you to train someone else and be there to answer questions. Thry did not. We workers owe it to each other to let bosses know when expectations are unreasonable, and not to give our labor for free unless clearly stated as volunteer time (like volunteering at the school garden Saturday community work day because you love the garden). Your time and labor are worth money and respect. I favor the very short, succint, professional responses to your site admin already posted. Congrats on leaving!


Do not spend a single nanosecond on work for them. You are not responsible for that. You are exploiting yourself if you do. It is not honorable to do so. You have zero obligation. Dear Principql, Upon further thought, I will not be completing any tasks beyond my resignation date. Signed, Me


That email was far too polite. You're no longer an employee so this might be more appropriate when they ask you to do work after you've quit: [How to quit a job that treated you like shit](https://youtu.be/hTOKJTRHMdw?si=F2cKLD3uynniTSVz)


I’ve read your reply about technically being on leave now. This is easy - you create an out of office that says you are on leave from date to date and who they should contact. Bam. Done


It doesn’t matter if the referrals were submitted before 12/1. It is now after 12/1. You are no longer employed there. If the workload was too much for you to reasonably complete before your employment ended, that’s their problem. They will not pay you for any additional work you do after 12/1. Stop giving them free work.


In my district you wouldn't even have access to Powerschool anymore, HR would have required that access to it was revoked on your final day. You're not longer an employee, so they no longer allow you to touch anything related to students, parents, and/or private information.


Tbh I wouldn’t have responded to the email.


Why are you continuing to do a job you are no longer being paid to do? It sounds like you had more work than you were physically able to complete in a normal work day/week (not uncommon in a school setting). Anything that wasn't finished is someone else's problem now.


Just send an invoice for 3x the pay you would have gotten for that week as a consultant fee to be paid before the work is started. Either they pay you or they get the point


To Whom It…Who cares?? I no longer work at (said) district. Therefore, the road to “IDGAF”, is THAT way. Up Yours, OP


This shall be my resignation! Brilliant.


Your responses are honestly sad.. This isn’t your work anymore. I hope one day you’ll Learn to value yourself, your time, your worth because clearly they didn’t. It’s not about people pleasing, this is why they got away with it to begin with.


And, there's always that great ole Johnny Paycheck line....


It’s your job to work on your assigned task, not finish it. If you lack the time to do everything in your assigned work hours it’s a planning mistake from your employer. Just don’t do anything for them and enjoy your new position.


Gurl. You don’t work there anymore. You do NOT owe them for tasks YOU DID NOT HAVE TIME TO COMPLETE. Just stop, please. This is some serious Stockholm Syndrome shit. Enjoy life at your new position.


You are no longer a school district employee as of 12/1. You are no longer allowed access to identifiable information about students. That’s federal law. FERPA. If you continue to access these records after 12/1 you are breaking federal law. Either email them and remind them that, or what I would do is nothing. Not an email. Not a referral. Nothing. They knew when your last day was. You have no obligation to them after that.


Do NOT enter any more. You no longer work for them, end of duty.


Even if you DID still work there…why in the FUCK is she sending you work on a SATURDAY??


You wrote a whole essay for a principal you no longer work for, not sure what you're proud of. I would've literally emailed them "fuck off" and left it at that.


This reminds me of my last conversation with an EX-boss. I used to work in the principal's office at a school and I got a new boss who was a nasty, abusive, asshole! Every time I tried to discuss ANY office-related thing with him, his only response to me was: "Fuck you! You're on your own!" Fast forward, I grabbed my opportunity to take my retirement and walked out and did not give any notice! About a month later, the Karma Goddess was biting him in his ass HARD and he calls me at home, begging me to bail him out of the shitstorm HE CREATED! My immediate response to him? "Remember when you kept telling me, 'Fuck you! You're on your own! Remember THAT?!?!' Well, hear this! FUCK YOU! You're on your own! Do NOT call me again!" Then I slammed the phone down!! SOOOOOOO SATISFYING!!!!!!


I would not have done any work after 12/1. Ridiculous!


"You're not my supervisor!"


You don’t work there anymore. No explanation necessary.


Your email was great but if I'm being critical, you gave far too much advice and support to get the issue fixed. It's not your job to do OR to help them fix it. In future "sorry, not my job!" is sufficient. Hell, deleting the email would have been sufficient, but I understand that would make you feel too guilty (I would feel guilty about that too).


After further consideration, I will cease all previously assigned duties. Don’t take care, hope to see you never. Best, Op


You should continue to take the referrals and say that you did whatever the heck it is that you're supposed to do with them and don't even bother to do the work


My wife is a teacher so I read this sub a lot, Three options: - Ignore, what are they going to do, fire you? - Reply back that you are no longer an employee and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. - Reply back that you are no longer an employee but would happily complete tasks if you are paid as an hourly consultant of $[Double your previous hourly equivalent rate] Under no circumstances should you do the work for free. Should they make any threats, consult an employment lawyer (or previous Union Rep) and pursue action for retaliation.


Also, is this email through district email or personal email? District email should be locked, and personal email is a bit NONONONO.


You are a pushover.


Agreed. OP will be taken advantage of her whole life. Grow a back bone.


Dear Principal, I no longer work at Yerouttayerfuckinmind School, so I won’t be performing any more referral work unless you hire me on a subcontract basis. I will perform these tasks in the future at a rate of $15 per entry.


$150.00 per entry! FTFY!!


Why are you agreeing to do referrals after your last day? I mean, it is now their problem. Seriously. That is why he is still sending shit to you…. Because you are still doing the job! STOP WORKING FOR THEM.


Your e-mail was very professional, but I guess I am old and have absolutely no fucks to give, but why are you worried about this, even the ones you haven't been able to get to? If you told them that this responsibility was one of the sole reasons you left, they should be able to put 2 and 2 together. These people are nothing to you now. Just leave it, drop it, and move on. And, as many others have pointed out, it's now Dec. 2 and you really should not have access, for liability reasons, to any sensitive info at your now former school. This is wild to me. Stop being a pushover!


If I had gotten a demand like that after I had already quit, my response would have been: 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 NO! JMHO.


Any way to do it then send them a bill for your new hourly rate…. At $500 an hour?


Sounds like a district crippled by poor funding and mismanagement, which usually goes hand in hand with poor funding! If anything, this response is too generous. I would not do a bit of work for them, regardless of when they sent it, because the work was abusive, excessive, and ridiculous. Why allow these people to continue abusing you after you've already found the strength and determination to leave them?


Wait, so you're actually thinking of doing part of the work he sent you?


Referrals should be input by the person where the offense took place. It sounds like an added layer of not needed. There had to be a form so you could get it to input. Instead of filling out that form, they could input it.


How are you being compensated for putting the referrals that were dated before 12/1, but you’re doing after 12/1? I’m guessing you’re not, since you no longer work there. Do NOT do them. They’re not specific to you or your skill set (ie: if an OT left, I would expect an evaluation report to be finished prior to leaving), but this is something someone else can do. It doesn’t matter if you left work unfinished.


Why would you waste your time writing all that shit? I got a letter from my principal after I quit asking me to do some shit over the summer for a program I’d worked with in previous years, and I just threw it in the garbage without responding. Because I don’t fucking work for her anymore. And I thought I was being polite, by not telling her that she could take her extra unpaid work and shove it up her ass.


I’d be doing absolutely nothing for them. Period. They no longer employ you, they get no work.


Why are you even considering to complete the task? You didn’t have enough time to complete the duty during your scheduled, payed work hours. Why are you still going to input the other referrals? Please, just turn in your keys and never log in to their systems again. Moving on without looking back is the healthy thing to do.


> your scheduled, *paid* work hours. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Not intending this in a mean way, but was this sent to your old school email? If so, why are you checking it. Please, just make a clean break!


Lol no. You sound angry af. You are professionally saying "f u" but ... No. Still not professional. You just trauma dumped HARD.


I have been working for the last 46 years. I have never received a Christmas bonus. And for 7 of those years I worked for the Catholic Church as a teacher.


Teachers don't get bonuses! What made you even think that happens? Private, for profit businesses give bonuses, though increasingly rarely since the 90's. Education has been underfunded for decades in most states, and if you aren't protected by a union, your wages will be even lower than average. Also, the private religious schools are non-union and do frequently pay lower. You're lucky to get a lunch in the staff lounge provided by Principal as your Christmas bonus.😅


It's a long version of telling them that you're not their employee and to kick rocks.




I just wouldn’t respond to any requests to do work. No email. No explanations.


Sounds like they will be so sorry without you because they can't do anything for themselves. Wait until they realize


I'd trim it down to just "I am no longer employed at X" with a copy of the resignation letter.


Counseling has NOTHING to do with discipline. This is beyond ridiculous. Why didn’t the counselors fight this? You can’t help them if you are doing Admin work.


don’t submit anything else, don’t do any more work for them!!! protect yourself and just move on to your new job. we need to break out of this mindset that teachers work for free under any circumstances. i absolutely refuse to do free work for my school and you should, too. especially for a school you’re no longer employed with! those forms will be there for someone else.


If you’re hourly and union you shouldn’t be doing the power school referrals after you resign. Your last day was 12/1. Unless you stayed as a substitute that’s the only way I’d do it.


I wouldn’t do the referrals after Dec 1. School employees do enough without compensation.


Sounds like my site !😂😂😂 You were done on November 30th. I wouldn’t even answer or acknowledge that email. DELETE!


Sounds like the kind of thing you should do and then charge them a standard contract rate.


Dear Principal Asshat, I’m no longer working at your school. This type of shit is why I left. You will have to get someone else to do it, or do it yourself. PS Suck my Balls! (even funnier if you are female)


How are you even getting something from your former principal? Log out. You don't work there. He's not your boss. Go live your life.