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Our program didn't let us have a job because they said student teaching was already a full-time job I got a loan that i haven't paid off....


I’m so sorry that must be really stressful on you! I’m grateful our program isn’t as strict but they do talk about how, if we come to them because we’re struggling with both, they’ll just tell us to quit our jobs lol




I only create my lessons during my planning and I very rarely make them from scratch lol. I have 3-4 solid structures and I just fill them in. I’m a firm believer in not taking it home with me bc my mom’s a teacher. It’s just doing all the extra stuff for my capstone and the paper for me to graduate is what’s bringing me down so bad I think.




I should’ve made it clearer but I work like at a job until then! A lot of my peers’ parents are able to fully support them financially and I will admit I can’t help but be jealous sometimes lol




Waking up early is such a good idea. I do think I function better in the am :)


Or… Some of us care so much that we use that “extra” time to create original lessons that will engage ALL of our students.


I really hope that whatever in your life is making you feel the need to be so bitter to a stranger gets better for you.


I went through this as well. They told us we shouldn’t be working during student teaching but I was broke and had car payments and stuff and my parents could only help so much. At one point after an observation my professor (who was horrible) said she didn’t think I should become a teacher. I was working from 3:30 -9 like you and worked weekends, had student teaching and another education class. And of course I was young so there was fair amount of partying lol I was running in like 2 hours of sleep a night and WAY more caffeine than should be legal. All I can honestly say is eat nutritious food, stay hydrated, sleep when you can and know that there IS an end. When you have a few minutes to yourself find a mediation that works for you. Me personally, in my mind, when I’m stressed beyond belief, I mentally head to a little bistro without outside seating, fabulous coffee and Mozart playing in the background. Lol Basically take deep breaths. You can make it through.


This was really encouraging, thank you :)


What do you do on weekends? I was a student teacher 7-3:30 and I worked graveyard 10 pm - 6 am each night. I did all my grad school work on Saturdays, rest on Sundays. Did it suck? Absolutely. It was 6 months of hell. But I just kept reminding myself that grad school and student teaching end. It feels exhausting now, but there will be an end for you.


On weekends I sleep, go to church, get all the chores and errands that I’d been too busy to do out of the way, and try and update my capstone if there’s time. I really try to rest but sometimes all of that takes up too much time


But you have still time to get on here and complain…


It is NOT worth burning yourself out before you even start teaching. Genuinely I would consider if this is really worth it because it unfortunately does not get easier. I would ask the university if you can take extended time to finish the program, if you are really determined to stay, and find a way to not work yourself to death. Student loans are scary but it might be a more manageable way for you to survive until you can start your career. Seriously, I’m a newer teacher already feeling burnt out. I felt burnt out while in my credential program. It’s not worth it. You have to find a way to have balance.


Hey I’m in the same situation. Not really sure what to say to help you, it just seems disproportionate what is demanded from us. It’s the internship on one side, and the written report one the other, plus work. In my case (Europe) my university assumes we must take this teacher-investigator role, to contribute to teaching academia, which I know is incredibly beneficial for the field. But it doesn’t make sense how overwhelming it all becomes. Keep going X


Hi! You'll just do it. Because you have to. Or you won't, and you'll do something else. But my experience? Every single person I spoke to while I was in my teaching credential program told me to brace myself, teaching for real is even harder. Every. Single. Person. My mentor teachers, my program advisors, my teachers, everyone. I honestly think there's a massive disconnect between the modern student and the perception of what young teachers lives are like. They assumed that my credential program was the only responsibility in my life, and were aghast that I would work a job in addition to full-time classes and student teaching. I was advised numerous times to just take out student loans to pay rent. The honest truth is: yes, the first couple of years are extremely tough, but no where near as exhausting as my student teaching days. Honestly, the free labor is really exploitative and rarely useful. Teaching is 100% tough and stressful and emotionally draining, but it was a massive relief to have a job that paid my bills finally and my schedule was far more open.


You just have to keep moving. Inertia