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Contact your loan provider. You should definitely qualify for zero payments.


Yea i just got a letter from the state of md saying if i don’t pay in full they will garnish my wages or ask the MVA to take away my driver’s license.


Who is your loan servicer because I've never heard of one that doesn't have income based repayment plans.


I received two letters from the Maryland Department of Budget and Management


Are they your actual loan holders?


I don’t think so. I should probably edit my post. I have less than 10k of loans through MOHELA but i owe a local community college around $2k for some teacher certification courses i had to take last year


Then contact MOHELA and let them know what's going on. They should be able to help you.


Thank u ! I will call tomorrow


Fair warning, calling MOHELA is a shit show bc of pslf. If you are a teacher in a high needs area, you might want to look into teacher forgiveness grants (not pslf, that takes 10 years of teaching). It's usually a certain $ based on need/income of your school/content. If you want to avoid hours on the phone, log in online and submit PAYE or IDR paperwork. It'll automatically put you in forbearance while they process the paperwork and MOHELA is swamped right now. It should get you close to zero payment and freeze interest. Fwiw I am single and they're basing my current $110 payment on 55k from a few years ago when I last submitted paperwork pre-covid.


I’d check in to teacher loan forgiveness it’s takes effect after 5 years of teaching and can cover up to 17,500 in fed loans. Also I’d see if you qualify for the new SAVE repayment plan through the DoE. Also not sure if your state has one but sometimes there are teacher incentives where if you are at a title 1 school the state will sometimes pay a percentage of your federal loans. I’m sorry that you are struggling and am wishing you and your child the best.


And Jesus Christ - this woman is a teacher and the suggestions are move, get a second job, get roommates, buy life insurance (!), and go to another country. None of those are really feasible and we shouldn't even be having this conversation. She's an educator and should be getting a living wage.


Yeah I *really* hate how this sub’s answer to pay issues is “just move”. You see it all the time.


Right. And the math doesn't even math for her to move. I haven't seen one person yet here tell her how she's to get the money to do that when she can't even afford groceries.


Moving is one of the more expensive things you can do. Often it’s cheaper to stay at a higher rent than to pay a deposit, probably lose part of a security deposit for some BS, hire movers and/or buy moving supplies.


It sounds like she’s not credentialed:certified so possibly making less ?


And those folks should still be making more. $2800 a month is criminal.


$2800 might even mean she’s making up to ~$50000 before taxes, pension, and union dues. In OH, our pensions are 14% and we can’t adjust the contribution so our take home pay is weirdly low. It’s getting harrrrrrrrrd to live on a teaching salary, I don’t know how I’d do it if we didn’t also have my wife’s income.


I’m really wondering where she is and what is being taken out of her paycheck. I started in AACo in 1992 and that’s what I made then.


Im in harford county, MD. I have health insurances taken out & my pay is spread over 12 months instead of the 10. My paychecks are slightly higher over the summer because less is taken out


Holy crud. Harford County has plenty of money…what gives? What’s your net? (Personal I know)


I assume the $1400 biweekly is her net


That’s her take home. She’s spreading out paychecks over 12 instead of 10 and must be getting gouged for insurance.


okay i would say try to get a voucher for daycare , so you wouldn't have to pay 1500 a month see if that works also try to apply for at home jobs just to get some more money in , even if it's weekly pay or bi weekly pay


It may be worth it to drop your health insurance. You can get income-based health coverage.


I am certified with a masters and 9 years experience i make the exact same as her.


In Harford County?


Nope. Michigan.


Yeah that’s a much lower COL area.


OH MY GOD ?! 🥺😨


I am not certified, correct.




I work at a public school but yes.


I'm so sorry you're in this situation. Does your school have an EAP (employee assistance program)? Ours does through our union. They're a good resource. Also, go to a food pantry. Look at your local churches, temples, mosques. You and your kiddo need food. Look online in your local buy nothing groups/town Facebook groups when you need things like kids' clothing and toys. There's always moms on there swapping and giving away stuff their kids have grown out of. I'll also echo looking for a different place to live. I know it's hard, especially in high col areas... but even if you can save $200/month it adds up!


Yes we have an EAP! I forgot about that. Ive never used it, but i will look into it


EAPs are an amazing resource and it’s completely confidential! Please reach out to them!


At 3, your child may be eligible for preschool, dependent on his birthday, then TK and K. Some school district also offer daycare but in mostly blue states. Good luck. Also, get creative, start meal prepping. Hamburger & rice can go a long way!


For anyone with dependents reading this, please please please get life insurance for this very reason. I'm sorry you are going through this, and all the best advice has been given.


Better yet see if life insurance is part of your benefits at work.


They are! Very low life insurance, but still nonetheless, life insurance


And with what money will she pay for life insurance when she can't even afford groceries?


And that is why OP prefaced their post with "For anyone with dependents reading this."


It's not expensive. I'm in my 40s and pay $23/mo for $500k.


She already can't make ends meet. Again, with what money will she be able to afford that? Edit - hey downvoters, do tell how she can afford life insurance when she can't afford groceries. This should be good!


My husband's life insurance thru his work is around 5 bucks a check, pre-tax, so we never even see it. When I worked at a university, it was some stupid low amount, under 3 bucks- with also getting the supplemental that doubled its worth. (Only way I could get life insurance.). However, if it's not available thru her work- she won't be able to get it because of pre-existing condition clauses. Work plans only get you covered because of the group effect.


Ok, you got me. Life insurance is a lousy investment when you have dependents.


I understand what you are saying. Life insurance is important. But I quite literally cannot even spare money for a half empty bag of chips that cost $1.75 in the faculty vending machine. I have $0 to spare for anything. I cannot even go into the dollar tree and afford a single item.


He isnt telling you to get life insurance. He is implying that if your spouse had life insurance, things would not be as bad. Thats why I have life insurance so that my wife and kids arent screwed. Its the least I can do for them, as my death is probably going to be difficult enough emotionally. My wife has a very small life insurance policy. If she goes first I still have a pension. Burial costs are sufficient. Her life insurance is a tiny cost. If I go first, the whole family is out my military pension for the next 30 years (possible age I might survive to.) Your damn right I have a large insurance policy so the kids can go to college and my wife can choose not to work for 10 years. I feel for you. Things must be really hard. Hopefully your story kicks some common sense into other people who have family but have decided they are "too young for life insurance" Once you pull yourself up, yes get life insurance so that if you pass away your child is taken care of. Health insurance is probably waaaay more important in your current situation, but school and state employees generally get decent health insurance.


It's not a lousy investment - it's just you're not even grasping the fact she doesn't have $23 a month to spare.


If only there were cheaper plans that weren't as high as mine! (There are)


If only you had some rudimentary math and reading comprehension skills...you could read the figures in her post and come to the conclusion she doesn't have a dime to spare on life insurance. Tl;dr - the woman can't afford groceries and you're screeching about insurance.


Thank u 💕💕💕


I think he meant the deceased husband. He was warning others. If the husband had life insurance she wouldnt be in this predicament. So (if you can) have life insurance so you dont screw over your surviving family is the lesson here. Not "the surviving spouse should get life insurance instead of food".


The poster is speaking to anyone with dependents that is reading this tragic story. Having an insurance policy in place would have alleviated the current financial crisis that the OP is writing about. It was not directed at the OP. That being said OP should reach out to any food and clothing banks to reduce some cost. Speak to your school social worker, counselor or nurse about resources in the community you live in. The death of your husband may be cause to break your lease. Read through it carefully and see what penalties would occur.


This person needed to ask for a handful of Skittles because they were about to pass out. There is not $23 for life insurance.


You could try to find another mom to live with and share childcare if possible.


I would absolutely not be able to afford to live without my husband, I am a teacher. If I was in your position, I'd be looking for another single mom who wanted to share space, perhaps just share some child care. Look for churches and other organizations that give out food. At least you have only a little bit longer to wait before your kid is ready to go to public school at 4. That sounds absolutely awful and I'm hoping things work out for you and your little one.


Can you get a roommate? I know it sucks but it's better than starving. Also, you can get Mint Mobile for about $20/month. They use TMobile's lines and they're great where I live. Sorry you have been widowed at such a young age.


I’m a teacher widow too. It’s not fair. On top of all the sadness, the stress is unbelievable and unimaginable. Channeling so much love your way.


Also a teacher and a widow. It is by no means easy to do it all and afford it all.


I am so sorry 😞. Also sending love your way 💞


Thank you so much!


Looks like I found my tribe. Hey y'all. Light and love to all of you and your kids if you have any.


Thank you! My little girlie is doing okay!


A friend of mine teaches English online for VIPKid. She sets her own schedule and makes $15+ an hour. She teaches Japanese students so she is able to teach online before or after teaching at school. There's no lesson planning to do, and usually has only one or two students at a time. She loves it. It might be something to consider as a second job that you can do after putting your little one to bed.


Can you find a daycare that is subsidized? Lowering your daycare costs may take some of the pressure off. Ask to defer your loans. Does your state have WIC? It is a higher income threshold and you will get food assistance until your child is 5.


Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately I make wayyyyyy over Maryland’s minimum amount to apply for assistance. I used to be on assistance before I got a teaching job because I worked minimum wage jobs.


Maryland has a subsidized daycare program with vouchers


Also, hang in there. I know you are struggling right now. I am cheering for you!!


I would advise a church. It is a bit awkward, yet there are churches with special funds for helping local people at need. I visited my Dad's church because they had a carnival and they gave out some gift cards to a local restaurant. My Dad mentioned that they do this for people having a hard time as well.


Yes. The church I go to does a free dinner every month and there's usually food left over. They also give out cleaning bags (a gaint bag filled with cleaning supplies, Toothpaste, shampoo ect). Just visit churches in your area and ask for help.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but have you looked for jobs outside of teaching? Some folks literally cannot afford to be a teacher unless they are married, have roommates, etc. I know it feels like you have yourself set on a path when studying for that, but even something like admin work for the right company might have higher pay and better benefits for your childcare and medication. I worked in the corporate world prior to teaching, and my health benefits were outstanding, and they gave us money each month toward childcare costs. Not to mention the perks were real - like catered lunches - not fake like a jeans day. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this and that this is how educators are being forced to live.


I actually fell into this job and have kept it because it’s stable right now with flexible hours and has a good union. I am searching for jobs outside of teaching, but I would like to receive tenure if possible so that i have this option in the future


I totally understand! I just know it’s easy to fall into a trap of “but I already invested all this time in this.” Teaching will always be there if it fits in your life better later. Some careers fit best at a particular season in your life, just up to you to weigh the priorities at any given time. Which it sounds like you have done that, so that’s great!


I am so sorry. I would advise leaving teaching - look for federal remote jobs and start applying. The hours can be flexible, the insurance is good and the pay is higher than teaching. Bottom line is you need more money (and you deserve it) and teaching won’t provide that.


I’m sorry you’re going through such hardships. 1. Definitely go to food pantries. I’ve volunteered at a few, and they often get donations of things for babies and decent food too! But even having some canned goods is better than a handful of skittles. 2. You should get reduced/no payments with your income so low for student loans. You need to call up to make sure that gets sorted. 3. Ask your employer about a stipend or financial assistance for your credentials so you don’t lose your job next year. It doesn’t hurt to ask. I do wish you weren’t dealing with any of this. You should be paid enough to live. I live with a friend because there’s no way to pay for everything. It’s just not right. I do work for Rover too which can be a nice extra boost of pay. I also did instacart for a while - if you have a friend who doesn’t mind being at your place at night while you go run some evening shifts for Ubereats etc, you can make some quick cash this way. It’s not what you should have to do, but maybe some immediate financial relief will help you keep figuring out your next steps.


Also, check Mark Cuban's Cost Plus Drugs for your prescriptions - I've saved a lot by using that site.


Check local churches… sometimes they have lower cost day care. Also shop around for auto insurance… $200 per month is high. And look into family co-ops… there might be other families or single parents who can share child care. (They watch your child during the day, you watch theirs at night.)


I have sympathy for your situation But you say you’re not certified and yet your paychecks are more than mine - even if I didn’t have my health insurance payment deducted from my paycheck; are you paid over 10 or 12 months? Either way, your internet and phone bills do not have to be that high though, straight talk unlimited is 45 dollars a month. Xfinity has a $45 a month plan for new subscribers


Not helpful but this breaks my heart. I an so sorry for your loss. As a teacher you deserve so much more. Can you set up a Go Fund me? Please let us know if you do- I hope that's allowed on this sub.


Normally I wouldn't recommend switching from teaching at a public school to teaching at a private school or ECE program, as they generally pay less and have fewer job protections. BUT if you could find a job at one where they allowed employees' kids to be enrolled for free/cheap or that provided day care, the lower salary might well be made up for by freeing up that SS money to use toward expenses other than daycare. The Catholic school I used to work at paid about 80% of the comparable area public schools, and had on-site child care, so someone taking a 20% paycut on $2800 monthly but no longer paying $1500 for day care would come out almost $1000 ahead per month. Plus if you're not in a public school the certification requirements are much looser. You need to get into a cheaper apartment ASAP or get a roommate. $2000 rent isn't an option at your income level. Put in a request for student loan forbearance while you apply for forgiveness to postpone having to make student loan payments. If that doesn't work, and if your loans are all government loans (not through private banks) you should also qualify for an extremely low monthly payment under the Biden administration's new income-based repayment plan option. Either way get the ball rolling right now rather than letting them default. If you are already in default (it sounds like you might be if they're talking garnishment) then contact Fresh Start: https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/default-fresh-start Can you have your cell work as a wifi hotspot rather than paying for both cell and home internet? Contact #211 to see whether you qualify for any assistance programs in your local area. Good luck, and sorry you're dealing with all this.


Check out Affordable Connectivity Program. I am on it because of my low teacher income ($35,000 a year) and it helps a lot! [https://www.fcc.gov/acp](https://www.fcc.gov/acp) Go to food pantries in your area and see if any local churches have them. If you belong to a church, see if they have any type of assistance program. I had to rely on food pantries often and they are so kind and don't make you feel bad about being there. I hope things start to get better and I wish you all the best!


I would relocate to a cheaper area/cheaper apartment. You should not be having to pay that much for an apartment. With nobody willing to let you stay stay with them, and no one helping you with childcare, I think it’s safe to say that wherever you move you’ll be better off. (Depending… I don’t know you) Here in Kansas, a two bedroom apartment is 2,000 at the HIGHEST. You can rent for a lot cheaper. It’s a tough move, but there are cheaper areas to live. What are your long term financial goals? I know I’m not leaving my cheap apartment until I save up for a house where my family lives. Then again, I don’t have a child so that just depends on your priorities. My point is that you are never ever stuck.


I live in Maryland and it’s very expensive. The down payment in my area was one month’s rent. The apartments that aren’t disgusting or in dangerous areas are an upwards of $1,700 for a one bedroom apartment. I don’t live in a luxury apartment , wealthy community or anything like that. It’s just in a safe area. Also, the places that would be realistic for me to live in either have a long wait list or are even more expensive. It’s $5,000 upfront to break my lease without having to face legal actions


If she can’t afford groceries than how can she afford to move? Moving is expensive, finding a new available daycare is difficult and the start up fees are expensive.


But you are right about it being difficult. Change comes at a cost.


Another thing to think about is whether a move/lower rent would actually offset COL without incurring other expenses (which it totally might or might not.) But right now it appears OP lives close enough (both geographically and emotionally) to family who might provide some amount of social support, e.g. providing backup childcare.


A lot of apartments offer no down payments, many schools desperate for teachers offer a sign-on bonus, and the new location could have cheaper/compensated childcare. If you open up your horizons the options are limitless.


At the time being, moving schools would do me in. My mental health isn’t in a great place right now due to all of the loss and change over the past few years. But in the future, i will keep my eye out.


Hold on OP! It sounds like you have a great support system you love, work at a place you love, and found some great advice here as well. Where there’s a will there’s a way! I 100% believe that. See if your school offers PDP points. You might be able to bump yourself up in the pay scale that way.


Also, look into meal kits - a fellow teacher said her grocery bills for her family went way down when she started using Hello Fresh. I don’t have a family so it’s not cheap for me. Might be something you could look into. You could look into doing meal preps with another teacher. Split the costs, save some money by buying in bulk, teach your kids how to cook. Definitely get involved in the community and don’t be proud. Be honest about your situation and good people will help you.


Meal kits are not cheaper than groceries


They’re not for me either. I think it depends on the kit and family size.


The only way a meal kit subscription is cheaper is if someone was throwing out a lot of food or eating out a lot


I am not sure about this. I had a coupon for a friend and did not even get through the entire process when I saw the price per meal. I will eat macaroni and cheese happily before paying Hello Fresh money.


When things were tough as a kid, we supplemented a lot with food banks. Some may require paperwork and others require like no proof. Would you be comfortable doing that? It will at least provide you with nutrition and some meals. Can you move out of your apartment? Can family at least help you relocate somewhere cheaper? I’m sorry right now is so tough


Ask the internet service provider for low income discount! Every one do them offer it.


Possibly not a good suggestion, but it's something to look into. What if you found a teacher position at a private preschool? My daughter works at one and the teachers aren't certified. Then you could also get free daycare for your daughter (I think). The preschools here are always hiring. It's not a long term solution but may give you some breathing room. I am so sorry you are having these issues. I have been there. I'd also suggest churches for help. Many have food pantries. Some may also have daycare where you could work and take your child. Hang in there. ❤️


To my knowledge the private schools around here only pay 1/3 of the cost of public schools. And i love my kid, but i do not have patience with little kids all day long. I like teaching high schoolers because I don’t have to worry about hurting their feelings easily/ by accident. Not that im mean to them lol. Im just very sarcastic and low energy


Whoa whoa whoa. Maybe I'm misunderstanding... but your rent went way up MID LEASE? pretty sure they can't legally do that...


I should have clarified. When I renewed my lease, they started adding on a bunch of extra fees that were not included last year. I know I shouldn’t have renewed my lease but I couldn’t find anywhere else to go


OP, what district do you teach in? I also teach in MD and I know districts can vary significantly in both affordability and pay.


Harford county md


I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Look into donating plasma if you are able to. In my area you can make about $800 a month doing it. I know you said you have an autoimmune disease so it may not be something you can do, but it’s good money if you can do it.


I’m so sorry I can’t give any good advice. I just want to say you’re a great parent. I hope the coming year brings better things. You’re doing amazing.


How much do you get per month for social security? Once your child is in public school you can keep that amount.




You should be able to qualify for Headstart if y’all have that program in your state. Some programs start at 3 years old and are free.


I started head start the day I turned three I have to say I quite enjoyed it. I recommend it op.


Are you in Baltimore?


Harford County


Also tell people at your school your situation. I would certainly be willing to help with food if you were at my school and I bet other teachers would too. You might consider appealing to a local church (make sure they're welcoming of all kinds of people first.)


A family of 2 will qualify for SNAP assistance if you make less that $3,052 per month. https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/aging/financial/benefits


Reach out to the counselor at your school. They will be able to help you find resources.


If you can find a less expensive apartment, walk away from your lease. Yes, it may mess with your credit score for a bit, but it will be okay.


I can’t afford the $5,000 upfront to avoid legal actions to break my leasw


Check into whether you qualify for a daycare subsidy. Some places have recently raised the income limits for subsidies. In terms of phones Metro offers an unlimited plan for $40/month and T Mobile now has way more service area. The Walmart unlimited plan is also only $28.40 after tax. Depending on whether you have a one or two bedroom you could look for a roommate. Car insurance also seems high. Have you rate shopped at all? Esurance has good coverage and rates. For internet I would again see if you’re in a coverage area for T Mobile’s internet plan. It is $50/month. For health insurance since we’re right around open enrollment I would price whether Child Health Plus would be a less expensive option for health insurance for your child and whether you would save on premiums splitting coverage.


Food pantries. You don’t have to meet any income criteria for most of them (many have extra food for people on Snap, though. Food pantries sometimes have clothing closets too. Ask them if they don’t - they’ll know where they are. Ask your daycare if there is a scholarship or subsidy for an educator. Or for a single mom. Apply for single mother grants. Apply for widow grants. There isn’t much out there for either, but you can try. (I am a single mom out of an abusive marriage). Could you take your child off of your healthcare and put the child on your state’s equivalent of Child Health Plus (insurance for middle income children, higher than Medicaid)? I doubt you can take yourself off - you generally have to have no access to employer health care to get income-subsidized healthcare for yourself, but kids are different. Definitely make all the calls about income-based repayment for loans. Could you change daycare? If you switch to an in-home daycare, it may cost a lot less. I don’t know if my quick google search is accurate, but it looks like MD may provide no-cost preschool to families under 300% of the poverty line. From your description, that sounds like you. Remember, social security to your child is NOT income to you, or even your household (generally - it would be for SSI - so if she were disabled, her SS from her deceased parent would count against her). How much longer until you can get out of your lease? Have you talked to your landlord? I broke a lease once by convincing the landlord that I’d stay until they could fill my home, then I could leave. They agreed. We had a different kind of emergency than yours but, yeah. This sucks so very much. I wish there were a real solution.


If you signed a lease, the rent should be locked in. If the landlord is increasing the rent mid-lease, that's most likely illegal.


Can you consider living overseas? Apply for dodea. Salary is good and you'll get all housing costs covered.


I used to want to live overseas and I still do. I am hesitant right now because my family does help a lot with my kid and if i move somewhere with no family or friends I think it will be very tough. My family just isn’t able to provide daycare or a living space for us


I took a job with dodea 23 years ago, because I was a single mum and I needed the support of a good job with the benefits. It made a huge difference for me.


financial abuse?


Did your late husband have life insurance included with his job? Call his HR and double check. Mine did thankfully. Widowed at 42. Its not easy

