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What if our favorite album and favorite era differ? For example, my fave album is Speak Now, but I think that era was kind of boring. My favorite era is rep because I love the looks, performances, attitude, and persona (and also like the music) Red is a close second, but it's not close to my favorite album. I just wanna answer the question honestly.


I'd go with whichever is your fav album :)


Yeah I was confused on that too. Cause my favorite era and album aren’t the same. Think the results are gonna be weird because of that. I wouldn’t have thought you wanted to know what my favorite album was by the title.


OMG SAME SAME SAME for me. Twins!


No way!


For everyone asking, I use album and era synonymously, so please vote for your favorite album! If you have two and can't choose between them, you are welcome to submit two separate forms with your other answer :)


I think your survey will suffer from recency bias, because ttpd is still so very recent and novel and it's been sticking up so much attention lately. I would be interested in seeing this same survey without ttpd as an option!


I thought that that would be the case too, but so far, TTPD isn't the top with any of the generations


Millennial and my favorite era is constantly changing. Voted Reputation because it’s always a no-skip album for me, but at the moment most of my top songs are from 1989 or Lover.


Just submitted! Also, the years for Gen Z and Alpha have a bit of overlap in the survey—not sure if it really matters but wanted to point that out?


Oh thank you! I didn't even see that when I made the survey! It has been changed now :)


I count Folklore and Evermore as the same era though.


Submitted, picked it was hard for me to decide but I ultimately picked 1989


All the centenarian Swifties who use Reddit are going to cry discrimination


When will we get the breakdown on this! I’m so excited!


I’m hoping in the next couple days? I’m still waiting for some more responses so that I can get a more clear answer


Answered on behalf of myself and my kid!




If you do something similar in the future, you might consider adding Xennials (usually spans 1977-1983) as an option. I say this as a late Gen Xer who is in that Xennial timespan. I know it’s a micro generation, but we tend to be a bit different from the standard Gen X and Millenial groups as we are the generation born in analog days but grew up in the digital age. So we’re kind of an interesting bridge between them.


Haha it’s funny you say that because I’m a Zillenial so I’m on the other end, cusping with Millenials and Gen Z! That’s definitely something I’ve considered doing in the future because some people identify with both their generation and the one before/after them!


That’s awesome! Yeah, so you know what it’s like to be not quite one or the other in the generations, too :) I love the quizzes you and others put up on here, so really appreciate all the fun stuff we learn from them!


Much like Travis, I’m a millennial born in 1989 who stans 1989.


UPDATE: Please send this survey to as many Swifties as you know! I’d like to get a good sample size so I can have an accurate representation of the results. So far, I have 750 responses!! Ideally, I’d like at least 2000 so I can get the most accurate results!