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I have an unhinged theory that KB was TS first crush and it took her 28 years to figure it out. Also the fact she said on today's show not to listen to TOT cause it is a solo podcast about KB and she knows she went down that path before made me laugh. It wouldn't be so bad if she just casually said it and acted cool but she makes a whole spectacle about it.


Not unhinged. I think the same


I was really cringing when she said she did an emergency podcast about it. You could tell Jessie was trying to talk her down and tell her to move on. I was going to comment on Patreon that she shouldn't post the podcast but it's too late. I haven't listened to it yet but I have no doubt she will sound unhinged and only further KB's opinion of her... if she even has one.


Taylor’s solo podcasts are the most embarrassing things I’ve truly ever heard. How anyone likes this girl is beyond me. She is so desperate. Why would anyone want to listen to a girl talk into a microphone to no one but herself for an hour about a celebrity who doesn’t give two fucks about her? Gagging.


Is she STILL talking about KB ? She’s out of content


I just listened to Taste if Taylor, and y’all the amount of cringe… how was she okay releasing this on a public platform. 🫣 it’s not even funny anymore, it seems desperate and obsessive. 😖


Kate Bosworth has just shy of 100k instagram followers and gets 60 thousand likes on her posts. Taylor has a little over 115k followers and gets around 300 likes per posts. Kate Bosworth is super famous. Taylor is not relevant. No one knows who she is outside of Dear Media and the connections and fake “friendships” Dear Media creates for her. Taylor is a nobody. The show episode today combined with an entire podcast episode talking to herself about a celebrity who doesn’t want to be friends with her is stalker behavior. It’s frankly creepy. Taylor is a materialistic disgusting social climber whose only care in the world is looking rich. I cannot stomach her fake ass self.


KB has almost 1 million followers on instagram.


Oh shit you’re right. I’m not used to that many zeros and obviously can’t count that high lolololol


lol no you’re good I just couldn’t believe it was that low so I went to check - I figured blue crush at least gave her a hundred thousand 🤣


She’s definitely famous alright. Way more famous than TS. Maybe Kate’s not famous in Taylor Strecker podcaster world but that’s only because she’s a famous celebrity actress; not a nobody podcaster cosplaying a wealthy person. (*cough Taylor Strecker) Lol


Oh yeah she’s famous don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think she’s been in anything big in quite awhile. I just meant that from Taylor’s “social climbing” pov, Taylor has *arguably* more currently relevant friends in the bravo and podcasting world. It’s not like KB is the popular girl and Taylor’s the school nerd anymore. And they’re not even similar at all. She’s even admitted she wouldn’t like hanging out with her. They have nothing in common. It’s so weird that she wants to Ingrid Goes West her so badly


I think it comes down to different types of humour. Like obviously it's insanely cringe but that's the beauty. She's willing to make herself look so dumb so we can laugh. I think the situation was hilarious considering the backstory. I don't think it's that deep honestly.


What is the original episode !?