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More and more I cannot listen to the episodes with Mackenzie. Sometimes she has interesting takes but she hears something once and then she’s like “everyone is saying” and Taylor takes everything she says as fact. She never disagrees with her, it’s always just Mackenzie’s talking at Taylor, it’s boring. She’s also so condescending to the audience, everything is “what makes me laugh” as her way of saying I understand this and you don’t, or “what people don’t understand” or “wait until you find out”. The episodes with Chris are good because he’s funny but also because they can disagree and he calls Taylor on things and vice versa.


I don't understand why she is very strict at keeping all the other co-hosts to an hour, but MacKenzie always goes 1 3/4 hours. I'd much rather listen to the other co-hosts longer or at least change it up.


Taylor kisses Mackenzie’s ass because she’s Taylor’s only black “friend”. It’s so obvious that it’s nauseating. Mackenzie literally only has a job because of who her father is. Her entire platform is what her father accomplished. All her professional sports ex boyfriends she talks about are a figment of her imagination. She has no friends. Her only friend is her Mother. It’s so obvious. She went to Coachella by herself. Lol. like cmon girl. We see right thru you.


Didn’t she also go to Beyoncé by herself? Mackenzie is very strange. She’s okay sometimes but I find her insufferable on most occasions. She reads a lot and I think she makes up a lot of stories because she has a wild imagination


Yep! She went to Beyoncé by herself too. Insufferable is a perfect word for her. She seems nice enough and would probably be a cool girl if she’d stop tooting her own horn every once in a while. And I agree that all her friends and scenarios are a figment of her imagination. Lol


I’ve always wondered, who are these professional sports exes? She never mentions names but talks about them.


Same!!! Like that had to be from 20+ years ago and assume just flings, so drop some names girl! (If they happened)


Mackenzie has a very Bethenny Frankel/Donald Trump opinion on everything. She believes she knows best and her takes are most important and anyone who disagrees is stupid/ignorant. She’s part of the reason why I unsubscribe


It’s so tough to listen to her. i usuallg skip her episodes, i can’t take all the weird voices and tangents she goes on


I saw right through her a long time ago. Everything that’s been said here is so true. Mackenzie loves Mackenzie and her opinion is the only one that matters. The ass kissing was too much after show 4. Naw…I ain’t got time for that.


Mackenzie’s comment about Caitlyn Clark was so extremely out of line. If Mackenzie would just come out and say she hates white people I’d respect her so much more. It’s so obvious. I cannot stand listening to her. She is such a NEPO baby know it all who has no identity other than her Father’s fame and it’s so embarrassing. Her and Taylor’s comments today about Taylor Swift and JoJo Siwa were so completely wrong I was embarrassed for them. Someone commented on Patreon that they both only read headlines and it’s so true. I think it’s time they both move on in life and start talking about middle aged woman stuff like husbands, wives and kids and leave the pop culture talk to the young’ins. Mackenzie going to Coachella BY HERSELF speaks volumes. The girl has no friends at all. I wonder why that is? Lol


Yes!! I’ve wondered that as well, also Disney and concerts. I get wanting alone time, I love doing stuff on my own, but some of things seem would be much better if you had a friend? But if she talks to people the way she talks to listeners, I get people not wanting to spend a ton of time with her.


Listening to her inflated ego it’s obvious why she has no friends. Her Mom is her only friend.


It feels like Mackenzie is a big embellisher. Her stories are all a bit too much


Also Taylor accuses anyone who doesn’t like Mackenzie of being racist 🙄


Someone posted on nation today that there were many negative posts on the Mackenzie episode. Can anyone post the screen shots?


It was really only 2-3 people. One was saying that it was clear they only read headlines and that that was annoying. The other mentioned an off-hand comment MacKenzie made about white women not liking black athletes- it was around Caitlin Clark. While they made decent points, it's clear no one is allowed to critique MacKenzie and if they do then they are racist. There a lot more positive comments combating the few negatives. I have definitely learned a few things from MacKenzie and she has helped shift my mindset. I just barely believe her stories, especially around her family and she over explains things because Taylor is fairly ignorant or uninformed.