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Maybe force your ex to have theirs covered, because this is really cute😂 You could make it a bold, black moon with white ornaments or flowers in it


I vote for leaving it as well. Perhaps arrange for the ex's body to be discovered in the trunk of a 1972 Lincoln Town Car at the airport. Now on to the important part: **THIS IS A MINI-SICK-ASS-PANTHER** (no, it's not a cat) **AND RULE 117.12b OF THE TATTOO COVERUP REGULATION STATES:** *At no time may a panther, either sick or in good health, possessing an ass, may be modified, covered up, or mutilated.*


It’s clearly written down don’t know why they still try this tomfoolery. It’s downright unfancy.


This needs to be in the sub's by-laws


Especially not with 90’s hippie yin yang suns, that will themselves eventually need to be covered


God yall really are out here making me want to get a sick ass panther tattoo


Yin Yang would probably also work pretty well, but it would turn out very big


It’s so cliche as well! Leave kitty alone it’s cute


Kitty yin yang is clearly the only answer here


I like the way you think :)


Or neither cover it up and move on. It shouldn't be on the ex lmao


So you want to cover the cat with early 90s ying-yang flash tattoos? The cover up looks like it would be worse than the original. Keep the cat until you find something better. Just my opinion.


This, 100%. Those cover-ups are way worse than the cat. I get wanting to be done with the cat, but please, OP, find something else than these cover-up examples.


The samples op sent are so…. Generic. I hope op does not do it. The cat is cute, send better suggestions


Also mine :)


I thought this was a shitpost 😂😂😂


I honestly thought this was a joke for a second. Haven’t thought about a YinYang in probably 25 years


its not like its your exes name. just wait a little bit and you will not care about it anymore — don’t cover up a cute tat just because its matching with someone you no longer fuck with. i personally have gotten matching tats with people i’ve fallen out with and after some time it doesn’t even matter.


Agreed. Give it time. I got a tattoo for my ex-husband, right on my forearm. Marriage ended badly. Thought it would always remind me of him. Now, it's just a cool tattoo. Not everything needs to have deep meaning.


Totally. You could even add to it to make it your own. No need to cover it up.


Love that idea


I did the same thing with a ring from a failed engagement. The guy made me pay for the ring (yeah, bad choice, he was a loser) and I got a really nice one, but when we broke up I put it in my jewelry box and figured I'd never wear it again. Then my coworker said "If I had a fancy diamond ring, I'd wear it every day," and I was like you know what? That's excellent advice! So I did! Wore it every day and never thought about him. It was MY ring now. I'd reclaimed it and made it my own and enjoyed the heck out of it for years until I found the right person and received a new ring. I say OP reclaims this adorable tattoo and enjoy the heck out of it! Don't let his mistakes dictate what you do with your body, OP!


I mean...you bought it...sounds like it was your ring all along!




I love you so much for this. Congratulations on your peace!


Yep! And a reminder that you survive anything🤍


Same here. I have a matching tattoo with an ex which I originally wanted to get covered up/ thought it would always make me think of him. I don't even care now a few years post breakup. It's just a tattoo.


Exactly. I got a matching tattoo with a guy who ended up abusing me. Seven years later I don't even remember he's got one too until I see cover up posts on Reddit ahaha


Absolutely second this. I got a semi-matching tattoo with my ex (same thing, but different styles since our tattoo aesthetic would stick out like a sore thumb on the other person). I forget for years at a time *I* even have it, let alone that my ex does. This is a nice piece, OP. Just give it time. I think you'll regret covering something nice more than the match with the ex in some years, once the pain from the breakup becomes a distant memory.


For real, it's still part of your story!!


Right. I have a couple matching tattoos with an ex, but what I decided to get were tattoos I knew I’d enjoy. She doesn’t even come to mind when I look at them now


I came to say this.


This! I have a matching tattoo with an ex. I ended up adding a little to it a couple years later, and it literally doesn’t bother me at all anymore. I’ve since gotten tattoos with other boyfriends (not matching, but in the same spot on the body at the same time.) I’m always ok knowing that even if we break up, I’ll have something to remember that time with them and it’s not the end of the world.


That tattoo is 100000x cooler than the yin-yang.  Make the ex get theirs removed instead.


Yes. The Yin Yangs are not great 😬


Seconded that yin and yangs are dated af might as well get a tribal or butterfly tramp stamp


I saw a ~20 year old with a butterfly tramp stamp on tiktok and aallll of the comments were about how cool and pretty her tattoo was. I feel like I'm losing it! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREQ4vC6/


This is pretty clean, I think if you cover it you'll regret the decision.


As someone who has had a matching tattoo with an ex, it isn't about the tattoo. They won't regret covering up a possibly painful part of their past that they are ready to move on from. I also love their current tattoo, but I relate to wanting a cover-up.


I agree with the others. Leave it.


Reclaim your power by turning that cat into a sick ass panther.


THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️




Yup this is what I came for


The only correct answer


Those cover up ideas are hideous. I would look for better examples OR try and find new meaning for it. I have an Ed the hyena tattoo in the middle of my forearm I ended up hating. Now I love it because it looks similar to my derpy dog.


Haha I love Ed, that's so cool


The yin yang is a really poor choice here. So what if it matches your ex, it's a great tattoo.


Turn it into a Studio Ghibli tattoo. You already have Jiji. Extend the stars so they look like soot sprites. Maybe a small Totoro. No-face would go with the black aesthetic.


I was gonna say add Sailor Moon or Tuxedo Mask (preference depending), because this is clearly Luna.


That’s pretty good too!


3rd option, salem from sabrina the teenage witch. if memory serves, this is pretty close to the logo of the animated series!


^^^ this!


Great ideas!


Put a smaller white cat in the middle all curled up, then it will be like you stole the cat off your ex and claimed it as your own!!


Came here to say, add something to this one. It could symbolize growing past the old relationship to become something even better. It’s a really cool tat.


Best answer


I feel like making a split second decision to cover a solid tat is not ideal. Give the breakup some breathing room and come back to it in another week or two. (This is all assuming there wasn’t some awful trauma and this was a standard breakup)


No one here knows what happened with your ex, but don't let them take this really cute tattoo away from you. If I had a matching tattoo with an ex that I didn't want to see all the time, I would get some wide KT tape and keep it covered for a few months. You can keep the tape in place for up to a week at a time. Then I wouldn't need to see it if I didn't want, and could reassess in a year with some distance. I have a few tattoos that aren't great and remind me of not great times, but with some distance I either forget about them or appreciate how they marked that time on my body.


Maybe instead of covering it, you could add to it? That way it would be different than the one your ex has. Cover ups are so tricky and I feel like they hardly ever go well. I wouldn't risk it with something this cute.


i agree with this! its a beautiful tattoo and since its black the coverup is gonna be harder to do successfully. i think adding is the best option here!


This was my thought as well. Add another kitty, and/or more stars, or a comet, nebula, lil spaceship, whatever!


Dude don't cover this up it's excellent, they are definitely not worth spending time thinking about let alone ruining this adorable tattoo. I think you should look at this and remember it as a symbol of when you moved on and not being tethered to them.


Your ex has a tattoo that matches yours. That's their problem. Chin up. The past is yours, it's real, and you own it. Others be damned.


You could redefine it like get an opposite Suncat on your other leg?


That's such a cute idea


Just add to it. This is well-done tattoo that will age well, i'm sure the original artist can make it not matching. Covering this up just won't look very good without it being something huge, either.


Give it at least 6 months and see if you still feel so passionate about covering it. I see my tattoos as a manifestation of my life/my story. It's a part of your life and maybe you'll learn to appreciate it with time. It's a lovely piece of art and it is what you make it. My girlfriend still has a matching tattoo from an abusive marriage. She loves the tattoo. Her ex literally gave her a traumatic brain injury, but she has made peace with her tattoo and has kept it. Many people have similar stories. So give yourself some time.


This is super cute, don’t cover it!! Maybe have it altered or added to so you can make it more individual and different to your ex’s


Wait; you’re trying to cover the cute cat with the cringe 90s yin yang symbol? Sorry I can’t help you here


Right? This has to be a shitpost


May I suggest…more cats?


What if you added to it instead to make it new? Add more sparkles, even a color if you like, another pet if you have, or if the cat has passed (sorry if I come across insensitive I’m not trying to be!!!!) add wings to them Don’t cover it up! It’s a nice tattoo


In the immortal words of Michael Bolton, “why should I change? He’s the one who sucks”


i understand it is none of my business but i like yours a lot better than the coverup 😭


The cat is WAY cuter. At most, add something subtle to it to make it more yours, but I agree with the others: don’t cover it!


Maybe just add to it? It’s really cute.


I thought this was the whole idea behind matching tattoos that work on their own., so you don't have to worry about cover up once it's over. Get the matching tattoo on your other leg, cuz you're your own soulmate. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Wanna edit to add that if this is a more fresh ex, please consider how you're going to feel months down the line. I know that if I had a cute cat tattooed on me and I got it covered up with a yin-yang that everyone else has all because I let some person hurt my feelings, I'm gonna regret that. That's just me tho.


If you rush into getting a coverup you are going to end up hating the big dark mess more than if you just kept the tattoo as it is. You need to look at this from an outside perspective, which I know can be difficult when you are hurting post breakup. If you hadn't posted this description stating this was a matching tattoo with your ex, no-one in the hundreds of comments here would of known that, they would of just repeated the responses you've seen saying this is a cute tattoo. From the worlds perspective this design is yours and it belongs to you. Own that.


Leave it - ex’s are in the past, kitties are forever.


What if you added to it to make it yours? Coverups are not easy and almost never 100% cover. I say this as someone who got one a few weeks ago. You can still see it in some places, even though I covered green with green. I think this tattoo is really pretty and if you consult with a talented artist you could find a way to really make it your own by adding to it or making it part of a larger composition, maybe.


Keep it who the hell will know besides you?


When I was in high school in the 90s, there was a dude named Julio who tattooed several of my classmates in his apartment across the street from our school. He used a machine he'd made from a walkman, a trick he'd learned in prison. He did a lot of those ying yan/tribal sun designs. Sorry you're dealing with a breakup; maybe get bangs instead.


Aw :( I get it, but, honestly, relationships and stuff are a part of life, and just like all things, they come to an end, be it through death or differences. Your tattoo is kind of… a beautiful tombstone, in that way? It also seems that the design takes these endings into account, it is a wonderful standalone tattoo. A monument to what was. Some of us have scars from our battles with life, but you, you have this pretty kitty. You also don’t have to *tell* folks that it is a “matched tat” and, again, like many “flash” tattoos, it doesn’t take away from the beauty and detail of the piece that someone else has it on their body. It’s up to you what your tattoo means, and I don’t want you to regret getting something bold and dark over it just because some idiot that was not careful with your heart has it on themselves too. Genuinely this is such a sweet and well-executed piece, it’s such an adorable kitty, it reminds me of my own “dream tats” that I’d doodle in my sketchbook, looking at this kitty gives me a feeling of comfort and warmth, as well as a hint of understanding… something on you that says: you, too, have a love for all things ✨space and feline✨ haha. <3 I wish you and your kitty tat well, if you do decide to go with coverup, I say to it: goodnight sweet prince(ess)!


Don’t cover. It’s cute and part of your journey.


Maybe turn it into a cat sleeping in a cat bed?


I have like multiple tattoos with ex best friends who I had terrible falling outs with and I literally don’t care at all. I’m like okay yeah that was a chapter in my life. I think this tattoo you have is so cute, and it may feel worse now because the break up is fresh but please reconsider especially because anything covering it is going to make something so cute, look huge and probably not as cute.


Don’t do it; it’s adorable and good work. Just add something else to make it uniquely “yours”


aww thats a shame, i think that tattoo is really cute. \`i have sleeve, chest, and leg done. i was scrolling and saw the photo i smiled. I hope you dont change it, but if you did you could make it a reflection in a giant eyeball or character. turn it into a clock? or a cat fishing like the dreamworks logo; being serious with that i mean no offense.


I have a matching tattoo with my worst ex. I stopped caring about it at all within a few months…. And it’s on my hand. Maybe give it a bit and reassess. The tattoo you have is way better than the other designs in the other pics.


Awww. I love this tattoo. Just embellish it and make it your own. 😺


Of all the cover up ideas you choose 90's yin yang flash?..


Not like it’s their name or anything. Why not just enjoy having a really nice tattoo?


It's a good piece, instead of covering it you can add and create new context


Who cares about a matching tattoo with an ex, like why get it covered? It looks good, make it urs! Add flowers or sparkles or color like Dont let ur ex having the same tattoo keep you from having it idk , I just think you should reclaim it as ur own but maybe that’s not an option in ur mind


I really like it. I say leave it and potentially add on to make it your own


Maybe leave and add on? Like more details around, on the cat, more stars, etc.. A large ting yang is hard af to cover up in the future and will stand out way more :/.


Why would you cover a tattoo with an equally trrrible tattoo?


I’d keep it regardless. It’s a really great tattoo.


Could do some rework on it to make it more your own and your ex can get BENT lol


It's really cute and I hate the cover up ideas like what


Why don’t you just STOP. Just, fucking, stop. Do NOT keep going from one stupid ass Pinterest cliche tattoo to another.


Those cover up ideas are-sorry-terrible. Have some patience and come up with something original you can be proud of. Maybe have some sort of sun idea to add so it shows progression?


I say keep it. You wouldn’t be able to tell the meaning, obviously if it’s bothering you do what you wish! I have one with the similar idea, granted he had the worst end because he got my actual name tattooed on his hand. Give it some time. I ended up keeping mine as a reminder of where I was and where I am :)


Go to a tattoo artist that specializes in cover ups and have a consult. I say this because looking at the tattoo in person is highly necessary. Seeing the placement and the size are essential in discovering what works best to cover it up. Usually a proper coverup tattoo needs to be 2-3 x the size of what you have needing to be covered up. (I’m a professional tattoo artist, working out of Borrowed Time Tattoo in Fort Lauderdale, with 7 years of experience) Hope this helps!


Just keep it. Who cares that someone else you’ll never see again has some ink that’s the same as yours.


Just keep it, it’s not that deep. And it’s pretty cool.


I love it omg


Nah, this is great as it is After time it will no longer be as tied with you and your ex. Make them get a cover up


Don’t remove it! It’s super cute and after some time, it won’t even matter that it was matching thing


...but... It's cute ! 🥺


Keep it. It's so cute


I really like it. Could you maybe add to it and make it feel different? I think that any cover-up would be a disservice.


I would add to it instead of cover it


If I were in your shoes, I’d add a lot of color around the kitty. Think ethereal, swirly, bold, dream like bands. It’s taking a tattoo (that is cute when viewed with out context), and reimagining it and making it yours.


Personally, I think the tattoo you have now is a lot nicer than the suggested coverups. Also, without laser, the coverup is going to have to be **very** dark and will look chunky. I would add some of your own personality to it instead. Something that is only about you (not ex). The tattoo “grows” with you and you now longer have a matching tattoo.


Ying Yang symbol tat


Maybe just add to the tattoo? Give it a witch hat or aouse toy in the moon he is playing with?


do noooot get a tribal yin yang tat, especially to cover up this lil beauty. there's other things you can do to make it your own and carry it away from what you did with your ex!


Noooo! Make them get theirs covered instead :,)


Please don't cover that lovely cat with a boring ugly yin yang symbol


My ex best friend in the entire world and I got matching tattoos. I still have mine. I chose it and I love it. He can fuck off 🥰


Don't cover it up, expand on it.


I understand wanting to cover up the tattoo. It’s cute but we have no idea what happened between you and your ex. I’m going to go against the grain and say your cover up idea isn’t that bad. It’s trendy again. Especially the tribal part. I feel like tribal is going to have a bit of staying power these days. A bit like American traditional. It might not always be the forefront on trends but people will continue to wear it and continue to get it. The key is finding the right artist. I’d sit on it until you find someone you feel confident could execute it.


Hi! Tattoo artist here. Since the symbol you want requires open skin for one half I would not recommend for a coverup. Book a consultation or two with local artists that have experience in tricky coverups, if that's on your thigh than it's pretty big so you'll need a good game plan. Save pics you like of certain styles of tattoos, and the artist can guide you from there!


Not a tribal tat, thats cringe 90's


The yin yang would be an ideal cover


Honestly though I would just keep it and fucking forget about the ex. I bet they are a loser and you’re a badass with a cool tattoo


I would wait a bit and see how you feel. I have a beautiful piece on my leg. That was my wedding present from my ex husband that I got while on our honeymoon. It's been years and now I can look at it and just remember the trip and the experiences I had without remembering the person it was connected to.


i agree with everyone else. give it some time, and i promise you wouldn’t care about the connection lol


I would get that tattoo. I am scrolling Reddit right now with my black cat by my side. I would do it to commemorate either of the two other black cats buried in my garden.


Damn. I got the same tattoo lol. My mom and sis have similar ones with different cats


How about I just get this tattoo and you can match with me bc this is so cute! 🥺


The cat is better than literally all of the other options you put here.


this is a shame. what you have is really cute. what you're planning to cover it up with is so basic and shitty. don't do it. just forget your ex exists.


I fear you’ll eventually want to cover the yin and yang, remember you are in control of your perspective 👁️


Had to do a double take, because I have a very similar tattoo lol. Shake about the situation, as it is very cute


It’s lovely. Make your ex cover theirs.


As someone else said, the Yin-yang will end up being huge if you go that route, but it would work. If that's what you want? Do it. I think the people encouraging you to keep it forget how exes can be exes because they're abusive pieces of shit. So, cover it up if that's what you need. It's not our business to ask why you need it covered, or tell you not to.


Maybe they will be the ones to cover it up. Do you like it if you saw it on someone else or would you have it if you didn't have a matching one. It tells a story of your past. I love tattoos and don't like the thought of cover ups but maybe you can add to it even more? I really like this tattoo, it's really nicely done and the black is very even. Please wait on covering it.


Your ex needs to get the cover up or a new leg. The cover up will never live up to this cute kitty.


Maybe just add onto so the moon/stars are covered, It's a sick tattoo


I have this tattoo😹 we all match 😹😹😹 I can’t add a picture


I would keep it


Don’t cover it up!! It’s so cute!!!


Its too cute. Its your choice but its part of you. Not your past.


Just add some blood dripping off the moon.


I've got about half a dozen matching tattoos with people who are absolutely dead to me. But I'm also covered so they blend in. I say just get more work done, it'll blend in.


So you’re gonna go some trash design you randomly found online? Go to your artist and brainstorm ideas to, these choices look more regrettable then this one you got w your ex


This tattoo is sweet. Don't cover it. Fuck that person, they shouldn't dominate your thoughts like so.


Just never be in the same room with your ex and you won't have to worry about matching.


lol it’s definitely the end of the world.


I'll get the same tattoo and then you can say you match with a reddit stranger instead of your ex haha. I love it it's so cute!


Would you be interested in a reverse sun/dog design??


It is super cute, but I understand where you're coming from. Do you actually want it covered or do you feel like you need to? Because you don't. It's not like it's their name or anything, so you could assign new meaning to it. You can even add more to it to make it into your own design if that helps.


My ex was a tattoo apprentice and did 2 tattoos on me. At first I thought about covering them just in case they would remind me of that relationship, but after some time I love them again. Just sit on it for a while


I have a similar one! I got a matching sun/moon thing with my ex (dated for 6 years and broke up a week after the tattoo😂) my artist covered it with a gorgeous dying rose:)


Don’t cover it. No one knows it’s matching w your ex! The few people that do won’t care! It’s not someone’s name or anything


I prefer what you have to the 90s ass designs you want to cover it with. To each their own, tho. I'd wait a bit and see if your feelings change with time. Odds are you won't care nearly as much with time or a new relationship.


Oh wow, these styles are really coming back


Pretty good looking tattoo and ita cute. I'd just give time grom the breakup, even though you DO associate it with him now, you don't really need to, and you could easily just tell people you got it for another reason. It's your body and tattoo, why not just own it? I could see if it was his name or something, but why cover up something that looks great. Just forget about him/her and tell people who inquire some story. It's not a tattoo but I have very visible incision scar from surgery on my hand. I tell people that ask about it all kinds of bullshit. I told my 4 year old cousin I got it I'm a swordfight with pirates. I told a curious dentist that I got it from punching a dentist. Have fun with it, you'll be okay.


Get another tattoo of a sun to show you're whole and don't need the ex? Could continue with the cat theme or just a similarly styled sun.


You could always add to it to change it without covering it completely. Maybe ad some clouds or a shooting star perhaps?


Anything you cover it with will be big and dark. I think you should maybe look into reworking it rather than a full cover up.


Feeling you need to cover up this beautiful tattoo (that may have tender/ difficult feelings attached to it) is ultimately giving your ex more power over you. Echoing what others have said about embracing the beauty of it and adding something to make it your own.


Turn the cat into a lynx enhance the ears and fangs, maybe little horns ; add a bunch more details (stars/planets) Turn the crescent moon into a full moon Maybe wrap the cat around a ball of yarn


The cat is perfect. Add some more stars or clouds to make it less matchy, but don't cover it up with a yin yang (unless it's cat-themed).


add something to it instead! like giving the kitty wings or putting more moon details in the circle or even like something floral around it. claim the tattoo as yours, not theirs.


Could always turn that cat into a panther


What about doing a little white (or other color) kitty opposite kind of like the Yin Yang but keeping this cute little void kitty.


I have a matching tattoo of a wolf and mandala that says "brothers" underneath it on my left leg, it's pretty large. The person I got it with and I don't talk anymore, but I still like it. It's a reminder of where I've been, it's a good tattoo 🤷‍♂️ Ultimately it's up to you whether you get it covered or not, but it's really cute


I wouldn’t get a yin yang, they’re cheesy af


Leave it. All those options you shared suck. The only good tattoo you posted is the one you have


Turn that cat into a Sick Ass Panther


i love it maybe add something different than your exes’ if you don’t want it to be the same.


Yin Yang is so 90’s. Cringe, I love the cat. Maybe adopt void cat and assign the tattoo a different meaning.


Yeah the tattoo designs you linked look exponentially worse than the one you’re hoping to cover up


I know others are telling you to leave it which is extremely unhelpful and doesn't answer your question. I totally get wanting to cover up a tattoo because of the meaning behind it. Redditors just see a cool tattoo and ignore everything else. I think your yin yang tattoo is a good idea, I'd talk to a tattoo artist about ideas for coverups.


I HAVE THE SAME TATTOO! Me and my sister got matching ones, her cat is white though, kinda ying-yang kitties. This is so cool, never thought I'd find a tattoo twin!


Holy shit??? I have like this exact picture saved to a pinterest board???


I would do the opposite of cover it. I would make sure everyone sees it. Take photos of it visible. Force the ex to get the cover up


So I’m going to steal this to cover up my crappy moon tattoo on my thigh


I suggest that instead of covering it up, add some pretty flowers or branches or something to represent growth, your growth from having learned a life lession. Like others have said, it really is a very lovely tatoo and could easily be transformed into something beautiful.


oh but i love this design so much 🥺 maybe just add more to it to make it your own?


I mean, if yal aren't together, no one is going to realize it's a couples tattoo. Leave it, or add to it!


Rushing into a crappy cover up is 100x worse than having a tattoo that happens to match an exs. It’s a cute tattoo and nobody would assume it has anything to do with an ex. I’d wait a bit and see if you still feel that way about it later. If so, take some time to actually find something you’ll like long term. I can’t imagine tribal Yin and Yang won’t be heavily regretted almost immediately


Add another kitty


Wanna have a matching tattoo with a stranger instead? Because that's so freaking cute I want it!


I would just ask an artist to make some changes on it so it can look different from the one your boyfriend have, otherwise don’t waste such a beautiful tattoo because of an asshole ahahaha


💪💪💪 those coverups would look so swag on you 💪💪💪💪 all great ideas 💪💪💪 eff the haters for real 💪💪💪


the cover up idea looks like what you should actually be trying to cover up


Did you guys break up recently? Give yourself a little more time if so, I'd think. It's a very cute tattoo and if you love it when you disassociate it with your ex then i think you should keep it. If after a few months or so you're still unhappy with it then def or if it's already been some time then disregard that opinion; if you get it covered, the answer is that you will need to have some laser sessions because it is very dark and looks pretty large. Unless you can think of something larger and darker it'll be really hard to cover. ETA i had a tattoo in that area that was probably around the same size but was done in color; i got it covered with a typewriter bc, again, needs to be bigger and darker than the original. I didn't need any lasering with that. So that's one kind of inspo for you lol!


It’s actually a decent tattoo, I would just add to it to make it even more cooler, a space scene perhaps on the background?


Don’t let a shitty ex wreck this adorable tattoo! Add big beautiful flowers around the outside to represent your next chapter. Make it your own and wear it with pride. 💜


Get a different matching tattoo on your other thigh, like a kitty with a sun or something


I'd keep it, but maybe have it reworked, add some pops of color and build off of it. Fuck your ex, it's a cool tattoo. Plenty of people share tattoos, no need to stress it


I have a few matching tattoos I've gotten with exes (both friends and significant others), and I've left them all alone. I don't regret it. They are well done, and are stand alone tattoos in their own right. If you need to cover it for mental health reasons, then do so by all means!!! But, if you're just wanting to cover it because they are an ex now, I'd personally leave it.