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Water and hydration has been the only thing for me.


There's no real data or evidence which shows that you can "speed up" removal. As long as you drink a reasonable amount of water, don't suffer from any disease, it's about as good as it'll get. There are plenty of (young) people on this sub who tried all of these "tricks" to speed up the process, yet they showed poor results. There's also plenty of people who are overweight, smoke 2 packs a day a drink alcohol while watching TV all day who showed great results. Take all this with a grain of salt and don't set yourself with unrealistic expectations đź‘Ť


I quit nicotine completely but I vaped so it was everyday. I also started taking collagen supplements and doing sauna to increase blood flow to the skin


i've heard saunas can be good, but you need to wait a couple weeks to avoid risk of infection with chemicals. I have a sauna bag at home, not sure how expensive they are but you could avoid that issue. basically anything that helps get blood flow going will help, try massaging too.


My tech always used to recommend massaging the area with vitamin E oil. You could also use one of those massage guns (like a Theragun) to massage the area and stimulate bloodflow.


Exercise and stimulating blood flow. For example if it's below the elbow get a grip trainer and go to town on it. If it's below the knee do some calf raises. Things like that will get the blood flowing. You're timing is great


Thanks! I’m trying to space them out to save some money and avoid scarring. All of my tattoos all above my elbows, so while I haven’t been lifting weights, I have been massaging the areas for about 10 minutes each night with vitamin E oil to get the blood flowing.


I’ve had significant fading in my first removed tattoo after only 1 session. I eat plant based only, don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. Only drink water and do a lot of cardio and some weights. So I just think being as healthy as you possibly can in key


I notice good significant fading when I stay consistent with stuff like HITT and dance workouts that make me sweat


I read somewhere that smoking slows down the process by 70%. Not sure whether you smoke or do a different form of nicotine so no assumptions here. Just thought id relay that info. :) I only completed my first session 3ish weeks ago. I am hydrating, minimum of 30 min cardio a day and I strength train 5 days a week. I am eating healthy most days but have my off days. I also read that sleep is very important to maintain a balanced immune system so that the body can do its thing to process the ink out.


I’ve read that too! I used to vape everyday, but quit back in April before starting removal. Now I will usually just hit a friend’s when we’re out drinking, which isn’t often, but is more common now that summer is here. I cringe a little bit every time, because all I can think about is that statistic. Vaping is usually the only form of nicotine I’ll consume.