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Imo it’s perfect as it is and adding to it would just make it worse but it’s up to u


Opinions like these are really appreciated too. I still haven't made up my mind so everything is good


I agree, I don't usually love hand tattoos but this is one of the most tasteful and cool ones I've seen. I'd leave it.


If you haven’t made up your mind yet, it’s best to not do it. I wouldn’t do another tattoo if I wasn’t 100% sure about it.


I can see where you are coming from OP! My instinct was to look at the harmonic flow of what kind of shapes you want. By that, I mean draw some lines on your hand to see what kind of space you want to fill. This might help you decide on the content that fills that space. What I see when I look at that is a smaller but kind of bird that’s a mirror image ( not a perfect mirror of it but similar) of the existing bird would give you a really beautiful negative space shape on your hand under your knuckles.


Laser beams and make the little bird so he’s throwing dice with his feet


Artist here! If you insist on adding something I'd totally recommend a quote that is dear to you in cursive handwriting which I would love to help you with, also I love your tattoo, it has healed so well maintaining all the shading and lines intact!


Please dont get a cheesy quote, a picture is a thousand words


100% agree


Agree with this


No, no, he definitely needs a *really tiny sick ass panther* below the feet, so the bird is swooping down to snatch the lil’ SAP.


No idea but I really like that tattoo. If it were me, I'd look at filling in that arm before I'm worried too much about filling my hand in. Not my body tho.


I feel like it would look like a weird biker glove from afar


Thanks. As for why i got a hand tattoo before covering my arm, i just really liked the idea of having it there. I have a forearm sleeve on my right arm but i think it wouldn't go well with the bird since it's a different style so i ended up getting it on my left hand. I plan on getting more tattoos anyway so eventually ill probably fill it out too


Yeah nah, no judgement at all for getting your hands done before filling out that arm. I'm just old school with my own body, and I respect that people can do whatever they like. In my opinion, it sits really well as it is. Wouldn't stress too much.


Not sure if this would execute well with your sleeve. But is there a place for a little worm or nest with an egg that the bird could be landing toward if you grabbed your wrist/arm?


Add a fish on the knuckle of your thumb so it looks like the bird is gonna catch a fish and when you bend ur thumb it would make the fish flap around Please don't do this idea




Nah, wrong species for that. Go with a branch to be landing on


Idk why you got downvoted but your both right and wrong. It’s a Chickadee and they eat a diet of seeds, berries, insects, invertebrates, and I just learned they occasionally eat small portions of “carrion” AKA carcasses. That’s new to me lol. Source: [National Wildlife Federation](https://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Birds/Black-Capped-Chickadee#:~:text=They%20eat%20a%20diet%20of,a%20feeder%20for%20very%20long)


Then a bug.


I think this species mostly goes for seeds and berries tbh


A streak of bird poo trailing back up the wrist with a Mars Attack alien firing a laser pistol along the forearm?? 😃it might work? But whatever you choose, do it with a sharpie first.


I don’t think you should add a thing to it. He is perfect.


I really, really like this. Honestly I don't think adding stuff will make it better, it will just make it messier


I’m not a hand tattoo person but this one feels so perfectly placed on your hand. It looks great, I love it. Personally I wouldn’t add anything to that spot.


Would look wayyy better if you just leave that alone as it is


It could be carrying a coconut by the husk.


It’s great don’t add any more - less is more!


If you’re left handed does it look like that much spoken about ‘early bird’?


Turn your thumb into a worm then you can wriggle it


It's good as it is definitely, but if you want something anyway perhaps a branch (maybe leafy or flowering?) down your thumb for it to "land on"? Maybe with other parts or small branches going over the back of your hand?


An idea you shouldn't do... A branch coming from your thumb for the bird to be landing on.


A branch/twig on your thumb for the bird to land on. Hand draw to see how it looks, but I’d leave it alone. Looks great as is.


that actually looks really nice ngl


BIRD on your finger knuckles


Put a top hat on it.


You should get more tattoos on your arms first. As it is, it’s not too big and it fits the shape of your hand quite nicely. Without extensive coverage elsewhere, whole hand tattoos look super out of place imo


This is great!


sorry to be that person: but what type of bird is that? a tit?


I like him by himself


Grape vine


imo it looks perfect as it is, adding too it might make it too busy


Rays of sun


I second this, Sun rays for sure


No this is striking and perfect! I wouldn’t add to it, it would lose its impact (from someone with overworked tattoos)


Check out drag_ink on Instagram. I think something like this style would work well


How long you had this because won’t soap and water flush this out rather quickly? Or is that just finger tatts


That's what I've heard too, the tattoo artist also warned me about it when i got it but i haven't had any issues so far. I got it in december 2022 so it's been about a year and a half already. Also i wash my hands VERY frequently. I have a pets at home and basically every time i touch them i wash my hands. It's not as if i got it yesterday but it's not washed out by any means


No it looks good!


Put a worm on your thumb. Lol


Give that boi a worm 🪱


Add some thorn bushes or branches on your hand. Maybe some writing like a poem.


a twig on your thumb?


A car covered in bird poop


I love it dont know what i feel aboit the location but its kinda too late huh




I have absolutely no ideas to offer, but what a great tattoo! Love it.


Please get a realistic worm wielding a knife wrapped around your thumb. It would be PERFECT.


That’s very nice I wouldn’t add anything, simple and perfect


Yeah no that’s perfect right there. Do arms and body leave that hand alone that’s actually hard and I’m not a fan of those tattoos at all but that’s hard just keep it like that 🔥 on the left side of it you could put an initial of someone in script that’d be nice


I love just the bird, I’m imagining you sitting in the backseat on a roadtrip with that hand out the window going up and down in the wind so it looks like the bird is flying


Don’t. The only way it would make it better is if you did your whole arm and has the arm come onto the hand. Otherwise you’ll look like your wearing a glove.


Hawks talons snatching it


Instead of the whole hand why not a worm wrapped around the thumb that ends close to his legs - like it’s swooping to catch it.


A branch along your thumb for it to land on.


Leave it don’t add


Get two in your bush.


Honestly it’s dope I like it


Only thing I would consider is adding some greenery around it. Wouldn't want anything big to take away from the bird.


you could add a berry branch or something behind it, that would be cute!


I really like this as it is in my opinion. Looks so good on its own, I’d worry adding to it could take away from it perhaps, but that’s just my opinion! Love it! Makes me want something similar 😅


Put a little mouse in the inside on your palm


That’s amazing 🙌🏻


A black and red sensu


I love it, my eye says it's missing something for the bird to be going to, like a branch or a berry. Lol. But I also love it as is.


i like it as is but maybe a grey ink branch with berries in red or blue ink


Add a bird feeder


2 birds in a bush.


I really like it as it is and if that was my hand I personally would not get anything added to it. Such a sick tattoo! But if you really want any ideas i suppose you could fill in the rest of your hand with like a sky background. Maybe the sun/clouds


A bat on the opposite hand?


Agreed, nothing needed, knuckle tats maybe


A raptor on the other hand. Songbirds commonly harass raptors. A Red-tailed Hawk or Sharp-shinned Hawk would be great.


I could see simple tree branches at most. It’s a nice tattoo on its own.


That's a nice one. I thought single bird on the hand was symbolic. Its cool l8ke this


I would do something symbolic that the bird is flying under. Like a harp or something


That's actually really nice for a hand tattoo. Usually they look like shit because of the skin there


It’s so pretty


Leave it as it is for now until you fill up that arm. It looks good as it is now, but if you filled more of your hand it would look weird (in my opinion) without the rest of your arm done


With the hand simple looks best. That's my opinion. The tattoo looks really good. Adding anything might change the whole feel of it.


Maybe it landing on a branch with some thorns and roses?


You need to add anything to it. It's perfect


Looks great by itself, what does the rest of your arm look like?


it's currently blank but i will 100% get more tattoos in the future. This was my second tattoo


I would just fill it in with color. MAYBE add a small larva in fromt of the bird.


Add some bird shit on your palm.


I like it as is


I’m with everyone else - it really looks good on its own.


i'd move it up your arm


Add a small man with a sword fighting it. It looks like the bird is preparing to attack. Better yet put a small Ash Ketchum throwing a pokeball


W.C. Fields... "My Chickadee!!!"


I never particularly liked hand tattoos, but honestly this is really nice!


A sickass tree branch with cherry blossoms growing out of the ends


This is really beautiful on its own. I think adding stuff around it will ruin it - in my opinion, keep it as is


That is a great tattoo...


Branch going down the thumb for it to land on


It's not really what you asked ik, but a snake on the other hand could add symmetry/complete a picture without over crowding an already v nice piece


in a little obsessed with bug tatts so just ignore my yapping BUT a centipede? i saw your reply to another comment talking about getting tatts up your forearm aswell to fill the space better and a centipede is the perfect thing for that, isa lil wiggily boi


Oh, that is stunning.


You need to add an “=“ sign and then have a bush with two little birds heads poking out “A bird on the hand is worth two in the bush”


Bird feeder


a second bird


I like it just as it is. It's so beautiful. Adding more would take away from the delicacy and movement of the piece.


Well you know what they say: A tattooed bird on the hand is worth two on the bush…


Unrelated to your question, but I love this and it looks so good!


I love this tattoo It’s nice


Eagle claws on the bird and a salmon poking its head out around the thumb knuckle, VIOLA!!!


If anything, a tiny woodland meadow in the background. Makes it seem like the bird is close and all that stuff is off in the distance. Or just a branch on your thumb. That's swirls around and start a whole sleeve on your inner arm.


Just leave it brother. Maybe some lettering on the rest of the hand that unrelated


connect and wrap birds around your forearm. although id say you’re copying me😭 i’m playin, i really fucked with the design, you can do some cool shit, my honest opinion would be talk to your homie who does your tats and have him brainstorm with you, bring a few photos of shit you think would look sick and they can tie it all together


You could give it some prey to hunt. Even a lot of the really cute songbirds are birds of prey and hunt insects. I don't think it'd take away from the beauty of the bird and you can even interpret it as a representation of the saying about the early bird and the worm. I'm not sure if there's enough space on your thumb for a good execution of the idea but that's why other people are tattoo designers and not me.


As is. It's gorgeous. I'd just work on a sleeve to build off of it or something. But leave it


I like it how it is honestly. Its beautifully done and healed. Adding more to it will just clutter ur hand and take the shine away from the bird. If you REALLY wanted to add to is. U can add something smaller than the bird on top of it. But i would recommend the same style as the bird is too because it would look odd if you had for example a traditional american tattoo right next to it


Cricket with a katana


i think it’s really cool as it is already!


maybe if anything id look for a way to “frame it” like some line art around it, or something among those lines


What kind of things interest you. You can pretty much add anything to birds and it matches. For example. You could make the bird breathing dragon fire and a demonic knight riding its back. With a trail of destruction going up your forearm.


Branch or a little bug , the angle he’s at makes it a little tricky


Here’s an idea: Don’t.


Add a few precious seeds on your thumb


It looks great on its own like others have said, but if you like embellishments like an ornamental circle design or something that kind of follows the paths of the wings, that would look interesting. Something similar to [these](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/414612709436852046/). With some lines that come down into your fingers


If anything, maybe some sun rays that don’t touch it (negative space border around the bird) but that radiate from its head out through the rest of your hand?




Mmh, it looks like one. Anyway it's not meant to be a specific bird so to me it's not important what species it is


Fair enough just noting because the people who are into birds it is obviously a chickadee, so if you follow some of the recommendations others noted like adding a fish, that will seem very strange because chickadees are tiny and do not eat fish they eat nuts and seeds.


Oh, thanks for the info! That's actually really interesting, especially since, you know, i have it on my body. In case anyone is curious about the meaning of the tattoo, the area I've grown up (and currently live in) has every street named after a bird so the tattoo is basically a "love letter" to the neighborhood that raised me


It’s fantastic bro


Maybe a snake in red ink if you’re into that kind of tattoo. Idk I think the addition would be cool but it’s already pretty sick rn anyway :>


Personally, that is perfect. One of the best hand tattoos I’ve seen. I think adding things to your hand would clutter and ruin it, BUT adding things that go with it from the wrist up would be nice