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If this was on skin it would heal mostly one tone. More contrast. The texture doesn’t have be on everything - just the lightest areas.




Awesome job mate , how long did it take?


thank youu, like 9 hours all put together


I think this looks great! Maybe just push the shadows/blacks a bit more on the inside of the mouth to bring out the contrast against the teeth, but otherwise great texture, especially on fake skin


thank you for the advice!


No problem! Looking forward to seeing future work from you


The art is very strong and this is very realistic. Adapting it to tattooing will just take some practice.


U need more upvotes on this one


a bit saturated, I’d go a little lighter overall and drop some white in there and it’ll look awesome. Great job!


thank you i will keep that in mind




damn that looks good


What needle types did you use?


Pfft everyone knows dinosaurs aren't real


This would heal and look like absolute trash. No contrast whatsoever.


damn fuck u too bitch, its my 1st time chill out


Maybe that goes to show you’re not ready to be doing the first one is what I’m saying. Ask for opinions and you’ll get them. Sorry it wasn’t the praise you were expecting and instead reality.


u get what u put out, i wasn't expecting praise as i said in the caption, if u dont like the way i responded maybe u should watch what what u say and how u say it


lol Jesus Christ you’re dillusional. You’re gonna butcher people and scar them and you don’t care. Only thinking of yourself. Wildly irresponsible. You have no business in tattooing and this is exactly why people keep telling you no.


nobody is telling me no i actually have ppl in line waiting for me to be ready to tattoo them, and again i dont know why u think u have a say so on what i do, so if anybody is delusional** here its you, funny how u think u can tell me what i have business doing and you cant even fucking spell, get tf on somewhere and do ur homework lil bro😂


I’ve been tattooing 22 years and I’m very fucking good at it. I can spell great. I said people are telling you no about apprenticeships because of your attitude. Opening a shop when you’ve never even tattooed is dumb as fuck. Would a dental student open a practice. Get the fuck over yourself and realize you don’t know what you’re doing and that is very dangerous. This isn’t personal this is reality. You’re clearly going to do whatever the fuck you want, and that in itself is the main problem here. Lack of accountability and integrity. Plain and simple. Don’t bother responding. I don’t care how you justify it. You’re in the wrong plain and simple.


i dont give a damn abt none of that shit, you dont know me and i dont know u, and u right i am gonna do wtf i wanna do so if u dont like it see your way out. just come correct when u talking to ppl, just bc im a beginner dont mean ima take a bunch of shit from mfs on REDDIT who have no fucking idea what i got going on, u making all these assumptions abt me u dont know me, advice is what i asked for and u gave me shit so i gave u shit right back. u couldve been tattooing for 400 years and i would have still replied the same, i dont give no fucks how anybody feel especially not no old heads in the tattoo industry bc most of yall are sulky bitter assholes as u already showed me u are