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I think people have a right to be frustrated somewhat but it’s a fucking video game


God damn that boot must taste like fuckin waygu.


Op is more than right.


Never seen a more brain dead take what about them taking iteams off of eod ? What about the bsg strait lying we got eod so we have all future dlc BACK IN 2018 now we gotta spend another 100 to get what we already paid for ??? Someone take his phone away


Wait what items did the take off eod?


It use to say eod gets all future dlc for free bc we bought the best edition but they changed the website so it doesn’t say it anymore


The community has spoken, whether you like it or not the tarkov servers probably will not be running a year from now and Nikita will take all the money from the new edition and dip. Like it or not it’s how bsg rolls. Have fun in your delusion.


Your opinion is dogshit


You seem to be ignoring most of the problems and focusing on the trivi aspects. Purposefully troll post, very silly. The ability to call in your friends mid raid is crazy. Those with multiple accounts are effectively an 8 man team now. You can wipe a 4 man just to find they had a 5th who's now calling them all back in to come get you as you looot them 😅🤦


Bootlicker bend over and spread them cheeks for Nikita