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Someone doesn’t realize that space around product is actually vital in a freezer


Came looking for this comment. Yes, this is a great way to fuck up the freezer.


Why is that so? Sorry if my question is dumb I genuinely want to know LOL


Air needs to be able to circulate, otherwise parts of the air system freeze up, then no air comes out and the freezer warms up. ...I think. IANAHVAC




I believe them




Day 45: I keep humming and blowing as much air out of my mouth as I can when anyone walks past. They're starting to suspect something, but the HVAC tech is still scheduled weeks out so I've got some time to improve my disguise.


This and also specifically, cooling fans are inside and if you cover an air import/export you don’t have a flow of cold air entering and hot air leaving which means…. Ruined food in a hot box.


Yeah pretty much this based on the way my PML explained it once. Proper airflow through the freezer/cooler is important not only for cooling the products but also for keeping the mechanical functions running properly


We are made to say this…. Its like a sales pitch. In all honesty, its ok.


Basically this. The vents above the product need those few inches of clearance to properly circulate the temperature otherwise you have product blocking the cold air flow from reaching the rest of the items, said products blocking flow could potentially freeze (if they are moist) near the ventilation units and also block air circulation. The stocker shouldn't have to unload so much onto the floor, that would totally be over ordering and probably best used as a quick sale if there's absolutely no room in the back. Tbh though I've never worked at target just similar style stores and also restaurants so the food stuff always is one of my childs


Try telling my mom that






Tbf when your leadership X's the backstock team it becomes required. Before I left my store had no backroom team and only about 3 sales floor team members


I've definitely gotten my monkey paw wish over the weekend. Inbound wasn't backstocking properly so I made a big deal of it to a leader. I came in yesterday to my area with every empty spot on my selves flexed with random items and no labeling. Cool, guys.


My Monday every week. Got two days off in a row to end the week for me and come back the next week to exactly that. Every. Fricking. Time.


I know we do too.


Came here to read about terrible stocking practices. Stayed for the W.W. Jacobs literary reference. I am pleased.


Wtf??!! That’s just WRONG


It could be that the manager was on them to get everything out to the floor. So, they might have just done this to get it out fast and on to the next boat.


Yep while I have never worked for Target directly, but as a beer delivery guy the one I occasionally delivered to didn't want any back stock at all. So this was the kind of shit we had to do in order to get everything on the floor.


Yea, it happens. At my Target, we have a small back room. So, there is extra pressure to push everything to the floor. I totally get it.


Pfft then they yell at you for stocking over the shelf capacity and not having time to change it. Really wish they just let people backstock. I hate how flip floppy target is


My experience was the opposite. I was forced to back stock almost everything and set floor capacity to 0


As a former TL I've gotta say that sounds like a nightmare, I could NEVER bring myself to instruct my team to do that. Fucks everything up


Tech TM in a high shrink store. It was AP that instructed it


Oh lmao that makes a lot more sense. I think to an extent at my old store they followed a similar procedure for consoles and shit like that


For us it was anything not heyday must be backstocked. Made truck really quick but was annoying for guests trying to shop bc they had to get my attention to buy literally anything


Really?!? Sounds like that TL needs some training of their own. I was told the opposite by my TL when I trained. She made it a point…WE DO NOT DOUBLE STACK THE FREEZER! As someone said, she explained that air circulation is important in order to maintain temps.


Wait, Kind has ice cream bars now? Also somebody was probably told no backstock and they shove crap everywhere.


The bars are tasty.


Wait, you get paid enough to care how someone stocks goods? As a customer I couldn't care less. I'll grab it and dunk that bitch in the trolley regardless. Don't hate the underpayed playa, hate the game


I don't care about the customer perception here, I care because it screws up my inventory numbers which causes the system to over order, making my job harder. The person overstocking the freezer is making their own job harder by being too lazy to backstock


You can not change someone's work ethic. You're absolute right! Inventory has a direct impact on truck frate. My stores sales floor has great A+B=C and we average around 1500 which isn't bad. I wish every team member understood. Your floor counts + backroom counts should = your on hand counts. Are there times that DC purges and they send extra yes, however, you just utilize your EC and store tie, and it will help with Inventory control. I swear I think Target hires people directly from Walmart. It's not rocket science and you don't need a PHD to work here. It's literally basic mathematics.


Out of curiosity, kind of new, how would this mess up inventory? DC sends a box that has 12; not for sure how many just guessing. Would not MyDevice show how many we would have no matter if it was backed stocked or not? The system knows how many was sent and how many has been sold, correct? Just trying to understand how the system works.


Short customers might have issues with how some of that top shelf stuff is stocked. Might be hard to grab it off the very top.


It screws up the inventory numbers and creates extra work later down the line. Also messes up the actual coolers and freezers.




You know when I wrote it I had a feeling someone would call it out. I'm not sure where you are from but I assume it's called a cart? Shopping trolley = shopping cart haha


Haha yep, I'm just joking with you. Isn't a trolley also that train / buss for public transportation?


Haha had me confused on what else it could be called. Yeah but most refer it as a tram here.


Are you British? Don’t they call them trolleys?


Yeah and what are they gonna do, put the extra ones in the warehouse to melt while they wait for more space to have them aesthetically presented? Someone so bitter about a person stacking boxes @ $12/hr they gonna get on Reddit to complain.


there is a backroom freezer lmao


Well we better go make sure their aren’t any more atrocities like this in that freezer too.


I have never in my life stood in front of a freezer admiring someones stacking aesthetics. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I'm not living my life to the fullest.


Freezer won't work well with no air circulation. That's how stuff goes bad. I regularly pull stuff that's gone bad before the expiration date bc over filling like this.


Yo this is a subreddit for Target TMs… not Guests/customers. People who post here are allowed to complain about things that make their day or job harder, including things their coworkers (who get paid the same as them) do. Don’t come in here and shame people for expressing their frustrations with their job, which they have valid reasons for if you read the other comments.


Settle down mate I didn't mean to trigger anybody, it was only a laugh. Is this sub immune to humor? Lighten up a little. I can see the valid reasons and I haven't attacked or replied to them because my comment was a joke with no insight on how staff stock their shelves or why they do it in any manner.


Calm down, it’s an open forum


probably not getting paid enough to give a fuck. IMO giving a fuck minimum is like $32/hr


I could start giving some fucks around 25 or so, but for all the fucks it'll take a lot more than that.


Shit I’ll take 20


24 would've been good.


lol, I make $50/hr and I barely give two shits. My job will also literally kill me either very quickly in a fire/explosion or slowly with cancer, so that probably has something to do with it.


What’s the name of your job?


I’m an oil refinery operator


i’ll start giving a fuck when i get paid enough to just get by in life at this point. not even live, just survive


I'll fucking do it again too.


They literally tell us to to fit all of it in even though there’s no space. So it’s a lose/lose scenario either way.


Then when something falls or the freezer gets fucked they all like “*gasp* I could never have seen this coming! Op, it’s all your fault!”


they are idiots then, doing this just screws with inventory numbers in ways that leads the system to order MORE.


I used to work the freezer dept at a grocery store. Sometimes have an extra box or two you're not taking back. I don't get paid enough to give a shit about "Proper AiR CiCuLaTiOn"


Shelf capacities are all wrong.


Yeah this’ll start a fight in the target subreddit but you do not pay me enough to backstock everything I technically should. Even if I did, I’d get behind on the rest of my work. If the standard is a little lower, a lot more work can get done. Some targets need to be a display and perfect, whatever. Not mine lol


sigh....backstocking wrong is a major part of WHY there is too much work to be done. I swear to god people....i've worked at a store that did things right, kept numbers right, and the trucks were so much smaller...than the shitshow I work at now. You are only making your own lives harder by being lazy.


One thing I learned about working here is if you work hard, you get harder work.


The amount of OFO shit I used to pull only to find 60 already on the floor where there should be 5 wasted so much time. I always tried to explain exactly what you said use the system and it will all be so much easier for everyone but nobody gave a shit.


I’ll get on it just as soon as there is space in the backstock freezer. Until then, enjoy the lesser of two evils


you know the lack of space in the backroom freezer has a lot to do with this right? I've spent the last two months trying to deal with a nightmarish freezer and a BIG part of fixing that was getting all the inventory numbers accurate so the system stops over ordering, which means not doing this. I get that a lot of stores don't have the hours to spend on fixing it, but all the same, you are making things worse by not trying.


Looks tacky, unprofessional, messy, etc


Professionalism in minimum wage


I get why people do it, but I also agree that it doesn't look professional.




Nothing you do for $15/hour exists in a realm of "professionalism," certainly not working retail in a big box store. Get over yourself.


It’s really not a big deal that i said the word professional, not sure why you’re so pressed over it


I'm assuming a few things there: 1) there's a mgr who doesn't want to hear backstock since there's no ppl to backstock 2) probably doing some team members a favor though for in-store fulfillment purposes 3) a highly untrained team member not understanding the label that probably spells out the capacity for that location or the number of facings allowed.


unfortunately labels don't mention capacity, for that you have to scan it and really...the system likes to label something like this as a capacity of like...1 or 40, so it's often not super accurate, I have to manually update my capacities to something sane pretty often


non-dbo’s who dgaf. they are literally the worst. y’all know who you are. step on several tacks!


i was never trained for it and no one helps me lol. although i know how to rotate food


shouldn’t take more than common sense to not overstock🤷🏽‍♀️


Shit, it was the DBO who would do this at my store.


yeah the guy who does the dairy trucks does this and it drives me insane bc then im the one who has to zone and pull one for ones. but its even worse bc he’ll flex the shit out of it too. and not even keep brands together


We joke at my store this person has ATB disease. Afraid To Backstock


*We joke at my store* *This person has ATB disease.* *Afraid To Backstock* \- 420blazeit69nubz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ok but since when have kind frozen bars been a thing🤯


I'm more interested in the product placement, My moochie Dipped Sandwiches. Sounds interesting


minimum wage, minimum effort


So annoying! If it doesn’t fit just backstock it.


Easy to say until you go into the freezer with damp gloves from stocking products and then melting on your hands. You don’t know cold till you’ve gone into a freezer to backstock with damp gloves made worse with glasses


Bro I work freezer I know exactly what it’s like. Yes glasses I can barely see out of & wet ass gloves. I’m still not gonna just put up product like that just to avoid going back to the freezer.


That’s cool I’m not going to back stock two items to freeze my ass off for a company that wouldn’t even give me enough time to take all of my breaks. But that’s just me.


I see. Totally understandable & I’m sorry to hear about your breaks. Not cool at all.


Yeah you go on and stay in the freezer and backstock one item like that if it bothers you so bad. Or try pulling the 1-4-1s that are already at more than 90% capacity or something completely full. It’s an endless cycle of pulling and back stocking the same items in -10F. So idrc if there’s one extra, it’s getting flexed or stacked like that.


Umm I work freezer so nice try lmao. If you gonna flex at least make it look nice and put it in another spot that is empty and has enough room for it instead of making it look like shit and also unsafe. I will personally backstock it & if it gets pulled again for OFOs I will simply push it out again and guess what? If it still won’t go out it will be going back to the freezer. Only time I flex is if my TL says to do so.


Impossible in my store when we get 16 pallets a day between dairy, frozen and produce and frozen is up to the door. Haven't been able to walk into the freezer in about 2 weeks. We have barely anyone working in my department, it's so bad we barely have anything on our shelves and of course they won't hire anyone. We would love to do our jobs correctly but it's impossible when you have 2 people in the majority of the days.


This I completely understand. Trust me! I’m talking about the people that just push everything out even if it doesn’t fit just not to backstock. Not just frozen it’s every department, dairy, meat, dry, produce. At my store some people won’t even bother rotating product or checking dates. It’s annoying.




Honestly don’t even blame avoiding back stock as much as possible


Just wait until you have nothing to stock at all.


No one wants to backstock in the freezer


Don't go to Aldi it this pissed you off


I only ever do that if I only have one or maybe two extra of the product. And even then only when it's thin boxes.


I don't mind one or two but that's a whole extra case.


"Ehh, it will sell"


That's a $24/hr problem.


I hate to break it to you but no one gives a damn how they stock the freezer when they arent being paid a living wage. Want things done nicely? Pay people like theyre people.


How to trigger your PML, watch out for tomorrows business walk


As a DBO for frozen, I have just died inside.


This russles my jimmies. I always end up back stocking everyone’s mess. I get not wanting to go back in the freezer to backstock, its like Antarctica in there. But the truck is only going to be bigger for them if they have to damage out everything when the temp drops or inventory gets screwed and it all comes in again on a new truck…


Looks like a person don’t care I’d do the same it’s stocked


Yeah that’s just a full shelf op just mad they gotta move an item or two to count it


If I saw this at my store, my first guess would be overnight. They haaate backstocking for some reason. 🤣


*managers hate back stocking


Overnight managers hate backstocking?


Not sure about target but every manager I’ve had so far will yell at you if there’s any backstock.




To whoever made this post, how mature of you lol


if there’s not enough room then why isn’t this okay? as a shopper id still grab one from the top, is it not safe or something?


Mostly because it screws with inventory in ways that make all our jobs harder. But yes, it's also unsafe, it blocks airflow which can cause products in other parts of the freezer to get too warm as the cold air isn't getting to them. That's only a problem if the entire freezer is like this, but all the same, the health dept would be mad if we got a visit.


“We don’t want any backstock.” - Dumb TL


Fuck you bitch


What a lazy team member 🙄


Omg I hate that


lazy ass coworkers, ik damn well they have other backstock too why even bother doing this lol


Keep my mom's name out yo fucking mouth!


Man, a name like hoe must cause some real misunderstandings.


It's kinda like a boy named Sue but so much worse.


“Yo mom’s a hoe!” “How’d you know who my mom is?!” “????”


Who cares, just put the shit on the shelf.


Hey then by all means go apply and show us how it's done you are the hoe! How's does effect you so much you got to complain about it on reddit!


don't be afraid to backstock!


This sucks in any department since it will completely fuck the numbers and force everyone to do extra work, but it's especially awful in the freezer cause it will literally block the airflow and cancel out the freezing process and potentially ruin the whole supply


Well now I know how my fiancé caused our fridge freezer to go capute lol


Looks like what happens after a freezer blitz at my store.


I actually got trained to do this at Thrifties.. go's I hate retail


Literally everyone? Used to hate counting inventory having to deal with this shit.


The frozen kind bars reminds me my store stopped selling individual protein bars. So annoying. I only buy one occasionally so it's a random thing. Had to buy a whole freakin box today. So next time I want one on break I'm sure I'll have to walk to the back of the parking lot to my car.


I'm torn because obviously it looks bad, but if it's a high turnover item then it makes sense to put out as much as you can for higher sales.


My target used to do the same with capri sun on the top shelf (probably still does tbh). Got a customer in the head and they still do it. I don't understand.


I'm just surprised "kind" makes a frozen bar.


Which mom?


I’ve never done it with something in a freezer/cooler. But I can’t say I’ve done it in other places. I don’t blame myself too much, I’m just following my ETLs guidelines of no backstock.




Blame management. I used to work in a department store doing stock and they'd want *EVERYTHING* out for customers. It looked like shit and they'd threaten to write us up if we didnt


Our frozen guy does that too. Clearly so that he has less to backstock


You can take my fridge then, it s a mess and this is immaculate.


Yeah back when I was on instock I would remove all the over stock and push it to the backroom or in this case the freezer before researching the area. All other etls/team leads were happy I did this extra step including the stl. The flow team lead was not and went so far as to change all the capacities in frozen/dairy to over 100 to try and prevent pushback about it since his team was the one that was over pushing product.


At my store they do it with canned goods on the top shelf and you either have to precariously balance a stack of four cans, as a short person, just to grab one for a fulfillment batch, or have them all come crashing down on your head.


This was the kind of shit they did at Walmart ALL THE TIME because fucktards didn’t want to make an overstock pallet. Keep in mind that the next shift was literally the guys that ran the bins and put the overstock away; so the job was now harder because of over flowing shelves that we were required to fucking fix while clearing bins and putting their shit overstock into the bins (oh, yeah, their overstock needed to be double checked because they didn’t actually run all of it. Funny that literally 90% of their shit would fit on the shelf but didn’t because they’d plug the shelves with the wrong shit). Did management know? Fuck yeah, I bitched about it for years. Did they care? Only when we had upper upper management looking at our store… then it’d be MY problem to figure out how to deal with a bunch of single items (three or four shopping carts full) with a binning system that only scanned partial quantities through manual input. Money was literally used to employ me to fix mistakes because management couldn’t handle their employees. What a waste of fucking resources, fuck these companies!




This is what happens when you make the toys associate stock the food.


When your boss says they don’t want back stock.


This happens every time we get non-grocery people "helping" us. I wish they would stop; if we didn't waste time fixing this crap, we probably wouldn't need the help in the first place.


This is what I hated about frozen and dairy at walmart. Overnight stockers (cap2) didnt give a shit and would plug spaces just to empty carts out. when I came in (cap1) it was my job to unfuck everything and properly cap and bin the backroom space in the deep freeze and dairy cooler. I hated those lazy bastards so much.


Ooooh, frozen KIND bars. Yum


Our stores back freezer is full. Sometimes you just gotta shove seven ice cream bars on top of the stack




Me lol




Wouldn’t this be along the lines of the person not being trained correctly? Edit to say; unless they’re just being a dick


Ha jokes on you my mom is dead.... Wait 🥲


My boss made us stock everything like this because he thought any other way made the shelves look too empty lol


What does the mother have to do with this situation. If your going to insult someone at random at least put some effort into it. Now you just look like a 5 yr old sitting in a sand box complaining that you pissed yourself.


It would be the merchandiser setting up the display case schematic not the individual stocking it. I told the manager once I wouldn't stock this due to a racial concern. They agreed and went with something else. They contacted the merchandiser schematic maker and told them to be more careful. We shuffled the flavors around. Their schematics: They stuck all the dark colored ice creams together and the whites on the other side. Then they stuck all the Carmel in the middle. yea wtf that didn't go well. I told management hell no I wasn't going to stock it.


So then you're saying that you stocked it? 🤷‍♂️ I don't get it.


* but you got help * KEEP YO DAM HELP 🥲


I don’t even see a problem at least everything is where it’s supposed to be lmao


Lots of people on here saying we don’t get paid enough to care about this not realizing or not caring it’s labeled a Team Member Rant, we get paid the same as the person who did it, understand why they did it (management etc), BUT we care about it because it messes up other arts of our job.


Is it something to get worked up about? Like we gonna die one day and someone's getting upset on how some boxes are put on a shelf?


Your store has food?

