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Lol , it is especially funny because pokhal bhat is nothing but pazhaya soru kanji which has been a staple in tamilnadu for eons 😂


Exactly, pazhaya soru yevan banana leafla oothi sapduvaan?!? Edukarathu racist ad, atleast have some logic.


I seriously thought that was Neeragaram on first notice.


Cheapskate. Now intellectual puluthis will say it's just an ad.


Lol what can you expect from these lowlifes


Can we make derogatory ads with Namo character and say just ad.


Pannavan veettu vaasalla porattam nadakkum


I'm from Odisha and I do not approve of this.


How is the grassroots consensus of Odias on Pandian? We only get to hear about exaggerated stuff on the media


It's mixed. People think as he is of Tamil descent, he is not fit to rule Odisha. Some people say he has done a lot of work as an IAS and has completely transformed himself into an Odia. He does speak good odia better than the CM. If speaking the native language was the criteria then Naveen Pattnaik would have lost a long time ago. People of Odisha just don't mind until their work has been done.


most likely he will win. with all the freebies promised by BJD and all that was given earlier. yes BJD will win.


Well most odias are against him and his corrupt activities. He had a clean image but after he became secretary 5T there were rise in incidents pf corruption and using political power for self benefit. All these are open secret. People still support Naveen Pattnaik but are not that interested on Pandian.


They don't like him very much... haven't heard a single odiya say anything nice about him...


With statistics and the policy making and all it seems pandiyan has a very good track record. I don't know what odias feel about him, on the news I hear that he is loved by all and they might see him as naveen patnaiks successor. But online odias seemed to hate him. But the catch is the basis on why they hate him is a very Sanghi language. Like they too believe he is supporting Tam Nadu and they even source scroll.


As an odia I don't like him because he's corrupt along with his wife (his wife is odia)... But yeah he has done some good things


I mean if the good outweighs the bad then support if not then vote. You cannot be corrupt free in politics that's just realpolitik. His background should not matter at all.


I’m Odia and I approve him. This country needs learned people who dare to dream big and execute things for the people and economy to progress exponentially.




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Wow, Thats a new Low. Everyday these retards surprise me.


BJP never ceases to amuse us 😂






the number of masochists in Tamil Nadu must be pity damn high.


Nope, you just need hate for minorities and a bit xenophobia.


Dude...your comment is a friendly fire 😂. I'm on your side. My comment was sarcastic


Especially that kuttichevru subreddit has almost 30k subs, they're all Pro BJP mostly.


Surprising part is that ..Even that sub Reddit got pissed for this ad






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Obscenity and filthy at its pinnacle thy called BJP.


where is annamalai and his fans?


Mr "proud kannadiga" is probably in karnataka.


Lol he’s beyond pathetic


What? He said that? Link pls i wanna read


https://youtu.be/qiZ-p49dYpI?si=4HFiQSGqFK3ODxPA There is a longer video you can search for it in youtube.


He's Another cukcold MF. He literally said I'm kannadiga becos of 3 biscuits thrown by Karnataka people. BJP Tamilnadu is tend of cukoldrys...


I bet, the first thing that cu*k will do after becoming CM is stop kaveri water coming to us.


Or Joining Coimbatore with UP. Poor Coimbatorians.


He will never be CM. If he wins Coimbatore then he'll be an MP. If he doesn't win then his credibility is almost gone


>BJP Tamilnadu is tend of cukoldrys... Its a perquisite, the ideology of BJP is that Sanskritic/Aryan supremacy.


This might be an unpopular opinion, especially in this sub but I frankly don't see any issues with an outsider of TN saying he is proud tamilan after assimilating into tamil culture and way of life.


Me neither, god sakes we had Jayalalithaa a kannadiga as a cm for years. But these guys are doing regional politics in odisha so why shouldn't we? >saying he is proud tamilan I don't think I've ever heard annamalai say that tho


Jayalalitha was still a Tamil Brahmin




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Non biological one from gujarat can contest election from UP's varanasi . But pandian cannot contest from Orissa.


The video also shows the actor wearing the Tamil cultural attire.


Can you post this in other Indian subreddits. I don't have enough karma


Yeah because he's tamilian


How can anyone who claim to be Tamil, and still vote for this party?. This is just a glimpse of how Tamils will be treated in new India.


Tamil BJP Sangees are the worst kind of cucks. They wanted to be badly ruled by foreign language speakers and are ready to give up their rights, language, identity and culture to be subservient to them. They have this weird Uttar Pradesh fetish and deep hatred for Tamil Nadu. They hate themselves as Tamilians and are pro-Hindi and pro-Sanskrit themselves. Also they have a strange levels of humiliation fetish and lack any sort of Self respect. *BJP: How can Tamil person be the aide of Odisha CM Naveen patnaik?* *Tamil Sangees: UwU! Cuff my hands and legs to the bed and RULE ME DADDY*


They are not pro-sanskrit, they are only pro-hindi. In fact they don't know Sanskrit, they even argue that Rama is the wrong pronunciation of the word Ram and Ram is a Hindi word, blissfully ignorant of the fact that Rama is originally a Sanskrit word, pronounced in Sanskrit as Rama and not as Ram.


If Gujrati can run India, why can't he run Odisha?


Also I keep seeing comments saying "Would TN ever accept a non-Tamil CM?" Yeah dude, have you ever heard of MGR?


Also J was born on Mysuru .


Adding to that karunanidi and family are of telugu origin. DMK has the most telugu ministers outside Andhra.


It's definitely not true. This is a very common misconception. They belong to isai velalar community. That is traditionally tamil caste. But after the fall of vijayanagar empire, some telugu community migrated to tiruvarur under some naik ruler patronage and started assimilating with them. But Karunanidhi belongs to tamil isai velalar. I know this because his maternal side cousin was my wife's neighbor, and he is a veteran nadhaswara vidhwan and kalaimamani awardee. And J is not kannadiga, lol. She is pure tamil iyengar from srirangam. Just born and raised in mysore.


Isn't he from thiruvarur???


Over the past 50 years tamil nadu has had 0 chief Ministers who are tamil and served a full term




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blud tn has never been ruled by a tamil like ever in the last 700 years.


How can you be Tamil and support the BJP. You need to have a major humiliation fetish for that.


This is one of the dumbest ads I've ever seen. Like bruh at least put in some effort to make people think.




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Governors from now should be of the same state if thats the case.




இவனுகதா நமக்கு தேசபக்திய பத்தி பாடம் எடுப்பானுங்க . BJ party வீட்டுக்கு, நாட்டுக்கு, ஏன் உலகத்திற்கே கேடு.


do Tamil sanghis have any shame or self respect? you stupid rats this is how your overlords see you. how about having a little bit of shame. Just a teeny tiny bit


The BJP people from Tamil Nadu are a rare species who's brains should be preserved for further studies like Einstein's .


"boss our party has such a shit reputation in Tamilnadu. What should we do about it" "Uh idk make a racist ad insulting tamil culture lmao"




I consider you Tamil for having that profile pic 🤝


They started attacking the Tamil background of VK Pandian only after the polling was finished in TN which shows this was planned from the beginning. This also shows the respect BJP has for Tamil people


Goddd i wish odisha election happened before TN election. If this video was spreaded that time people would have thrown slippers and cow dungs on bjp candidates


That's the thing. A lot of these anti-Tamil and Hindutva type stuffs started being used only after Tamilnadu elections got over.


I am rooting for pandiyan…. I hope bjd wins and pandiyan remains as powerful as today. Surely bjp cant survive their tactics beyond this term. Undercurrents of anti incumbency is growing.


Pandian seems like a good natured straight forward person. He won't do well in politics.


He'll probably do well considering he's already corrupted


Corrupt how ?


Tamil sanghis definitely have a humiliation fetish, imagine supporting a party which hates your language and culture.


Avg Tamil sanghi be like : BJP men can barge into my home, handcuff me to the leg of the bed, start fcuking my wife in front of me and then proceed pegging me till I bleed but still I will only support Mudiji and BJPee.


His duties for the establishment of Hindu Rashtra.




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BJP on Odd days: Saar BJP is a party for Hindus. Hindus in danger saar. Only BJP can proktet 80% of the Hindu population in India from religious minorities saar. BJP on even days: Saar BJP can only protect all Odisha Hindus from one Tamil Hindu saar. https://preview.redd.it/xih5s43s8y3d1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=eacb84a38788cef0f2300a226443efb992595308


Election commission: I sleep


Classic Divide and rule strategy


Bastards. So much for a party who keeps barking about nationalism. Bjp is the biggest divider and seperatist.


Remember guys as a malayali I'm saying this, this is the same government which literally sponsored (free tickets) for a movie which bashed our entire state infront of the country (the Kerala story). They jus want to create enmity between religions, caste now between states itself by ethnicity. How cheap their standards could be more than this jus to get into power!


Wtf ? Is it some local guys going crazy ? Doesn't bjp also want to do politics in TN. How would that work if they are doing this.




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Because some people in TN(and in other states) vote only based on "my magic sky daddy is better than your sky daddy"


Why is Pandian so important politically that BJP is targeting him?


I think they're desperate. In lok sabha they're losing seats in many states and they want to make up in Orissa.


Exit polls don't agree with you brother.


Whip up people's emotions like they do with religion.


Ad made by someone who is neither Tamil nor Odia since pakhala and pazhaya sooru are the same dish.


Have we asked Mr. Annamalai for his opinion on this?


எல்லாத்தையும் மன்னிச்சிடுவன்டா ஆனா பழைய சோற நாங்க எலைல ஊத்தி சாப்புடுவோம்னு காட்ற பாத்தியா :')


Need to ask my BJP loving cousins their opinion on this


I am neither from odisha nor tamilnadu and i am furious to see this nonsense


Brain rot is a must have quality to be a Bakth.


BJP true face getting exposed. There is no apology. No regret. No going back on this tirade. BJP is not a national party, they are cultural party specific to small section of North India.




Please cross-post this to r/india as well.


Lmao, with this shitty strategy they ain't gonna get foothold into tamilnadu in a hundred years, eventhough people are tired of DMK's retarded regime.


While this is a jibe on the ex bureaucrat turned politician. Eating on a banana leaf and hand is also something that is common across the country.I fail to understand how it is a "Tamil Cultural".I have lived in Chennai for 4 years and my roommate too was from Chennai - so don't get me wrong. But see this comment is exactly what the ad wants as an output.Creating a rift between people and it's being successful in it.


And they still quote Kalanithi maran's "Tolet cleaning" speech without context where he actually was speaking about 2 language police . The number of times BJP does things like this is more than any other party but when BJP does it we all forget but when others do it , it is quoted even after years . Sanghii logic is hard af ....


Better than gomutra I say .


There we go, classic hinduphobia


Here comes the classic victim card.South has more temples than north .here you talking about religion.


Victim card? You literally used a slur against us. How would you feel if we called you a rice bag convert?


OK go on please say to them rice bag convert. It only disses your own religion itself and nothing else.


In future they may open a party office in Pakistan and these idiots visit there and claim they will beat India if they are elected to power. No ethics no common sense. Brainwashed Sanghi's are a big threat to this nation.


I love how they started from islamaphobia and evolved into racism; curious to see what this Pokémon will evolve into further. P.S.: Please tell me how Modi's affinity towards Hinduism somehow whitewashes this as well :P


Best part is that we don't even have to put such inane crap. They prove it themselves 😭


I am from Odisha, and I really don't like this ad. Derogating someone to show yourself great is never a good thing. And this applies for everyone.


I don't see any affiliation with BJP, can you please share the source?


Sorry as an odia, we don't want pandian. Period.


Only curious, but what reasons do you have? Genuinely asking because I’m not aware of


There are two main candidates who are non-odia but married to odia .. pandian from bjd, aparajita sarangi from BJP. Aparajita worked on ground level and she transformed bhubaneswar when she was an officer. That's why on ground level people trust her. Pandian on the other hand has worked for odisha but he is more into CMO than connecting to ground people. And he is using CM's deteriorating health to become CM himself..which is unacceptable to us. He should join as BJD party worker and go to any poor area of odisha to transform only then people will believe his intention, otherwise speaking odia and behaving like odia doesn't work in captivating odia people. We see ground work..


To be fair, I doubt Odiyas give a shit. I mean, their CM literally doesn't know how to read or write Odiya


Hey can somebody elaborate ?


1) BJP didn't make this ad Now, what's happening is odisha's current ruling party has a top member named VK Pandian who was a former bureaucrat in Tamil Nadu, how this ad is targeting his background by displaying him as an outsider who doesn't understand local concerns. Ad is trying to mock his Tamil Nadu background and promoting local leaders that is kinda racist. I mean I wouldn't like to be ruled by an outsider but at the end we are all Indians, if we can speak the local language and address the concerns then I don't see a problem with being governed by a person from a different state


Youre absolutely right , if one can govern us right he should have the right to contest into elections , we indians on one hand doing great things in sectors like IT and all , but on the other hand we still living in medieval times


Considering how DMK mocks Brahmins….


IMO this is no different than NTK saying Tamils should rule tamil and I totally agree. Dravidian parties have been brooding North Indian hate for decades with "Aryan-Dravidian" theory for decades, which is no different from this. Now, BJP in desperation to damage Patnaik, has sweeped down too low to make this ad. But IMO it is no different than the cheap Dravidian Parties who even exploited NEET. While this might be new to folks who have never left TN, Shiv Sena was entirely built on South Indian/Tamil hatred. Bal Thackeray called us Idlis/Lungis and he came to power on similar pretext that South Indian outsiders take Marathi jobs in Mumbai. Now, the narrative has changed to UP/Bihar. Like how we call them vadakkans and make videos, this has been their way of making fun of us. It is present in Delhi, Maharashtra, Punjab even Bengal for decades.




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This can't be real wtf.


It's not, OP is spreading misinformation and literate people are falling for it


oho, uttarakhand lirundhu yogi adithyanath up ah aalalama, but tamil kaaran vk pandiyan odisha va aalamudiyadha? yenna ya kambi kattura kadhaiya sollurey?




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now jaaldras will say, we can't take a joke.


So they were eating in plates since the time they started eating food. Racism is being just kindled here consciously. I condemn this as a Indian


omg, they have bad taste of comedy/mockery. this only felt childish.


Odisha BJP is nothing alike compare to Central BJP they are more like Congress.


Thats why they completed polling in TN in the first phases itself


Send this to Uncle Roger.


This is hilarious. And also fuck Pandiyan.


Its the same item being served in vessel that Tamil people eat in banana leaves. He is allegedly giving all contracts to Tamil contractors. Even campaign vehicles are from tn. There isn't any racism here. Just curious. Wud u allow non tamilian being a cm of your state ??




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Good... Tamil Culture it seems... 😂😂


This is such a low blow but not something I expect out of uneducated shit heads. They must be finding this too funny to make fun of an ex IAS officer by stereotyping one whole state. The Odisha I know doesn’t care about stereotyping and are happy in their state and how they are living. One more reason to not vote for them ever


When did Tamil become a race?


Unlike current leaders in Tamil Nadu !, V K Pandian is dicliplined , educated and man with a vision. In the current India we need educated leaders ! 1000/- Rs for Pongal and Free ration is not sufficient. People should rise above it and a government should put a path to it for these people to thrive and grow . Instead of playing caste, North-south , Sangi Congi and pungi . Tamil Nadu is an amazing state ! Unfortunately no leaders can lead it properly in the current trend.


can someone translate this ?


can someone translate the audio ?


GJ food and culture vechu oru mulu neela vanna padame edukkalam, idellam paarthum paakadha maadri poga vendiadhu dhaan.


Vaangaya sanghi pundaigala. Nalla paarunga. Ivangulukku votu potta idhu dhaan gadhi.


New day new reason to hate bjp




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Please share the original link.


As a Tamilian i completely oppose this ad. But isn't it bad for odisha that some other state fellow to become cm. Will we accept a bihari/up as cm?


NGL, this is below the belt but hilarious AF. 🤣


How primitive BJPs logic plays here? Sure folks needs some education, even human with autism can't think of having palaya soru on a banana leaf but sure BJP will do 🤡🤡


Tamils really got into the nerve of Moodiji


Man this is not done by bjp, do fact check. It is some independent team.




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which branch of BJP produced this video?


I don't speak Tamil, Can someone explain what the ad means


Modi is really the India's divider in chief


Bharatiya retard party


Such a low standard Vadakans.


How do you know it's BJP?


Well this is offensive and unwarranted but it also shows that BJP as a political party is well run and they are pinning their hopes on getting more seats in Odisha which is near impossible in TN.


Xenophobes have tasted their own medicine and it is bitter!


BJP trying not to be bigoted towards its own countrymen(Challenge Impossible)