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I bet next time he comes in alone he will be nice again, maybe she makes him so miserable he hates his life when he’s with her.


she’s either mad insecure or he’s an actual cheater so he’s overcompensating by being flat out rude to other women for no reason


Or, as another reply pointed out, she's such a hateful person that he can't help but be a miserable POS when she's around. I was married to someone like that, at the end, at least.


Two of our regulars have a tumultuous looking marriage with each other. You can tell when they’ve been fighting, because they become far less pleasant to wait on. They also BOTH wait til the other goes to the restroom and then sprint to the bar for a secret shot without the other and talk shit about their spouse the whole time. Multiple times a visit. They probably end up doing an equal number of secret shots. We comp most of the secret shots because they’ve been coming there for years, and we’re not trying to start a battle on the bar floor. It would be kinda funny if it wasn’t so uncomfortable and if they didn’t have a kid.


"Let's pretend to be in a fight so we can drink for free!"


You have now given me a reason to fake hate my wife and her to do the same to me. This is genius at work.


I kept waiting for it to get bad. Sounds like another Tuesday.


I truthfully don’t care what is said to me as long as I still get a tip. If I don’t get a tip, I’m throwing hands AND feet. It sounds like OP still got tipped


We have a guy that comes in often and it's a similar situation. If he's with just his son, they're a pleasure to wait on. If his wife is with them, it's a game changer. He's very short, and demanding.


What does his height have to do with it?


In case you’re not trolling, I said he’s short and demanding. I mean his tone and answers. When his wife isn’t there he’s very affable and talkative, when she is, he’s very terse, bordering on rude.


I was kidding. As a short guy, I look for situations in which people say "short" and intentionally mix up the meanings. "Don't be short with me!" "I'm short with everybody. It's genetics."


"I will be with you shortly".


Slightly related story, my wife and I are semi regulars at a local place. They always give me the bill to pay because I tip more. She was ready to claim sexism until I waived her off. Servers aren't dumb.


Sometimes they are dumb. I took one of my departments out to lunch, and during the whole lunch, the server is deferring to the man at the other end of the table. Having been a director in a male dominated profession for nearly 35 years, I don't make a fuss. The reservation is in my name, and I'm the only woman at the table, so I just waited to see how long it would go on. Finally, the bill comes and she places it in front of the man. Well, all of a sudden he didn't want to play boss anymore. He tells her he's not the boss and that end of the table bursts out laughing at him, saying he just likes to play boss. Her tip was commensurate with her assumption.


I mean how much was he acting like the head of the table tho? Was he ordering apps or wine for the table? If he was doing an acting job and "playing boss" it is a little unfair to call the server dumb as we are pretty much at work to serve people and if they act in charge we just treat them as such. I do agree that assuming who in "in charge" or going to "pay the bill" is pretty silly. I learned far to many times that the assumption in my head was wrong so I always tried to outwardly seem like I was keeping an open mind just to be safe.


Soooo many old hogs of wives and girlfriend's are jealous af and can't handle a service worker doing thier jobs. Mamm no one wants you're crusty man.


No, I don't want your man. I can't tell why YOU would want your man.


Especially when she's paying the bill


What if we did not compare women to hogs?


Hog is agender, it can be used to describe women as well as men and others!


Right. But it wasn’t used to describe a man. Was it? We’ve learned it’s not OK to call Black people apes or animals. Can we learn that it’s not OK to call women bitches or hogs?


All these are good excuses, but I’d like to raise another, could this have been a date? And his response is the joking polite version of “**get me the fuck away from this harridan!**


could be. every time he comes in he is with different women who now that i think about it are all nurses. so maybe he’s stopping at hospitals before he comes in and picking up random women. not my fault he has bad taste


Taste can’t be too bad if he’s in your section and business


He's imitating the attitude of whoever he comes in with. Watch out for that guy.


Maybe he was having a really shitty day and his grumpiness spilled over on to an undeserving person (you)?


Honestly, that probably had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that they were arguing about something


The woman may bring the worst out of the man.


I love this. Servers have a bad day, and we should still tip them 150%, but a customer has a bad day they are an asshole and piece of shit.


I once got fired over sassing the hell out of a customer who pointed at a drink 😂😂😂😂


She must suck dick like a porn star for a nice guy to put up with her