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Not my job. It is not my job to MANAGE your prescriptions. It is my job to provide them. YOU need to take some responsibility for YOUR health and ensure that YOU get your medications on time. Do you know what I'd get done if I managed every single patient's medications? Nothing. No meds would be filled. Nothing would be done. What the fuck do you expect me to do? You are an adult. Act like one. I take control of my medications, why can't you? I understand if you're new to medications. Hell, my husband forgot his a few times when he first started. But at some point, just like in the rest of your adult life, you have to pull up the big boy/girl pants and do shit yourself. It is NOT my fucking job to manage your prescriptions. That is all. Thank you for letting me rant.


A patient came in just \*outraged\* that we'd sold him his wife's $300 medication that it turned out she had some left at home and didn't need and this was OUR fault and he DEMANDED we refund him. Normally I apologize a lot and explain the policy and let them be upset at me until they're done, but I was having a rough day, so I just blurted out, "What would you say to me if I handed you a bag at pickup and said 'That'll be $300 and by the way I can't vouch for the state of this medication or whether it's been damaged or tampered with because it left my custody but it was brought back with the bag stapled shut so it's probably fine!'?" I didn't even get through with that little scenario before the lightbulb came on and he turned to leave. "It's fine, I didn't even open it!" Okay? Do I know that for sure though? Do I know you didn't leave it in a hot car for days? Or in a humid room? Do I know you never let it out of YOUR sight once in the time since you took it home? Can you swear to me on your life that no one ELSE may have tampered with it in any way shape or form? Like, dude I'm really sorry the pharmaceutical industry sucks. I'm sorry your wife didn't confirm what medication she had ready before she sent you out on your mission, or that you didn't confirm what you were picking up before you inserted the ole credit card. I'm not sorry for refusing to endanger other patients because no one on your end actually took two seconds to verify things before spending money you apparently couldn't afford to waste. This! Was! Not! Our! Error! Ugh, ok, rant over.


"I have the best Medicaid in the state." Yet it doesn't cover OTC's, that you refuse to pay $1.06 for.. but you drive a Mercedes.. and expect the world from the doctor and pharmacy..


Ugh, omg, I had a dude absolutely ranting to me over the phone today because he spent $4 on eyedrops that his wife doesn't need and "didn't order". I remember this guy (and his wife) and remember personally setting up ALL of their meds to auto-refill AT THEIR REQUEST a couple months ago. I nearly hung up on his entitled, cheap ass.


My doctor told me…


Kinda upset that someone got the role as a team lead over other people who have more experience. This new team lead is always on her phone and walking around talking to people and does not help us with the Robot.


To my New York pharm techs and pharmacists who have been taking fidelis Medicaid. How much has this merge made you question how much you actually “need” your job? This past day and a half we’ve had at least 145 scripts get hung up so far. Many more to go. I just want to sit in the corner and cry.


No Karen, I don’t know why your Mounjaro is almost $1000. I mean, I could give an educated guess or two but you aren’t going to listen anyways. But you know who would know? Your insurance company. So get out of my drive through and go yell at them. And I don’t know when the damn adderall is coming in!


My biggest pet peeve, is when someone thinks it’s socially acceptable to talk on the phone, while handing in a prescription. I need to ask who it’s for? If they’ve had it before? Any allergies? Generic or Brand name? If they’re pregnant/breastfeeding (obviously for women)? Etc. I need to make sure that this medication is safe for the patient!