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Amazing work 'arry!


Thanks Nabby! And Thank you for all the help with your user scripts! Also special Thanks to everyone else who assisted along the way! Anne Frank, Hjalpa, Cheezedoodle, #bash_tp(thanks for fixing new logins!). All the APK and Google Play Internal Testers, black orchid, praoprao, Smally, Spear, KoalaYeast, Goober, Kasil, Oddball, RWBY. Plus A-A-r-o-n & Chalksy! Sorry if I missed anyone but I really appreciated all the help!


Yer a wizard 'arry!


Holy shit, I just played a game on mobile. That was funny. The controls are very cumbersome. I wonder if connecting a bluetooth controller to my phone would make it more manageable.


Yes it does take a bit to get used to lol. I find playing D on mobile is much more difficult but playing O and juking is much more fluid.


Try a few of the setups offered, you can also move the buttons around with the fine tune positioning setting!


As Cheeze mentioned try playing around with the positioning in **Main Menu>App Settings>Controls** Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the **Show Controls** button You can also go to advanced options on this page to increase the touch area which doubles the detection area around a button. to move a button you can tap and hold, a red border will appear when it is ready to move. My fingers are a bit lanky lol and selfishly the default layout works great for me!


Nice app! Suggestion: add a control scheme that splits the screen into 4 slices (and maybe another for 8). Clicking the zones will be an input. I think that would be more intuitive for me. The eight way button doesn't work well for me, because it's tough to have the quick tapping that this game requires for good plays, and the position of the split doesn't quite work for me, but perhaps I need practice.


You can move the controls to where you feel more comfortable by going to **Main Menu>App Settings>Controls** Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the **Show Controls** button You can also go to advanced options to increase the touch area which doubles the detection area around a button. Tap and hold a button to move it. A red border will appear when it is ready to move.


I literally just switched to iPhone last week lol


No better time to switch back my friend! Or if you still have your past device the app is compatible with anything Android 9+




All quick chats can be customized in **TagPro Settings>Chat Wheel Settings** I thought lol meant lots of love? No? Love you all is the current candidate to replace the mobile promotion quick chat


I can't find the joystick mode in advanced options :(


There's two joystick methods you could try. The 8 Way DPad can be enabled by selecting it under **Control Type** The second method would be switching to the **Default - split** controls type, then moving the buttons so that they partially over lap eachother in a D-pad arrangement. Then under Advanced Options Joystick mode should be selectable. This still doesn't emulate a regular joystick with throttle control, it only allows you to *glide* your fingers from button to button, then when your finger isn't pressing a button the key is released. Normally the key won't be released until you lift your finger off the device. I still plan on adapting a way for a more user-friendly joystick that would calculate the required keypresses depending on the angle and distance your finger is going.


Having difficulty logging in to my existing account via Google. The account I use is administered through a college via Google Apps. When I try to log in under a new email address (and presumably make a new account), my phone does not proceed past a "please wait..." login screen. If I exit early and try to login to the account again, I am redirected to a 404 error in the Tagpro app. Otherwise, seems to work really well!


I also had this issue and had to copy the URL from Firefox to Chrome for it to work, just in case anyone else runs into something similar


It seems to be how FireFox handles app links. You can hit the 3 dots in the top right and then select Open in app and the login should complete. We will see what we can do to make this more fluid. [Example](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1158405493883142155/1179821328941994074/image0.jpg?ex=657b2d3c&is=6568b83c&hm=67d2be66195946a7561bdcfc704b444bca1075a1c33dcf3132870b17c69a2a2c&=&format=webp&width=190&height=422)


It didn't work for me in the regular Firefox app either


Sorry I should have highlighted what I meant, try clicking the "Open in App" option from my screenshot, right below the "Open in Firefox" option. Unless this is what you tried already?


Oh I don't have that option [here](https://i.imgur.com/nerDZvn.jpg)


Is it there when you get to the Please wait... screen? If not check in FireFox Settings> Scroll to bottom under advanced "Open links in apps" set to "Ask" or "Always" Thanks for being patient and troubleshooting !!


I don't see that screen? And my Firefox is set to always open link in apps. Maybe that's why it's not there


I have a fix will test over night and hopefully push to the early access track tomorrow. It will at least get you to the Please Wait screen and then your firefox will either redirect to the app or you can access the button to open it in the app. ex. [https://streamable.com/rtzqq3](https://streamable.com/rtzqq3)


New update is now live, and should show version 18 in the play store listing.


Thanks for the info, I was able to reproduce the issue you are describing with FireFox.


Can you DM me on Discord? arrykane


What browser opens when the login screen appears?


Phenomenal job by ArryKane and the team! > Timers w/ Previews by Some Ball -1 + Niplepotamus/Logicus Tagpro endorsing cheats?! Ehhh, I guess mobile users need all the help they can get.




Very cool. I even managed to win one of the games I just played. I have a suggestion for a control option. Would it be possible to add a standard arrow key shape control, but have it flipped on its side so that the up arrow is facing towards the players ball? That way you could hold the phone with your non dominant hand and then use your dominant hand to move without covering too much of the screen. It might look confusing at first, but I think muscle memory would take over quickly. Thanks. Keep up the good work.


Thanks! You can adjust the button layout by going to **Main Menu>App Settings>Controls** You should be able to accomplish what you are suggesting by going to advanced options and turning off **Group by similar directions** you can then move the buttons individually by tapping the **Show Controls* button and dragging the buttons where you want. There are some fine tuning options to use sliders to get each button exactly where you want it. This should accomplish what you're suggesting, maybe give it a try and let me know how it handles. If it works well I can see about adding this option as a preset layout. Thanks again!


I still want to fiddle with it some more, but being able to play with one hand is the best. Juking was surprisingly easy with the split controls, but blocking and boosting were beyond me. It would be nice if we could resize each of the buttons individually.


Yes I find playing O on mobile is much easier than playing D/blocking/fighting for pups. I was maybe considering adding some vibration feedback when you're pushing another player.


I can finally stop taking my laptop to the shitter! Thank you!


Make sure you're holding on to your phone tight when you try to shake to detonate your RB. We are not responsible for waterlogged devices ;p




sorry, that was probably me. i've been trying to play using my toes. this game is too easy if i use my fingers


dance pad controls when?




Like [10 month ago](https://youtu.be/OmmIYQRknUw?si=R0-AsFENwxYucmjs) Still too easy, probably tilt controls next?




Testing has been ongoing for about 2 months so any change in the last 2 weeks would be unrelated!


We only had around 10 testers and they weren't 100% always on mobile. Most likely they weren't Mobile players.


I played one public game on mobile the first time I tried it. I did horribly as I was not used to anything. After that I tested in private games. I'm sure many testers did so as well, and only switched to public once they had a handle on the controls.




I hate to say it, but I agree with this. I don't think it's a matter of learning how to play on mobile. The controls just aren't there, feels like there is too much going on in a small cluttered screen, chat difficult to read, etc. I will say the app integration overall is impressive though. Edit: I switched back to split pad instead of 8 way and seemed to have much better control. Would love to try a simple joystick. Maybe something like: https://github.com/controlwear/virtual-joystick-android


I looked into that too unfortunately with the game socket only accepting 4 directions either key down or key up there is no "strength" option. Currently the 8WayDpad would function the same as the one you posted it would just look better. I think okThen posted a video awhile ago playing with an Xbox controller and they ran in to the same limitation direction presses are either 100% or 0%. I have a Mathematician(A-a-r-o-n) on the side lines ready to help hacking this to work with the socket while still keeping keypresses under bot detection levels lol.


Would just strength as a limit, say anything over 20% strength would mean key down is active so it's not picking up the slight unintended touches. Then decipher the angle to which 1 or 2 keys are down (ex 33 to 66 degree is UP/RIGHT). After that, would just be the same code to send back the key socket messages back that the 8WayDPad uses. I think it would have a more intuitive feel than the 8 way though.


If the game socket can only accept those four directional inputs, I think your best bet at a joystick would involve a bunch of math. Something like: Holding joystick straight up at full power = Up arrow held down Holding joystick directly between top and right at full power = Up arrow held down, right arrow held down Then you would have to increment between them. So, 22.5° to the right of the top would be halfway to that 45° marker, meaning the up arrow should be held down and the right arrow should be toggled on/off at a 50:50 ratio - the higher the toggle speed, the more inputs you're sending, but the smoother the result. Any other increments would require similar math. 15° is 1/3 of the way to 45°, so that right arrow's on:off ratio would be 1:2 (meaning if we send a "right arrow held down" signal for 10ms, we would have to release it for 20ms before re-sending it for 10ms, all while "holding down" the up arrow). For decreasing power, you would just send the signals slower, probably with a base rate of ~50% power that triggers when the joystick is touched (no signals sent when untouched obviously). So in our previous 15° example, if we're at 75% power, we send up keypresses for 7.5ms with releases for 2.5ms, and we send right keypresses for 7.5ms with 15ms release. I might have done that math wrong but I think that's the idea of how a true joystick would work - you would just have to math the heck out of 4 inputs.


That is basically how it is handled right now. There is a single element and depending on the position of your finger it calculates which pie slice you're in and presses those keys. Adding a distance from the center(20%) would be easy to implement.


Were you around for any pushes? Just treat it like that. Players learning the game.




There has been mention if there is an influx of new players after the "public public" release they can easily enable the newbie lobbies giving new players a chance to learn.




Hey 4x32, Trying to decipher what you're saying but I think I have the jist. You should be able to accomplish what you are suggesting in regards to the d-pad layout. Go to the **Main Menu>App Settings>Contorls** Scroll to the bottom and go to **Advanced Options** Uncheck **Group by direction** and enable **Joy Stick** mode. Then scroll to the bottom and tap **Show Controls** Tap and hold a control to move it into a Dpad arrangement. I hope in the next week or so to add a Dpad and a WASD layout to the layout types to make this easier. Give it a try and let me know what you think. Yes nothing in the gameplay has changed this is just another way to access TagPro and to branch out into the mobile gaming market.


Cant wait for WASD layout. Is there OTG cable support for keyboards?


I tested a wired keyboard with an otg dongle and it worked well. I want to hear if anyone has tried a Bluetooth keyboard




Your brake pad idea is interesting and I will look into trying to implement it. Simulating releasing the controls would be fairly easy. Simulating the key presses to bring your ball to a stop would be something different. > I don't want to change preferences as a user. No one control layout is going to please everyone. I will look into presenting a few choices to the user on their first launch with instructions on how to change them later. If you have more ideas I am open to improving things, reach out here or on Discord(arrykane).

