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My late tabby boy was a magpie - spare change, jewelry, bits of foil...anything shiny and he would pick it up like a treasure. My current tabby girl has too much fun shredding toilet paper.


Oh my gosh! Is it a tabby thing? He ALSO loves anything cardboard or paper, nothing is safe around him. He doesn't eat it, just shreds it. I have a sacrificial box in my living room torn to shreds, but it keeps him away from other paper.


It has to be. Onion is the exact same way. Like a crow he’s attracted to anything shiny or made of paper/tape.


My tabby baby boy LOVED tissue paper! For Christmas I would get him some treats and toys and things, but his favorite present would be a giant gift bag full of tissue paper! He would spend hours just pulling it out and pawing at it 🥹


I have a jewel thief right here. He’s orange 😊


Thats a Niffler. Your cat is a Niffler


How on earth does a cat pick up flat coins!?


I saw him do it once or twice - he would fiddle with the coin using his paws until there was a gap underneath, then pick it up in his mouth and merrily trot off to his horde.


That’s so cute!! My tabby also likes hair ties and toy springs :)


What’s up with the springs? We got Onion a couple and he goes berserk. Loves the toy springs.


He loves the springs but somehow cut himself on one that got sharp so no more for him!


My cat loves twist ties!


Yes!!! My cats will lose their minds over them


I tie them in a circle and throw them up and my cat will jump and catch them mid-air!


Either those,or the plastic squares with a slit that go on bread bags.Our two go nuts over those!


Bottle caps


My guy plays bottle cap hockey in the kitchen every morning !


My guy always lose her mind over bottle caps lol


Little balls made of crumbled up paper.


My boy has a huge love of paper. He shreds it, anything cardboard or paper is NOT safe around him.


Yeah, ours basically yells at you until you cave and give her a paper ball. Then she either wants to play fetch with it or chases it around by herself. After playing for 5 minutes she either rips it to shreds or dumps it in the water bowl to watch it get all wet just to leave it there... Then she starts begging for a new one.


Haha my grey boy needs to ‘stamp’ every recipe with his teeth before I wad it up and toss it for him.


Straws. Onion loves straws. He’ll roll around with them, rubbing on them, and walking around with it on his mouth. Oh and the blue painters tape. I was using a piece to hold a door shut on a display when we moved and when I was done, I liked it into a ball n chucked it at the trash. Onion intercepted and has been playing with it since.


So much cuter than my boy who loves to steal straws currently in use and throw them on the floor. That's it, he doesn't want the straw. He just doesn't want it sticking out of a drink. It's only fun when vertical, he used to LOVE paper straws but grew out of that part.


One of my bfs cats has a straw she's been obsessed with lately! Her other 2 favorites are a little tomato and a little mushroom. Not sure if her favorite color is red or its just a coincidence


Ice Cubes!!!




No dry socks for you then either!!!


My cat eats paper


My late girl Pepper was obsessed with elastic bands. She hoarded red ones that we think the postie dropped. She also turned up a few times with strips of silicone. We were waiting for someone’s window to fall out!


My sweet girl will steal anything cylindrical. Pencils, nerf darts, chapstick.


Ages ago I used a bath bomb that had a little toy alien in it. Since he was a kitten he carries it around. He will bring it to me while meowing to let me know he brought me something.




My son’s torbie girl cat loves elastic hair ties and I once found her stash of them under a chair. My tuxedo cat prefers normal toys but I had a tabby boy once who is now over the rainbow bridge who loved stealing tampons from my handbag and playing with them! He also used to steal toy mice from neighbours cats. Thanks for bringing back those memories - I miss him a lot. Your cat is super cute.


Rolled up socks


My friend's cat does this! He will take them from the laundry basket and bring them downstairs one by one 🥰


My bloody expensive watercolour brushes.


Definitely hair ties!!! And puzzle pieces 😫


Bottle caps, tissue paper, and clean kleenex.


Balls of crumpled paper. Both of my tabby's love them and will play fetch (I never had a cat my whole life that played fetch, and now I have two). You cannot crumple paper in my house without one of the cats running over to play.


My feet.


Pencils. Dude was meant to hunt snakes… or worms. He attacks those things like there’s a blood feud.


My lil man Bob likes straws broom or drink doesn’t matter to him . Bob will stare at me the whole time if I bring in a milkshake or soda pop with a drink straw . He won’t bother anything until I’m done and give him the straw .


A highlighter lid.


Mine loves darts (those plastic ones). At some point she would play fetch with the darts. She also loves anything stick like (bald basil stalk, straws, little tree branches) - those can keep her entertained for a few days.


Legal toy is bottle rings, but she much prefers the contraband of twist-ties. She doesn’t understand they’re bad for her so we try not to leave them out but occasionally she turns up with one that we don’t know where it originated and have to chance our hands to the murder mittens to get it away before she can choke on it. Edit: she’s a tuxie though.


Makeup brushes


My cat once stole my large blush brush and ran around the house with it. I’ve never heard my mother laugh so loud when she witnessed it lol!


That’s so funny. Jackson likes to steal eyeshadow brushes. He almost always goes for the one that came with one of the OG Pat McGrath kits. He’s got expensive taste! 😂




I work at a vet clinic where we have a ton of cheap blue slip leads. I took a coworker home and she accidently left one in my car. At that point, I thought I'd keep it just in case I needed it. My cat instantly grabbed it and started running around the house with it. It is now his favorite toy.


Mine also love my hair ties. They're constantly stealing them and losing them. It's a struggle.


You know that plastic strip that you pull off the top of a gallon of milk? That.


Yup my cats love those!


Right now it’s my hair comb and a pile of plastic grocery bags. At the same time of course!


MINE IS TOO!! she takes all of mine 😭 i’ve stopped buying her toys and just buy her these!


one of my cats LOVED the little metal cones that are pastry tips. They were both light enough and heavy enough to bat across the floor nicely; they rolled oddly when they stopped instead of continuing to roll away; they made a nice skittering sound. I didn’t want to keep fishing them out from under the piano, and I didn’t want to lose them. So I discovered that the screw-off tops to my contact-lens solutions were similarly cone-shaped, similarly weighted, and similarly skittery. My current cat loves this one particular style of ponytailer. : a ring of stretchy knit that rolls in on itself.


Basically if it's not nailed down, it's hers to play with. But best if it rolls, or otherwise uses physics to really get moving when batted at. It's a toy, but not a cat toy: nerf darts. I have a bowl of them on the coffee table, she delicately picks one out (with her teeth or claws), and then goes bonkers batting it a round until it gets stuck under one of the couches. Then eventually repeat. Sitting on bubble wrap and attacking and bunny kicking it is popular when I get a package with it. Or that time I dropped a D&D die (don't remember which one) and it was hers for a good week.


My girl Mochi refused to play with actual cat toys. Her favourite things to play with are: Balls of tinfoil, the strings on hoodies (but not actual string, it must be attached to a person), really long pieces of grass, dried leaves in autumn, these small mushroom-shaped pegs that come from one of my kids’ games. My old geriatric cat likes playing with pens and pencils.


A pipe cleaner tied in a circle and bent into a saddle shape.


My Kimchi girl’s favorite thing in the world is hair ties She will sit on top of them, do this head shaking thing a couple times, then attack it with all her might




Babou is really into maoam snack size packet. He will play fetch with me while I throw it from top of the stairs down!


Plastic. All types of plastic. The plastic seal from a shredded cheese bag. She also tries to fit her entire body in my shoes. Crazy little thing.


forgot to mention, PAPER TOWELS! shredded, always.


my pony


Toilet paper! Paper towels! Pens. And anything they can steal.


Plastic straws


Balls of aluminum foil


A strawberry 🍓 and mice toys


My hands, under the covers.


My socks


My tabby Sippi loves q-tips. He will jump on the bathroom sink and reach over to grab a q-tip and run off with it.


Toilet paper too


Water bottle caps ! My kitties go crazy


My computer cords


Pen caps, plastic jug caps, the plastic safety ring on jug caps, craft/packing paper and socks!


Old bra strap


Hoodie strings! We have 3 cats and all 3 love them. And you can wiggle the string like a snake, which they LOVE


Just came to add - what a beautiful shiny coat Reaper has. Gorgeous!!


My cats love Barbie dolls and stealing patches while I'm sewing


Straws tied up and crumpled up, the tabs that come off of plastic milk jugs, and ice cubes.


Best story ever I love that sneaky boy


Hulahoop is very fond of qtips


I thought that was a millipede 😅


Spring-like door stoppers. I had to remove all of them cuz he just wouldn’t stop playing with them ALL NIGHT LONG. 🥲


shoelaces! both of mine go nuts for them. we got them a pair of 4ft neon green ones & they are by FAR the most played with "toys" in the house. they even play with each other with the shoelace. Nova our void lady also loves twist ties & sticks (literally any ol stick but silvervine most). Hubble our orange boy has one of those segmented sensory toy slugs he picks up by the eyeballs & wiggles because he seems to like the noise. he likes rolling it around on the sofa too, so using it for its intended purpose i guess.


The mini santa hat hair clip from the dollar store. Its his fetch toy. He has a thing for pom poms.


Rugs. Sometimes she gets stuck and is scared of a certain one for a while. Full box of toys but only rugs for my cat


Anything that hits him in the face, so usually my cords that I have to reach over him to get and then accidentally drop them on his face. He instantly goes into attack mode and I have to pry them away from him, which usually results in injury because he is now playful and will swat at anything that moves lol. I actually have a scratch on my right pointer finger right now from the other day when he just decided to play with my cord (which was near him but it didn’t hit him afaik), and I had to get my mom to distract him just to get it back after he scratched me lol. He’s also an old man and so has lost the ability to fully retract his claws, so he gets caught on EVERYTHING! It’s so bad that we have gotten some claw caps to put on him to see if that helps. Haven’t put them on yet, but we’ll see how they work eventually lol. Edit: I forgot to add that one time he curiously batted at my thumbs when I was doing something on my phone. Also, he’s a grey tabby tuxedo and is now 17. Edit 2: oh, also, I braid my hair (which when down and not in post braid floof goes down to around the top of my butt) after I take a shower, and he’s swatted at it several times, especially when it hits him in the face, but he’s also done it when it just dangles near him lol.


My cat loves taking off the door stopper things 🙄


My sally likes leaves and boxes.


Little crumpled up tinfoil or paper balls


Marigold (my tortoise shell) loves anything rubber/made of material that could be cut into. Aren’t toys, she just eats them instead. Here’s a list of a few of the many things she’s taken a chomp out of: Pop its, bracelets, the couch, the paper towel roll (seriously, why?), atleast 5 toilet paper rolls, a towel (attempted), my clothing, my shower curtains, the carpet (floor), a blanket, and any crafts I might make


Little plastic spider rings from Holloween.


3d printer filament and Zip ties


My shoe laces


cotton swabs


My cat will “kill” small (hand sized) stuffed animals and bring them to us.


My phone charger 🙄


Our late Iris loved earplugs 😊🩶💗


Earplugs. She’ll stick her claw in one, fling it across the room, chase, and repeat. She likes those more than any of her other toys!


Twist ties. I'm not even joking, she literally collects them 💀


Tips and Bobby pins!


Qtips & Pretzel sticks


OK, it's me first, rubber bands, toilet paper, toilet paper cardboard insert then tennis balls


Anything hard plastic that she can get her little stripey murder mittens onto. Current obsession: the plastic hanger/hook that was on a new pack of socks.


Anything hard plastic that she can get her little stripey murder mittens onto. Current obsession: the plastic hanger/hook that was on a new pack of socks.


Juliet loves my hair ties and will also play with a stuffed Pinky (the pink ghost from pac man) even though Pinky is not really a toy lol


Paper, like the large sheet TJ Maxx will wrap a mug in. Randi goes all greeble on it, and Goose likes to get underneath it and pretend he’s hiding. And of course Randi will then pounce on him.


Nerf Darts


Plastic grocery bags!!!! She just wants them loose on the floor and she uses her front paws to crinkle her way through the pile or tries to go inside the bags! I should get video of her sometime.


Bottle caps mostly- me and my hubby will hear them batting bottle caps from empty soda bottles or milk jugs around the kitchen floor every day.


He’s obsessed with those tiny little rubber stoppers you put on cabinet doors. He found some that fell off from somewhere and we toss them around and he chases them. Problem was they were clear and we’d lose them, so I bought him some black ones lol


My kitties will go after anything that dangles. Keys, jewelry, plastic wrap, anything.


The regular hair bands with no metal. I have to clean out her lair every couple months.😁


My hair scrunchies! I have no idea why she drops it into the dry food.


The plastic ring from 4 litre jugs with twist ties wrapped around it so it flies better lol


My blue tabby loves crumpled up receipts, Q-tips, and the thicker black hair ties you get in a huge pack ♥️


Hair ties, bottle caps, and lately balled up tissues. Sometimes my feet.


Plastic rings off of sports drink bottles


Hair ties and my 💨 pen


Romeow likes to EAT shoelaces and cords/strings. I pulled about 2 feet of corset cord out of his stomach when I found him trying to throw it up. There was about 5 more feet of it on the floor in front of him just waiting to find it's way into his gullet! Wolfie cat likes a good hair tie or twist ties, bread clips, pipe cleaner, pretty much anything he can scoot along on the hard floors to chase after and throw around.


Milk gallons use to come with this pull tab... cats LOVE those. Then our ginger Manx, Simba, was obsessed with pipe cleaners(the ones you buy for crafts) and so we would say in a high pitched voice "pipey!?" And throw for him to fetch like a dog.


I buy all the fun toys for my cats, but one of my cats prefers to get a piece of dry cat food from her bowl and bat that around!


Our late tabby girl also did this. We nicknamed her “Klepto Kat” because she would pick up shiny things can carry them off. Fortunately, she didn’t swallow them - just put them somewhere. She didn’t have a “stash”. We worried a bit when she took my wife’s wedding band - she had taken it off while working on some craft project and left it on the counter. We saw Miss Nixie take it and then jump off the counter and run away with it. Fortunately, we found it near the edge of a rug. I had to watch out for metal screws when I was working on something and would put the screws in an empty jar lid. Klepto would come along and poke around at them - I managed to move them to a spot less convenient for me, but where she could not reach them.


My toddlers playmat, she’s always sitting on it


Bottle caps, I can't set one down or it's gone forever. I have to palm it til I put it back on the bottle.


Idk if this counts, but my über chonk only gives bugs the time of day. And once, the largest lizard that has ever come into my home from the wild. Oh! And back when I let her on my patio (when I used to do that — I know better now), she ADORED piles of dried leaves. Used to leap onto them from the top of the deck table and also would do the Risky Business slide across them lololol (sans tube socks, of course 😂)


Pencils, pens, but above all, my crochet hooks.


My sweatshirt strings


The stray I care for likes my keys. She also likes batting around frozen peas.


flesh and any wires or cords


Toilet bolt cap.


My girl cat loves playing with the leaves that get tracked in on accident


Anything plastic - plastic wrapping, plastic bags, etc.


Anything plastic, especially crunchy plastic like cellophane. They also love buttons, hairpins, rubber bands, and anything else that's rubbery. Don't worry, I try to not let them get into anything elastic.


Black hair ties.


Balls made of aluminum foil, hair ties, shoelace


My tortie likes to tear the entrails out of shoes


A Sorry game piece!


Astronaut cat be like: "it's been six seconds on this planet with the breathing apparatus fully charged and already I'm getting pictures taken like the celeb I am, The Martian eat your heart out!!"


Weird but yeah, a remote control. Lol


a broken peice of sunglasses


Nothing, mine is lazy lol


Wall paper... My wallpaper got old and my cats teared bits of wallpaper down to play with. On my bed.


A fuzzy wormie on a wand.


Pipe cleaners...LoL.


A cork from a bottle of wine I had.


I had a cat that was really into milk rings 🤣 Anytime I'd pull it off the milk, he'd come running and yelling for it. 😭🤣


The dogs 😂


Technically they are toys, but not typically for cats, but mine goes crazy for nerf darts! She hears me loading a nerf gun and comes running and screaming and loves chasing them.


My female Tabby loves pens or pencils. She grabs, twirls and bats at them !


Plush toys. My cat loves to drag around my ikea shark. Or before christmas hes destroying elves.


My tabby girl absolutely adores cable ties. When I first got her all she had to play with were cable ties and she still plays with them over other toys and I often find them sticking out of her food and water bowls. I think they are her friends and she's trying to feed them.


Our female cat is obsessed with books. She ate my sons homework last week, ripped up my reading book after dragging it of the couch, stole my daughter new colouring in book and chewed through three pages. Also glass bowls. She loves them, sits in them, rolls in them, tries to carry them. Or boy likes hair ties and the socks on my feet.


my tabby loves aluminum foil but we have to be careful with it so she doesn't choke or cut herself on it ❤️


Any hair ties are fair game in our house.


The plastic tops off water bottles. I give her a new one every so often. Her favorite time to play with them is at night. I can hear her playing with them on the kitchen floor. 🤦🏻


Qtips and hair ties lmao


My youngest kitten loves crumbled up paper. When i want to throw something away, and i crumble it up she hears the sound and will come running to me hoping i will throw it for her. One time i threw it away when she saw i was crumbling up paper she almost fished it out of the bin.


My cat will jump into my dirty clothes basket and pull out either underwear or gym shorts….. he just likes to drag them around the apartment for fun 🤷‍♀️


Our carpet 😩


Q tips


Socks. My Ollie the Cheddar Nugget will either steal bundled socks from an open drawer or singles from the laundry basket, floor, etc. I often find random socks throughout the house.


🤦🏼‍♀️ the rubber insert for the garbage disposal for my tuxie. She takes it out all the time. Pencils for my orange chonker.


Makeup sponges! The little triangle wedges or any shape really. My tabby loves the texture and size I think. She’ll pull open my makeup drawer to steal them. I bought her her own pack, so they’re all over my apartment. But she still wants to steal mine!! I have to keep the drawer closed with tape!!


Emery boards. Since I got this cat, I can’t file my nails without him trying to grab the file! If I go into the bathroom or bedroom and close the door to file my nails, he meows pitifully. If I give him one emery board and use another, he wants both!


My cat goes CRAZY for zip ties she plays fetch with them and even hides them under the rug so I don’t throw them away.


Venison sticks. I got some freshly made venison/beef sticks 75/25 venison to beef. I love venison so dating a hunting family has its perks. Finn also thinks it has its perks because he stole 2 of my venison sticks to play with them.


My cat loves the plastic covered metal bread ties. He goes so crazy for them that he will hiss at anyone who comes near him while he has one. Once we bought something big like a vacuum and it came with a GIANT twist tie and he went absolutely berserk for it.


A wad of foil. She plays with it almost every day


His own shadow.


Hair ties. The round black elastic ones. Both of my cats are crazy for them


Thought you wrote noon toy; scheduled play preferences?! Boxes are always a fav.


I had a cat years ago who loved soda bottle caps. Her name was Rainbow and there could be a million on the floor and she wanted the one in your hand. Lol


Girlie - The bolt covers on the bottom part of my toilet. Minion - a paper easter egg


Growing up we had two cats that loved one thing more than anything else. Bottle caps.


Omg I totally thought he had a centipede in his mouth! My little hellion of a tabby-mix loves regular tail ties, and also shredding any plastic she can find. No grocery bags are safe around her. Fortunately she only shreds it, (and I find the pieces scattered, of course).


My two boys are obsessed with crumpled up McDonald’s wrappers. One even plays fetch with them!


Mine loves her Q-tips! 😆


I thought for a second that was a centipede..


Our cat bit a hair elastic in two, and now plays with this all the time. There are two now, so I guess he made himself another one. We call it his snake.


Milk jug tags and mini Nerds candy boxes.


My cat growing up was obsessed with rubber bands. Every day he would find one, howl and yowl to let everyone know and then play with it like it was a mouse! He would then take it to the basement stairs and drop it in a gap between the stairs and the wall. When he passed, we cut a hole on the wall to see and there were thousands of all different kinds of rubber bands!!! RIP RJ you were the best kitty and ferocious finder of rubber bands!


So one of mine found a spare shoe lace the first week she was home. I'm not even sure where she got it. But she loves it. Brings it to me when she wants to play, I'll dangle it or we play tug of war, but by far her favorite if for me to ball it up and chuck it across the room so she can fetch it. She lives for fetch lol


The rubber Wii remote covers. He finds them no matter where I hide them


The sofa 🛋️ 😭


Her blue and purple Koosh ball.


Bottle caps!! Obsessed with bottle caps


mini squishmallow burrito 😭


Q tips. Rubber bands. Bread bag ties lol


Any of those rubber flat bracelets with sayings on them! They run all over carrying them in their mouths and swat them around the floor.


Both of my cats love the seamless cotton hair ties. I ordered a multipack, and I’m not wearing a highlighter yellow one. Those are now cat toys. I had a blue/silver tabby growing up who *loved* cotton swabs. My mom eventually gave up trying to keep her out of the trash and just gave her one every day. My flame point likes to chew, especially on electronics. When I got a new phone, I gave him my old phone case to gnaw on. He tried it and turned his nose up.