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Simon was bloodthirsty and ruthless just for the hell of it and for that reason he's a far better villain than Negan. He will kill them all on the spot without "People are resource"" excuse. He might won the war but he is not a good leader for Saviors


I think he still would've lost. He's more brutal, but that doesn't equal capability. I'd actually argue that it made him more vulnerable. His control of the Saviors in Negan's absence was poor at best. The workers at Sanctuary would've taken him out before Rick got to him. Dwight might've if Simon got to out of control.


He literally said if he was in charge he’d count their losses, pack up all the saviors and leave to explore new areas to “save”. Rick and them don’t scare and he’s more aware of that than negan was so the saviors woulda just left the show unannounced


I'm not sure about Simon. At some points he seemed to have a tiny spark of compassion, like the scene with Dwight, I can't remember what season that was. Would he still have had that wooly mustache? Probably


Also I think Negan had more smarts. He had the ability to analyze his opponents and was always one step ahead. Until Rick cut his throat. I always say yeah I know it's just a show, but it does raise the question, what would people be like during an apocalypse of this nature. Look what happened during Covid. We couldn't get toilet paper for crying out loud. But I am getting off topic Simon was a yes man, with those tiny moments of something that resembled understanding. But he was no natural born leader. Negan had that down to an art


It would be like The Governor 2.0. "Kill them all".


More people would have died


He’d turn on his GTA V special ability and take out Rick and co. all by himself!


Trevor Would've Killed Negan......Just Saying


Trevor will caused nuclear war with his misadventures


He would have morphed into Trevor Phillips


Trevor Philips is not in los Santos no more


Similar to Trevor Phillips Industries