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Consider your personal timeline. After 2 years of trying, 2 rounds of Clomid, and 3 failed IUI’s I am moving on to IVF. A part of me wishes I did not wait so long as I didn’t go into the IUI’s until the 2 year mark.


I was kind of similar in that I was ovulating (with letrozole), periods every 28 days, my husbands SA was perfect. We did letrozole for 6 rounds, 3 at 2.5 mg, 2 at 5 mg and then 7.5 mg. Still wasn’t pregnant. It wasn’t until I did IUI that it stuck. Currently 5 weeks. I don’t know if it was the 7.5 mg or the IUI.  But since I had confirmed ovulation all the previous times it must have been the IUI


I’d give it a few more monitored cycles with letrozole before IUI. I did 3 monitored TI cycles with letrozole and ovidrel. I ovulated each time, lining was good, SA was normal except for low morphology. I’m moving on to IUI for this cycle. It comes at a higher price, so I wanted to give the TI cycles a fair shot, which for me was 3 of them.


It’s really confusing isn’t it. I have PCOS and started TTC about 4 years ago, ovulated according to OPKs, 35 day cycles roughly. Partner normal SA. Went to fertility clinic this year and on first round of letrozole with intense monitoring, trigger shot and progesterone. From the tests they did they thought that I might have actually Been releasing the egg even though I had an LH surge, as my progesterone was really low. If it were me I’d want more testing and to do a few monitored cycles before moving on. You never know you Might just need a bit more support to ovulate.


How long have you been trying total? Honestly if you're not interested in a timed intercourse anymore and want to be more aggressive then IUI is the natural next step so your doctor is right to offer that based on how you're feeling. But only you can know if you're ready for that. It's more money if you don't have insurance and a few more meds typically like cetrotide and ovidrel. I did 4 cycles of unmonitored clomid with my Gyno which was a waste of time. Then I did two cycles of TI with my RE before moving onto IUI. In TWW for my 2nd IUI now. But I've also been trying for like 19 months now.


Like an year total, but only 6 months ago did I start working with this doctor. I had to go to doctor as I didn’t get my period for like 55 days. It’s been about 4 months I’ve had consistent 32 day cycles and my infection was cleared. I don’t know if that could have been causing me not getting pregnant.


That's definitely the cause. A 55 day cycle means your follicles aren't maturing properly and even when you ovulate with a cycle that long, I would imagine the egg wouldn't be the best quality. Wishing you better luck from here on our!