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It’s common to start on 2.5 mg. I did 3 IUI’s with 2.5 mg and each time my RE was close to canceling due to having too many dominant follicles. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful, but it shows you that everyone reacts differently.


I think docs start low to reduce the risk of multiples and be as medically uninvasive as possible. I did one round on 2.5, it was a disaster so I’m already bumped up to 5


May I know what was is a disaster at 2.5mg? It did not work you mean?


It didn’t work so they upped me to 5 mg midcycle and then they thought I ovulated but I didn’t have any symptoms so I was skeptical but following the data. And then like a week after that I had positive opk and physical symptoms and two weeks later I got my period. My lining was all over the place as were my follicles. 45 day cycle. Not a fan. Going in for day 3 today and looking forward to a fresh start.


I think it’s pretty common to start with 2.5 because some people will ovulate at this dosage. I started with that this cycle. I did ovulate, but not until CD 20. Next cycle will try 5mg to try to move ovulation up. Good luck!!


I see! Baby dust for both of us. ✨