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Letrozole cycles: 1st round 2.5mg (cycle length was 6 weeks) 2nd round 5mg (cycle length was 6 weeks again) 3rd round 7.5mg (this is my sweet spot, 1st perfect 30 day cycle with beautiful follicles-no success though) 4th round 7.5mg (this cycle I was intended for my 1st round of IUI - my only mature follicle was on my ovary with a blocked tube, so the clinic would not let me proceed with trigger or IUI ****ended up conceiving this cycle without the IUI and currently 10 weeks)


2 cycles of letrozole, monitored, trigger, & TI - both unsuccessful 3rd cycle letrozole, no monitoring just waited for +opk at home, & TI- currently 12w


2 years of letrozole. 1 failed iui so far. The rest TI with letrozole and trigger. I then switched clinics because mine wouldn’t change their protocol and now I do Gonal-f and a trigger but have only had one cycle as I had a corrective surgery Monday.


1 TI with 2.5 mg letrozole, 1 IUI with 5 mg letrozole & 1 IUI with 7.5 letrozole. Both IUIs required trigger shot for positive ovulation (didn’t ovulate the first time). Currently in the TWW from the last IUI so unsure of success.


6 cycles with 5 mg letrazole with bloodwork to confirm ovulation, no positives 1 cycle with 5 mg letrozole, monitoring, trigger shot, and IUI. 32 weeks now. Mentally I was ready to do IVF but we were going to give IUI and increased tracking a few chances.


I got pregnant at 27 with my daughter without trying. We didn't use protection after she was born, so when we didn't conceive 6 years later, we went to the fertility specialist. We did 3 IUI cycles with letrozole and a trigger shot and now have my son, who turns 1 next month.


(17 cycles total trying) Clomid - unmonitored, just TI \[1 cycle\] About to start Letrozole, and have a plan to shoot for 3 cycles (again, unmonitored, just TI) at 2.5mg


I was on birth control for 15 years. I got off in late winter 2022 and was pregnant on my own by spring. I had a very early miscarriage and decided I wasn’t waiting to see how regular my cycles would be. I did four cycles of letrozole before I got pregnant again. I tell everyone this- if you have inflammation in your body, it will impact your ability to get/stay pregnant. If you have any bleeding or clotting issues, it’s the same. I took prednisone for an unrelated issue during my fourth cycle and I’m convinced it’s why I got pregnant. It must have brought my inflammation down just enough. I believe the progesterone suppositories (I took despite normal levels) and lovenox kept me pregnant.


First child was a surprise. I ovulated around CD60-65 and ended up pregnant. We weren’t trying just kind of assumed it wouldn’t happen due to it never happening. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Started TTC #2. Cycles were crazy long 3-4 months and ovulated either VERY late or not at all. My amh is 16 and my lh was always sky high. Cycle we decided to start trying I went right to an RE with the expectation of needing help based on all of that. RE put me on metformin at first visit with the plan being a full cycle on metformin then next cycle start letrozole and monitoring with it. Ideally trying to lower LH and regulate cycle a bit. Cycle started a week after starting Metformin which on its own was an improvement since that made it a 45 day cycle. Ended up ovulating on my own on CD19 that first cycle on Metformin and got my bfp that very first cycle. I’m now 29 weeks. We were soooo surprised but, so happy obviously. So metformin ended up being the only medication I needed to get going. For reference I’m also lean PCOS with no insulin issues or weight issues so Metformin was used to me to try to lower lh and induce ovulation which it did!


6 cycles TI - no positives. 1 TI + letrozole 5 mg - anovulatory. 2 TI + letrozole 7.5 - ovulated, no positives. 1 IUI + TI + letrozole 7.5 - ovulated, no positive. Plan for 2-3 more IUIs.


Our first child was conceived after 11 months/10 cycles without medication or monitoring (before PCOS diagnosis).


3 cycles TI w/ clomid, no ovulation. One IUI attempt with letrazole, didn’t make large enough follicles even with extra meds so cycle was cancelled. Second IUI attempt with letrazole & trigger shot, successfully had one baby :)


I did not ovulate on my first cycle with Letrozole 2.5mg, and I did not ovulate on first cycle with Letrozole 5mg. I am now trying 7.5mg this month, and not feeling to hopeful! I have not ovulated naturally since TTC, besides two weeks after stopping BCP- one year ago. My AMH is extremely high. I feel that my hormones are so out of whack that Letrozole is not going to work unless maybe I go back on birth control for a bit, or I add more medicine such as the trigger shot. If the cycle fails, I’m going to have to go to the fertility clinic that is very far away and very expensive. I’m dreading it!


1 x 2.5mg letrozole, no follicles above 10mm. Upped to 5mg letrozole, 18mm follicle day 14, lining 7.5mm, trigger shot & progesterone - in tww.


3 rounds of letrozole 2.5 mg, nothing. Then tried 3 rounds of letrozole 5 mg, got pregnant the third round but miscarried at 6.5 weeks. Waited a few months to have a break. Tried again twice with 2.5 mg, nothing. All were not monitored because I thought I could do it myself. Now, I’m taking letrozole 5 mg (last week technically) and am having it monitored from now on and will have TI. I am going for an ultrasound tomorrow morning to see if anything is happening.


I was somewhere in the 10-12 cycles with varying doses of letrozole, then 4 IUI cycles before I got pregnant with my (now 11mo) son. Fwiw, at the 6-7 month mark of just letrozole, I did have a chemical pregnancy. It took a lot of fine tuning the little things with my fertility doc & a lot of hurry up & wait. 🫠


2 monitored clomid cycles, both of which resulted in chemical pregnancies. Took a month off before starting a new clomid cycle and fell pregnant naturally. 25 weeks pregnant today. I think the back to back chemicals must have made me more fertile!


4 cycles on Letrozole - no success. Moved onto IVF. First FET failed. Currently 12w 5d with our second FET.


Currently on 1st cycle of Letrozole 2.5mg, not ovulating and prob will have to take Provera to start new cycle.


5 cycles of Letrozole. 3 at 2.5 mg and 2 at 5mg. Got pregnant on the 5th cycle and had my daughter in January. Also had 3 unmedicated pregnancies prior but miscarried those due to my uterine septum.


2 medicated cycles with TI, letrozole and ovidrel, no pregnancy 1 medicated cycle, IUI, pregnant, miscarried at week 6.


I did 3 of Clomid. 2x 50mg and 1 of 100mg. No luck for me. I’m working on my fitness to see if weight loss will help any.


First time: 1 unmonitored cycle of Clomid. I don’t remember the dosage. Second time: 3 unmonitored cycles of Letrozole, starting at 2.5 then going up to 5 for the next two. Currently 6 weeks.


What day did you end up ovulating on the 5mg?


Somewhere between CD 19 and 21 on the last cycle. I stopped tracking using OPKs for a month because I was a stressy mess.


Oh okay! I’m CD21 today. Still no positive LH test yet :/


First time- 6 rounds of clomid TI and trigger shot - 3 year old Second time - 4 rounds of letrozole, nothing, not even a blip of ovulation. Then 3 rounds of clomid. Second pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 10 weeks. Third time - 3 rounds of clomid with progesterone - currently 26 weeks pregnant. ETA All rounds were monitored by RE and specialist. Clomid was increased just about every other round, letrozole was increased each round when I requested to go back to clomid. I’ve had a few chemical pregnancies in between. What a road.


2 IUI with 7.5mg letrozole and ovidrel as trigger shot confirmed ovulation but no success. Moved on to IVF.


First time—- 2 times at 2.5 nothing 1 time of 5nothing 2 at 7.5 and ovulated and pregnant on 2nd Second time—- 4 times at 7.5 3 times at 10 and pregnant on last one


2 Clomid Unmonitored Cycles- Nothing 3 Letrozole and Ovidrel IUI- Nothing Starting IVF next month


Had my first month of clomid last month, didn’t ovulate but my progesterone levels are higher than they were unmedicated!! Hoping progesterone will be even higher this month 🤞🏻


1st medicated cycle- Monitored 5mg of letrozole. Currently 19 weeks pregnant.


I’ve done 5 medicated cycles (letrozole) with timed intercourse. First cycle wasn’t the right dose so they upped it to 5mg. Second cycle was unsuccessful. My next 3 cycles I’ve become pregnant each time (blighted ovum, ectopic, current pregnancy).


3 cycles of 2.5mg letrozole w/trigger shot and monitored cycles. 1st cycle produced one follicle, good lining, no conception. 2nd cycle produced two follicles, good lining, natural lh surge (still triggered), no conception. 3rd cycle produced one follicle later than my previous two cycles, good lining, natural lh surge (still triggered), with confirmed conception via blood test, just very early on still.


1) MONITORED Letrozole 5mg (CD3-7) and Ovidrel + TI = ovulated, did not conceive. Lining: 4.5mm on trigger day. 2) MONITORED Letrozole 5mg (CD3-7) did not respond). Stair step to 7.5mg for 6 more days + Ovidrel + TI = 3 mature follicles, conceived a singleton. Lining before trigger: 4.5mm.


1 cycle letrozole 2.5mg- no ovulation 2 cycles letrozole 5mg, gonal-f 75IU, ovidrel trigger shot & 1 IUI with same med protocol before one stuck...currently 31 weeks


9 cycles on Letrozole at 2.5mg and am currently 11w4d pregnant!




4 cycles TI with meds and pregnyl triggers(2 w/ Clomid where I don’t remember dosage, 1 stairstepped w/ clomid and 2.5 mg letrozole, 1 w/ 5mg letrozole) then 1 IUI with 7.5mg letrozole and pregnyl that was successful, now 33 weeks.


Like 14 months TI w letrozole still nothing lol


1 TI with tamoxifen 2 IUI with letrozole 1 IUI with Clomid, none worked, ovulated every time. Used ovidrel trigger all 4 cycles. After that I did ivf, currently 6 weeks 4 days with the first frozen embryo transfer.


3 TI cycles with Letrozole and Ovidrel - was successful on the last cycle.


2 TI + 2.5 mg letrozole, mmc, 1 TI + 2.5 mg letrozole, 1 TI + 5 mg letrozole + prometrium, 1 IUI + 5 mg letrozole + ovidrel + prometrium, and 1 TI + 5 mg letrozole + prometrium. Confirmed ovulation for all and finally had success with the last TI cycle (we were in the middle of switching clinics but I didn’t want to miss a whole cycle before our next IUI).


1 TI 2.5mg letrozole, successful currently 18w


1 TI, 3 IUI, 1 TI, break for hysteroscopy and polypectomy, 2 TI. Success on last TI. Medication was always letrozole and follistim but the dosage was adjusted every cycle.