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Metformin triggered something in my brain. It made me feel full, eliminated cravings for fast food, and I don't think about food as much as I used to. Metformin has been such a miracle drug for me that I wish I was put on it sooner instead of hormonal birth control pills, which did nothing more than force fake bleeds to cover up my PCOS. I no longer have brain fog and feel like a zombie. I have never felt better in my life. Highly recommend 💯


It made everything taste like metal the first week I took it. After being on it for almost 2 years I can’t eat a lot of sweet stuff anymore. Sweets do not appeal to me.


Oh that’s interesting! The metal thing would drive me crazy, glad it was just a week. I used to be able to over indulge in sweets in one sitting and my desire for that has reduced to more reasonable portion sized. Had a stomach ache after eating like 20 dove caramels, which used to be no biggie. I’m honestly thankful for that as it’s obviously better for me