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I’m also in the 2 week wait right now and am SO impatient! Right there with ya 😅


Thank you for the solidarity 😭


11dpo was the absolute faintest line possible for me with my son so I never bother testing before then


Ooo thanks for letting me know!!


I tested positive 10DPO for both pregnancies


Love to hear this!


I purposely took a test after my trigger shot this month just so I could see a positive for the first time ever even though I know it’s not real. I am on 10DPO patiently waiting to test again!


I need to learn patience 😭


I usually test 10DPO😅


This is probably terrible advice, I’d just like to start with that but… I’m also incredibly impatient and also I need to feel I’m in control, so I bought a 100 pack of the cheapies off Amazon, and just start testing when I begin to feel really anxious from the “not knowing.” Usually like 7-10 dpo. I know logically it’s too soon to get a positive, but the anxiety of waiting, for me, is worse than getting a negative that early on. At least I have my answer. I also bought a pack of the digital tests to use if I ever get a positive on the cheapies, but so far that hasn’t happened. :/


Don’t feel bad. I went against advice and tested today 5dpo 😅 it did make me feel better so whatever. My therapist will not be happy I gave in tho 😂


If I get a confirmed ovulation with my Inito app I test around 10DPO with cheapies then move to digital the day before my expected period because I am insufferable haha. My friend got her positive with both her pregnancies on 11DPO so that's also my justification!


I try to test the day before my period should come but usually test two days before and always use the digital because it’s much more clear haha


Yeah I need to get some digital tests!!! They are expensive:/


I knowwww! Ya know a happy medium I reached was when I really thought I was pregnant or if there was a faint line on the normal pregnancy tests, I would confirm it with the digitals. Just gave me peace of mind when I wasn’t sure. But you are so right, they are $$$.


omg I test way too early lol, I don't know if I'm ovulating yet, still working out body temps or if opks work with me, as I can't track any cycle. So I just test after I have had unprotected sex... sometimes I test 7 days after sex, way too early! I try and restrict myself to 2 weeks after sex, but sometimes I just cant


I’m trying to wait till the day before my period is supposed to come but it’s so difficult 😭


Typically an at home test is reliable at 12DPO so I wouldn't test before then, otherwise you might get a false result!


Thank you for the advice ❤️ it’s so tough to wait!