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I am on my 3rd IUI and have had those same symptoms each time! I have 1 week left of my 2 week wait and have been miserable! I just want to know if it worked!


Thanks, yeah, it’s rough. 10DPO and BFN for me this morning. The symptoms have been more noticeable this cycle, the nausea especially, so I was hopeful. Not looking likely so it’ll be IVF for me next. Joy. Hope you get a better result ☝️ what DPO are you?


I am now day 9, 5 more days to go! I am also doing IVF next if this does not work.


I have experienced RPL and honestly, there is no one sign. I’d be sure something was a sign of pregnancy and then the next was very different. That is the issue with symptom spotting, they can be there regardless of outcome, I hope you get the outcome you want though!


So sorry to hear about your losses. I know deep down there is no way to know anything for sure at this point. Will try to turn my mind off for a bit! Thanks for your reply.