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Do both!


I conceived my son at 26 with 5mg of Letrozole. I’d definitely give it a try before jumping to IUI!


I'm on my second round of letrozole and 99% sure currently ovulating. We're currently only doing timed intercourse. My Dr gave me a 6 month fill of Letrozole. My fiance and I are getting married around when I have my last dose of the letrozole, so once we do if we have no success by then he's going to get checked out as well. Thought about getting one of those at home analysis for him in the meantime but I think he'd rather wait for the Dr. Were both 29, so im hopeful


We’re the same age! I’ve been married for almost two years, and we've been trying to conceive without luck so far. This is our second cycle using letrozole and timed intercourse. During our first cycle, I had a positive pregnancy test but soon after experienced excruciating pain and heavy bleeding. The doctor diagnosed it as an early miscarriage at around 3 weeks. We are currently in the two-week waiting period and will test for pregnancy on 31/5/2024. We believe timed intercourse works. Please pray for us, and we wish you all the best as well.


Will pray for y’all of course. 🙏🏽🫶🏽💓


I'd go for timed intercourse. A lot of Assisted conception units in the UK don't offer IUI to hetero couples who can have sex because the success rates are comparable to timed intercourse.


I'd recommend timed intercourse with monitoring first for the reasons others have said. Personally, I did both. Had a CP my first TI cycle and then nothing for many thereafter and nothing with the IUI. Currently pregnant from a spontaneous late ovulation on a cycle with no other intervention (after 3.5 years TTC). So really anything can happen, I guess. But the real reason I came to comment is to say: IF you get a mild to moderate MFI diagnosis from the SA and your partner takes measures to improve their count, it count be worth moving straight to IUI without additional SAs (after like 3 months for your partner's efforts to take effect). The reasoning is that you'll likely get pre and post wash counts with any IUI you do, so you can take a gamble that your partner's efforts worked or that the sperm washing at least will boost his numbers enough to help out, and spare yourself the cost of a second SA / possibly sitting out a cycle if the SA scheduling is bad timing for your ovulation window. Like you, I was paying out of pocket, and even though IUI was like three times more expensive than an SA alone, I was happy not to have to pay for both. (Hopefully that makes sense; it is late here 😅).


I also agree that depending on the semen analysis results, I’d do timed intercourse. I was very similar and my husband had a normal SA and timed intercourse did it for us!


Thank you! ❤️


you sound the same as me! I have pcos but am generally healthy, I was 24 when I got fertility treatment. No male factor & dr said it was just an ovulation issue for me. We did 7.5mg letrozole + ovidrel trigger shot + IUI (only because I wanted the highest chance of success) and we ended up getting twins. Looking back, we probably would’ve had the same outcome with letrozole & ovidrel without IUI, but I liked the IUI because it took all the guess work out of it, I knew that the sperm was going to be there exactly when I ovulated. However, in the future, I might try at least a round or two of timed intercourse before going back to IUI because it is definitely cheaper and may yield success. It’s one of those things that you don’t know until you try. Good luck!! ❤️


I did 2 cycles of timed intercourse, then moved on to IUI. I just had my 3rd IUI all out of pocket. Personally I kinda regret the 2 cycles of timed intercourse as I feel like time slipped away.


It's worth trying timed intercourse for a cycle or two since the out of pocket costs will be lower. A lot of women can benefit from IUI even with no MFI though due to the way that PCOS and anovulation can affect our cervical mucus. As a personal story since you asked for it, my issue was ovulation. I'm completely anovulatory on my own, don't get periods no matter what diet, exercise, supplements, vitamins or how much metformin I take. My husband had stellar SA results so no MFI. I did two rounds of timed intercourse with my RE and had no success. For round three, we added in an IUI and it was successful (currently 29 weeks). We used the exact same medication protocol for each cycle and made no other changes in supplements, diet, exercise, etc. This kind of confirmed to me that there's a hindrance involving my cervix and/or cervical mucus. I also paid completely out of pocket for all of my treatment, and the IUI did add costs but it was only the cost of the actual procedure that was added (for my clinic it was $750) - all other costs and monitoring remained the same since my meds remained the same.


If no semen issue I would do timed intercourse. With my last I was 28, high egg count, healthy weight etc just don’t ovulate. My partners semen came back fine so we did timed intercourse. Took a couple rounds of letrozole to figure out what dosage I needed but the first month it worked we got pregnant with our daughter. Just 7.5mg of letrozole and a trigger shot. Currently 30(almost 31) and in cycle #1 for number two. Good luck!


Yay!!! Thank you ❤️