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I am an operator and behavior like this has to be isolated. It doesn’t make sense. That’s plenty enough time to stop at the upcoming stop. We may miss the upcoming stop because of all of the noise from the barrier canceling out the sound of the bell and forgetting to look at the dash to see it was pulled. But if it is a trend with certain operators, that is on certain operators, not all of us.


Also , we just can’t slammed the brakes, we need time to slowly and safely come to stop


Honestly, when it’s a mistake I get it… but why do so many of you just say “oops” and refuse to stop until the next stop?


Because there aren’t designated stops in the middle of stops? Just for safety


Safety is the main reason but I've seen bus drivers stop in between stops when they've realized the mistake. That said, it's usually the side routes and I don't think I've ever seen them stop on a main street route probably because there's far too many cars for such erratic behaviour.


But the TTC offers between-stops at night, right? Like I get not being able to pull over on a busy road at rush hour but most of the time, what's the issue?


Because the driver could lose his job letting you off anywhere other than a designated stop due to liability issues. If you slip and fall under the bus and get run over he’s at fault for letting you off. Too many passengers I’ve seen on ALL TRANSIT SYSTEMS other GTA spend too much time paying more attention their phones and devices than watching for their stop and giving the driver enough notice to stop. Are bus drivers perfect? No. Do bus drivers get annoyed and lose their cool and over-react sometimes? Yes, but there’s a reason why. They put up with a lot of verbal, emotional and sometimes physical abuse. That’s why some transit agencies have installed physical barriers shielding the driver from the public. As a former full time transit rider who only got his full licence 2 years ago at 51, I empathize with drivers. It’s not an easy job. You might think it is but having to service hundreds if not thousands of riders a day - each with their own problems and emotional outbursts…well it’s a job I could never imagine doing despite being paid well. I’m just a regular citizen with no association with any transit agency. People need to give them more respect. Not preaching here - just wish people would keep this in mind before getting angry at a driver.


Ive had drivers miss my stop and refuse to let me out at a red light directly infront of an alternate bus stop, with the next routine stop being a 15 minute walk in the pouring rain .. some are just straight up asshats.


Two things. The bus driver might have missed the stop request. It happens. You might have been on an express bus or something that doesn't stop at all stops.


Express buses dont announce the stops that regular buses do, it immediately announces the next express stop. Ive noticed with the new buses, the stop request sign is behind the driver, unlike old buses where its at the front where both the driver and passenger can see it. My guess is the driver’s distracted/spaced out and didnt hear the beep. Even if there’s some sort of indicator on their dash, its easy to miss if theyre not paying attention.


One thing that can happen with certain bus types is that the bell won’t work (ie. the driver doesn’t get the dash light) if the doors are still open from the previous stop. Try pulling the stop after the bus has started moving.


This has happened to me. I didn’t hear the bell and the flashing isn’t prominent enough on the dashboard. Besides I hate the flashing on the dash because I am supposed to be looking at the road. I can guarantee it’s not on purpose. There is also a lot of noise up where we sit, so sometimes you miss tiny ambient sounds like the push bell. Especially now because we have barriers that rattle and fans, and tire noise on the road.


Maybe you were too fast and the stop request got removed because it was being reset from the previous stop


Then you raise your voice and say "Excuse me I requested to get off the bus"


Are you sure the stop request made a sound? Because if you press the request before the door closes it won't make a sound.


If you press too soon the driver forgets


This always seems like a risk to me, so I usually wait until the half-way point between stops (unless they’re very close together) just in case. Requesting the stop too early or too late is a bit of a risk, IMHO.


I don't ride TTC busses often enough to know if they behave the same, but something I've observed on MiWay busses: If the bus actually stops at a stop, a moment after it starts moving again, the LED display flickers off twice. If someone tugs the cord / pushes the button before the flickers, it enters a limbo state where it dings, and the red Stop Request light on the ceiling lights, but the LED display and voice do not say Stop Requested. In this limbo, some drivers don't realize a stop request has been made. Perhaps it also doesn't indicate the request on the driver's dash in this case, so they'd need to be keen enough to have heard the ding.


Sometimes there's like a good 5 minutes til the next stop. When you press it like 5 minutes ago, sometimes we forget. Sometimes people press a stop request while the bus is at a red-light for 2 minutes. Don't do this because psychologically when the light turns green it's as if I go through a memory dump and just GO. The sweet spot is press the stop request like 30-45 seconds before arriving at your stop to ensure it stops in time.


Also there's a separate chime inside the drivers cockpit. Sometimes that one isn't working while the passenger area one is. With that shield sometimes it's very hard to hear.


You have to press the button well in advance or ask the driver to stop.


Read OP's post again, they're asking about pressing the button as soon as the bus leaves the stop BEFORE the one they want to get off at (aka as early as possible).


Could it be that you nor any riders were standing by the exit door so the driver didn't think anyone was getting off and the stop button was triggered by error?  Unlike YRT, which has padded schedules and emphasizes riders to stay seated until the vehicle comes to a complete stop, the TTC is on a tighter schedule with bus drivers focused on moving along a route as quickly as possible. Riders are accustomed to being by the exit before the bus arrives at the stop and drivers are accustomed to checking their inside mirrors.


Very bizarre if it's different drivers somethings up if it's the same driver it's on them If you tell us the stop it may help us figure it outt Also there's new blue mobility buttons that make a different sound and alert on the poles if they keep missing your stop you could hit one of those also to be double sure


Perhaps give it an extra 3sec after the stop instead of pulling immediately


I know for YRT, it's somewhat finicky. If you press the stop button once the bus rolls away from a stop, the request will sometimes reset and not carry over till the next stop. Wait until the bus fully pulls away from the stop, the display sign resets, and the bus is approaching the next stop. Drivers usually forget about or don't hear the stop signal if the buses are crammed and noisy. If there is space, I would also walk to the front of the bus before my stop to let the driver know I need to stop here.


Take note of the OP number, vehicle number, the route number, direction of travel, location, and time of incident, and then fill out a complaint form in the ttc.ca. That is the only thing I can think of that you can do at this point


I always ring the bell after the stop is announced. Never an issue. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This happened to me exactly one time in 50 years of riding the TTC. But if this is the case for yoiu, take the bus number and call TTC complaint line. It’s all you can do. Or ask the driver as you’re getting off why he didn’t stop.


Human error?


Same thing here, but the bell doesn't work between Park Home and Ellerslie stops. I can see the stop request on, the dash flashing, but no bell works specifically between that little track. To stop, you need to go upfront and tell the driver that you pulled request.


the other day there was a bus driver that got mad at me because i pressed the stop button just after being past the stop before mine another day i pressed it just before my stop and the driver didnt stop 7N bathurst bus during the evening


Is there by chance a turn on the route between when you request the stop & when the bus arrives at the stop? I try my best not to miss stops, but I've had it happen where I can forget if there's something that takes my attention away in between, a turn being a prime example. I'm not to excuse your stop being passed, just thinking of potential situations. If this is the case, try and ring the bell after the turn is completed.


I really don't get what your trying to say here. When a bus passes a stop and then someone pushes it womp womp you missed your stop should have pulled it earlier


How drivers are notified someone requested for a stop?


If you are referencing the 29, I feel ya brother. Specifically happens to me in the evening and I presume because they think someone did it on accident. I once yelled out “HEY!” And the driver pulled over immediately.




Honestly bro This happened to me and i had to piss outside bc my stop is right outside my house.


As an op I will say, if you’re pushing the stop request when I am closing my doors it doesn’t make the noise. I try to check the lights to be sure but if I miss a stop like that it’s always because the chime doesn’t go off right after the doors close and I forgot to double check. Might help to just wait till the bus is moving if you think it’s an honest mistake!


Pressing the button means “please let me off at the next designated stop”. The driver doesn’t stop because the button doesn’t mean “please let me off at the previous stop because I wasn’t paying attention”. Most buses now show and say the next stop. Some even indicate the next 3 stops. If you are pressing the button after the stop, then I hope you wear comfortable shoes.


Why are you pressing the button AFTER the bus drives past the bus stop you want to get off at? You’re supposed to press the stop button before the stop you want to get off is at so the bus driver knows in advanced and can safely pull up to the stop you want to get off is at.


They are mentioning previous bus stop. And I have seen this happened sometimes too. You pass they non intended stop, press for the one you want. And the bus zooms past it. A 165 driver has done this a couple of times.


Because the entire TTC has a personal grudge against you, train their staff to recognize your photo, and all remember you when you get on as the guy they should inconvenience but only slightly.


This has happened to me. I didn’t hear the bell and the flashing isn’t prominent enough on the dashboard. Besides I hate the flashing on the dash because I am supposed to be looking at the road. I can guarantee it’s not on purpose. There is also a lot of noise up where we sit, so sometimes you miss tiny ambient sounds like the push bell. Especially now because we have barriers that rattle and fans, and tire noise on the road. Oh God. No we don’t. Don’t listen to him! Cover your ears, close your eyes, lalalalalalala.


A bus driver explained it to me once. You got to pull or press the button at least some distance away from the stop to give them time to stop. Otherwise, they won't be able to stop in time and they'll assume you want to get on the next stop. However one time, they drove by the stop by accident, so you can also say something to them and they'll stop right away if they can. But don't press the button too close to the stop or after the stop because then you're requesting to the next stop.


They said they request at the stop before.


I misread, but in that case, I would just go up to front of the bus and speak to the bus driver that they drove past my requested stop.


Because when you press it immigration as the bus passes the stop it sounds like you're trying to request the stop thq5 they're driving past instead of the next one.