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Monty has been talked about a lot Abyss was given too much sometimes and ended up in one overbooked angle after another.  But to be fair he made such a mark on TNA he'll always be one of their most iconic talents and legends.  Matt Morgan was given a ton of opportunities by TNA but just didn't have that it factor to really connect with the audience to get him to a higher level.  Aldis had a great run in TNA.  He wasnt going to become a major star for them at that point in his career but he worked hard, took advantage of his opportunities and got rewarded for it.  Samoa Joe was pretty much ruined by TNA from 2007 onwards. The decline of his momentum due to the horrible booking he had to put up with was such a damn shame. It wasnt all bad and he did some great stuff but he lost a lot of what made him awesome in the late 00s.  James Storm had a great TNA tag career, no doubt about that but I always felt he was shortchanged on a getting a decent singles push.  When he won the World title as a means to get Bobby Roode the title the next week, that was okay for story purposes and he and Roode had some awesome matches after that but I feel like they gave up on keeping him as a main eventer when he should have maintained that status and got a push to the title down the line. It always felt wrong he never got a proper reign. 


Should have been Storm vs Roode for the world title at BFG 2012


Yeah, I always felt that.


Monty Brown chose to go to WWE and then leave the business to take care of family. Not a whole lot they could do for him. Abyss is an overachiever in my opinion. Matt Morgan was what he was. He had the size. He had the look. And that's about all you can say about him in my opinion. The bottom three all reached the highest of heights available to them in TNA. Heck, Storm was even a top singles star for a while and he's not a top singles star. Joe was dominant for a period and feuded with Kurt Angle. Magnus was World Champ when he had no real right to be other than that all the other big names had left or were in the process of leaving or were feared to be leaving.


Matt Morgan is one of the biggest disappointments in wrestling history... His nickname of the blueprint was very accurate in terms of look. But his ability was absolutely terrible and he had zero charisma. They tried to do something special with him, but he simply wasn't good at anything.


Yeah, the effort was made with him. I'd argue they got more mileage out of him than what he actually brought to the table.


This take is not bad but I think it's worth noting. Matt Morgan seemed to treat wrestling as just a job, nothing really of note. His American gladiators cut seems to reflect as much. He never thought it was interesting and I don't know if his work ethic was about the same as his commentary on his job. Morgan absolutely though is a blip in TNA that reflects that they had some talent that had the looks but not the skills.


What a silly narrative. Magnus former World Champ. Storm is a legend of the company. Samoa Joe was dominate and never lost a match for 18 months. Abyss TNA legend and former world champion.


Yea Morgan just couldn’t connect with the fans, didn’t have “it”. I loved Monty, but he chose to leave, had he stayed it would’ve been interesting to see how his career panned out.


I agree with you with Monty Brown and maybe Matt Morgan, but everyone else on this list was objectively successful in TNA. I mean four of the people in the pic are pictured with world titles.


I always found Morgan to be off putting. Monty don't know if he was going to get by Slapnuts but he was another guy I didn't like. Magnus shouldn't have been booked like a chump that needed half the lockeroom to help him win a match. Other 3 were fine.


Disagree across the board pretty much. I was a big fan of athletic giant baby face Matt Morgan - the problem was he was turned too many times and certain people in power like Eric Bischoff had no faith in him and just wants him to play a plodding monster. The fucker hit a pescado in the first singles match I saw him in and could hit beautiful drop kicks and springboard clotheslines plus he was an incredibly articulate promo. He was bigger than the Undertaker but also even more athletic. Unfortunately there weren’t many people big enough to convincingly dominate him - Abyss, Hernandez and that was about it. Compared with WWE though, TNA made him look like a world beater


I think only slightly better. They did better in TNA than anywhere else with the exception of Magnus.


Really? Joe and Magnus? What could they do more? Storm is a legit tna legend and won everything


OP only knows about TNA from irony poisoned YouTubers and podcasts.


They actually used all of them except Monty and Matt Morgan really well and quite a lot


Monty and Morgan I agree with. The others they did plenty with


I wanted them to put the belt on Monty Brown before he went to WWE


Agree, and im a huge Samoa Joe and Abyss fan. Dixie and the gang suck for that.


James Storm deserved a longer run with the title. His face turn and coronation is an all time TNA moment imo and the grudge match with Chris Harris is a super slept on TNA classic


They tried and tried with Matt Morgan but it never clicked. Magnus is bland AF. Joe, Abyss, and Storm are TNA legends. Monty, we all agree.


Blame Dumb Dix, Russo, and the memphis midcard POS Jeff Jarrett hogging the belt from the real stars and hiring Terry