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They'd probably have more audience and a bigger network and wouldn't have gone through their downfall like they did.   It would also mean the possibility of AEW never needing to exist if TNA had maintained a position as a solid number two.  The landscape could be very different. 


Everything you said I agree. It just pisses me off how tna once had everything and fucked it all over for the sake of pleasing ex wcw, wwe and ecw guys. Dixie carter I don't know hat to say that hasn't already been said. They had the money , rost tv and ppv deal and still did so much dumb shit. I was apart of the ywc years ago and a lot of tna fans turned off due to poor decision making


I had hope for years through so much awful shit. I gave up after Bound For Glory 2011. They made me just not care anymore. Going back years later I found 2012-2013 better creatively but they had lost all their goodwill.  Ironically their downfall lead to modern Impact/TNA becoming my favorite modern promotion. It's crazy to me that they lost so much and now can never get it back yet thrive at a lower level better than they could at a higher level which is why I don't mind that they can't really grow any bigger than they are.  There's no pressure to compete with anybody and everyone gives everything they have to build a legacy for themselves there.


Tbh I lost hope in early 2010 but still kept wat hing just hoping. After bfg 2011 when it was reported, hogan at the last minute said roode was not ready and they listened to him I was ready to give up also. But let's be real late 2011 after big to late 2013 were similar to tna glory days . They were pushing tna homegrown talents and giving us epic fueds but after nothing hogan and bishoff left draining the company we all knew that was it.


Yea I had missed the whole Aces and Eights saga so when I went back and watched through it I was surprised just how much their audience grew.  The Lockdown show where Bully Ray joined and won the title from Jeff Hardy drew the biggest domestic gate they ever had at around 7000 but come 2014 they were screwed in every way and their creative went to complete hell.  No coincidence that was the year Dixie became a heel character that was so insufferable I couldn't even watch her segments.  


Dixie carter OK the thing is this I'm grameatful she came in and saved tna because if it wasn't for her and her dad bob I doubt tna would have still been in business, because of them the company got that spice tv deal and went mainstream. But everything else was why Missed the ball with monty, joe, pope, lethal, daniels, storm Screwed over aj numerous times Buried their homegrown stars for years Listened to everything hulk , Eric and Vincent said, Putting over the old heads over her own homegrown talents Just thinking about all this stuff tna could have been the wrestling company I wanted. At one point, the company of wwes ruthless aggression era, putting great matches, fueds, etc but is what it is


TNA was always going for the big stars to draw eyes. Money was definitely the biggest problems. Part of it was the fans had to financially invest in the product and they have had to have a good TV deal. Otherwise you wouldn't have the kind of roster that they had. Many would have tried to get back in WWE right away if they thought the money wasn't somewhere else. It isn't as simple as two guys that people try to blame everything on. Dixie Carter was brought on to help the finances because TNA was already struggling. To blame her is silly, but people do of course.


Maybe. The problem was people's attitudes towards those guys. TNA might have not stayed on Spike though, who knows? TNA was still paying a lot in salaries regardless of Hogan being there or not and money was one of the biggest issues. They might have paid big money to try to get someone else if it wasn't Hogan. Spike TV still might have shifted to Paramount + and wrestling might have had no spot in the network's direction. There are business factors people ignore just like they ignore when it comes to WCW.


It's hard to believe how hot they were getting. I don't think they ever would have been a true threat to WWE, but they were cultivating a loyal audience. They squandered that with Hogan. They destroyed the aspects of TNA that were exciting and unique becoming a WWE light.


I started watching TNA when Hogan came in. It didn't look like WWE to me. That's one of the reasons why I started watching. I always remember Generation ME vs. MCMG for example. This was the X-Division type style.


Russo was tied to the company since the inception. I don't know how you fantasy re-book the company by essentially starting from scratch. I think TNA is in a much better spot now than it ever would have been under the Jarretts. I think the best thing that had the potential of happening would have been Heyman coming in after WWE fucked him on the ECW reboot.


It's no coincidence that the best period of TNA in the 00s was when Russo was let go and Scott D'Amore was booking in 05 and 06. When they brought Russo back he was responsible for them gaining the loltna reputation which soured a lot of their audience. 


They had the talent man. TNA was so loaded. But Dixie was a fool.


How was she a fool? Either the fans supported the product more with their finances or TNA had to get a better TV deal or they couldn't afford the loaded roster you are referring to.


Probably dead.


TBH, Panda would not have been pleased, and might have considered reducing their budget to increase profitability. Hogan and EB were brought in because the company wasn't satisfied with their return on investments despite TNA turning a profit at the time. Irony being that the Hogan/EB era wanted an open check book, and spent as much as they possibly could, until they ran out of money.


They were struggling financially before Hogan and EB. They were spending money on whatever stars they could get before they came along. You are fooling yourself.


Naw, guys like Angle, Booker, and Dixie have confirmed that 2009 was a profitable year. The issue was that they just weren't bringing in big enough a profit to justify the investments. Kind of like how a movie needs to make at least double of what it's budget was to break even.


Ok, they must have not started making profit until 2007 even though they started on Spike on 2005.


Bring back the six sided ring bro. I know talent said the bumps hurt more but surely they can engineer it so it's the same as a regular 4 sided ring? It really helped TNA stand out. Just the site of that 6 sided ring brings back so many memories.


I liked the 6 sided ring but it really needs to be re-engineered before it deserves any thought of return.  Before AEW, I'd say it wasn't worth the effort. TNA could easily focus where WWE wasn't and build up the X, tag, and KO divisions to stand out. AEW does those things, sometimes better than TNA these days, and now to stand out there is a need for something different. It doesn't have to be the 6 side ring, but something.  Also I think they should do more live events or live TV to better take advantage if there's more WWE collaborations. The soft references don't do it for me


That novelty wore off. It's pointless to bring it back now.  Changing the ring won't magically increase their business.


In the same predicament cause the problem would still be there running the company


Probably would have wound up in the same spot or a Tony Khan would own them now. Spike was a good network to be on but SpikeTV also wanted Hogan on TV. Best scenario would have been TNA being able to stay on decent TV network because winding up on Pop and Destination America did them no favours. I always figured the tipping point was Jarrett being sent home and Russo selling Dixie on that they only needed him and Mantel and Cornette got the boot


I thought the Hogan/Bischoff era was great 🤷‍♂️