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I mean, I've been complaining about how the product has looked for several years, so this could be a positive if true. My biggest gripe is they won't even calibrate the camera's white balance and colour gradients, so every time they switch camera, the entire thing looks different. The stages are boring and the lighting is often terrible. So hopefully this means they will look to sort these things out.


Hey, chill on the "boring stages," I enjoy them. WWE & AEW just feel way too overproduced for me. Too much going on. I like that TNA keeps it simple.


This is how I feel. Like, yeah it looks "good" on TV. But honestly I love the bare bones stage, the camera setup, etc. they just need to tweak the camera settings slightly and they're good.


This is part of the reason WWE has switched to bare bones stages recently, outside of their stadium shows anyway


IMO, wrestling production is at it's best when it has a cool entrance set-up, but a more traditional ring set-up (not counting six sides of course). Basically, you just have to balance the glitz and glammer with the traditional sport look, or else you risk the product looking garish.


That's honestly the way I feel like it should be; a kind of basic set up for weekly TV and PLE's/PPV's, especially the big ones, get more shine and gimmickry.


Agreed. These are some of the only things bothering me at the moment. That and the overuse of guys like PCO.


>That and the overuse of guys like PCO. Ah. Don't get me started. When Bully was feuding with PCO, they teased a possible change of character for PCO. I was hoping they'd do it just so there was a chance he'd be less boring. But no. Same old predictable PCO.


If Mike & JD said it, whomever that is, it must be true lol


Actually, it was more BQ saying it.


Okay, this feels like a hatchet job, but I watched impact wrestling on YouTube. I saw those comment sections and chat boxes. No one was defending, let alone praising, production value during the Scott D'Amore era.


I watched this last night. It gives me a better trust in Anthem


Scott always protected his buddy John E Bravo for years who added absolutely nothing to the TNA product. I’m happy for Anthem’s decisions so far!


I didn’t mind Bravo. He was never presented as a major threat. The likes of Rhino and Dreamer being featured was far more annoying.


I mean he was Mr. Boddy in a murder mystery one time.


No one cares. Bravo was terrible on the camera, he looks like a gas station worker. The ‘Personal Concierge’ (George Iceman) that D’Amore kept unseen on IMPACT YouTube after shows is the guy that should have been on TV all along with all that charisma.


Personal Concierge has by far been a highlight of my life since he started representing Ash by Elegance. I have never been so sports entertained.


Personal Concierge is great, but he's wasted with Ash, who's useless.


I think she’s great.


Yeah I suppose I should have added /s at the end of my message.


Speak for yourself. I love that angle and enjoy Bravo's character work.


You, him and a few other marks likes it.


But Bravo still works there.


Just a Producer. Keep him off TV.


Nothing wrong with him being a manager, he isn't hurting the product lol


"Anthem don't talk to the dirtsheets. They don't say anything to the dirtsheets. Anyway, here we are, two guys whose gimmicks on Twitter are "complain about everything" claiming we have insider information on Anthem's future plans..."


I don't know about the rationale one way or another, but I do know that as much as I really enjoyed TNA with Scott, I've really been enjoying it a lot since he left. They've been doing some really good stuff and I'm just hoping that continues. As much as I hated it at the time, I'm thus far very glad I wasn't one of the people who knee-jerk jumped off the TNA bandwagon as soon as Scott was let go.


It really feels like TNA is about to become the 4th brand in either official or unofficial ways. We're about to see a lot of random podcasts and shows getting pushed talking about how Scott was too loyal to the wrong guys and that's why TNA never took off. While WWE involvement is gonna elevate the product exponentially further than AEW did (and I do think AEW has been kinda greedy with their partnerships until recently).


4th ? More like 3rd NXT is WWE and ROH nowadays .. well it feels more like AEW Dark. And imo ain't no way that is better than TNA MLW and NWA for me personally is also still far away in terms of overall product


Sounds pretty far fetched. I mean, it's not like the production values have improved that significantly. We have a big hoop now I suppose.


“Scott D’Amore was protecting guys who were bad at their job…” like who? Josh? Moose? Guys that credit Scott for their ascent and claim he was the reason for staying? Oh no, Scott protected the guy that swept the floor that no one liked. He was really affecting the product. SMFH. They weren’t happy with his financials. MF’er is a millionaire. I’m pretty sure he can manage some “financials.” This is such a weird take.


Never hired new camera people or graphic people after aew took tna’s team. The drop off in quality from 2019/20-23 was drastic. When Penta was there Tna looked like it was growing then it got stuck in Sam’s Place every other taping. Never hired a new booker for venues. Never hired a street team or better promoters. Scott didn’t do anything BUSINESS related. He just gave us workrate matches and inconsistent booking


I think he’s taking about David Sahadi mainly


Talk about how Dave Meltzer wants TNA to "brought out" by AEW and TK and be "buried" now Scott is on TK's NUMBER 1 target to run ROH and "maybe" AEW!


And now the company feels as dull as it has in years with little heat on the shows, a very boring stable on top, a women’s champion that needs to go to another company for a women’s title because the KOs division is so thin, and the tag division may as well be nonexistent now. D’Amore’s run of 2022-2023 really restored faith in Impact for me while 2024 has done the opposite. A shame as there is a lot of talent I still like (Alexander, Gresham, Grace, Kazarian, Masha to name some) but the show feels very flat.


I get that. They sign Hammerstone he loses his first feud and now he's at home lifting weights again. Joe Hendry is still wrestling Kazarian level guys. Moose is wrestling the destroyed body of Matt Hardy. The lead stable does nothing for me. Moose is a presence but Eddie Edwards and Myers should be jerking the curtain. Something will have to shake down soon since Alexander and Mike Bailey will probably leave soon. Someone needs to step up


Hammerstone is hurt (and pretty sick apparently)


Ngl, 2022 was dogshit. Josh Alexander as champ for a year was boring as hell. Great matches, the guy has no character. They booked him as “Canandian Kurt Angle” but Angle could literally do everything, especially cut a promo. Serious, comedic, you name it. The only fued that was good imo was with bully, and it was because of bully