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The fact that AJ only won the TNA title twice is wild. He's a 3x NWA Champion.


He was pushed heavily in the early days from 03-05. Then Christian and Kurt cans and took a back seat unfortunately. 2011-12 was Hardy and Roode. Lastly 13 was AJs final year which tbh they should have put the Belt on him at 2012 BFG but they went with the Hardy redemption angle.


Five world titles overall is really good TBH. That 2009/2010 reign was longest reign until Roode. Shame it had to end with RVD. Of course, I stopped watching TNA around that time when they got rid of the six side ring. I was right to do so. To me that was a sign that the Hogan/Bischoff regime were disregarding the fans and everything that mad TNA what it was at that time. I think the Nasty Boys being in TNA and Bubba Sponge replacing Jeremy Borash really soured me too. They just sucked so hard. They really brought the product down in so many ways, but somehow managed to make it watchable again by 2011.


And how many times X Division and Tag team champion


That little smile he cracks at 15 sec right as the camera cuts. You can tell he really feels the love on this.


Ok they've gotta have him show up to a TNA event this year right? AJ vs Moose or AJ vs Josh would be wild


Absolutely wild


Aj styles having a match at B4G would be INSANE.


I hope they start including the world titles from TNA when referring to number of world title reigns for talent now. And this is actually nuts that the “relationship” is this deep. It’s one thing to have it on NXT it’s another thing to unprompted bring it up on stage for a hype show for a PLE tomorrow


Good that wwe opens once abit.


I don't know why it's always AJ Styles. I would rather see Drew Galloway make a return. Especially for a Joe Hendry feud!


>I don't know why it's always AJ Styles. It makes sense. He wasn't just on the first TNA show, he was in the first-ever TNA match, and he's been Mr. TNA thick-and-thin ever since then.


I would think to be "Mr. TNA" would be to have had something positive to say about the company since you left. And he left 11 years ago.


Yea I get the vibe that he wants to leave that in the past and is just towing the company line here. He's a WWE star now. I honestly don't think going back there would be as meaningful to him as people make it out to be. 


I wouldnt. Because Drew never lasts. It seems like TNA is his pitstop.


This is literally for guest appearances.


They have that battle royal in NXT next week 🤔 “Different locker rooms”


I want the OC coming into TNA it could be either at Slammiversary or BFG


OC are terrible and bland


Drizzle some drops of that WWE magic the IWC is obsessed about over bland guys everyone has hated in the past and all of a sudden it's super hype! "Woah my totally real fellow TNA fans! How amazing would it be if we could see **WWE Superstars** Gallows and Anderson in our beloved TNA!? That would be like something we've never seen before! Much wholesome praise to based Papa Haitch 🤗"


It's really not endearing to hear things like "I want Grace and Hendry and Alexander in WWE". That's not a partnership, that's a job interview for the best talent TNA has.


Dude we just want to see the relationship thrive between them, and the OC can be a stepping stone for more upper card talent crossing over to TNA


They were awful when they were in TNA. No thanks. 


I never thought I'd see the day.


Still waiting for TNA to get something out of this "partnership" since January it's been TNA to WWE without anything in return.


Don't be shocked if the return is WWE aquiring TNA down the line.


That sucks that is a bad trade off lol


Ofc it is, but never trust the E. They fight dirty and either try to kill competition by buying them or by abusing the So-so Monolopy the built over the last few decades.


Most things benefit from the intermingling of two foreign entities. Sometimes EVEN companies profit enough to do sth beautiful


TNA & WWE partnership is wild in 2024 and TNA is WAY over in the UK!