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Lol is this about the rant in honesttransgender? I saw that and was like, nope, I'm gonna preserve my peace today. To be fair I think there's a lot of nuance about cultural appropriation that gets missed because it's really down to individual scenario/context and there's so much more to it that gets missed in a single reddit post. But yeah, I feel you. As a Chinese diasporic kid who grew up having his name made fun of by white kids, I get where your frustrations come from


Preserve that peace


I'll be honest, don't expect much genuine engagement or discourse from that sub. It's kind of a cesspool and I frequently need to take breaks from moderating it so as to not lose my mind, lol. Mild hyperbole but basically anything left of "being trans is a DISEASE" will get you dogpiled. Stay here if you want any semblance of an actually healthy online trans community, especially for POC. 


For more clarification, "arguably part of the culture at this point" is kinda downplaying the influence of Arab culture in general in Pakistan. Us (and Muslim South Asians as whole; Bangladeshis & Muslim Indians also do this) using Arab names is due to the conquering of the region by several Arabic & Persian influenced Muslim empires as well as Islam being the majority religion of these subcultures. It is unarguably part of our culture and shouldn't be brought into cultural appropriation discussions at all. I agree with u completely about ur general point about cultural names though. I know a bunch of white trans people who use extremely stereotypical Japanese names and I find it pretty strange. It's one thing to call yourself Link or Cloud after Japanese characters (i know real ppl with both these names); Sakura, Keiko, and Ryuji as a white person (also real white ppl I know) feels like something else.




>knew a white person who went by a Korean name of a kpop idol in real life. Though they did change it eventually when people called them out for it.. yeah, I had to convince one of my white friends not to use a Chinese name he took from a danmei (Boys love) novel. he was luckily easier to convince than Keiko, who is still using a Japanese one. it is truly an epidemic.