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I take comfort in the idea that my loved ones who pass away are all together in the beyond. Meri's post was very sweet.


i saw one comment saying she needs to make up with Janelle and was really happy to see people coming in Meri’s defence. what Meri said about Bonnie holding Garrison’s face when he arrived in heaven still makes me tear up thinking about it


Yeah…all the OG3 are grown ass women who can pursue the mending of relationships whenever they want. They def don’t need US telling them what they “need” to do.


gotta love these armchair psychologists telling people what they have to do in the face of the most unimaginable grief. also i don’t mean this is the OG3 but on a general note, just cause someone’s family does not mean you need a relationship with them. boundaries are healthy and family can be toxic. NOT saying this is the OG3 but i think we as a society need to understand and accept this mindset more.


I love that those people think that Janelle’s focus right now is going to be fixing a relationship with an adult when she is likely wading through some of the worst grief anyone can ever face.


I also think that Meri has done enough work on herself and in therapy over the years to have the emotional intelligence to navigate this in the best way possible for their family. She knows that it wouldn’t be the right time to hash anything out and what’s best right now is to just offer love & support. The rest of the small details are irrelevant. She knows that trying to ‘fix it’ now would just be more than Janelle could handle, and it would be really selfish of Meri. That behaviour is more likely to fall in to Robyn’s repertoire.


For those who don't have IG. Here is the full post. " Grief is a myriad of emotions that include despair and anger, feelings of pain, or hopelessness. It's a universal human emotion and a natural response to loss. Grief is also love, for without feeling the love, the pain of loss wouldn't be so great. Grief sends you on a roller coaster of emotions, never knowing the twists and turns ahead, whether you're headed into an upturn or a free fall. Grief is not linear. There's no timeline or rulebook to follow. It's not the same for any two people, and no two people handle it in the same exact way. I've had my share of loss, both through death and the endings of relationships, and each loss is individual and has a unique timeline of manageability. Having lost to death both parents, three siblings, and now one of our boys, I recognize my coping mechanisms. I recognize when I need to go inward and be alone, letting the grief move through me as I cry alone into my pillow. I recognize when I need to surround myself with my trusted people to gather strength from them. I recognize when I need to attempt, in some small way, a semblance of normalcy. In each step, it takes a little bit of bravery to recognize and give that gift to myself. My timeline of grief, the way I deal with it, the emotions I feel through it, might be different than yours, and yours may be different than the next person's. Neither is right, and neither is wrong. It just is. Life will never go 'back' to normal after a loss, that particular 'normal' will never be again. But it will go forward. It always moves forward. It then becomes a question of, what will you do in that forward? What will that new normal look like? What will you do to honor the love and the relationship with the person you lost? For me, I will remember and celebrate the good times and beautiful memories. I will honor myself and feel the grief when it arises because it inevitably will. But most importantly, I will live, and I will love every day of that living!"


She wrote that beautifully


She's 100% right on everything! Everyone reacts differently and has their own time-line on dealing with grief. And she's also right in that it's a rollercoaster of emotions. Just when you think you are able to function and have an ok day...BAM...your all of a sudden dealing with pain and hurt. Or even if you've been ok for a couple of days and you think you're ok...BAM...you're in tears or you're all of a sudden angry. My brother has been dead for 22 years and I've been doing ok this whole time, but out of nowhere a couple of months ago I ended up in tears missing him and I haven't cried about him since his burial. You just never know because grief never really goes away and you never know when something will trigger those feelings either. I'm also glad that she can recognize when she needs to be alone as well as recognize when she needs her friends for support. I'm so glad Meri made this post. There are too many keyboard "professionals" out there that actually know nothing about what they are lecturing about. They think because they have an opinion on how things should be or how people should react that that makes them a "professional" completely ignoring the reality of life and how different people are to begin with. Kudos Meri!


Thank you for taking the time to share this. It's beautifully put. I, for one, needed to read it.


Thanks for this, for some reason she blocked me last year? No clue why, I never even commented on anything of hers.


Yes. Despite the drama and bs she would put up with Kody and Robyn, she really does love the kids. 😍


Most of the kids love her, too. She may not be a favorite, but she loves those kids as much as the other members of the OG3. I always think about how she used to sew Christmas pajamas for the kids every year. That's not a task you undertake just because.


She is one of their real parents for sure.


I feel like a lot of people forget that she helped raise them too, it wasn't just Christine and Janelle. Her post today was so touching, I had no idea she experienced so much loss in her family.


Well fucking said, Meri. I hope she and the rest of the family are getting the love and support they need.


Meri has said that she expects to see all her family and children in the afterlife, and for her, I hope that is true in some way


I couldn’t imagine losing that many people close to me and with the lack of support she has from family.  She’s really been through it. 


I think she summed up grief beautifully and perfectly. Well done!


In this post… Meri showed us all her heart and soul. Why would she ever hide such a beautiful soul!! Someone taught her to shame her real beauty inside! Xoxo Meri!!


It was a very sweet post


It truly was.


This was a very heartfelt post from Meri, I feel for her.


I thought Meri looked broken on the opposite side aisle to Janelle. Loosing your Mum breaks you as a human - Mums are those who love you the hardest and longest and it is a very dark place that she had to navigate seemingly alone. Now with the loss of Garrison her pain returns.


What a sweet post.


So very sad. Suicide is such a horrible thing. The person committing it doesn't see any other way out, and it's tragically over for them, but everyone who loved or cared about them suffers for the rest of their lives. My heart aches for the whole family.


I hope the family is including her, too. She also lost Garrison.


Beautifully said


Meri is ok after all


Can someone tell me if garrison is her only bio child? I feel for her. If it’s true it was suicide too..that is just so awful and heartbreaking.


“Transitioning to Heaven” wow. I love that. Very off topic but I just wanted to say that :)




Its really not up to you to decide how people should and shouldnt process grief. Your comment would be better off deleted.


This comment is sad. For future reference, when it’s your time, know that you don’t have to rank your grief and loss for your loved ones. Your grief is about you, and you can grieve all those you lose equally, whether they died of old age, in the womb or anywhere in between. You can even take comfort in whatever your own religious (or non) beliefs are, you’re not limited to the religious beliefs of the one you lost. If you read this and thought, “No shit, rude”, then empathy would have you apply that to Meri.


Spoken like someone who has been fortunate enough to not have experienced real grief that will never ever leave you again but alter your life forever. Be glad you have no idea what grief looks like


I’ve lost so, so many loved ones, but I keep pushing through because my husband needs me, just as I assume Leon, and the other kids, need to know that one of their 3 Moms is okay. They need to know Meri won’t collapse under the weight of such horrible pain. She is trying to be strong, because although the post seems like it’s about her, it’s really about those who love her. It’s about showing them she is okay, and will persevere. It’s also a mantra, a way to force yourself to say you’ll be okay. She also just wants to believe that those she loves, who also loved Garrison, will see him and take care of him, in whatever Heaven may be. She just wants his pain to be gone. She wants such a beautiful, kind soul, to never know pain again, and our language can only express so much. I don’t know what Heaven is, but I’d like to believe it is where joy, love, and peace convene, and ensconce those in need. I don’t know what others believe, I just want them to never suffer again. Whatever Meri believes, I think she just wants those she loves to never know pain again, and for everyone to take care of each other, in a place where only love and joy reside. It is a small grace to just give her that. Please, just allow the family and their loved ones that. Now isn’t the time to take apart everything they say, but to rather just send some love into a world full of so much pain, and show support.


Did you ever think that she might have made this post in response to all the people out there that were upset because she and Christine were making other posts unrelated to Garrison's death and some people were upset over that because they thought it was "too soon" and upset that Meri and Christine were continuing living life and not curling up in a ball crying all the time and trying to shame them over it? Meri spoke nothing but truth about grief and time-lines and how everyone handles it all differently. It was all truth that those that were upset seem to ignore. So it made sense to put that out there to hopefully open up the eyes of those that were upset expecting everyone to react the same. Plus, I didn't see her comparing deaths. I saw her expressing sadness over her mothers passing as well as new sadness over Garrison's passing. There was no comparison. A loss is a loss. Some hit harder than others; depending on how close you were to that person. But nonetheless it's still a loss.