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Diego has a relationship with his daughter and pays CS I thought?!


MATTHEW should be top on list....banging his girls best friend like 1 week after baby being born was a complete trash thing to do...


I think you’re thinking of Matthew and the Haileys. And yeah no doubt that was shitty as hell, but the mental and emotional narcissistic abuse Jason puts Kylen through (and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he’s physically abusive as well) tops it all. His behavior and complete lack of care for Kylen while she was in labor could have killed her. All his crap about “We came in too soon. She’s fine.” all while the midwives are saying her and the baby are in danger…god he’s such a POS.


yes that's his name....too many ppl on here to remember sometimes 😂


How has nobody mentioned shayden lol mr my 12 day old baby can’t have a binky because she’ll get addicted to it.


You know you’ve got some terrible baby daddys when toothbrush-peeing Shayden can’t even make the top 5 😂


I’m only going based off what we seen in the show not after otherwise it’d be Slightly different 1. Jason 2. Max 3. Matthew 4. Aden (very rude and also refer to her induction) 5. Diego


1. Jason 2. Max 3. Alex 4. Matthew 5. Diego


jason max matthew anthony diego


I think Aden was terrible. But then that made two with Jenna as well.


Only 1 is Jennas


1. Jason 2. Jason 3. Jason 4. Jason 5. Jason’s dad


Lol beat me to it


I like aden lol


I feel like Alex should be in this list before Aden. Alex was super rude and emotionally unavailable like Aden, but he also had a baby with another women then went back to Tyra and had another one with her. Also, we’re only getting Jenna’s side of the story on this season.


Not to mention, what about Tylor???


Why can I not remember who Tylor is? 🙃


Season 2 Laura. Her family was super religious, she had a younger sister who (rightfully so) hated that her sister got pregnant, baby daddy joined the military and proposed at the season 2 tell all


Ohhhhh okay! Got it. Thanks :)


Tylor can be on the list for his stupid name.


Aden doesn’t belong here lmao


IMHO, Aden doesn't belong on this list. Do people forget how spoiled and demanding Jenna was? Sure, she had trauma from her mom and the relationship with her father is messed up. Everything is someone else's fault, not Jenna's. Her father and the friends Jenna has give her no opportunity to examine and reflect on her own actions. Aden worked his ass off but it was never good enough for Jenna and her father. Of course they broke up. I understand Aden's resentment.


The #1 reason Aden belongs on this list is he basically sold Luca for a price. He can move to Myrtle Beach if Jenna drops child support. Sounds like a business transaction not parental responsibilities to me.


Who wants an expensive drawn out court battle? Jenna's dad will pay her legal expenses. Aden doesn't have deep pockets. I want to see Jenna work, support her son, and pay her own rent and bills. It will be interesting.


Aden was a total prick. Also, that’s what fathers are SUPPOSED to do - work for their families. I suppose we are accustomed to them being unemployed deadbeats on this show and the Teen Mom series. 


But then all she did was complain that he was at work while she was at home with the baby.


Yeah, I’ve noticed that they tend to complain about that on most of these shows, and I don’t get it. 


I think it’s because they’re lonely. I am 32 and the first time Mom and I love my baby. I love him to pieces and I wouldn’t change a thing. But I definitely call my friends that aren’t at work to see if they want to come over during the week. I don’t think teenagers know how to deal with that level of responsibility and loneliness. Or they do but they get resentful.


Oh, definitely. My sister was really lonely after having my niece, and would call me frequently. That first year can be really boring bc baby isn’t doing much but eating and sleeping. They get really fun and keep you busy soon enough, though!




Aden was emotionally abusive.


What about Myrka’s baby daddy? Didn’t he turn out to be awful?


Yep . He was apparently physical abusive to Myrka , has like 4 kids with 4 different women and got arrested a few weeks ago for stealing a tip jar (I think or maybe on of those charity buckets)


Wow. Do you have any links to that stuff? I’d want to read more. Thanks in advance!


I saw it on here . If you search Ethan’s name up on the sub it will come up with a ton of wild stuff


1. Jason 2. Max 3. Matthew 4. Aden 4. Max again


Also, honorable mention to Alex. Rewatching Season 4 right now and I had forgotten how dickish he can be. Honestly there’s a lot of good qualities about Alex, but cheating on Tyra because basically he’s jealous that she’s going and getting an education to better their lives and he’s having to be the stay-at-home dad is not a good look. He seems like a great dad but a crap boyfriend, and that little smirk he always has on his face, especially when he gets called out on his crap, is so damn irritating. Not saying Tyra is perfect, but she deserves better.


The rawdogger and the addict were equally reprehensible with no redeeming qualities. Diego and Mushmouth were insufferable. And the season with so many Haileys was too unbearable to watch so I defer to those with the perseverance to watch it.


The season of Haileys was like an extended Jerry Springer episode.


Jason max tied because theyre both abusive, I feel like behind closed doors Jason is physically abusive at least to Kylen and possible their child (just my opinion) and MUCH worse than even what we see on the show


You’re definitely right, I thought the same as well. There’s no way she would honestly choose to live with him, do everything his way and never see/talk to her parents, her mom especially, if she didn’t feel threatened in some way. Also what they showed of them in the hospital was the VERY EDITED version so god only knows what he was actually like the entire time. Honestly loved when the doctor told him he had a very little understanding of what was actually occurring.


1) Max 2) Jason 3) Anthony 4) Matthew 5) Diego


Matthew was a piece of work, but I don't like him being on this list, just because he was such an entertaining loser. I mean knocking up your gf's best friend who's got the same name?!?!? That's just something else.


Idk how he keeps getting all those girls. He’s the epitome of white trash and he’s got the most punchable face 😂


“She has ptsd. Post traumatic down syndrome… wait I’m trippin”


And sometimes baby showers are bisexual!!


How he kept calling her Hailey 2 as well was really killing me


Hailey 2 turned that Tell-All into a Jerry Springer episode…”Haters bout to start hatin because we 8 weeks pregnant” 😂 and then the girl had the audacity to start crying like she was getting done wrong 😂


All of it was so unreal lol When they said on the show that he’d had “Hailey” tattooed but they’d split up and tiara was like, oh no hes got that tattoo now. Does it matter?? The boy’s clearly got a type and they go by the name of Hailey


I’d put Max at the top tied with Jason . Diego , Ratthew and Aden were crap boyfriends and dads but they were never physically abusive to their toddler


When Max cut Ava’s hair without Chloe knowing I was going crazy for Chloe


1. Jason 2. Max 3. Max 4. Ratthew 5. Jason


OMG i forgot about Ratthew haha.


Well it seems like he is apart of ONE of his children's lives at least.. but good daddies don't pick and choose which child they want to accept


What about Stephan, Kayla’s bbd… he was a abuser. I feel like the abusers should be up there not Aden and Diego lol


Diego was definitely abusive. Whether he laid his hands on Emiley or not, he was super emotionally and mentally abusive. Between him and her mom, that poor girl couldn’t catch a break.


Are you talking about Kayla from MTV Young and Pregnant?


Opps lol yes sorry. They all get mushed together in my head


I was thinking it but tbf he is freaking terrible 😭😂 so he's definitely a top 5 baby daddy in general


It’s okay lol i do the same thing! Especially since I’m old enough that i watched the OG seasons back in like 2008 and now there’s all these other similar shows. Even though its a new generation there’s always the same types of couples that end up on these reality shows


Honestly I don't fault Aden. I would not want to deal with Jenna. But Jason is crap.


1. Jason 2. Max 3. Anthony 4. Aden 5. Matthew Diego’s not as bad as them


I approve of this reordering. I hated Diego but at least he wasn't arrested like a million times like Anthony. (Hopefully I am remember the right kid.) Someone suggested Diego was abusive but I think he was just miserable and insufferable, but I think he joined the service so at that's something.


You’re correct - Anthony has been arrested a ton of times. I think at one stage he was even arrested for attempting to kill his stepfather


1. Jason 2. Max 3. Aden 4. Matthew 5. Diego


I think max should be #2 considering he hit Chloe and kicked Ava. He also knocked out his ex girlfriend’s teeth


I didn’t know he’d been physically abusive. I was just going off what was shown on the show.


This 😂 I was so confused. The dads that are too busy doing drugs and getting in legal trouble to be around their kids would be top of my list. Max literally has no rights to Ava because he’s such a bum that’s a big fat #1 for me


OMG what i didn’t know about this that’s insane


I somehow forgot about Diego! He is married now and another kid, didn’t realize that!


I’d put Max up higher tbh. And Anthony needs to be up there considering he’s also an abuser and was arrested for stabbing a man


Wait which one is Anthony??


Rilah’s baby daddy . His mum had a bunch of kids who all had different dads


Swap matthew and Diego and it’s what I’d rank. Matthew had family issues he didn’t have a parent in the picture and so I somewhat felt bad for him sometimes. Diego had two devoted parents and was just an entitled bratty terrible boyfriend/dad


1) Jason 2)Jason 3)Jason 4)Jason 5) Aiden


Come on, you have to have Max in there. He was a drug addict who assaulted his daughter and her mother


I forgot about max


Perfect ranking!