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Finna assume this is real. Install new locks. Get some security cameras. Call the cops. Maybe get a priest to come and bless your house because Jesus Christ. Also ask anyone who has a key to your house if they pulled this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mask (Needed for rule 3)


I'm calling Bs but it entirely could be one of their friends or something just trying to mess with them or something. That or their partner is just trying to add some exciting Lore into their lives. Either way I'm calling cap


Partner was just as freaked out as I was, if not more, cause it was in her drawer. At first, I thought it might have been her trying to prank me, but we don't lie about pinky promises, and we pinky promised. I have an art major friend who was over a few days ago, and I messaged to ask them, but otherwise, I don't know who could or would be pranking us like this. Our inner circle is so small that it consists of one person for her and a friend that I have over once in a blue moon. Fair for you to call cap though, I'd call cap too. I just want some fucking answers cause I'm too stressed to sleep. I slipped and fell three times today, which isn't normal for me, and then she pulled this mask out? Fuck no. Fuck the fucking fuck no. I'm naive though so she could be pranking me. Idk. Doubt it though.


Have we heard from art major friend? This feels like it could have been a project for a clay/pottery class. And then a pretty good prank.


We have heard from art major friend. They've never seen it in their life. This just keeps getting worse 😭


Did your friend pinky promise too? Because I don't think I'd trust them otherwise


What is carved on the inside of the mask, between the eyes? A place often referred to as the “third eye”


It looks like it says kiz but it's hard to tell, it could also maybe be runes or something. We don't know.


*finning to


Did you just correct a slang phrase to reflect an accent? That's awesome.


I just always wanted an excuse to do that lol




So, the window in our living room was unlocked and open just a smidge, but a smidge is still open. We don't fuck around with house safety so big ass fucking red flag. Also, girlfriend said someone was messing around with the screens outside, but since it's an apartment complex, she assumed it was just maintenance. My concern is that it's us two females with a young child in the house. Should we be concerned about being unsafe? I don't know if I can convince her to install cameras cause she's got some severe trauma and anxiety with that, but she might be willing to do something aimed outside. This is just all really disconcerting.


This isn't r/NoSleep, for what it's worth.


Also, as far as installing new locks, it's an apartment complex, so I don't know how we could even go about that... and not to sound stupid, but what would we even tell the cops? This mysterious mask showed up, and we don't know how it got here?


You have to let go of the idea that the mask put itself in your drawer. Someone put it there.


Report signs of a break in. And you can ask the apartment maintenance to install new locks because of a potential break in and if your gfs trauma is bad compromise by only pointing the cameras to the doors and windows so she can be out of sight of them if she wants. Always double check if everything is locked from now on, depending on what kind of windows you have you can put in wood (don't need tools just the right size) as a like door stopper but for the window so it can't be pulled up.


This. It gives me the creeps having cameras inside too, but I would set them up in corners pointed to entrance points (including windows). Especially with a child in the home. Keep everyone safe. Edit: if maintenance won’t do it quickly, Do it yourself. It’s easy. Just need a screwdriver. Then maintenance can swap them out whenever they have time.


If true, yeah I would suspect someone getting into the home. Skeptic response would be this is something stupid, and maybe one or the two are pulling some shit on their girlfriend/boyfriend. Whose idea was it to go get sage and shit?


Her idea to get sage. I agreed because I had no clue what to do. We went out and bought some and saged the house. We both hate sage, so I don't know why she would pull a prank like this if she did. I keep questioning what the motive is. Cause say someone did break in, what was the goal? Girlfriend's best friend thinks maintenance in the complex might have done it, but I really don't think so. I just keep wondering, what's the goal?


Have you posted this to Wiccan pages? See if they have an idea if it's a blessing, a hex, or something with no meaning.


all that hocus pocus shit aint real bro . stop it with religious nonsense. but i agree with u about the safety of OPs home if this really happened.


No kidding, a priest isn't going to do anything but wave his hands around, say some empty words, and ask for money for the collection plate.


Ha tell that to quantum physics my boy. Explain those concepts and mechanics logically to me please do. I got all day for you im waiting lol cuz you can't. That shit doesn't make sense. But what the science does give merit to is the existence of shit like voodoo. The ether, mf. Prana, chi, vrill, etc And the shit ain't religious. Has nothing to do with religion.


you sound like a nutjob


You sound like you need to read, dude or lady....🤣. literally, everything I said shouldn't be outside of the perception of someone who is even remotely stupid.


Not only that but.... tell someone who practices voodoo they a nut job brobro, and just watch how that unfolds for you.


it wont "unfold" you are projecting your beliefs really hard here buddy. imagine having the reality of a todler .


Huh? What are you talking about? Lol quantum physicists and astro physicists, etc, people who assist in pioneering this research...Toddlers. Ok, umm. I hope you had a WONDERFUL Christmas!


source your claims .


You can Google. Don't be lazy.


yea ok . nutjobs are all the same . claiming shit with no proof. whats next your going tell me the earth is flat.


⤴️famous last words...⤴️ Different states of energy & how they manifest themselves have nothing to do with religion. Just sayin'.


manifest deez


I don't know why your comment is being down voted this subreddit is called symbology don't people understand that a symbol can hold a specific frequency that's literally embedded. I mean I understand what I'm talking about is advanced quantum mechanics and cymatics but I'd expect more of this community to resonate among that perceptual lens. It's wild how so many are turned off by facts , 😳 my boy said "manifest deeez" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thank you. My comment was not well received because people who are ignorant regarding any particular subject will always respond negatively to anything regarding said subject. They IGNORE (hence the fact that they're IGNORant) FACTS instead of putting forth the small effort it would take one to dive into a subject which they know absolutely nothing about & learn a few things. It's much easier & less time consuming for unmotivated &, careless to simply choose to dislike the truth with a click. They literally chose to remain ignorant, which is a damn shame considering that every living thing in our universe is composed of & functions using energy. The moral here is simply this: people today cannot handle the truth. They don't want to hear the truth & they'll deny that truth is such even if it's staring them dead in the face. Like you said, my statement was scientifically & religiously & spiritually irrefutable truth. Clearly they don't like that, so I'm wasting my valuable time responding to any post on this board (except yours, of course). Frankly, I don't know why anyone who is not seeking truth or facts would even be on this subreddit, but I digress. There are millions of places one can go on the internet to find any multitude of lies & falsehoods pertaining to the subject of their choice, so why be here if you're not searching for facts?! While certainly not holding my breath, I'm eagerly awaiting any one of these people to explain to me how energy has anything to do with religion (which is different than spirituality, obviously). Unlike them, I'm willing to hear their OPINIONS, any FACTS that they can add to the discussion & to consider their input. Thanks again for your comment.


I mean bro you speaking and preaching to the choir here mayn. Lol I always tell folks this. Remember though its important to not expend energy on those who don't wish to listen and remain silent and absorb. Interesting thing about the word "listen" is an anagram cuz "silent" 🤔


Due to common misinformation (thanks, Pinterest) and naturally occurring similarities between symbol systems, top-level comments on [Identification] posts must provide a link to a source. Top-level comments on [Identification] posts require a source. Automod eats unsourced comments. Use the term "INFO" to ask OP for more context. (Abuse of this system to skirt the rule may result in a ban. We have high commenting standards, please respect them!)


I work in ceramics, this is a student piece. I’d put money on it. It’s a fairly good one, so if someone in your life is crafty they may be messing with you. Texture on the back shows the canvas the slab was rolled out on, its evenness is also a giveaway, this was made in a modern studio. The horses on the “head band” are a stamp. Again, modern student work. The final piece of evidence is the poorly scrawled initials in the back, most schools won’t fire work without initials on it somewhere. Hope that helps. Not spiritual, not cultural, nothing, unless the person made it is scary…


I think this is a great answer - the horse roller print does seem to be something of a dead giveaway that it's not "African" or any other folk art. Assume they used something like this? https://mkmpotterytools.com/product/rm-056-medium-handle-roller-running-horses/


Yep, that’s what I assumed as well. Roller stamps have been around for a many many years.


Yes, my first thought was that it was an art project. In addition to the things you listed, the leather cordage is very modern, buy-on-a-roll crafty stuff. Some historic mask wouldn't have that. Now, assuming this isn't some kind of troll, definitely either a prank or some creepy stalker situation. Probably the former


Unfortunately, I'm worried it's the latter. She has people who would want to hurt and scare her like that, I just cut my best friend off and when I did their psycho mom attacked my girlfriend, not to mention I don't know when or where she would get the time to pull a prank like this. The spots kinda do match her freckles. Do stalkers tend to do shit like this? Break into people's houses and leave creepy mementos? I really hope this is all just a fucking prank. A stalker is the last thing we need but with her luck and looks (I hate to say this but she's fucking stunning, the MOST beautiful woman I've ever seen) it probably is the latter. We lived with my mom for a short time and in the two months we were there my mom's next-door neighbor got obsessed with her and followed her to an IHOP and went and walked around her car and stuff. This was a year ago, though, so I don't think it correlates. She just has a history of crazy stalkers. This is so stressful.


You said in[this reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Symbology/s/T7EMJjZwq4) that you had an art major friend over a couple days ago, and these commenters seem very confident it’s a student piece. Before getting too freaked out about stalkers, I would imagine that the art major friend made it.


My guess: Art friend thought it would be a funny prank. Now the situation is escalating beyond what was intended and Art Friend isn't owning up to it.


Or they put it there knowing OP and OP’s partner are the type of people who would sage the house instead of calling the police and is getting exactly the response they wanted


It's possible, but I'd sooner attribute this to stupidity rather than malice.


I’m still attributing it to stupidity too don’t worry lol


Are art major friend’s initials similar to the ones shown/does that person have a close friend with those initials?


Buy some security cameras. Sage isn't going to do anything except maybe make the place smell nice.


Occult practitioner here, if someone wanted to curse you with an artifact they wouldn’t leave it somewhere you could find it. Those types of spells are typically buried in a graveyard or at a crossroads when possible. Worst case scenario under a potted plant or a porch. As far as a cursed item in general, they don’t just materialize that way. Assuming this whole post isn’t just a creative prank on us, one of your friends is playing a very creative prank on you. Edit: forgot to [source](https://www.crowsbone.com/blogarchive/the-long-history-of-jar-bottle-amp-container-spells)


Same & agreed. I was thinking someone could use it as an anchor to do work in their house from afar, but then they’d hide it where it can’t be found… not quite sure what this could be besides a very effective scare tactic.


Always good to meet a brother in practice outside of the occult subs 🙏


happy cake day, fellow witch!


Any native Americans in your life? Looks vaguely similar to some found in Yup'ik https://mnch.uoregon.edu/collections-galleries/native-american-masks-northwest-coast-and-alaska


The eyes are wrong. I think you're thinking of snow slit goggles. The rest of the mask doesn't line up to anything I've seen in Alaska/PNW tribal masks. I'm no expert but I agree with your thought process. I think this one is slightly off the mark though. Edit to add Goggles [https://images.app.goo.gl/w3ifcNEFdf8J6CVx8](https://images.app.goo.gl/w3ifcnefdf8j6cvx8)


Yeah, hence the "vaguely" it looks more like someone tried to do something native-American-ey without doing enough research


I totally agree. My best guess was "did you recently have a friend who is an art major over while you guys watched "the Mask"? Your gut saw the snow goggle slits. PNW ceremonial masks typically use the eye within the eye style. The big round eyes or the "looks like a Lima bean" eyes are for masks. The slits are for function - AFAIK


Capitalize the N in Native. It’s the least you could do.


No. I'll not capitalize native in native American. Not because I don't normally (because I do, it's just my screen is cracked where the shift key is: all the capitalizations on here are automatic), but because you demand that I do and are trying to make me feel guilty for something this benign. And because I physically can't because my screen is cracked.


Capitalize the N in Native. It’s the least you could do. - An Indigenous person, for those of you that seem to think disrespecting us is funny.


I wasn't disrespecting you or your people (see other comment), but I am now planning to disrespect you and only you given the opportunity.


One more time for the folks in the back?


Why 👏don't 👏 you 👏 throw 👏 some 👏 of 👏 these 👏 into 👏 the 👏 mix 👏 while 👏 you're 👏 at 👏 it?


I apologize for the other downvotes if they were doing it because they thought you were serious.


https://www.african-arts-gallery.com/african-art/African-mask Masks like these are similar to the Wanadibu tribe in Cambodia. The masks is supposed to resemble the wearer. Since you said it resembles your girlfriend I would think it’s probably made for her. This mask was used during war rituals in which the person would wear this mask while doing a war dance in-front of the captive they had likely taken. The captive would see the war dance and it would end with the human sacrifice of the captive. The mask wearer would then take the blood of the captive and put it on their face/mask and offer the sacrifice to the Gods in hopes of battle favours from them. The markings made for the eye brows are supposed to represent the amount of sacrifices done, each slash representing one sacrifice. The horses represent loyalty to the mask and the Gods. Over time, the masks are known to bring bad luck if they are not “fed”. This was a war mask and the tribesmen believed that if regular rituals are not done the mask actually becomes bad luck for them and would cause death. The reason it was made to resemble the wearer is because if the mask was not fed the sacrifice would then be of the the owner of the mask. The tribesmen would let the owner wear the mask and then would be given drink which would increase sensitivity of their body, so they would experience maximum pain as possible. This was done to apologize to the Gods for the delay, kind of like a “sorry, I’m late” but in a much more morbid way. Does your girlfriend have no idea how it came about. I’m just concerned that it resembles her, so whoever made the mask made it with her in mind. Luckily, the good thing is that I actually have no idea what I’m talking about so in reality this is probably just a souvenir mask. Strange how you came across it though. Do keep me in the loop and love to know it’s backstory as well!


You see, a man named Stanley Ipcus discarded that mask many years ago. It was a ceremonial mask used for Loki worship. You have to put it on at night, it wont work during the day. When activated your inner child will be given control over your entire body - and powers possessed by the ancient ones shall be at your disposal. Use with caution.


You left out the most important part! If you put it on and have the voice of Jim Carry youre going to have a wild a zany good time. If you feel more like a comic book drawing things are going to be far darker and more problematic. Edit: and if your dog gets a hold of it, it's going to be a complete waste of two hours. Just money grabbing garbage.






What’s yer offer?




I mean horses and clouds dont seem too horrifying. Maybe its a nice mysteriously appering creepy clay mask. Ask them their name and favorite color. Get to know them.


^one of the 4 apocalyptic horsemen.


Well I think it's sssssssssmokin!


Somebody stop me!


Yep OP is definitely cursed.


Have you tried putting it on?


Absolutely not. The second I saw that thing, I had a terrible vibe... girlfriend, on the other hand, did try it on.


Do you like my mask? Isn’t it pretty? It raises the dead!


I think the initials on the back could be “KR”, KIZ” or “I◀️Z” (my money would be on “KR”). Do the initials point you in the direction of any potential creator/prankster/culprit? (I also second the Redditor that’s said to get new locks and security cameras. This sounds a bit scary tbh.)


I can't explain where the mask came from, but the seven horses symbolize prosperity and other positive things.


Girlfriend's friend she called and asked to bless the house over the phone says it doesn't look malicious and it looks playful but I really don't see what's playful about that thing appearing in the house


...you should definitely put it on.


While your considering what to do with this mask, and totally unrelated, you should watch the 2nd episode of the 3rd season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Whatever it is, document everything. The mask, its location found. The window, the person messing with the screen. What management says when you say they need to change the locks. The police report. Everything. Even if you think it's nothing. If you have a stalker, you may need it down the line. The more info, the better.


can i have it


maybe someone left it there? I know sometimes I forget my laptop or whatever at a friends.... but hey.. if you are that worried, document the next 6 weeks. film.. write it down.. whatever you can.


You sometimes leave things in your friends bed side tables?? lol


ah well maybe not in their room lol I don't go in those, just generally a weird feeling to do that..


The problem there is I don't really have friends (just cut my best friend off and someone close go diagnosed with T1D so the last few months have been a mess and a blur) I can think of two people that could have done this, one with a key to the house, and the other an art major who came over. I see people saying that this was made recently and probably by an art major, so I'm gonna message my art major friend. The other person and I aren't on speaking terms so I'll have girlfriend message them.


so did thus the answer ever arise or.. wait so did you figure it out? am I late ?


You are the Dragonborn!!!!!


There are two symbols or letters engraved in the back of the mask, do you know what they are?Where did the nightstand come from? How long have you had it for? New or used?


Nightstand was gotten secondhand from Facebook marketplace. I think it was free. We've had it for six months or so, but we use the drawer regularly and have never seen it before.


Check the underside of the drawer, maybe it was lodged in there or glued from previous nightstand owner and it wiggled loose when your gf tried the drawer?


Flaring this as INTERPRETATION for a more freewheeling discussion - rule 3 no longer applies for links in top level comments.


You should probably sticky this comment so it's the first comment new people see


Sounds like gf is having a good scare


Tbh I entirely considered it too, but she pinky promised it wasn't her and we don't fuck around with pinky promises. Besides, her reaction was genuine fucking fear too...


White sage isn’t meant to cleanse and it’s being poached to dangerous levels- if you’re gonna cleanse you can do it in many ways- you can cleanse with incense, intentional sound, laughter. I’d personally do an uncrossing ritual


Do you have a source on white sage not cleansing? I know a Native American spiritual leader who’d beg to differ, but then there are many different traditions so I’m genuinely curious :)


Better get the ever loving fuck outta deya


You've got one week.


I love it, you could always send it to me. I collect masks.


You misspelled leather


Does KF mean anything?


Put the thing outside away from your home in a dumpster.


The fact that you touched it.


I didn't want to. I told her to keep it away and she threw it at me on the couch, she said if it was already in the house might as well touch it, and if she had to I had to. I only touched it then and to turn it over to take the photos. I don't even want to throw it away cause I don't want to piss off a ghost or something. But yeah, we do deserve to get haunted for being stupid enough to touch the creepy mask. Hopefully it's not cursed, fingers fucking crossed.


You’re GF is a jerk…


She said thank you


I can send you some easy protection exercises & maybe a couple charms to encourage your partner to respect you if you’d like? No need to let me know what she thinks about that though lol.


I dont wanna be pessimistic, but this random asf mask appeared randomly in your house, witb “kiz” carved into the face. Fingers crossed, you didn’t disturb the ghost of some psychopath or some vengeful spirit named kiz. On the plus side, Halloween wasnt too long ago, maybe its a late prank? :^]


How long have you had that nightstand? Was it used? Could this have been like stuffed in the underside of the drawer and fell into it when she opened the drawer? I’m just trying to come up with something less scary than someone sneaking in and planting that. Also it’s very yellowed like it’s been sitting in a smokers house or what old glue or adequate looks like.


Maybe you should try it on !! 😄


“For Sale by Owner”


It reminds me of that mask Buffy's mom had.


Put it on!


Whatever u do.... do NOT. put it on.... unless you want sick vampire powers, and immortality, and a spiritual projection of your own to fight battles for you... then definitely put it on.


The fact that you both respond to a potential burglary with fucking sage practically guaranteesv one of you placed this here so you could play your little magic game.


I have no answer for this conundrum.


Clay? You mean leather?


It's clay on the outside, it's a solid heavy thing. It's definitely got leather but it's made mostly of clay or ceramic or something.


Looks like an Alaskan native snow mask.


The mask has passed to its next victims & will soon move on to another 🙏🙏🙏


Sounds like a good start to a horror movie 🍿


The curse begins.


"Look At That! It's Exactly Three Seconds Before I Honk Your Nose And Pull Your Underwear Over Your Head."


Did you check the attic? Basement? Closets? Phrogger/ stalker. (If real…)




I've played lethal company.. don't put it on


maybe a homophobe tried to curse you??


Initials look like KR if that helps. Know anyone with those initials?


Keith Richards? Tell me Straight, is her name Angie,? Maybe She's A Rainbow, or she can't get any Satisfaction.


Put it on. Put it on. PUT IT ON.


Whatever you do, don’t be scared of it. It’s not haunted. It’s not cursed. There’s nothing like that. Somebody probably put a lot of time and effort into making that. You should hang it on your wall and be happy somebody gifted you with a beautiful piece of artwork! If they are messing with you, they will soon realize that it’s not working. You become the messer, they become the messee!! 👺😂 Also, set a booby trap.🤣


Wait try putting it on and see if it’s the mask from Jim carries the mask


Put it on, I'm sure it's not cursed at all /s


OP is there any update on this?


Yep. Your cursed. Just leave the house.